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Education / Training Colt Defender BB pistol – Part 1

Colt Defender BB pistol – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

Well, today’s report on the Colt Defender BB pistol dovetails nicely into yesterday’s report on concealed carry handguns. Because the Defender is just that–a single-stack, single-action .45 ACP, a variation on the 1911A1 frame that sports a 3-inch barrel. It’s Colt’s version of the concealed carry 1911s that have been around for 30 years.


Colt Defender BB pistol is compact and solid.

The Defender came to market in 1999, about 20 years after Colt’s competition had first marketed their own compact 1911s, starting with the Detonics. But late though it was, the Defender carries the Colt name that adds value to anything it’s put on. Even BB guns, like the one I’m looking at today.


Detonics was the first .45 ACP micro 1911 to hit the market 30 years ago.

It comes in a clamshell pack. When I got the gun out, I was surprised by the weight. I handed it to Edith, who had a similar reaction. It’s good when a BB gun has some mass, and this one certainly does.The specs say it weighs 1.6 lbs., and in this small a package that makes an impression.

Of course, this pistol is powered by CO2. The cartridge is housed in the grip, but the BB magazine is built right into the frame of the gun! A spring-loaded follower is pushed down out of the way and locked in place at the bottom of the grip. BBs can then be poured into a funnel-like opening in the grip frame, where they’re steered into the magazine channel. It’s a slick setup, and one that I’m excited to try.


Push the mag release and the grips jump back to reveal where the CO2 cartridge goes.


BB magazine is built into the frame of the pistol.

The gun is dark black and non-reflective. The trigger is not a copy of the Defender trigger because this BB pistol is double-action, while the firearm is single-action. The grip is on the fat side, and the trigger blade is slightly too far forward for my average hands to reach. I can still shoot the gun, but things don’t fall within easy reach.

The hammer and most of the controls, such as the safety, are simply cast into the metal frame of the gun. The real safety is a switch mounted on the right side of the frame. The mag release button on the left side releases the grip panels, which can then be pulled back to reveal the CO2 chamber.

The sights are fixed, front and rear, though the designers went out of their way to make the rear sight appear to be adjustable. The front sight has a white dot in the center of the post, but there’s nothing that corresponds on the rear sight.

The barrel of the gun is also the hammer. How that works: the barrel moves forward against a spring as the trigger is pulled; upon its release, it jumps back suddenly to whack the firing valve.


Pulling the trigger pushes the barrel forward until it is released to knock open the valve (right).

A light rail is provided beneath the slide and in front of the triggerguard. Enthusiasts can mount a laser they can then adjust to coincide with the impact of the BB.

Power seems to be on the hot side, at a rated 440 f.p.s. That means a lot of bouncebacks, so be sure everybody is wearing safety glasses. I’ll count the number of shots per cartridge when I test the velocity.

I’ll combine accuracy and velocity testing next time, to speed this report along.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

49 thoughts on “Colt Defender BB pistol – Part 1”

  1. "Hullo!!! Is that your barrel, or are you just glad to…"

    Sounds like a similar mechanism as that in the cheaper Daisy 15XT. What I don't understand is the failure to use the old 'elevator shuttle' mechanism as found in the old Daisy CO2-100 and -200 models. It, too, was a 'double action', albeit with a far nicer trigger than in any other DA BB pistol I've ever tried.

  2. Well, since school was delayed this morning (even though it's snowing like crazy), I decided to fire off some pellets to get a feel of how it shoots. Cocking is easy and anyone over maybe 9 or 10 should be able to cock it. However, the safety is a bit strange. This may be on all or only my rifle, but it doesn't engage every time I cock it (it's supposed to be automatic). It's not a big deal since I was taught to be extremely safe with any ranged weapon in the beginning, but it's a bit strange. The sights are reminiscent of an SKS rifle. I haven't fired many air rifles, so I wouldn't know much about trigger pull in them, but comparing it to some other firearms I've fired it seems fairly heavy but not unbearable. When in the offhand position the rifle is just about the perfect weight for me (around 6.5 pounds). Unfortunately, I'll have to wait for a day when the sun is out to test accuracy, because I obviously need to either sight in or adjust my hold!


  3. Ryan,

    The intermittent safety reminds me of another caution you should heed. Never let go of the muzzle of the barrel when you load the rifle. If the sear should malfunction for any reason, the gun could fire, closing the barrel too fast for you to react. If your fingers are around the breech, they could be smashed or worse. This is called a beartrap accident.


  4. BB,
    I had a Detonics 45 just like the one in the picture. It is the only gun I ever had stolen. It was a good gun but was a handful to shoot.

    My favorite handgun excluding the 1911s and Glocks was a Star PD. It was the most comfortable 45 I ever shot. It had an alloy frame a little smaller than a combat commander. The grip just fit my hand perfectly and really felt good when fired. I actually liked it better with full power ammo than I did will less powerful loads. I should have kept it but I couldn't find a left handed safety for it. That is one gun I would like to replace.

    David Enoch

  5. Ryan,

    Don’t let the intermittent working of the safety disappoint you. My first R-1 did the same thing years ago, but it began working consistently over time. I would guess the spring for it is a little weak but as parts break in and smooth out hopefully all will be well.


  6. Volvo,

    Really enjoyed meeting you in person. If I ever have a spring gun question, you're definitely the guy to call. I still can't believe how many air rifles you've owned.


    The trigger in my Daisy CO2 200 is pretty stiff. I haven't put a gauge on it, but I'd guess it's about 6 or 7 pounds. Bought an old Daisy Powermaster 1200 last night and the trigger is substantially better–maybe 3 pounds. The trigger appears to be identical to the 200s. The 1200 has a secondary coil spring on the trigger–is that present on yours?

    Yours is the only other functional 200 I've heard of.

  7. Derrick,
    It was certainly a pleasure making your acquaintance. However, I would trade my experience with many of those airguns for some of your mechanical ability.

    Also now that I have a witness, I think the Chrony people should use my Chrony in an ad about their products durability, and give me a shiny new replacement.
    : )


  8. B.B.
    What would be good to lube the sliding chamber with on a 48??
    I'm talking about the external surface that is visible when the action is closed.

    Oil or moly??


  9. BB,I'm curious if that barrel is rifled.It sounds like this little pistol could shoot round lead at a decent fps if the barrel will accomodate .177,not just .173…Frank B

  10. B.B.

    Interesting blog, but pellet guns, with their accuracy, have just about spoiled me for bb guns. I don't even touch my airsoft machine gun any more.

    That's scary about getting your fingers chopped off with the breakbarrel. As I understand the anti-beartrap mechanism on the B30, that should not be physically possible, right? Also, I read about some guy who got his finger bitten off by a protester of a different persuasion during the health care debates, and they managed to reattach the finger at the hospital.


  11. BB,
    That is a nicely detailed BB pistol. My Daisy Marksman 1200 cured me of the desire for any more CO2 BB pistols, but if I needed one, the Colt Defender would be high on the list.

    With the sidelever, you should put an arm between the stock and the lever when loading. It is as awkward as it sounds — one of the reasons I like underlevers. Good thing health care reform hadn't gone through when that incident happened — he might have lost that finger:).

  12. Skip a day and have 124 comments to read!

    BB, Really enjoyed the CCW post. I can't believe the Peoria mayor is actually vying to become the first CCW municipality in Illinois. Hooray for that! Somebody in Illinois politics has a brain! It appears to be hinging on the outcome of the law suit against Chicago to allow gun owner ship there. When it does, I'll be joining the stampede to CCW class. Unfortunately I live in East Peoria, which is a separate municipality across the river, so I might not be able to carry my gun home. Maybe the mayor will rent lockers in Peoria for non-residents. Then I could check my gun out before going to the grocery store or Wal-World and check it back in before going home. I wonder how many drug pushers will be in my class?


  13. When I load my breakbarrel springers, I put the pellet in before cocking it. That way, my fingers are never in harm's way.
    Always have a good grip on the barrel, too, of course.

  14. If you have or obtain a Star PD, get some buffers for the back of the recoil spring. These help protect the alum. frame from the steel slide. It's a lot easier on the gun.


  15. Desertdweller,

    What a wonderful idea. It's got me thinking why haven't we been doing it that way all the time?

    Ok one and all, can anyone come up with a down side to his idea?

    Mr B.

  16. Mr B,

    Sounds like a good idea to me. Since the pellets usually fit pretty tight, at least in my guns they do, one could even cock the gun upside down without a problem. I will try this out. I don't like having to hold onto the barrel while I feed because it means both hands have to leave the gun. It's bad enough that one hand has to leave.


  17. I wrote an article comparing the Detonics and the just out Colt Officers in the American Handgunner Annual 1985 issue. I did a series of tests using handgunners, beginning to experienced and the results in scores and evaluations were close. The Detonics out of the box had an outstanding trigger (which showed in the price) and the Officers rated higher in "feel". I liked the Detonics very much and shot in in a few IPSC type matches. On the close and very fast stages I shot it better than my full size 1911s. The shortened sight radius always bugged me though.

  18. I am just an air gun enthusiast so I do not understand the concealed carry concept. If you carry a gun, don't you want everyone to know it? The bad guys know to leave you alone and the good guys know who to call for help.


  19. BSA Sportsman fill pressure per manual is 232 bar. Many guns don't like being filled that high and will string vertically until they get on the power curve.

    A chrony will quickly help you to determine your guns proper fill.

    Here's a good read that B.B. did that relates directly to your question:


  20. Walt,
    The sherif in my county always advized to carry your ccw as discreatly as possible due to the fact that most cops are trained to put your face in the dirt and ask questions later(if they see that your hiding a firearm). He told me a story about a friend of his who spent a half an hour being harrassed on an LA, CA freeway because his coat was flapping while riding his motorcycle.


  21. Walt,

    Concealed carry is different than open carry. Open carry was the old west. Today it is very rare, however Arizona still allows it. When I went to the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Phoenix this May I was surprised to see people walking down the street with sidearms.

    Concealed carry is a legal definition. For a concealed carry gun to be visible in public is termed "brandishing," and it's grounds for losing your license.

    Where concealed carry is legal, criminals don't know who is armed and who isn't. They tend not to chance accosting citizens at random. That's called deterrence.


  22. Hello BB,

    I believe the S&W M&P bb pistols use the same "barrel as hammer" feature. The barrel pokes out, then snaps back to wack the valve. Pretty neat idea, works pretty well. I wondered if the accuracy could be better with a fixed barrel, but the M&P's are pretty good in that respect.

    I really like the look of this one, may have to add it to my collection of replicas !!

    JDB in NY

  23. Hello BB…

    Any new news or thoughts on the Colt Defender? I am considering this gun but would like more info on accuracy, proposed durability and thoughts on the self contained clip. Dont know if I like the tought of the clip. It is nice to have several loaded and ready to go.
    Thanks for you input.

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