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Ammo Hatsan Torpedo 155 underlever air rifle: Part 4

Hatsan Torpedo 155 underlever air rifle: Part 4

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Hatsan’s Torpedo 155 underlever is a large and powerful spring-piston air rifle.

Today is the day I mount a scope on the Hatsan Torpedo 155 and test its accuracy once more. Knowing how much interest there is, I decided to pull out all the stops and mount the best scope I have on hand — the Hawke 4.5-14x42AO Sidewinder Tactical scope. Because the Hatsan scope base allows me to mount either Weaver or 11mm rings — and because the Hawke scope has a 30mm tube — I decided to use a set of two-piece Leapers high rings made for an 11mm rail. The straight line of the Hatsan stock coupled with the high comb made such a high mount work perfectly.

I promised to measure the trigger pull during this test. It broke at 5 lbs., 11 oz. with a lot of creep in stage two. I don’t think this trigger is going to break-in the way I’d hoped.

The rifle was tested at 25 yards off a bag rest using the artillery hold. Each new pellet was seasoned with several shots before shooting the group.

The best pellet last time was the Gamo TS-22 dome. This time, not so much. I know they should have been at least as good as they were in the last test with open sights, but for some reason I couldn’t get them to shoot this time. When you’re testing a rifle that cocks at 54 lbs., you don’t have all day to test different pellets; so three groups were all I shot. I’m showing the best one with no comment about the size. Suffice to say, this is not a good pellet for this rifle.

This time the Gamo TS-22 pellet didn’t do so well. This is the best of three groups I shot.

Next, I tried the RWS Superdome. I was worried they would go supersonic and make too much noise for the house, but they never did. However, they were all over the paper. I tried several variations of the artillery hold, but nothing seemed to work.

The last pellet I tried was the 5.6mm Eley Wasp that’s no longer available. I figured if it would shoot well, there might be another pellet on the market I could try. They did better than the TS-22 pellets did, but not as good as they did in the open sight test.

Ten Eley Wasps shot better than 10 TS-22s, but only by a little bit. This is still no group for a hunting rifle at 25 yards.

The rifle comes with a plastic clamp-on bipod. You just clip it onto the underlever at any point. It slips forward and back on the lever as the gun is moved, and it also allows the rifle to rotate from side to side a little. It does steady the rifle, but you have to remove it before you cock the gun. So, there’s no chance for it to settle in. I found it was just one more step added to cocking and loading the rifle. When I tried to shoot a group with it, the shots went everywhere. I stopped before putting one in the wall.

The plastic bipod clips onto the underlever as shown. It can be slid from one end of the lever to the other to change the balance point.

I find the Hatsan Torpedo 155 underlever to be too inaccurate to recommend. It takes a lot of technique to shoot it as well as I have shown here, plus it’s a bear to cock and the trigger is extremely creepy. I think I’ve given the rifle every chance to shine in this review…and it hasn’t. It’s a very powerful spring gun, but power without accuracy is meaningless. It looks great, but it needs about 10 foot-pounds less muzzle energy to really shine, I think.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

101 thoughts on “Hatsan Torpedo 155 underlever air rifle: Part 4”

  1. Sad.

    For those that allege that B.B. is a pawn of manufacturers or distributors I suggest you re-read this article.

    Those of us that come to this site are seekers of truth and we aren’t disappointed.


  2. Do you really think 10 less fpe would make it any more accurate? My own experience is that a rifle that can’t even produce one or two decent groups likely is suffering from more than just hold sensitivity.

    My own thoughts on “super magnum” springers is that they make fantastic plinkers. In fact, I think that’s about the only thing they are really good at. They’re challenging to shoot and they tend to hit spinners and cans with authority. In short, they’re just plain fun. For hunting though, give me almost anything else. It’s just too easy to miss your target with a 25 fpe springer.

  3. Hello B.B. and fellow Airgunners. Well I must say, I am disappointed but not surprised with the results of the Hatsan Torpedo 155. Disappointed because looking at the Hatsan line in brochures and in these tests, they seem to have the ability to be a contender. B.B. has shown us that the SaS system does do it’s job. The trigger however, falls far short of expectations. Looking back over the Shot Show blog, I believe the sales rep. told B.B. that this was a “match trigger”. And this is where I have another problem. Are the sales reps. unfamiliar with the line? Or are they giving us a line? As was shown with the 125th, these guns are too powerful to shoot accurately. I shoot for the fun and enjoyment airguns give me. Therefor I love what I do. I have a passion for airguns that goes beyond just being a hobby. It was the same with archery in the early 80’s. I loved the practice, the tournaments, but most of all, the camaraderie. My bad shoulders prevent me from enjoying archery, however, I find airguns give me that warm fuzzy feeling again. This inaccurate, cocking at 55 lb.,and weighing in at 10+ lbs. with a scope, would only frustrate me. Whoops, am I going off on a tangent here? So I will wrap this up by thanking you B.B., for the effort you put in, giving this rifle every chance to be a good shooter. And I concur with Kevin in saying “I come here seeking only truth”. Well, I do enjoy reading the comments every day too.

  4. It is a shame this dog won’t hunt.

    It’s like the pretty girl that is dumb as a brick.

    I am certain that Edith appreciates your restraint in testing this rifle with the bi-pod attached, to minimize perforations in the wall, couch, etc. The design of attaching it to the cocking lever shows that the manufacturer has no intention of delivering a usable product. Window dressing I suppose.

    • There’s a short story about some guy who reasons his way to the conclusion that it is easier to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than an ugly smart girl beautiful. He labors to educate this one girl and creates a kind of monster who makes him look silly…..


  5. What good is 500FPE if you cannot hit what you are shooting at?

    Seriously though, with the blossoming of the air gun market here in the USA, all the newbies see is an air gun that is pretty, hurls a pellet down range faster than the speed of sound and is relatively inexpensive. By the time they figure out that they cannot hit the broad side of a barn while standing inside with it, the company has already pocketed their profit and are celebrating their success.

    What they fail to grasp though is eventually the word does get around. Then when they finally do get their act together and build something worth having, nobody will buy it because their name is mud. I for one am leery of Crosman. For the money I guess you are getting a fairly good product, but I have always been disappointed with what I get from them. To overcome the name issue they take over a company with a good name and use that name to market their good stuff. I for one would not buy a Crosman Marauder, but I might buy a Benjamin Marauder.

    When you consider just how many air gunners there are (or not), if you sell an hundred of a particular model that is probably considered a successful run.

  6. B.B.

    You mentioned shooting a few to season it when changing pellets…..

    I found something interesting while I was burning up chrono tape and beating the pellet trap during the cold weather.

    There seems to be more than just the bore fouling involved. When shooting pellets that the rifle really does not like (talking about the power plant) the rifle seems to start scavenging lube…starts smoking.
    It can take quite a few shots to get the power plant smoothed out again when you switch pellets again.

    Also a leaky breech seal can cause smoking and wide chrono readings. Took 20 shots with my 97 to straighten out with a new breech seal, and without switching pellets.

    I have watched the chrono run down, up , up then down, down then up, ……anything you can imagine when switching pellets.

    So it looks to me like there are TWO different things that require “seasoning” at times….the bore AND the power plant.


  7. What a shame it couldn’t shoot accurately. It is a very nice looking rifle. But like Slinging Lead said above, a pretty girl that’s dumb as a brick (sorry ladies!).

  8. Like others have mentionned I think it’s sad to see such a nice looking piece shoot that bad.
    It would be nice to see Hatsan realise the crappiness of it and actually DO something it.


      • TT,

        Correct! And guns like this are the reason many shooters assume airguns are just toys that aren’t very useful because they’re not accurate.

        This is also the reason we see articles in gun magazines from firearm writers who decide they want to write about airguns and then pick up crappy guns, get 5″ groups and say that’s typical of airgun accuracy.

        I sure hope someone at Hatsan reads this blog. I’m guessing that no one at the company shoots these guns. If they do, their expectations are pretty low.


      • They should do something about it to sell a better product that would make customers happy and coming back.
        I’m very happy with my Hatsan PCP and everyone I know who bought one are also quite happy with them, if I wanted a magnum springer, having good past experience with Hatsan I could have gone to something like this (if I hadn’t read this awesome blog first) and would have been very deceived and would have returned this large paper weight to the store.

        Let’s turn the buying process around, if I had bought this piece of junk first I would NEVER have bought the PCP and would be missing on a super cool gun.


        • Maybe they figure that when people buy a PCP ( a lot more money) that they expect better.
          Springers probably sell the most for cheap velocity. They will sell a lot more springers. Probably a bigger return on sales.


          • I too know that the PCP’s are good and it proves they can make quality, accurate stuff when they want to and these springers give me a total lack of consideration for the customers felling that I’m not liking at all.
            When Crosman started making PCP’s a few years ago they didn’t cheap out and give us poop, they worked hard to have a good quality product that people we’re happy to buy and the sales were there to prove they took the right path.

            Hatsan is trying to make it in the US under their own name but they bring these cheap rifles to the consumer, would you try a 400$ PCP when the 345$ they make shoots like this? I wouldn’t and I’m quite happy I bought the PCP first!


              • Rick,
                Thanks for the video link correction. I was so close to ordering a full set of nail polish from PA so that I, too, could get phenomenal accuracy at 100 yds. 🙂

              • I’ve been tempted by the BT65 since I first saw it, but I’m waiting for “deluxe” version that has small slots at the bottom to put your spare mags and comes with a bipod and flash light that mounts on the weaver rail at the bottom, a hard case, scope and sling.
                We don’t have the full power one here (Canada), it can be fixed by any competent machinist and they seem to abound in the airgunning world.
                But the lower powered one we have here should get a crazy amount of shots per fill!


              • Oh thanks Rick. My computer does not copy links sometimes. My problem. Sorry.
                Also BB. When you made the video on how to hold a pistol for greatest accuracy you had your finger on the trigger the whole time. I know it was unloaded and pointed in a safe direction, but still.
                If you have the time. Please add an annotation. Thanks.

                • Colt,

                  We just looked at the video.

                  The video is showing you how to properly hold and shoot the pistol.

                  If you look at the way a lot of people hold a handgun, they don’t use the pad of their finger to squeeze the trigger. They wrap their index finger around it so that the pad of their finger sticks way out on the other side of the triggerguard. That’s because they have an improper hold on the gun. If you have a proper hold on your gun, only the pad of your finger will touch the trigger.

                  The purpose of the article & video was to show you from all angles how your hand will look when properly holding the gun. If he took his finger off the trigger, how would he be able to show you the proper way to hold the gun for shooting it?


  9. Everyone,

    What I was thinking when I wrote that line about subtracting 10 foot-pounds from this gun was that the reduction of harmful harmonics might make the difference. If I had the money I would buy this beast and do the detune I’m thinking about. I might not get 10 FP less, but I bet I could tighten it up on the inside and reduce the cocking effort to 30 pounds or less.

    That would be interesting!


    • B.B.

      That still might not do much good. If that moving barrel does not index consistently and hold during the shot cycle….

      I wonder if that screw visible at the breech is to adjust the indexing ?


    • B.B., I have to wonder if the Torpedo 100X might fulfill those requirements. The Hatsan site shows the 100X shooting 200 fps less than the 150 in .22 caliber. Perhaps not, but from what I have seen so far I think it is not only possible but probable.


        • Ridgerunner, I hope so. Hatsan shows all of the Dominator models shooting a muzzle velocity of 800 fps.
          I thing that pushing a springer to shoot muzzle velocities of 1000 fps or more in .22 caliber is asking a bit much. Consider that the Benjamin Trail XL series are more difficult to shoot well that the plain Benjamin Trail (not impossible, but more difficult; I am not trying to offend those who have mastered magnum airguns; it wasn’t that long ago that 800 fps in .22 caliber was magnum).


    • B.B.,

      This is one of those springer pearls of wisdom that you don’t talk about much since I think your enormous experience assumes all airgunners know.

      Too many springer guys are always looking for ways to “amp up” the power/velocity/fpe’s in their guns when instead they should completely change their way of thinking and instead buy a higher velocity springer and detune it. Elementary but I spent a lot of time and money to learn this rudimentary lesson about spring guns.


  10. wow… the groups are quite discouraging. I havent shot alot of mine yet, but i have to say that this far, i havent noticed such diffusion of shots in my case. What i have noticed however is the apparent lack of quality standard. There are hatsans being accurate, and then again there are reports of some serious issues, same model at hand. I agree with one of the commentators, this is a high powered plinker actually. If you wanted to go to the olympics, pick a different weapon.

    • Barrika,

      Yes, in the house. From the far corner of our bedroom thru the hallway thru the living room thru the garage door into a trap set in the far corner of the garage. It’s often windy here in Texas, so indoor shooting is better.


      • LOL 🙂 Just picturing that setup makes me chuckle. Does B.B. shout a warning before each shot? I’m kidding. I’m you know where the safe places and passages are.


        • Ken,

          When he moves the living room furniture out of the shooting lane is when I know that he’s going to be shooting. I usually just sit in my office & work. If I do venture out, I stand in the hallway & ask if he can stop shooting for a minute. I don’t walk out until there’s an appropriate response. Sometimes, he’s in the middle of aiming & can’t respond, as evidenced by a shot hitting the trap soon after I ask that question.

          When the furniture is back to normal, I know the shooting has stopped 🙂 This system has never failed.


      • Guys, I think Edith is being too humble.

        I understand that some time ago she was talking to a neighbor and mentioned that she and Tom had given one of the kids a Harley for a birthday present. The neighbor asked, “You mean to tell me that you let a 12 year old ride a Harley?” To which Edith replied, “But, he can only ride it in the house.”

  11. BB can only shoot the gun he is given and give an honest report on it. I sometimes see him criticized because others guns shoot better or worse than what he reports. I appreciate honest reporting and really appreciate Pyramid Air letting BB report things the way he sees them. We all know that there are lemons produced in all gun lines. It’s hard to know if this gun tested today is a lemon or is typical of this model. I think that is where others can help by telling their experiences as well.

    David Enoch

  12. thats true ofcourse. I value these kinds of personal reports far more than other, should i say framed ones.
    So, BB you seem to still have some faith in the rifle, with the whole detuning story? What is it that youre attracted to, im curious.

      • BB,
        Sleeper? Prove me wrong but I doubt it. I don’t know how many of these were made but for you, of all people, to end up with a bad one (or the only bad one [I doubt that even more!]) is hard for me to believe. If you did, and considering my luck, which is much worse than yours, I have another reason to not buy one of these. I’d get the only other bad one.

        • Fat chance Chucky….

          I said it before…can’t get a good rifle or scope.

          I would get a bad one too, except for one thing….I won’t buy one in the first place.


  13. Edith…

    Off topic..

    I really hate flies. Some of them won’t land where you can mash them with a swatter. Some of them just keep buzzing around.
    I picked up a zapper at TSC yesterday (about 5 bucks). Looks like a tennis racket (raquet ?). You can’t hit anything hard very hard with it, but it works great for the ones that won’t land, or keep landing in bad places.
    Most of the cats don’t pay any attention to it, other than the loud pop when a fly gets nailed. Mongo leaves the room as soon as I push the power button to juice it up. Something about the sound of the high voltage power supply cranking up spooks him.

    It really is a lot of fun. Blows the crap out of them. Have to see if it works on gnats too.
    If my wife would only let me shoot them with my airguns in the house….


    • I love those, getting bugs in flight is great and when you get bigger ones and don’t let go of the power button the grill and burn from the inside out.


  14. All I can say is …WOW!!!
    Isn’t it a shame…how many new airgunners pick up a rifle like this, either because it looks good or because of the power…and it ends up sitting forever in a closet, the shooter giving up on airguns forever.
    I had a incident at the range last week that made me appreciate finding this blog all the more.
    We had the new Savage and Marlins out. At the next bench was a fellow with a Browning T-Bolt .22 (quite an expensive little piece) and his brand new Gamo. I’m not really familiar with Gamo’s, so I don’t know the model…synthetic stock and over 1200 (according to the poop sheet).
    Well, at 50 yds he was shooting 1″ groups with his Browning and 4″ groups with his Gamo.
    And he was happy. He seemed to think that’s all you could expect from an air rifle. After all , he told me, it was going just going to be a learning tool for his young son before graduating to PB’s.
    When I told him that I had a Slavia that would hold 3/4″ groups at 30yds it was obvious he thought I was exaggerating.

  15. A shame to see bad expectations realized… But good that we get to see a fair report. If I had the money it might be fun to see if this pig could be made to shoot acceptably. It’s a pretty rifle, but pretty alone just don’t cut it…


  16. Good honest appraisal there BB. To dispel any doubt about this weapon, could you let Mac have a go. I do not mean to disparage your abilities, but more in the interest of giving Hatsan the benefit of the doubt – although I think we probably know what the outcome will be.

  17. It is what it is. If BB can’t get it to shoot decently, even when he gives it every chance, it is likely not the best bet for a beginner to get good accuracy out of. I shot an air rifle this morning that makes that one look like a tack driver, though. Difference is that it is my long-loved QB36-2 which I know is able to drive tacks (figuratively; I should try it sometime, as it will behead a dandelion) — time for a new breech seal (its not the first time!). Point is, there may be some combination of accurization, tuning, and/or detuning that might make this Hatsan decent, but that is not what BB got, nor is it too likely what goes to every customer. Chances are very good that the next time he shoots a new HW or even Diana, it will shoot much better than this one. The main worry I’ve got with these Hatsans is that so far there has been no indication of a good barrel (you can fix everything else), and one indication of an overbored barrel, which will never shoot better than mediocre and can’t be fixed at all, unless you want to cast oversize pellets (.50 cal is tedious enough — I can’t imagine .177ish single mold:)!). BB has been more than patient with them.

  18. I really wish you guys would quit picking on pretty girls who are dumb as bricks. I’ve always been partial to that kind.

    Yesterday, I read on the Internet that the first person to be guillotined was a guy named Pelletier. I don’t know if his crime involved an air gun.


    • This reminds me of the Abbott and Costello routine (most of you are old enough to remember this comedy team). Costello tells Abbott that he’d rather marry an ugly girl than a beautiful girl. When Abbott asks, “why”? Costello tells him that a beautiful girl is likely to run away from the marriage. “But an ugly girl is also likely to run away from a marriage”, replys Abbott.

      “Yeah, but who cares”, says Costello. Ba da bump.

      Now about dumb…..

      Fred DPRoNJ

  19. It seems there is some wisdom established that is sometimes commented upon in the yellow. For 12 fpe and under use a springer, there is no need to go up to hpa. For everything over 12 fpe go to hpa. Seems to be proved out over and over in your reviews. I’m really hoping that the manufacturers stop the madness and just make a really nice 12 fpe gas springer, now that would be a nice air gun (to me.)

    • Fused,
      I would comment that this wisdom on the Yellow must not take in accuracy but other aspects of airgunning, such as convenience, cost, and maybe length of time in the woods. But for accuracy I’d argue that point in favor of hpa. And accuracy is what it is all about for me. Especially 12fpe rifles, as proven out by competition match prefrences. I could also relate my own experience but that’s too unofficial.

      • Yes. I have heard that crosman improved the trigger design on that one. If you want I found a simple and cheap solution to crosmans bad trigger. I can tell it to you if you want. And yes. I am interested in it. Though if it goes for the $500 crosman says it will go for. I think I will just go for a hw97

  20. Maybe it’s not the pellet, but the rifle. When you need multiple coins to illustrate the group, that shows you’re in trouble. It has always made sense to me that a bipod won’t work with a springer because it eliminates the artillery hold, but here is proof. (On the other hand, I recall one comment for the B30 when it was sold by PA, where a guy said that with a bipod, the gun could do no wrong out to about 50 yards. He even named his gun the “Destroyer” or something like that.)

    Jim in PGH, so that tubular feed with pellets actually works? How about that.

    Wulfraed, the device you described seems like a very good idea, but it sounds like the vibrations are unavoidable side-effects. They’ve converted the apartment complex into a giant springer stock!

    I’ve become involved in another obscure calculation. An article by a Harvard history professor was reported to me where she says that there is now one gun for every person in the United States. No doubt these are mostly firearms although I don’t think she made a distinction between them and airguns. Any number of sources tells us that more guns are rolling off the assembly lines all the time. What in the world happens to them? The ammunition that is manufactured gets mostly shot off. But guns are not the kind of things that get used up and tossed in the garbage. No doubt many get resold at gun shows. But very basic economics tells us that input must be much greater than outgo, and the stock of guns must be continually increasing. Will we be drowning in guns at some point? I don’t have anything against the sheer number, but it’s probably something to be aware of….


  21. Maybe this torpedo was meant to be shot underwater?

    Maybe when the design guys were told to make it an “under-lever”, they thought they heard “under-water”?

  22. BB,I’m with Colt on the Mav77 if you’re counting votes .I’m interested in your report on the trigger.I wish someone could find a way to shave some weight off that basic design,but if they put in a decent trigger and kept accuracy at that price;well that would be a deal.I’ll also be waiting to see.-TIn Can Man-

  23. Maybe the 135 willbe a lot better. My 95 has a tight barrel lock. The trigger is not as light as a Gamo or Norica; light years from RWS quality.

    • When a Gamo trigger is the /good/ side of a comparison… I shudder to think what the bad side is… Heck my RWS m54 trigger was atrocious enough that I dremeled 1/8″ off the first stage side (T01, plastic trigger) — as found on a web site — before I discovered the real problem was it was configured for ALL long second stage. Turned out the first stage was okay (I don’t mind a /long/ first stage, so the trim job wasn’t needed), but the second stage needed to backed WAY OUT.

      I have a GRT-III on the Gamo, but haven’t been able to detect the stage transition yet for adjustment. Since mine is the limited edition NRA 1000 Special, I don’t consider it in the normal rotation for shooting.

  24. i am experiencing alot of scope sliding…
    ive degreased the rail, and after 5 shots, my bush sportsman is moved by almost 10mm. im afraid that tightening the bolts even more will either break the allen key or the spiral grooves

  25. i didnt receive the scope stop on my rifle, even though its on every picture of it, on the hatsan site too. The dealer said they dont have it on any of the rifles. So i contacted hatsan and they offerred to send me one for free, my shipping. Nice of them.

  26. I own the 150 torpedo.
    Personally with the same type of targets, twenty-five meters and with the metal notches I stay mostly in the “black zone”.
    I’m not a very experienced shooter, but with a little practice and confidence with the weapon you can get excellent results.
    As for hunting I use it often to kill pigeons, crows and coypu (rats 5-10 kg) and I find it is a great weapon (especially for the price), it has nothing to envy to my rws 460. If someone complains to the recoil of a magnum springer then I think it could never use a real firearm.
    That said if you want a weapon with this power (or more) but quiet as a toy, buy a pcp … and not a spriger magnum.

  27. I know this post is a few years late but I just received my .25 cal. 155 from PA about two months ago. One thing that I noticed (or didn’t notice) was the mention of trigger adjustment. Mine was very stiff at first but I backed the rear allen screw all the way out and it’s breaking at about half of what it was. Also I wonder if this was a spring piston or a Vortex gas piston like mine? Third, I saw that only three pellets were tested for accuracy and one was the notoriously poor performer Gamos. I purchased 11 different types of pellets from PA ranging from the H&N 20gr FTT’s to the JSB 34gr Exact King Heavys. My rifle shoots many pellets very well at 15 yards but gets pretty picky at 25 – 35 yards. The 26 gr Predator Polys and the Beeman 24.38 Silver Arrows out shoot all the rest, with the edge going to the Predators. While my 155 is still breaking in (and I’m still improving on shooting it), I can get consistent 1 1/4″ 6 shot groups at 30 yards with the Predators. Most of the others range from 2″ – 3″ 6 shot groups from 30 yards. I’m only posting this in case someone is considering buying a 155. Like I said, this rifle is picky at any real distance but it is a hammer and WILL shoot well with the right ammo. I’m just glad I’ve had help from my friends here at PA from the tech dept, the reviews, and educational videos or I would have given up on my 155 after a week or so. I’m so glad I didn’t because, after about 600 – 700 shots sent down range, I’m really beginning to love this rifle while watching my groups shrink every time I shoot it. Thank you PA.

    • Ironhog,

      Welcome to the blog.

      You’re right — I didn’t adjust the trigger, or even mention that it is adjustable. That was an oversight. I don’t care for the Quattro trigger on Hatsan’s spring guns, so I guess I overlooked it.

      It sounds like you are very satisfied with your rifle, now that you have gotten ton know it. That’s always what we aim to do — be satisfied with an airguns, regardless of what it does or doesn’t do.

      Please return after you have shot some more and tell us how you feel.


  28. Thank you sir. I hope I didn’t sound condescending in any way. You know a whole lot more about air guns than I do, that’s for sure. I got my first Daisy Buck at 5 years old and of course did my share of hunting with the Daisy Powerline, the Crosman 2100 and an old Benjamin break barrel but then took a 20 year hiatus from airguns until about a year ago, so you can imagine the surprise I encountered when I started looking around on PA’s website. I will agree that this is the most difficult gun I’ve ever learned to shoot accurately, firearm or airgun. However, I was determined that the inaccuracy could be corrected. At 41 ft (as far as I can shoot in my garage) I had some decent groups, but then went to 20 yrds and freaked out. I cleaned the barrel well (probably not needed) adjusted the trigger, and listened to what Paul and Rick were saying about “finding the right pellet”. I forgot to mention the Skenco Newboy Heavy-Weight 31.0 grain pellet that also shoots very, very well in this gun. In fact they probably edge out the Beeman Silver Arrows, and second only to the Predator Polys. Today I shot a .40″ one hole, 6 shot group at 15 yrds with the Newboys and a 1.0″ 6 shot group wtih the Predators at 30 yds. So, in short, this gun is doing what I need it to do. Place a shot to the head on hogs and coyotes at 25 yards and less.

  29. Yes, this was written years ago. But I wanted to comment anyway. I feel as though you did not give the rifle a “fair shake”. You mention several times that you dislike the trigger action, but no mention whatsoever of the fact that it is quite adjustable.
    I wonder if rifle manufacturers make improvements to their products as time passes?
    I also am starting to believe that with air rifles, you get a good one, or you don’t. Seems QC is lacking.
    My 155 shot very good groups right out of the box using JB Exact Kings, with open sights.
    Yes, cocking is a real chore, but I do not mind. Between that and pumping up my Bulldog, I am staying fairly fit at 56 yrs. I love your reviews, but I feel this rifle had you frustrated.
    You almost talked me out of buying this particular rifle, but now that I have had it a while, I love it. In fact I just ordered another for one of my “protege’s”.
    It does well for me up to groundhog size game, but yes, your aim, and rifle, must be true.
    I am not a fan of killing just for fun, but I hold no animosity to responsible and thoughtful hunters.
    I shoot groundhogs, and targets only.
    Thank you for the wealth of info on all things AIR …..(guns),

    • Stuball56,

      As you mention, I did not adjust the trigger. I did feel the 155 was too crude an airgun to do much with, but you apparently have had a very different result. I’m glad that you are pleased with your rifle. Remember — I’m not perfect. I try to test without bias, but that’s really impossible.

      Thanks for your comments,


  30. BB,

    I know it has been a while since you wrote up this review. However, I thought I would share my experiences with this air rifle in .25 cal. with the Vortex piston.

    I helped my father get set up with one of these, and I wish we would have found this write-up before purchasing. In the end, we have a rifle that shoots, but it took a long time to get there.

    The rifle needed a thorough cleaning and around 750 shots to break in. Initially, groups were in the 3 inch range no matter what we tried. After 300-500 shots, the rifle started to settle down and hint that good things were coming. We spent quite a bit of money trying different pellets but did eventually figure out what the rifle prefers.

    Long story short… this monster has already eaten one scope, and while pretty finicky, it will consistently churn out 1-in. 5-shot groups at 25 yds. A decent rifle, but waaaay too hard to break in and figure out. Now that we’re there though, we have developed quite a fondness for the beast. Groundhogs beware!

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