by B.B. Pelletier
Well, here’s a twist! A scope with fixed power. Back in the 1960s that was the norm, but today, it’s a novelty. Yet when you look at what Civil War snipers used, it was a 4x telescope – and they have recorded shots of one mile!
Rugged scope
UTG is a brand name of Leapers, so the UTG Tactedge 4×40 scope has the same rugged construction they put into their other scopes. Their Smart Spherical Structure means that it has an erector tube that returns to the same place every time.
A bundle of nice features
It comes with resettable adjustment knobs so you can always return to your base sight-in zero setting. It has a red/green illuminated reticle for low light situations, which couple with the low magnification and large field of view make it an excellent scope for fringe times in the morning and evening. The lenses are emerald-coated for maximum light transmission, further enhancing the low-light capability.
It comes with rings
How nice that a scope comes with a good set of rings. These are four-screw cap rings that you would normally have to purchase separately. They say .22/Airgun, which means they will fit both the 3/8″ dovetails on a rimfire and the 11mm dovetails on an airgun. Those two are close anyway, so a smart mount maker makes a product that will accommodate either one.
Flip-up lens covers
Both ends of the scope have flip-up covers to protect the lenses, yet come off at the flick of a finger. Hunters love them for their speed in the field. No more hunting for where you put the lens caps!
Long eye relief
This scope looks right up to five inches from your eye. That’s more than two additional inches over any comparable scope. If you own a military rifle that you want to scope, use this one. You can use it in the military mounts that sit far ahead of where a regular scope goes. It will function the same as those expensive Russian sniper scopes at a fraction of the cost.
The first time you look through this scope, it’s like viewing a widescreen TV. The field of view is enormous. And, the parallax that you have to worry over on all those high-powered variables is fixed at 35 yards, yet everything from 7 yards to infinity is in focus. With only 4x, everything looks crystal clear. I tested a Weaver mount version (only difference is the rings) of the scope on the UTG M14 Master Sniper Rifle, and I was able to watch the flight of the BBs all the way from the muzzle to the 50-yard silhouette! Though the BBs do drop over that distance, the wide field of view keeps them in sight throughout the entire range.
I think this would make an ideal hunting scope – not only for air rifles, but for firearms, as well. It would be perfect for squirrels out to at least 50 yards and for whitetail deer to 150 yards. The mil dot reticle is not so thick that it obscures that much of the target. which means that you can even use it for inpromptu paper punching, should the desire overwhelm you.
I had asked you about a leapers scope yesterday and you had said that it probally wasn’t worth the extra money to upgrade to a new scope from my stock BSA one. This one looks really nice and it isn’t too expensive (particually because it comes with mounts) How highly do you recomend this one?
Also would this one block the breach on my CF-X?
You said you were short on funds. I was trying to save you some money.
Yes, Le4apers scope are worth the money! BSA scopes are sourced with very low specifications to keep costs low. Almost any other brand name scope will be brighter and clearer.
Please remind me of the scope you chose. I don’t have a link to where I answered you yeaterday.
Here it was on the Cf-x “field test”
Fair enough on the money saving bit. I do appreciate it but with the knowledge of something better out there its hard not to look.
When I see the “tricked-out” rifles i can’t help but salivate a little bit.
The scope shown in the “other CF-X article” (I assume you mean one of the blog postings) is shown mounted on the gun. It clearly leaves room for the rotary breech.
Am I missing something?
If I am, please just give me the nomenclature of the exact scope you are referring to and I will look at it.
Hi B.B.
Looks like a great value for a TS/rugged scope. You mention this fixed 4x scope as being perfect for hunting squirrels out to 50 yards. I’ve never looked through a 4x scope at 50 yards, but 4x mag at this distance seems under powered. I’m just looking to gauge whether I’d be “happy” with a 4x scope for distance shooting or always wishing I’d bought that variable scope. I’d be using this mostly for stationary/paper targets and maybe a quarter of the time for hunting.
While I realize snipers have used 4x for long distance shooting, how about the average shooter? Is 4x for 50yds recommendable or simply adequate–subjective question, I know. On a calm day, what size 5-shot groups can you, B.B., expect to consistently achieve with 4x mag at 50 yrd? Bench rest and off hand?
Thanks for the tremendous service you provide,
I don’t want to talk you into anything. From what you say it’s evident that you would feel more comfortable with a varable than a fixed-power scope set at low power. It is true than in the 1960s the 4-power scope was the favorite among deer hunters, but today, that’s not the case.
i thought you said makers of quality rings only labelled them in either 3/8 or 11mm, and not both? and, if the maker is leapers, then isnt the term TS and not SSS, despite what they advertise?
not to be rude, but this seems a little heavy.
You force my hand! I will do a special posting for you on 11mm dovetails, and what B-Square discovered when they set about to make a “one mount fits all” scope mount.
TS stands for True Strength, the name of the scope platform that includes the SSS feature, along with other features that comprise the TS specification. SSS is just one single feature.
Ok so in the Cf-x article you have Cf-x with an after market “Leapers 3-12x power compact tactical scope.” I’m interested on your opinion on the cheaper scope featured in this article, the UTG Tactedge 4×40 scope. I can see that the Leapers 3-12x scope leaves room for the breach but I am wondering about the Tactedge.
The scope in the CF-X test is 10.6 inches long. The 4X40 scope in this report is 13 inches long. It should fit with a little room to spare.
Hey B.B.
I bought a Leapers scope several months back, it’s given me awesome performance. Simply amazing, but I’ve started to notice something… The twist I use to change the 3x and 9x magnification has become increasingly harder to twist. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that it is now actually at an angle to the rest of the scope body. I found out why it’s become so hard to turn, but can you tell me why this happened? Or how I can fix it? I’ve never dropped the air rifle, nor have I jostled the scope with excessive force… So I’m rather confused/disappointed. Other than having a hard time increasing/decreasing magnification, accuracy of the zero doesn’t seem to be effected. Hopefully that doesn’t change.
Insight please?
There is a relatively thick coat of grease in that mechanism. All I can surmise is that it has migrated out. The grease is what makes the adjustment stiff when the scope is new.
If you are really worried, I would talk to the dealer where you bought it, because I believe these scopes have a limited lifetime warranty.
I’m surprised you didn’t comment on the lack of AO.
B.B. Off subject: Is the Beeman RX-2 basically the same gun as the HW 90?
what features is TS comprised of? i always thought it was just a designation for a new generation of scopes.
i have to wonder why no one just machines them all to 11mm. one would think it would simplify things.
BB is this a fixed ao scope or adjustable ao thanks
can you elaborate more on the adjustments that return to the postion
I dont know where else to ask but I was wondering about info on the Gamo Hunter Elite and the Gamo Viper. I was also wondering about pellet gun silencers. Ive been reading this blog for a while now and I know you do some good reasearch and im planning on buying a gun, i just dont know which one yet.
Thanks, Jason
Go ahead and ask your questions. What sort of information do you want?
Regarding airgun silencers, there is an article on this website about them. Have you read it?
To all those with questions about the 4X40 scope – watch tomorrow’s blog!
For an explanation of the TS platform, go to the Leapers website
Yes – same gun.
Well any information is good besides what you can already find out on the websites like, and I think that i have seen the silencer article before. …
how do i find the article on silencers?
There are two way to find the articles on Pyramyd Air’s website.
One is to scroll down the home page to the bottom and click on the smal, word articles at the bottom of the page.
The other is to just click on Tips and Tricks on the left side of the home page.
Either way takes you to the articles page. Just scroll down until you see the silencer article.
Ok B.B.,
You’re off the hook. Forget what I said about choosing between the 4×40 and a variable. I’m just interested in what kind of accuracy can be achieved with a 4x scope at 50 yards. What c-t-c groups do you shoot?
I have to be honest. When I’m trying to shoot small groups at 50 yards, I select at least a 12-power scope. I use a 4-power scope for hunting, when the last fraction of an inch doesn’t matter.
On the other hand, I shoot firearms at 200 yards with open sights. I just don’t expect my groups to be as tight as they would be if I were using a scope.
Fair enough, B.B. I can live with that answer.
I have a Sheridan silverstreak which has lost the set screw for the sight. Do you happen to know what size that is? Thanks, Jim
I don’t know but call Pyramyd AIR or email them and ask Boris to tell you. He may have the screws you need in stock.
You say the UTG Tactedge 4×40 scope would be the ideal hunting scope, would you recommend it over the scope that came with me benjamin Super streak?
The UTG 4X40 scope is great for someone who doesn’t have a scope, but the scope that comes on the Super Steak is too good to replace, I think.