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Ammo The Beeman R1 Supermagnum air rifle 18 years later: Part 1

The Beeman R1 Supermagnum air rifle 18 years later: Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

My 18 year-old Beeman R1 is a thing of beauty with its Maccari custom walnut stock and Bushnell 6-18x Trophy scope.

Before someone jumps on me for repeating a blog report, I’m aware that there was a three-part blog of a Beeman R1 tested by Mac in 2010. That was a test of a brand-new Beeman R1 Elite Series Combo. Today, I am starting a report on the 18 year-old R1 that pretty much started things for me as an airgun writer.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about heirloom airguns. You know what I mean — the kind of airguns that never get old. They stick around and get remodeled and updated because everyone loves them. And everyone loves them because, at their hearts, they’re built to last.

What could epitomize this more (for me) than the very Beeman R1 air rifle I used to write my book? It all began in 1976, when I bought the first edition of Airgun Digest in the Stars and Stripes bookstore at Ferris Barracks in Erlangen, Germany. That book introduced me to Robert Beeman and he, in turn, showed me the awesome Feinwerkbau 124 pellet rifle. Never mind that I was living in the city where the excellent BSF airguns were then being made (and I didn’t know it). I wanted an FWB 124 so bad it hurt.

By the time I returned to San Jose in November 1977, I wanted a 124 so bad that I drove straight up to San Rafael and bought one at the Beeman store. I was king of the world for several years with that air rifle, until, at the end of 1981, the R1 was announced. Suddenly, I was a man without an airgun, because technology had trumped my 124.

You might expect me to have responded instantly to the change, but I wasn’t exactly what you would call an airgunner in those days. I shot them, for sure, but I still thought of myself as a firearms guy who also had some airguns. And even when it was brand new in the winter of 1981, the R1 sold for almost $300. So it went on the back burner. It wasn’t until 1991, 10 years and a new wife later, that I finally got my R1. It was a Christmas gift from Edith who thought that because I could speak of nothing else when it came to airguns, I must have wanted one. Women — go figure!

That first R1 was in .177 caliber, because I was still under the mesmerizing trance cast by Herr Doktor Beeman a decade before. A thousand feet per second, and then 1100 f.p.s. was a heady aroma for a new airgunner! Well, it didn’t take very long for me to discover what it meant.

The R1 was huge — much larger than most of the firearms I was shooting at the time. And it was hard to cock! I no longer owned my 124, but I remembered its willingness to move to the cocked position with a light touch. Compared to that, cocking the R1 was like bending the bow of Hercules.

When fired, the big rifle recoiled more than a little. And I couldn’t get it to shoot very well. Perhaps three inches at 50 yards was the best I could get it to do. What a disappointment! I had waited 11 years to dance with the prom queen; and when I did, I discovered that she had B.O. and wasn’t very nice!

I need to insert a note at this point. The R1 wasn’t the first air rifle Edith bought me. A couple years earlier, she gave me a Beeman C1 that I wanted mostly because it was just a fraction of the price of the R1 that was, by this time, over $400. I shot and shot that little C1 carbine. I shot it so much that the cocking became very easy and the trigger smoothed out. I even took it apart and gave it a lube tune that actually did improve the firing behavior. This was in the days before affordable chronographs, so I didn’t know how fast the little gun shot. What I mean by that is — I was satisfied.

I even stumbled on the artillery hold with that C1 and was so surprised that I wrote an article about it and sent it to Dr. Beeman for his newsletter. I never heard from him, so I figured the article was a bust. Little did I know what loomed on the horizon! Keep that in mind as I continue my story.

I actually got rid of the first R1 because I had a better rifle. At the same time she gave me the R1, Edith also gave me a used HW77K carbine that someone had tuned to perfection. It was heavier than the R1, but it didn’t recoil and the accuracy was stunning — especially with my new artillery hold. For a couple years, I continued in that direction. Then the airgun magazine I just subscribed to went belly up, and I was suddenly cut off from a hobby I was growing to enjoy.

Edith suggested that I write an airgun newsletter of my own; and when I told her I didn’t know anything about airguns, she asked me to write the titles of the articles I thought I could write. Three legal tablet sheets later, I had enough titles for the first two years of a newsletter — and The Airgun Letter was born.

A year into the newsletter, Edith and I were talking about things I could write and a thought dawned on me. We could buy a Beeman R1 and test it from brand new through the first thousand shots — the same thing any owner would do. Then I could tune it several ways and write even more articles. I could examine the Rekord trigger and mount a scope. In short, I could do all the things any airgunner would do with a new air rifle, only I could also write about it and photograph things as I went. The newsletter would virtually write itself!

This time, I resolved not to make the same mistake as before in buying the wrong caliber. The R1 is best-suited to a .22-caliber pellet because of its power, so that’s what we got — a brand new Beeman R1 in .22 caliber to test and write about. My writing career suddenly became much easier and more fun at the same time.

The rifle arrived, and I tested and recorded it throughout the 1,000-shot break-in. Then, at a thousand shots, I started to disassemble the rifle for a lube-tune when I discovered that one of the stock anchor flanges that the forearm screws attach to was broken off the spring tube. The rifle had to be returned to Beeman!

The rifle went back and Beeman welded the flange back on the tube. That didn’t bother me. But they also gave the rifle a moly tune, since all lubricant had to be removed for the welding. I was crushed! My test control had been destroyed by an act of kindness and generosity! When I talked to Don Walker at Beeman and explained what I was doing, he reluctantly agreed to send another new rifle. So the gun that I am reporting on today is that second .22-caliber Beeman R1.

It was fired and tested for another thousand shots, and I now had two new guns that had gone through the same break-in. That made the report, titled R1 Homebrew, all the more interesting. When the number of newsletter installments grew to nine, I knew I could write a book and that’s where the R1 book came from.

The rifle
Well, that’s enough of the history of this rifle for now. What kind of air rifle is the Beeman R1? First of all, it got the name Supermagnum from the fact that it was the first spring rifle to break the thousand foot-per-second barrier in .177 caliber. It was initially advertised at 940 f.p.s. in .177 caliber, but within months that climbed to an even 1,000 f.p.s. Then Beeman came out with a special Laser tune that took the rifle up to 1,100 f.p.s. — a seemingly untouchable velocity. It could actually shoot lead pellets faster than the speed of sound!

When it was new, the R1 was considered a massive air rifle. Weighing nearly 9 lbs. and over 45 inches long, it was larger and heavier than most centerfire rifles. Today, we’re overwhelmed with magnum air rifles and these dimensions don’t seem so large — but they still come as a shock to anyone who’s never experienced a magnum spring rifle! In fact, I worry that we lose a lot of new potential airgunners who, upon experiencing one of these monsters for the first time, decide to do something else for recreation.

The R1 is made for Beeman by Weihrauch. The R1 was designed by Robert Beeman, who employed a CAD engineer just for the task of designing the gun. The agreement he made with Weihrauch was that Beeman owned the R1, but Weihrauch was free to market the same action in a European stock under the model name HW80. The 80 in that model name refers to the length of the piston stroke in millimeters. The R1 was a redesign of the HW35, which you now understand has a piston stroke of 35mm. That explains where the tremendous power of the rifle comes from. It’s not the piston diameter, though that is large, and it’s not the mainspring, though it’s also very powerful. It’s the long stroke that generates the awesome power.

Being a Weihrauch gun, the R1 comes with the Rekord trigger that many of you recognize as one of the top sporting airgun triggers. Ivan Hancock based his Mach II trigger on the Rekord. It’s a sporting trigger of even greater adjustability and finesse than the Rekord. And the Air Arms trigger that’s found in the TX200 is also a close cousin to the Rekord.

Cocking effort on a stock R1 begins at over 50 lbs. of effort; but after a thousand-shot break-in, it usually drops to around 46 lbs. In its day, that was a lot of force to cock a rifle. Today, it’s on the low side for magnum rifles. I personally don’t even like to do that much work, so I’ve tuned my R1 down to less effort while still retaining most of the power. That long piston stroke does a lot for you!

Compared to today’s modern air rifles, the R1 seems like a traditional old-school gun. Although the stock is made of beech, not walnut, it’s nicely checkered and well-shaped. The finish is a modern synthetic that takes a shine after being handled awhile. The bluing used to look matte to my eyes when compared to guns like the Webley Mark III, but in today’s market it is a standout deep black with a good polish.

Back in the day, R1 guns came with fine, adjustable Weihrauch open sights and the front globe took inserts. Those days are gone for economic reasons and also because the majority of buyers will scope their rifles immediately. All veteran Weihrauch owners like me have a drawer filled with take-off sights from guns we’ve owned in the past.

I tested two new .22-caliber R1s for my articles, and they both performed similarly, though the second rifle was slightly more powerful. When new, it generated above 19 foot-pounds with RWS Hobby pellets; and after 1,000 shots, it dropped to 18.4 foot-pounds. That’s an average of 838 f.p.s. for the light Hobby pellet. The cocking effort decreased to 46 lbs. at this point, but the gun hadn’t been lubricated yet.

I then stripped the rifle and gave it a standard moly lube job, putting moly on the thrust washers that ride between the base block and the action fork. The cocking effort dropped to 39 lbs., and the power dropped to 16.98 foot-pounds with Hobby pellets.

I’d used Beeman Mainspring Dampening Compound on the mainspring in this tune; and when this compound was removed, the cocking effort remained at 39 lbs. and the power increased to 17.47 foot-pounds. Some vibration crept back in, and the recoil felt a little heavier — but it was still better than the broken-in gun before the tune.

One last thing
My rifle has the Vortek adjustable muzzlebrake for tuning a spring gun. I’d forgotten that I put it on this rifle. Maybe I can do some tuning during accuracy testing?

The Vortek adjustable muzzlebrake has no capability for silencing the shot. All it does is tune the barrel vibrations.

What now?
I’m going to tell you where my R1 is now, with regard to tunes, in the next report. It won’t be the report of a brand-new airgun; but if you want one like it, the model is still being sold. All you have to do is put about 20,000 shots on i,t and you’ll have one that’s as well-used as mine.

I’ll show you the velocity and power of the rifle as it’s now tuned, plus I’ll give you an historical look at several past tunes that have been noteworthy.

Finally, I’ll show you the accuracy you can expect from this rifle. In the time since I last shot it seriously, there have been vast improvements in pellets. We may be in for some surprises.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

30 thoughts on “The Beeman R1 Supermagnum air rifle 18 years later: Part 1”

  1. B.B.,
    Thanks for writing about this old girl, then and now. I always enjoy the story about how a book got written, what was going on in the airgun world at the time, etc. I had no idea that beast was 300 bucks back in ’81. Yikes, I have no excuse not to buy one now, only double the price they were 30 years ago. I wish fuel was only twice it was in the early eighties.
    Post script: really love that vortek brake, wish Tom still made them…

  2. I was thrilled to click on the blog tonight.This one combines so many things that I have enjoyed about discovering quality adult airguns.More precisely,it details the journey….of the R1 as an airgun,of the man as a writer.I really look foreward to more,especially the different tunes you tried and their results.

  3. Hello B.B. and Fellow Airgunners. I swear B.B., when I see an article you have written, such as this one on the 18 year old Beeman R1, I almost think you had me in mind when you hatched the idea. AS you know, I am a great fan of Weihrauch springers. My most recent purchase being a Weihrauch HW80, in .22 cal. I was also fortunate enough to purchase a .20 cal. barrel as well. It shoots so well in .22 cal format, I haven’t had the inclination to change calibers yet. It shoots .22 cal JSB Exact Jumbo RS pellets at 485-491 fps. 500 fps. being the legal limit for velocity here in Canuck land. It is truly unfortunate we are not able to purchase a Beeman in Canada. The stock on the Beeman R1 has an elegance about it that exceeds mere function. Function seeming to be Weihrauch’s main focus. I chose the shorter HW80k model, as our laws make the cocking effort a moot point. The length is about 42 in. compared to a bit over 45 in. for the 400 mm ( 20 in.) regular barrel length. And the Rekord trigger is a big reason why I choose Weihrauch. One question I would like to ask. I was reading a past article on 1950’s to middle 60’s springers made for 10 Meter target shooting. When you were explaining the HW55, you made mention of it having a ‘match Rekord’ trigger. Maybe I’m asking a bit too much for a small paragraph answer, however, what does a match Rekord have that a regular one doesn’t? I believe I could tune my HW80 Rekord down to 10 oz., and it would still be safe and crisp. It is currently at 2.2 lbs. as I got it, which is perfect for me. Once again, thanks for this article on this particular rifle. Maybe 7-8 instalments? One can hope. Speaking of hope, are you thinking of re-publishing your R1 book? I recently saw a used volume on the Canadian Airgun blog for a measly $80.00. I,for one, would buy it for a few dollars less. It would give you something to autograph as you sit at your table at one of the many gun shows you attend. One can hope.
    Caio Titus

    • Titus,

      I asked Hans Weihrauch Jr. about the difference between the regular Rekord and the Match Rekord when I saw him at the SHOT Show a couple years ago. He told me the principal difference was the lighter trigger return spring. There is also a difference in the screw head that adjusts the return spring strength and I will include a comparison in a photo in the next report, but it’s the lighter return spring that is the real difference.

      Edith and I have talked about republishing the R1 book. Some of the photos will have to be retaken and some of the text will change, but it does seem doable. The biggest obstacle is distribution. It took seven years to break even the first time. While there are probably 300 people who really want the book, we have to be able to sell thousands to make anything at it.

      We are considering other ways of publishing the book and one of them might be the answer. We’ll see.


      • Thank you for the qualification on the two Record triggers. It will be quite interesting to see a picture of the two for comparison. Good. There will be more to come! When I saw the Rekord trigger on my HW85, I was quite taken by it’s simplicity. Does Weihrauch still have patents on the trigger or trigger parts? I know there is more to the world of marketing then simply making a copy, however one has to be amazed a the fact that the Rekord is still the trigger airgun writers and testers use as a base line when a company comes out with something new. I think the Chinese have copied the Rekord on one of their models.The name and model no. escapes my feeble memory. I know the TX200 and Pro Sport have taken the design to another level, using CAD in the design. I have not seen one up close for comparison. Just pictures and exploded diagrams. I realize the new Gamo trigger (s.a.t.) you are currently testing on the Gamo Rocket IGT breakbarrel may be a step in the right direction,” it is no Rekord” as you put it. Do you see potential for future development?
        Yes, I realize there are quite a few options for publication today. I do not have much knowledge of the publication business, so I hope you and Edith find a way for you to make a profit while not being too harsh on my pocket book. Not a very tall order. I was involved in helping to publish 500 issues a month, of the B.C. ( British Columbia ) Archer for two years in the early 80s. We had to set type, make sure the ink was even, and finally correlate the pages so it became a readable magazine. With pictures. And people still complained. Sheesh. I guess you are only too familiar with this type of publishing.
        Caio Titus

        • Titus,

          No, Edith and I grew up in the electronic publishing era. We know very little about typesetting, except how electronic typesetting relates.

          I find it amusing how computers have destroyed the petty tyrannies of certain professions that used to be closed to common folk. Printing was one of the first. When WYSIWYG printers started doing their thing, quick printers were first to go. They were formerly so smug with their lo0ng delivery times and mistakes that were always the customer’s fault.

          Next to vanish were the one-hour photo processors. They had their schedules, rules and losses, as well, and now all we do is hit the print button!

          Then Hollywood and its multi-billion-dollar kingdom came crashing down. Now people are making movies on the telephones!

          What will be next, I wonder? Machining? As 3D printers do the things machine shops cannot do or refuse to do now?

          I wonder.


          • Heh… My brother took 2 years in high school (mid-70s) attending afternoon sessions at a “skills center” (I’m not mentioning where) studying the print/typesetting industry… The big cameras and halftone screens, the machine that set lines of type (a bit more modern than lead slugs — sort of a laser printer that did single lines on adhesive acetate strips)… They even helped him get a job on graduation…

            I don’t think he lasted three months… As the new-hire his prime duties were hauling paper and ink from the basement up to the print room.

            I suspect I had better layout capability on my late 80s Amiga (between excellence! and Final Write [word processors] and Professional Page and PageSetter Pro [very advanced DTP — you could lay out full magazines with text flows from anywhere to anywhere; I’m not sure if M$ Office Publisher is good for anything beyond a restaurant menu or a sales flyer]).

            While FedEx bought them up, Kinko’s is still of some use (especially when the documentation for one’s new calculator comes in PDF format, and takes FIVE REAMS double-sided to print [HP-50g; Okay, not everyone is going to print the System RPL programming manual, nor the HP49 machine language entry points for low-level operations])

  4. B.B.

    When I woke up this morning, I was thinking that with all of the new and improved oinkers you have been getting hold of lately that it was about time you tested another HW.
    Don’t you dare test it with some junk pellets !!!!!

    I have had no desire to try the R1. I already have 5 HWs that I like very much, and have some other rifles that pump out more juice if I want it (48 and AF).


  5. I have a friend that bought and R1 “Back Then”. He still has it, that one is in .177. At the time, we all thought that rifle was the last word for power. Me, I wouldn’t buy a new one but I’m always on the lookout for quality air guns on the used market.


  6. I remember the prices of those R-series guns back in the 1980’s. They are special guns. I bought an. 177 cal R-10 over the R-1 , and at the time, it was because the R-10 seemed a bit more elegant than the R-1, and was lighter. It was only a few dollars cheaper. It had the Beeman power tune. Back then I was interested in an air rifle that looked more like a fine .22 RF with the quality to match. Dr. Beeman got that look right, even though that quality came at a price. The gun was a gift for my Dad who bought a lot of pellets for it , a scope, and then never shot it much if at all. It languished for years until he passed, and it came back into my life. I shot up all the pellets that were left with it and about 10,000 more, and bought a new scope and mounts for it too. Then I tuned it to 850fps with Maccari parts and it is better than it was when new. Glad you have decided to revisit the R-1 .

    • Robert,

      The R10 is the direct descendant of the BSF S55/70 rifle that was turned into a Weihrauch rifle when Weihrauch bought BSF in 1988 or ’89. They originally sold them through Marksman, who called them the 55 and 70. Then they added the Rekord trigger and Beeman took them over as the R10.

      They can be very pleasant or very buzzy. Apparently you have a quiet one. They astonish people with their power, which comes from the long piston stroke. The R9 was a simplification of the R10, and is still a fine rifle today.


  7. You know, my cousin has an R-1 and doesn’t shoot it anymore. Wonder if he’s interested in selling it? It would go perfectly with the R-9 and HW50S I have! BB, your mention of the R-1 book makes my purchase of one of the last one’s you had that much sweeter. That was the first time we met at the Roanoke show. And no, it’s not for sale!

    Fred DPRoNJ

  8. BB,

    Thanks! I’ll like this series for sure! I have an HW90 (.22 and .177 barrels) and an HW57. Both are great guns! The 90 has the Elite trigger, but while it’s a nice trigger, it’s not as good as the Rekord. There is a definite difference. I sure like that stock on your R1! Mine are both Beech.


  9. B.B. why couldn’t you get accuracy out of your first R1 with the artillery hold? Was it just because of the .177 caliber? It’s an ongoing mystery how Robert Beeman could manufacture the accurate R series that he did while apparently being ignorant of the artillery hold. Without that his guns would shoot all over the place, and he should have given up in despair.

    Glad that you received the present that you wanted. A relative of mine frequently has his gifts to his wife returned because they’re not what she wants. When he asks how he is supposed to know, the answer is that if he paid enough attention to her, he would know…

    J-F, I see. I don’t believe it’s widely know that John Garand was also an extremely good shoot. I don’t believe he competed, but I understand that as a kid, he could make crowds gather to watch him at a shooting gallery. There is powerful stuff coming out of the north. I believe that James Paris Lee, inventor of the Lee-Enfield design was a Scottish emigre who went to Canada. Don’t know if he ever made it down to the U.S. His design would also have been a loss if it had not been created.

    Victor, sorry to hear about your hearing problem. Was that from your career of shooting? Well, that puts me in mind of some woman drummer at the opening ceremony at the Olympics. She was a wild-looking character with long blond hair. The word is that she is totally deaf but she plays at a high professional level by feeling the music through vibration. Your shooting advice is very much to the point. I try to focus on fundamentals but cannot help noticing if I’m running a good group.

    There’s another entry in the category of funny at the Olympics. When the Belorussian mini-hulk who won the gold medal for female weightlifting bent down to her bar, I saw on her muscular hand a flash of bright red nail polish. Nothing like affirming your femininity. Heh heh. I was kind of touched.


    • Kevin,

      It wasn’t a lack of accuracy that made me get rid of the .177 R1. It was simply a rifle that was wasting power. Like the other modern magnums, it wasn’t getting all it was capable of from the lightweight .177 pellet.


    • Matt61,

      Funny story about gifts in the Gaylord household. Early in our marriage, money was low, gifts were simple and we were grateful to get anything (and it was usually stuff we HAD to have). As we prospered, we wanted to surprise each other. Realizing that Tom needed some help with what I wanted for Xmas, I told him what I wanted. He also told me what he wanted. The gifts I wanted also had counterparts that looked similar but were unsatisfactory. So, the Xmas of 1987, Tom went out and bought all the items that were on my “do not buy” list. He committed to memory the things I didn’t want so he wouldn’t make a mistake and buy them. Unfortunately, they were the ony things he remembered 🙂 So, I returned those items and bought the things I wanted. Lesson learned. Now, we email links of products we want, and almost all shopping is done online. We also surprise each other occasionally. But, if something is pricey, we consult with the recipient to be sure it’s the right thing.


    • Matt61,
      My hearing problem goes WAY BACK to when I was a kid (long before anything related to shooting). Besides, I’ve always been really good about wearing hearing protection. It just started getting worse in recent years.

    • JohnG10,

      The Rekord is easier to adjust, will take a finer setting and is crisper than the T06 or the T05 (that I think is the better trigger).

      Weihrauch barrels are on the same level as Lothat Walther. Diana barrels are one step below. But Diana barrels are very good, nevertheless.


  10. Now that is what an airgun should look like! What a stunning example of a true classic. That is a beautiful piece of walnut. Good luck finding one of those today. Don’t know where my affinity is rooted but I like a vented buttpad mounted with spacers. Classy to my eye.

    Hope B.B. is willing to put forth the effort to show what affect that vortek brake has in tuning even the most accurate pellet. Like the HOTS it takes time and patience that may not be possible.


  11. Great blog! It was 2005 when i caught the air gun bug again I remember browsing the internet and seeing the Beeman R1 but I could not see myself spending that much on one riffle. Till i held one in 2009 and bought two new ones. I cant think off hand but some of Weihrauch current models describe match rekord trigger but not hw80. I too have been thinking bout heirlooms air guns

  12. I bought my .177 R1 back in 1984; it was my first “adult” airgun. Still have that rifle today and despite having springers ranging from a Diana 16 up to a .25 Patriot, and several PCPs, the R1 is by far my favorite. With a new factory spring and seal it shoots Kodiaks at 760 fps with little vibration and will make one-hole, 5-shot groups at 25 yards.

    What really sold me on the R1 before I bought it was the styling – I think the Goudy stock is simply one of the nicest designs put on an airgun. It has some decoration but is understated and not flashy at all.

    The action itself is overbuilt and will probably last for hundreds of years if taken care of. Not everyone can afford an R1 today but it you can it is money well spent.

    Thanks for taking another look at this classic. Can’t wait for the other parts!

    Paul in Liberty County

  13. Hi,

    I really Enjoyed your article about the R1 / HW80, I own and have owned a couple of HW’s myself, including HW80’s’, 35’s 85’s, 95’s, a 50, a 77, a 97K and a couple of 90’s.
    The only thing I find hard to believe is your explanation that the model numbers from Weihrauchs come from their stroke lengths.
    For example, the 35 has a much longer stroke length than 35mm.
    If you’d ever cocked one, or like myself took one apart, you’d know.
    Also, the newer model 85 ( not the older model with the screwed scope rail) and 95 have identical actions and exactly the same powerlevels, it’s not that the 95 has a 10mm longer stroke.
    I personally think it has more to do with the year the several rifles were originally released or designed.
    For example the 80 (1980) the 35 in 1935, the 85 in 1985 and so on.

    Best regards from Holland,


    • Frans,

      Measure that stroke again. It is definitely the stroke length.

      The 35 was designed in the 1950s. The HW 80 was created by Dr. Beeman, who used a CAD program to design the powerplant. That’s why the stroke is so long.

      I have owned about 5 HW35s and I’ve tuned several of them, and I can tell you that their stroke is short, compared to the HW 80.


    • Cobalt327,

      Thanks for this resource although I think only a handful following the blog by RSS compared to the usual readers will be able to see your message. Suggest that you also post this on the regular blog probably with an intro so they can see why you posted it.

  14. I found this while doing a search (I had asked about such a list recently but came up empty). Should anyone else do a similar search the info will be available. Posting it to the current blog might seem way off topic, here at least it’s relevant.

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    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

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