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Education / Training Diana Stormrider precharged pneumatic air rifle: Part 2

Diana Stormrider precharged pneumatic air rifle: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Diana Stormrider
Diana Stormrider precharged pneumatic air rifle.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • Wow!
  • Good enough for the price
  • Trigger
  • How loud?
  • Shots per fill
  • Crosman Premiers
  • How powerful?
  • The discharge?
  • Tremendous tuning potential!
  • The trigger
  • More power?
  • Powerful lesson
  • Summary


Before I do today’s velocity test of this .22-caliber precharged rifle, I will begin by addressing all the issues, questions and concerns you have about the pedigree of the new Diana Stormrider. Right off the bat someone tells us the rifle is Chinese and made by Snow Peak. I knew that last time but decided to leave it out. Guys, it’s a global economy today and companies do that. Some don’t, and keep everything in house, but more and more often companies either source their parts from the outside, or they buy fabricated parts built to their specifications or they even buy entire products like the Stormrider, and put their names on them. It’s a fact of life.

Another fact of life is that the Chinese know how to make stuff. Most of the optics in the world either come from China or from somewhere in Asia. That started back in the 1970s, and is the way things are being done today. It doesn’t mean that the Swiss and Germans can’t still grind lenses — or even the Americans, for that matter. But your cell phone camera was probably made in China or Malaysia. I just purchased illuminated two pocket magnifiers that enlarge 100 times for less than nine dollars — shipped! Guess who made them.

Good enough for the price

Here is a phrase that angers me. “Good enough for the price.” I dislike that phrase, even though I use it too. When it comes to shooting, nothing is good enough for the price, in my book. It’s either good or it’s not, and price gets looked at separately — after I know it can perform. I will not shoot an airgun that’s only good enough for its price. Life is too short.

Having said that, I will now also say that not everything has to be perfect. When we talked about youth target rifles on Monday, I referred to the Daisy 853. The 853 was (it’s no longer made) the standard for American youth target rifles for several decades. It’s not as accurate as an FWB 300, and no amount of gunsmithing can make it so, but an 853 is more accurate than 95 percent of shooters can hold. That’s what makes it okay, in my book. I told you that Crosman attempted to enter the market with their CO2-powered AS397 that was transformed into a target rifle (the Challenger 2000), but that the barrel wasn’t up to the task. However, when they built the Challenger PCP (originally Challenger 2009), they put a great barrel on it. That rifle will outshoot an 853 and has a much better trigger. It also costs more because of all that is in it.


RidgeRider wanted to know how good the Stormrider trigger is. I get that. The 853 trigger is a joke until it is modified. The AirForce Edge trigger is fine, by comparison. But even it doesn’t rival the trigger on an FWB 800X. When I look at the trigger on the Stormrider, that sort of thing will be in the back of my mind. It will have to be good enough to do the job. Not “good enough for the money.” It’s a subtle difference, but an important one, I think.

How loud?

Someone else wants to know how loud the Stormrider is. I do, too. Not so I can shoot it in my back yard, but so it could be shot in a gymnasium where 99 other target air rifles are also on the line shooting at the same time. I will do my best, but I’m not going to fall prey to those cheap sound meters that lie more than tell the truth. I will simply do the best I can to tell you what to expect. Instead of a 1-5 scale like Pyramyd AIR gives you, I will attempt to go two orders of magnitude finer. So 3.37 on a 5-point scale.

Shots per fill

This is a big concern. I have been told that the Stormrider has a steep power curve. The description says it gets about 40 shots per fill. Today we will see what the numbers look like, but until I test the rifle for accuracy at 25 yards, we won’t know the whole picture. I have a special plan for how to do that, based on Dennis’ guest blog yesterday.

I can tell by your comments that the Stormrider is a rifle many of you are interested in. That’s great, because we don’t get that kind of interest all the time. So, sit back and let me get this test underway.

Crosman Premiers

I began the test with the 14.3-grain Crosman Premier. This is where I normally shoot 10 shots and start the velocity test, but today will be different. Because I had a chronograph (HINT, HINT!!!), I completed the entire test in a single string of shots. Allow me to explain, but first, let me show you the shots.

Shot Velocity
1…………….780 sound is 2.41 on the 5-point scale
4…………….818 sound louder — up to 3.63
10 ..…………869
11 ..…………870
12 ..…………864
13 ..…………859
14 ..…………855 sound louder — up to 3.88
15 ..…………848
16 ..…………837
17 ..…………833
18 ..…………822
19 ..…………810
20 ..…………798 sound lower back to 2.90
21 ..…………786
22 ..…………776 sound at 2.66
23 ..…………764
24 ..…………762
25 ..…………749
26 ..…………745
27 ..…………733
28 ..…………722
29 ..…………719 sound at 2.11
30 ..…………702
31 ..…………694 valve started to bounce (blaaaap)
32 ..…………685
33 ..…………682
34 ..…………675 reservoir gauge needle at bottom of green

Before starting the string I filled the gun to 3,000 psi, even knowing the fill was to stop at 2900. The heat of compression from filling the gun means the pressure in the reservoir will drop back a little as the reservoir cools. I think the shot string shows that I nailed the fill.

So, what is the average velocity of the Premier pellet? That depends of which set of 10 shots you select. I can choose anything I want to prove almost anything within the range.

How powerful?

The fastest shot went 870 f.p.s. With the 14.3-grain Premier, that generates 24.04 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. With a heavier pellet we will probably see greater than 26 foot-pounds at the high. But what is the average velocity for this pellet? It’s arguable, but if I take shot number three that went 811 f.p.s. as the starting point, and shot number 19 that went 810 f.p.s. as the last shot, there is a string of 17 shots that average 845.12 f.p.s. That’s an energy, with this pellet, of 22.68 foot pounds. And the spread was 60 f.p.s.

The discharge?

The discharge sound started out lower than a Benjamin Discovery, and, when the rifle crossed into the 800 f.p.s. range, the sound increased. The rifle is not loud, but it will be noticeable in your back yard when it’s on the power curve.

Tremendous tuning potential!

The last time I saw a curve like this was on a Career 707 from Korea that I owned years ago. I regulated that rifle, had the valve tuned, went from three power levels to 17 levels and result was the rifle went from getting 12-15 effective shots at more than 50 foot-pounds each to get 90 shots at 30 foot-pounds (as long as I adjusted the power every 10 shots after 30 shots had been fired). The Stormrider is a pneumatic tuners’ dream — an airgun just waiting to be taken wherever you want it to go, within reason. If it was mine I would strive to average 800 f.p.s. with Premiers. Doing that I think there are probably 25 (within 20 f.p.s.) consistent shots without resorting to a regulator.

The trigger

RidgeRunner, the Stormrider trigger is single-stage without a positive release point. But it is light! It’s the sort of practical trigger you can get used to and do great work with.

The trigger breaks at a very consistent 2 lbs. 12 oz. to 2 lbs. 15 oz. The pull weight is consistent. It’s the release point that cannot be felt.

There is your Part 2 report. All gathered from a single string of shots with just one pellet. That’s what a chronograph can do!

More power?

Knowing what I now know from that first string, I can take a Beeman Kodiak pellet that weighs 21.14 grains and fill the rifle to a lower pressure to start higher (faster) on the power curve. Around 2,700 is where I want to start. Ten shots on the highest part of the curve gave me an average of 757 f.p.s. The low was 739 and the high was 770 f.p.s., a 31 f.p.s. spread. Even with this heavy pellet the velocity/power curve is still steep. At the average velocity this pellet produces 26.91 foot-pounds, and at the highest velocity it makes 27.84 foot pounds. So, Mr. Marketeer, which number do you want to report? Oh, you want even more energy? Shoot heavier pellets. You know they exist. Will you be lying? Of course not.

Powerful lesson

Today wasn’t supposed to go the way that it did. You can’t plan for this — it just happens. I seized on the opportunity to show you how things can work. At one company their lawyer tells them they have to advertise the rifle at the absolute highest velocity it can shoot (in case he ever has to defend it in court), so they use the lightest pellet they can find. But the vice president of marketing at the same company asks the engineers what is the mostest-powerfullest the rifle can be (for their advertising), and that is obtained with a different pellet. Please understand that Diana and Pyramyd AIR are not doing this — I am! I’m using this rare opportunity to show you how complex this stuff can be. If the Stormrider wasn’t as flexible as it is, I couldn’t do what I did.


I’m going to spend some time summarizing, in case I’ve confused anyone. I think the Diana Stormrider has demonstrated a boatload of potential as it was tested today. Is it powerful? It certainly is. Does it have a good trigger? Again the answer is yes.

One way of looking at the Stormrider is to realize that it gives you more power than a Diana model 54 Air King with half the weight (5 lbs. as opposed to 9.9 lbs) and at less than one-third the cost ($200 compared to $650). Yes, that’s comparing apples to oranges, but people do it all the time. “Hey, my dad can beat up your Ferrari!”

My point is, the Stormrider gives you good power, light weight and a reasonable discharge sound at very little money. If it was on your short list before today, watch this blog carefully, because accuracy comes next. If the Stormrider can shoot (and people have already told me that it can) this is a PCP to consider.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

78 thoughts on “Diana Stormrider precharged pneumatic air rifle: Part 2”

  1. B.B.,

    This one is really on a fast track for reporting. Usually more than a week seems to pass before the second part is published. The impetus for this must come from the amount of interest in this rifle. Half the weight, a third of the cost, half again as much energy, and a third of the cost of a Diana 54 with minimal learning curve to shoot it accurately? Sounds like a very good way to attract more people to the Dark Side.


  2. B.B.

    “I think there are probably 25 (within 20 f.p.s.) consistent shots without resorting to a regulator.” How many with a regulator? Could to tuners do anything to fix the trigger release point?
    Sounds like, with a more suitable stock, regulated to 550 fps, and peeps it should be a candidate for new youth marksmanship rifle.


    • Yogi,

      Yes, you can do something to “fix” the release point, however you had better know what you are doing. It would be very easy to create a disaster waiting to happen. I have a couple of antique sproingers that have single stage triggers with engagement adjustment screws. It would be easy to adjust these to where they would be unsafe.

      You would do better if you just used a touch of moly grease on the engagement. As long as it is a smooth pull and not too long, you can work with it just fine. If you spend some time with the rifle you will learn it’s ways and soon you will not pay any attention to these things.

    • Yogi,

      Maybe one or two more with a reg. I try to stay away from regs if possible. They add complexity to the design. I have written reports of them in the past. They take up space inside the reservoir, which takes away air, but they meter air better than a plain valve, so they offset the air that’s lost. In the end they do give a few more shots.


      • B.B.,

        I didn’t really become aware of regulators in PCPs until probably sometime in 2016, pretty late. I have come to think of them as being a perceived quality threshold in the near future. in other words, many folks will come to view PCPs without them as “not good enough” even at their low price. I am learning that regulators are not absolutely necessary, but then I look at the shot velocity consistency of AirForce air rifles and once again start to think of regulators as necessary.

        I was set to purchase a Wildfire, despite the brand printed on it, until I saw that it had virtually no shot consistency at all. A regulator would turn that from a limited toy to an excellent budget PCP.

        How much does a regulator cost?


        • Michael,

          Like anything regs vary in price. But installation also costs. Hatsan has made their reg fit the end of their removable reservoirs, so the user can install the reg. That’s the future, I think.

          Back when I had the Korick reg installed in my Career 707 in the late ’90s, I believe I paid $100 plus shipping.


          • B.B.,

            Cheesy jokes aside, I am struck by how affordable that was for the time. I also am curious how the Stormrider, Beeman QB Chief PCP and, ahem, the Gauntlet (30% more money, but twice the air rifle?) would do in a battle royale.


            • Michael,

              A cheap regulated air rifle (may) bring with it a cheap regulator. None of mine have one, but I think that I do like the concept. I am not sure of the quality in’s and out’s of regulators, but it is something to think about.


  3. B.B.,

    Wow,… a powerful report. On the shot string, I noticed that all of shots steadily rose and fell. Not one shot back tracked the opposite direction. I thought that was kind of impressive. I would have to check the data on my PCP guns to see if it shows the same. To me, that shows a consistently operating valve responding only to the fill pressure. To me, that is a good thing.

    On the trigger, I suppose that if it is based on any existing platform, that there is some fixes and mods already out there that can be done, if one wanted to.

    Less weight, less cost, more power, easier to shoot than a springer,…. yup,… all of those work for me! And a repeater to boot. If this had been around when I bought the Maximus, it would have been a real serious contender. In fact, it might just have won out.

    Good day to you and to all,… Chris

  4. BB,

    Thanks. I am used to single stage triggers, although most of mine have an adjustable engagement. 😉 I am sure that with a little work I would find this trigger quite usable.

    This is most definitely on many short lists, including mine. Some may not think it compares to a Marauder, but if this has decent accuracy, I think it will indeed give the Marauder a run for it’s money. Just let someone go for a day in the woods squirrel hunting and we will see which they prefer to carry.

    Also, it will not take the tinkers long to figure out it is pretty easy to change the barrel out for a Lothar Walther. Plus there is a lot of room for fitting a shroud.

    • RR,

      How much would a Stormrider with added shroud and Lothar Walther barrel cost? Less than a Marauder, perhaps, but it would no longer be the inexpensive PCP people envision.

      Of course if it ends up being very accurate, that LW barrel might not be necessary. :^)


      • Michael,

        The Stormrider can be the base that can be made into something to challenge the Marauder. Considering the price difference of the Discovery and the Marauder and the amount of aftermarket accessories being turned out by enthusiasts of the Discovery platform, this looks like a contender.


  5. Hi B.B.,

    I continue to be amazed at the number of options airgunners have available and saw a price drop on the Wildfire the other day that approached the “$100 PCP” that you’ve theorized about! I thought we were already in the Golden Age of Airguns, but things are getting even brighter.

    I noticed you linked to the RCBS AmmoMaster Chronograph; weren’t you using (or at least linking to) a Shooting Chrony before? Just curious. I’ve had pretty reliable results with my Shooting Chrony Beta Master. After years of dodging clouds, sun, and rain I finally broke down and bought the skyscreen LED light kit and wish I’d done that on Day One. I can test at night in the den!

    • HiveSeeker,

      With that price drop ( if you saw that at AirGunDepot, it’s back at $149 now) and a coupon, I bought that gun for $115 shipped to my door. $7.99 was shipping, so the gun was Veerry close, indeed, to to a $100 PCP !!

        • HiveSeeker,

          Most of my stuff come’s from PA but occasionally AGD will have a better deal or an exclusive. I’m pretty sure that they are two parts of the same company. One for the eastern US and the other for the west. And Air Venturi is mixed up in there somewhere as well.

    • HiveSeeker,

      I bought LED screens for my Precision Instruments chrono. I think they are Infra Red.I bought them to use indoors because I couldn’t get regular screens(sensors?) to work reliably. They are flawless indoors, but are you saying they would work outside as well? They sent an additional set of screens that don’t have the reflective tape on their underside and I thought they were for outdoors. I don’t use it outside because changing out the screens is a pain but if I could just use the LEDs that would be great.

      • I think you can also use the LED screens outdoors, though I bought them so I wouldn’t have to. I still remember the day I spent 45 minutes getting all set up, then rushing to get everything back inside during a two-minute downpour that soaked the yard and nixed testing for the rest of the morning. My old skyscreens did not have anything reflective — they are just all white plastic.

        • HiveSeeker,

          Guess I’ll just have to try them out. I wanted to do some testing for retained energy at 25 yards so that has to be done outdoors. That also puts the screens in the shade.Thanks for the feedback.

  6. I have used one of the Ammomaster chronos and find that the display buttons to get the unit set up or ready for a string are not intuitive at all. I pretty much have to have the instructions out for reference to to run the thing. Works well when set up, but the button manipulations are frustrating.

    • The Shooting Chrony you can pretty much just turn on and start shooting, but the finer functions take some manual-reading. I spent an hour reading the manual before putting the first two parts together!

  7. Is that the thinnest barrel on any air rifle or do the others just cover it up?

    In other news, a big thanks to Derrick for restoring my IZH 61 to good as new. It’s now like a custom gun.

    And B.B. did you say that dressing a fine grit waterstone takes the longest and could take up to a minute? Dressing my coarse 1000 grit stone took hours over the past weekend!! It seems to have been deeply hollowed out in the middle. That would explain a few things. If you can’t sharpen a curved blade, it makes sense that you can’t sharpen a blade with a curved stone. I’m eager to try out the stone, but only after I dress the fine stone. I hope that doesn’t take as long!



    • Matt,

      I dress my stones after each use. Last night I dressed a 20,000-grit stone for the first time after one use and it took 10 minutes! That was my record.On the plus side I sharpened a wedge-bladed straight razor blade which is hard to do, and this morning I shaved with it. So, this stuff works!


      • I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a 20,000 grit stone. You’re getting too deep into this! 🙂 Thanks for showing the light at the end of the tunnel. I hadn’t dressed my stones ever after years of use, so I guess I had it coming.


  8. B.B.

    In Part 1 you mentioned that this gun would be less desirable than others because of the difference in fill pressure: 2900 vs 2000 psi. Is 2900 psi really a deal breaker for someone considering a first pcp and wanting to fill with a pump?


    • Dennis,

      I’m 62 and once I learned to use a hand pump properly I didn’t find filling my Gamo Coyote to 3200psi bad at all. On really hot days here in the Ohio Valley I do my pumping indoors whenever I can, though.

        • Mildot52,

          I agree. I,too, have found that the Coyote likes a 2700 fill. Have you ever seen an explaination of how this gun is able to shoot at such consistant velocities without a regulator?

          • maybe has to do with the right hammer weight hammer spring the valve. maybe they got rid of hammer bounce. there are simple add on kits for discovery and others that take out hammer bounce which makes them real consistent fps wise

            • Mildot52,

              Those are as likely as anything else. I just know that it is very consistent. The ad copy say it has a regulated valve,but when asked if it has a traditional regulator, PA say it doesn’t. And, if you think about it, you wouldn’t get the gradual increase in velocity as is uses up the air in excess of 2700 psi with a common regulator. I think Gamo has just found a really good stock tune for this particular model ( in spite of the flak they catch from some of the elitists in our hobby)

      • Copy that, Halfstep! Here in South Carolina we have beaucoup hot days! I notice that you mention pumping technique. Perhaps many of the >50% B.B. mentioned who find pumping to this level a problem haven’t yet learned the right technique? From what I’ve read, I like the Coyote and the Urban. If I ever go pcp, I think I would like something like that – or like these new entry-level rifles. I’m a bit concerned about the noise level, but I know that the newer Gamo models are quieter.

        Thanks for your input.

  9. B.B.,

    I did go back and look at my chrony readings for my .25 M-rod and did find the fps to go up and down a bit. A quick look at your chrony readings for the M-rod showed the same thing in some strings. Any comments on that, vs the fine/steady up and down string you got with the Stormrider would be appreciated. Now or later, either way.


      • Edw,

        I did not think that was an issue with PCP’s. At all. Ever. (I do not know) for sure, but I think that would speak to the quality of the valve build/components.

          • GF1,

            From a fresh fill to a “cool down”, for lack of a better word. From a 65 degree in house to 85 degree outside or the other way. The pressure in the reservoir changes, I agree. From shot to shot though????

            • Chris
              Just a thought. But high pressure air does build heat when it moves. Especially through restrictions. Like transfer port or even the valve getting knocked open each shot.

              Shooting one shot after another with a PCP I think could raise the pressure slightly. Or drop a bit . But nothing like how Co2 changes when rapid fires. It cools down of course.

              So who knows. Maybe that’s one of those things that someone has tested in the past. Maybe search it and see what you come up with.

              • GF1,

                I do not know either. The .25 M-rod is easier to shoot faster. The Maximus is a bit slower with it being a single shot. Notes made and I will give something a try.

                On the side,.. got all I need for my Gen. II wind flags. Looking forwards to playing with them more. 30, 50, 75 and 100 is the plan.

                (Really guy’s,.. if you have never played with them much,.. you will be very surprised to what is actually happening down range VS what you [think] is happening). Knowing that at least gives you the opportunity to correct/compensate somewhat.

                  • GF1,

                    Will do if I make it out. I should. I do not have a “zoom” phone like you, or even know if I can do a video. I am pretty sure not. I will see what I can come up with. It may just be a static shot on the kitchen floor, but at least it will illustrate a home made one. I mean really, even a cut up Walmart bag (into strips), a coat hanger and some duct tape will get the job done. Something is better than nothing. The ability for the flag to rotate I think is an ideal feature to strive for though.


                    • Chris
                      Just send a picture. That’s the easiest to post.

                      If you don’t that’s ok. But I would like to see it. And probably others here on the blog as well.

      • B.B.,

        I was not inferring in any way that it was tuned. I would have to go back and look more at some of your PCP test and more of my data,.. or even re-chrony mine,… The steady rise and fall, with no back tracking either way was what caught my attention and prompted the comment. That’s all.

        Perhaps you have an opinion on a PCP fluctuating from shot to shot (with the reservoir pressure being at a stable temp.)? The conversation with Edw and GF1 leads me to question this. Edw compared it to a Co2 from what I gathered, but did not say it in that way. I have never heard of a PCP being subject to “cool down” from shot to shot like a Co2.


        • Chris USA,

          Do you think that the small reservoir on the StormRider might account for the steady rise and fall of the velocity? I think at 100 cc it is less than half the size of most PCP rifles that are designed to fire full power shots, rather than target shooting velocities. Just a thought.

          • Halfstep,

            Honestly, I do not know. I would suspect the small reservoir is responsible for the shot curve being rather steep especially if you see it plotted out. Steady rise and fall speaks more to a smooth operating valve and hammer/hammer spring,.. at least to me.

            You would expect all PCP’s to act that way, but they don’t. They do, in a general sense, but not like that. I would suppose that there are better valve designs than others. I have only been inside one so I can not speak to any valve design differences.

            • Chris USA,

              You are right about how other PCPs act, at least from my experience and the reports that I have read here, so far, and elsewhere. I have one of these ordered (back ordered, more precisely) for my, now past, birthday gift from my wife, so I will see if my results are the same. If they are, I guess Gunfun1 will have to buy one and rig it with a larger capacity tank so we can eliminate that as the reason. 😉

              • Halfstep and Chris
                A larger air resivoir will make more consistent shot velocity for the most part.

                But a gun that can be tuned for striker stroke and spring pressure will usually give more consistent she t count if tuned that way.

                If you get a good striker stroke setting and spring pressure with a large resivoir. You will have a very efficient set up that will get alot of consistent shots. And that’s with out a regulator.

                • GF1,
                  I can’t speak for Chris, but for my part, I was speaking more to the fact that the velocity went down, down, down, down ….. instead of down, down, up, down, up, up, down……. like it does with all my pcps. Could be caused by the same thing you’re talking about but it’s not really the same as shot to shot consistency.

                  My thought was that perhaps, since the tank is small, each shot uses such a large amount of air, as a percentage of the amount that was left from the last shot, that the pressure drops to a point that it isn’t even close to the previous shot’s pressure. If the hammer were to strike harder or the valve were to stay open longer on the present shot, the air pressure would be so low that it just wouldn’t produce the one time spike in velocity that you might get if the air pressure had only decreased by a tiny bit from the previous shot.

                  Now that I’ve spelled it out, it sounds more like I’m trying to explain a rip in the fabric of the space/time continuum than why an airgun might be shooting a certain way, but it’s clear inside my head, although I wouldn’t recommend any of you guys going inside there for a look. 😉

                  • Halfstep
                    Really hard to say why the up and down.

                    Might hav something to do with how the air feeds the the valve from the guns resivoir.

                    And I he more u think about it. Maybe the sear doesn’t catch the striker the same every time. That could cause the striker to hit with a little more or a little less pressure.

                    So really more variables may even close m into affect the more I think about it. But I’m sure you get what I mean.

                  • Halfstep,

                    The steady up and then down was what I was speaking to. It is all about the variables that makes that happen,.. or not.

                    I think that B.B. mentioned just a short time ago that he had a PCP and would do a consistent string, but had to adjust the power level every few shots, or so. The M-rod could do that, but a single power knob is nice. Figure out how to automate that process and you have found the golden goose egg.

                    As you know, a bit of up and down will not affect the point of impact, up to a point, but in an ideal world we would all like to have something that is completely predictable.

                    • Chris USA,

                      Perhaps a better way to convey what I’m trying to say is to refer you to the PA listing for the Sam Yang Recluse Air Rifle. If you look at the testing that PA did you will see the same pattern of each shot having a lower velocity than the shot before it. I think it is reasonable to assume that a scenario where one shot suddenly exceeds the velocity of the previous shot is unlikely to occur, simply because each shot is depleting the available air for the next shot by too much. This gun uses a lot of air. Even if the hammer fell a little faster or the valve stem slid a little easier for some reason or any of the other tiny variables that might keep the valve open longer, there just wouldn’t be enough air in the tank to propel the pellet faster than the previous shot. Now scale that down to a gun like the Firestorm in a smaller caliber AND with a smaller tank and I think the premise would hold true.

                    • Chris USA,

                      I thought the steady up part was just a result off blowing off enough air to relieve the partial valve lock of over filling.

  10. Google lr700w spa there are plenty of videos, and links.

    You can get one shipped from the Netherlands for 200, and 30 shipping. I’m likely going to get one soon,it also has the crosman sized .435 barrel.

  11. in response to ERROLS comment in part one of this blog on sept 28th regarding the Diana 350 mag not being stamped mad in Germany I purchased one recently and its stamped made in Germany and there is no doubt in my mind as to the maker and the quality

  12. THANK YOU!! I really, really like this report!! I have and had this rifle for about four years with another stamp and had a WELL know airgunsmith recommend it to me at another air gun show? And I purchased the PCP rifle and air pistol with the same brand and found that I loved both! Your doing alot of testing that I already have completed and nice to note that our tests lineup closely! I purchased more for less and feel the price will go up? I know from my years of dealing with Chinese that they can make the best and the worst of any product! Thank you again for this report and do more of them! Semper Fi!

  13. Reading all these comments just make happy that I never went to the dark side. I will stick with my Spring’ers. For the long range I will stick with my Rimfires. For the cost of $300.00 for the gun, I can buy a whole bunch of quality 22.cal rimfire. Did I read that the Diana Storm was a Chinese gun? I know that I must have imagined that. For a hundred dollars more a shooter can get a nice CZ 22.cal, and for just one hundred dollars above that get the CZ USA with two barrels, 22.cal and 22 HMR or WMR. My Real Diana’s are running great as usual and love my LGV. No thanks to the dark side. Don’t need a Foster value, a hand pump, or a three thousand dollar of more generator or all the other crap that that these guns require. Getting old I guess. I don’t need a iPhone 8 either. (Form the way people drive nowadays, they do not need one as well).
    Thanks for the review BB, love them as I have for years. However you just reinforced my feeling against the PCP. PS, Bring back the Lil Black Russian, I need another one.

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