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Education / Training ASG CZ75 SP-01 Shadow BB pistol: Part 1

ASG CZ75 SP-01 Shadow BB pistol: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

ASG SP-01-pistol
ASG’s CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow BB pistol is large and heavy. The guns they are shipping have red fiberoptic sights in front, like those found on the firearm.

This report covers:

  • Rich history!
  • So what?
  • Anywhere?
  • The BB pistol
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Front sight
  • Full blowback
  • Single action and double action
  • All controls are real
  • Grips
  • Summary

I recently started exploring using airguns as stand-ins for certain self-defense firearms. This has now taken a turn, and today I will start reviewing one that I am serious about — the ASG CZ75 SP-01 Shadow BB pistol. I will get to the description in a bit, but before I do, let’s first look at the prototype firearm — the CZ75.

Rich history!

There are a few sidearms that stand out from the crowd. The M1911 is one, and the P08 Luger is another. And today’s pistol, the CZ75, is right there with them. We start by recognizing that the 9X19mm cartridge that we know better as the 9mm Luger, is the most popular handgun cartridge in today’s world. Nearly everything else is compared to it, and most successful semiautomatic pistols are chambered for it.

In the 1970s the world was stunned by the launch and growth of the “wonder nines” — 9mm pistols with an unbelievable capacity for ammunition. Perhaps the Browning Hi Power pistol that was launched in 1935 was the first of these. It was high power because it held 13 rounds in a staggered stack magazine. That was twice the number of rounds other pistols carried.

The “wonder nine” pistols of the ‘70s carried this to the extreme, holding over 20 rounds in some cases. The CZ 75 holds anywhere from 12 to 26 rounds, depending on the specific model and magazine. I could now go into a huge amount of history, but I’m not going to. I will cut right to the chase. Around the world both military and law enforcement agencies have used some version of the CZ 75 since its inception in 1975. It is a design that is known everywhere. It makes sense that ASG would bring out a BB pistol to celebrate the success and rich history of the gun. But that’s not why I am reviewing it today.

I am reviewing this pistol because Bob Li, of Action Sport Games (ASG), told me about his personal CZ 75. In fact, he raved about it all throughout the show! You guys call me the Great Enabler, but the same thing happens to me when I get around other gun guys. And Bob’s enthusiasm was infectious.

I told you this in Part 5 of the 2018 SHOT Show report. I also showed you a picture of the gun.

I saw the BB pistol I’m reviewing in the ASG booth, and it was a pip, but Bob’s description of the CZ 75 went far beyond that. It went so far that before I returned to Texas I vowed to get a CZ 75 firearm for myself and test it in conjunction with the test of this BB pistol. And that is exactly what I did.

I shopped for the best deal on a CZ 75 SP-01 so I’d have something close to compare with the BB pistol, but in the process I mentioned by search to Johnny Hill of Weatherford Pawn — my FFL dealer of choice. He told me of a special sale that Sarco was running in which I could buy a used 9mm CZ 75 for just $250, instead of the $550 and more I would have to pay for a new gun. Well, I jumped at that, and so did my gun buddy, Otho. These were guns that were turned in by an Israeli security company when they purchased new sidearms. They were all in very good or better condition, though I have to admit that mine had not been cleaned since it was last fired.

The BB pistol (top) looks more realistic than the CZ 75 firearm. It’s also 11.5 ounces heavier.

So what?

I’m telling you this because I will be testing the firearm alongside the BB pistol in this series. You heard me right — I will test a firearm at the same time I’m testing its lookalike BB pistol! And it doesn’t end there!

ASG also sent me a Kydex quick draw paddle holster with the pistol, and I intend using it for this training. I’m not just going to shoot these two guns together, I’m going to practice with them both and try to describe to you how it feels to have a lookalike BB pistol I can shoot anywhere to train for my firearm.


Now you know why I wrote about the Dust Devil BBs on Tuesday. Yes, I can test anywhere, because Dust Devils make it safe to shoot BB guns against hard reactionary targets — the very kind you need to shoot for real practice with a defense weapon.

The BB pistol

I have so much more to say about this training concept, but this day is about the BB pistol, so let’s begin our look. The SP-01 Shadow is a top of the line variation of the CZ 75, and the BB pistol is no exception. It’s quite large, at an overall length of 8.2 inches and an unloaded weight of 41 oz. The firearm it copies weighs 46.5 oz. But this BB pistol actually weighs more than the unloaded weight of my lightweight CZ 75 firearm that comes in at 29.5 oz.

The designers went out of their way to give as much realism as possible, so some things on this pistol need explaining (or ‘splainin’, as Ricky Ricardo would say). Most of it revolves around the magazine that also houses the CO2 cartridge.

It’s a stick mag that, in a huge twist of irony, holds the same number of BBs as the firearm magazine holds 9mm cartridges. Seventeen BBs fit into the mag, and they are loaded at the base of the follower slot. That’s not obvious until you read the manual.

ASG-SP-01-pistol mag
The SP-01 mag loads through a tiny enlargement at the bottom of the follower slot (arrow) The floorplate comes off when a button is pressed (two arrows) clearing the way to install the CO2 cartridge

The mag floorplate is removed by pressing in a small button for access to the CO2 cartridge cap. The cap is screwed in place by a large Allen wrench provided with the gun. Once the floorplate is back on you cannot see where the CO2 goes in.

Adjustable rear sight

The rear sight adjusts for windage. This is similar to the firearm it copies.

Front sight

As mentioned above, the front sight is a red fiberoptic. That is identical to the 9mm firearm front sight. How the makers get away with that on a firearm that sells for $1,200 is a mystery to me!

Full blowback

More realism is felt when you fire. The heavy metal slide is blown all the way back for a good feeling of recoil.

Single action and double action

You carry the firearm with 17 rounds in the mag and one in the chamber. It has a double action trigger for the first shot. After that it’s single action until all 18 rounds are gone. Then the slide locks open, telling you to reload. Both trigger pulls are light and smooth. Same for the BB pistol, except for the round in the chamber.

All controls are real

Everything on this pistol works as it should. The slide release doubles as the takedown pin and the pistol comes apart easier than my firearm. The slide and frame even have the takedown marks for disassembly. The safety is ambidextrous, and wide enough for the thumb to ride on during firing. The magazine release is a button on the left side of the frame that works smoothly and the magazine is a drop-free type. This is a handgun for quick tactical work.


The grips are molded soft rubber with diamonds that really grip the hand. I wish my firearm grip was as well contoured, but it is a concealed piece and something was given up for a thin profile.


If you are looking for realism in a BB gun, look at this one closely. It costs more because it delivers more.

That’s all for today, but know that I am bursting at the seams to keep quiet, because I have fired the firearm already. When we get to the accuracy report I will show you both handguns! Until them, stay tuned!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

78 thoughts on “ASG CZ75 SP-01 Shadow BB pistol: Part 1”

  1. B.B.

    The one review on Pyramid’s website says that the paint flakes easily and “All the bb’s shoot out of the top of the clip “, whatever that means.
    Do you know what he is talking about?


      • I’ll explain. That was my review and I am now expecting a 3rd pistol to be sent to me. Will be my last try with this gun.

        The magazine will not hold the bb’s. When you pull back the follower, pour in the bb’s, all 17 or even less, then let go of the follower, the top of the magazine will not hold them in place. It’s too big. The follower pushes out all the bb’s through the top of the magazine as soon as you release it. Bb’s fly out everywhere. This happened with both pistols. At first I thought the first one was defective but when I got my replacement it did the exact same thing. I was actually able to get the bb’s to hold in once with the second pistol but then the clip wouldn’t secure in without first racking back the slide. The first pistol had a very weak slide catch release as well and the slide would shoot forward as soon as you eject the clip.

        And yes the paint scratches easy but this is the case with most air pistols anyways.

        I can tell from the picture of the Airgun they sent you that they gave you the magazine for the original cz 75 Airgun. The buttplate is squared off in the front, not tapered like the sp01 buttplate. I noticed this because I ordered the cz 75 extra magazine to hopefully alleviate these issues when I get my 3rd pistol from pyramyd air.

        • hobbyman77,

          Welcome to the blog.

          Thank you for joining us on this report! When I read your review I understood what you were saying, but were you loading the BBs through the hole in the follower slot thatI showed in this report? I ask because they don’t exactly pour in there. It sounded like you were loading the mag at the top. I tried that, and mine is too tight for a BB to pass through. That’s when I read the manual. I think that’s good news for this pistol I’m testing, but I would like to know if you loaded the same way as me.

          I will watch for the paint scratching. I’m going to use the holster they sent me, and that should do it, if it’s going to happen.

          Thanks for writing and keep me honest in this series!


          • All good and I am an avid reader of your blog. Yes I loaded the bb’s same way as you did, never from the top. I have been waiting to get this pistol since announced at the shot show this year and I have to import them so back to back lemons can be frustrating.

            • I will just clarify, I said ‘pour’ because i have my own B.B. loader that I made with a pen shaft and medicine bottle that is perfect for B.B. magazines. I just hold back the follower and they roll one by one into the magazine through the port. I load all my BB guns this way as I am always afraid to push them through the top and damage the magazine.

              • Hobbyman77,
                Think you could post a pic of that bb loader? Sounds very interesting. I have tried the bb “funnels” and loaders, but haven’t found one to work very well. So I usually just end up feeding them one by one.


                • My pleasure! It is wrapped in clear tape to prevent the plastic from cracking and the yellow tape is a makeshift fill line. Its been going strong for about a year. Not perfect but definitely better than the umarex loader which I also have and better than loading by hand. Simply tip and pour. Be careful of followers that lock back, I accidentally touched one with the tip of the loader and it shot forward and cracked the pen shaft, thats why I just hold the follower in place.

                  I made it by slowly drilling a tiny hole in the medicine bottle going up one drill bit in size till it matched the diameter of the pen shaft. Pen shaft I just sawed down to desirable length. After some light sanding, I just put in the pen shaft flush and set it with crazy glue. After that dried I layered the outside with gorilla glue, which expands, and coloured it black with a marker with some black electric tape wrapped around the bottom mostly to prevent the bottle from breaking if I ever dropped it. This will work with any plastic bottle but medicine bottle I find is the best choice because of the child lock top which again prevents losing all the bb’s by accidentally taking the top off or dropping it.

                    • I just noticed I contradicted myself by calling my loader perfect in the morning and not perfect by afternoon. Guess it depends on the time of day lol!

                    • Hobbyman77
                      Notice a void between the two BBs in the tube and the medicine bottle. Did you catch a photo moment before another BB slid down or do you have to shake the bottle some for it to continue to pour. Nothing I have encountered has ever let BBs pour without a ‘Log jam’ developing and stopping the flow.
                      Surely there is a design possible to allow a free flow of BBs.

                      Bob M

                    • Hey Bob M,

                      Yes you have to shake to pour the majority of the time when the bottle is that full. Its less of a ‘shake’ and more of a ’tilt back then tilt forward’ to get them to come out. From half empty and less it will flow much smoother but, I find that sometimes too many bb’s will roll out and make a mess so I find the tilt and pour the lesser of two evils. I have had some spectacular clumsy moments pouring out too many bb’s so I keep it pretty full.

                      This can be a good thing because it can be tricky to get the right amount of bb’s in the magazine. Some magazines are not so forgiving if you put in too many bb’s, the Gletcher Makarov is a good example of this.

                      I once made a plastic funnel to go inside the bottle, much like a silo, to help the bb’s roll out more consistently but as sound as the theory was, it didn’t work at all.

                  • Hobbyman77,

                    That is very nice. I have used a pellet pen and found it to be awkward and not very precise in operation. Thank you for the nice pictures. Pictures are always a nice treat.

                    Welcome to the blog too,…. Chris

                    Since you are an “avid reader”,… I do not have to “sell you” on how great the blog is or how great the people are,… you already know. 😉

                    • Thank you, there is some excellent discussion generated from these articles. I started checking the blog regularly after the HW45 (Beeman P1) write ups, an air pistol that consistently fascinates and challenges me.
                      I honestly didn’t think I’d start posting as the result of a salty, reactionary review I left a week ago though lol.

        • Also, the sp01 mag has two indents that you must press in to take the buttplate off, the original cz 75 magazine, as you have pictured, has only one. Someone must be aware of the problem because you did not get the magazine I had gotten with both pistols.

  2. BB
    I know you are color blind because we talked about it before.

    So I’m bringing that up because the picture at the beginning of the blog has a green fiber optic.

    Or do you mean the ones they are shipping are now red like the firearm instead of green like the picture shows.

    • Top picture shows a green front sight, but the next photo with both the BB gun and the firearm show the front sight to be red. What gives? The second also shows the opposite side of the BB gun.


      • Desert Rat Caver,

        When I first noticed the switch from Green to Red tubes my first thought was Position Lights on aircraft and the floaty things! Then I quickly realized they are also reversed from Starboard GREEN Port RED.
        So much for that theory. Would help shooters that do not know their right from their left during drills.


      • O.K. Now I understand now.

        I’m dealing with extreme sciatic nerve pain. I’m getting treated for it, but still sorting-out the right pain medication that works.

        Take care everyone. John

      • BB
        Ok so the top picture which is the link to the Pyramyd AIR page. It is basically a picture of the gun with the wrong color front sight.

        The other picture of your pistol and I guess the bb version your testing actually has the red sight.

        So basically Pyramyd AIR needs to update the picture of the pistol on thier web page to a pistol with the red sight.

        • GF1,

          And the way the trigger is shown. That thing looks plain ridiculous. Maybe photo croppers also need to be air gun shooters as well as the designers of air guns. That thing reminds me of those false feet/legs that people get when they have lost a lower leg. Blade Runners I think they call them?

        • Here is how it works. Pyramyd AIR uses the hundreds of thousands of file photos of products sent to them by the manufacturers. That saves them a lot of time.

          They also take their own pictures of products that don’t have pictures, or they take views that are not in the file photos. That keeps a photographer working 8 hours a day, five days a week, and he or she will always have a huge backlog. They are also taking the images and massaging them in PhotoShop for new packaging, ads, catalogs and other things.

          Changing the color of one fiberoptic sight is probably not on their high priority list. Until I ran this test they were probably not even aware there was a discrepancy. They will now put it on a long list of things to do when they get the time.


          • BB
            I can relate to that. Sounds like our work order repair log at work. It is what it is. Work that needs done.

            And if I remember right if a person reports a discrepancy to Pyramyd AIR you get some bullseye bucks or something. It’s been a while. I forget how that works. I’ll have to look it up again.

  3. B.B.,

    For you to get this excited, it must really be something. From the picture of the firearm and bb gun, I would not have guessed that the 2 were related. Shows how much I know I guess.

    In the top picture and in the ad on the PA site, the trigger looks quite thin and looks to be hanging off a piece of spring wire. Your picture (with the firearm), shows different and looks to be the way it actually is. Perhaps the PA pic is a victim of photo shop.

    Good Day to you and to all,….. Chris

      • B.B.,

        Unless I missed something, I said nothing of the sights. I thought that you had clarified that well. I did mention how the trigger looked in the top pic and the PA pic. Also, how the firearm and the bb pistol pictured together looked like they were not related. But like I said too, I am no expert on pistols either.


    • Chris USA,

      The very thin trigger is an optical illusion cause by the metallic trigger on a white background. Caption says red while the picture shows green. Could be a byproduct of image enhancement.


      • Siraniko,

        That would have been my guess too. For anyone not seeing this blog, I am not sure what they would think of that thin trigger hanging on a wire.

    • Gerald,

      Yes, I think it will be. I haven’t told you everything about my CZ 75 yet, but it is a lightweight variant with a synthetic frame. It wasn’t even made by the Czechs. It was made under license by the Israeli firm of IMI. But there are plenty of 1911 clones made all over the world, so my gun is as much a CZ 74 as those clones are 1911s.


  4. Good morning all!

    Nice pistols, not my thing but I can appreciate a well made piece.

    Have a pet peeve… Wish that the manufacturers could dispense with the “Read Owner’s Manual” and other labels that really detract from the look of the gun. It may be a legal requirement but couldn’t they tone it down a bit?


  5. This is my CZ75B, refinished with Aluma-hyde. It’s Czech made, also purchased as a used gun from Bud’s. More accurate than my Glock. Although it is somewhat heavy (2 lb 11 oz loaded with 16 rounds), there is nothing about it that I don’t like. A great gun!

    • Jerry,

      Okay — talk to me. My CZ 75 is actually a Cherokee Bul, made by IMI in Israel under license. I think I bought the wrong gun, because mine kicks pretty hard and is not the pleasure the Bob Li described. So — talk to me. Accuracy, ergonomics, etc. You know the stuff I like.


      • The main difference would be the all-steel frame. The mass of all that steel, and the distribution of the weight (slightly longer) help a lot with recoil. The CZ75B is a version with a trigger block, pretty commonly found.

        My friend Paul B wanted to get one of these for IDPA competition, where I understand this pistol is renowned. He found a deal on used guns at Bud’s (European police issued), ordered two, and did some work with spring replacement, action polishing, plus some trigger work. He applied the new finish (baked on polymer) on mine, replaced the issue rubber grips with Pachmayrs, and added new front sights. Everyone who has seen or handled mine likes it.

        We had a fun plinking session with my nephew and some young men firing various guns. I had set up some clay pigeons on a dead tree 35-40 yards out, and one friend was trying the CZ. When he took aim at those (instead of closer paper), I commented that was pretty far out. He proceeded to hit 3/5 at that distance. Turns out, he is an experienced pistol shooter, but I was amazed. And as I said, my CZ is more accurate for me than the G19.

        My gun fits my hand perfectly, and although it is heavy, the accuracy is there. I have gotten some 16 round Mec-gar magazines, and have had no feed issues with any rounds. I like the 124 gr rounds best.

        I think the SP01 variant would be better for carry, but for that purpose there is Glock perfection. 😉

        There is a very good YouTube review of this gun at:
        and an encyclopedic article at:

        • Jerry,

          Thanks, that is exactly what I wanted!

          I have been cruising Gun Broker, looking at the various models. For carry I think my Cherokee Bul can’t be beat. But I wanted to compare apples to apples in this series, and every 75 owner I have talked to has raved about the gun. It’s like a 1911 that I never heard of. I like the B, the BO and the Omega (which may be a BO). The Omega allows for swapping the safety with the decocker and also allows for trigger work, so I am considering it.

          What I haven’t yet told anyone is I’m buying a Sig 365 to replace my Micro Desert Eagle carry gun. Sig is about to come out with a BB pistol version of that gun, and I want to test them both. I will carry the firearm in an ankle holster.

          Besides the blogs, I will also write a feature on these guns for Firearms News, thereby offsetting the cost a little.


    • Yes, a polymer coating from Brownells. Mine is “Parkerized grey” color. You need to meticulously prep the surface to be coated, and spray on with good technique. It needs to be baked on. Seems very durable. Paul said it was a lot of work to apply.

      • JerryC,

        They have an Aluma-Hyde II that does not need to be baked, but you have to let it cure for about a week. I used to use it on old Mossberg target scopes that I rebuilt. Really good stuff.

  6. B.B.,

    I see that while this has ambidextrous safeties, nice, the magazine release is located in a place hazardous for lefties. I started to pay attention to that yesterday when I decided after reading your description of Glocks that I would continue to read about Glocks online. I learned that with its “Gen4” Glock has made their mag releases reversible for lefties.

    I’ve decided I like an ambidextrous mag release on the trigger-guard a la contemporary Walthers. (Hey, I said something positive about Walther! :^) Nevertheless, I can see why having the mag release a short stretch for the thumb is the more common way of doing it.


  7. I bought the P 07 BB gun. I wanted to train with it since I have the CZ firearm, but was disappointed that it was single action only. That was a deal killer and I returned it. So why would they make this one SA / DA and the P 07 SA only?

    St. Louis

  8. B.B.,
    Looking closely at the picture of the pistol on the PyramydAir site, it appears like the front sight is pinned on.
    If so, do you think it could be removed to replace it with a more traditional sight (if desired)? Thank you.

    It looks like you have all the makings for a very interesting review; I like the idea of testing the actual firearm alongside its airgun replica. =>

    On an unrelated note, I have a Sheridan intermount that I hogged out so the back of it sits flush with the front of the loading port on a standard C-model. If I could have gotten a Beeman SS1 scope (I tried, but never found anyone that would part with one), it might have worked better on my rifle. For a while, it was on a scoped Sheridan pistol with a folding stock. For the last 30+ years, it’s been in one drawer or another. If you think it might be of use to you in future airgun testing, I’ll gladly mail it to you (just shoot me an email at thedavemyster@gmail.com ). I figure it might allow you to scope, or put a red dot, on an airgun for accuracy testing…I’d rather see it in “B.B.’s tool box” than back in “dave’s drawer,” hahaha. =>

  9. Following up on the tooltime blog…I don’t know if you would consider this a tool but I’ve fastened a couple of scope rails to guns using J-B Weld and so far not a hint of trouble, even on a magnum Springer. It’s hands-down the best epoxy adhesive I’ve ever used.

    • Brent,
      You’re right; J-B Weld is great!
      I’ve used it to repair iron sights on guns, and I even used it to fix a 6-inch slit (from a very sharp rock) in the bottom of our 14-foot aluminum v-hull. The repair held for the next few years, until I sold the boat, and is still holding up for the guy who bought it…cool stuff!
      take care,

    • Brent,
      I love J-B Weld. Not really sure what it is, but it works. I have a crack in the bottom of our shower (fiberglass?). I filled it with J-B Weld. It was still holding 20 + yrs later after we sold the house. It dried a darker color. I never have tired to paint it. Wish it came in colors 🙂


    • Yes, I’ve used J-B weld to reattach the outside mirror back on my grand daughter’s car. It held great and never came off as long as she had the car. She later totaled that car…but the mirror was still intact and survived the crash. It’s very good stuff for doing repairs on metal.

  10. B.B., when I posted my comment earlier I had just read the article, but not all the comments. Now, with a keyboard instead of an iPhone, may I add some info?

    A friend wanted a gun that I had and offered to trade me his CZ 82 (9X18). I was indifferent toward the CZ until I took it to the range. It proved to be well made, accurate, and I really liked the option to carry with one in the chamber and hammer down. When drawn, there is no safety to remember to release…just pull thru the first shot double action and it’s single action the rest of the way thru the magazine. Unfortunately, the steel frame makes is pretty heavy for the little gun that it is. Never-the-less, I liked the SA / DA option better than a striker fired pistol carried with the safety on or carrying one in the chamber and the hammer back with the safety on (1911 and clones). CZ had my attention.

    Sometime after that I had a chance to purchase a like-new CZ 75 P 07. Polymer frame makes it lighter. It still has the slide-inside-the-frame construction that allows CZ to get the barrel down lower and minimizes felt recoil (even on the polymer frame models!). The P 07 is smaller than the P-01 so I found it more adapted to CCW. Yeah, you lose some magazine capacity (P 01 = 20 rounds, P 07 = 15 rounds, but if you’ve not hit whatever after 15 rounds maybe you should just throw the gun and run?). After a trip or two to the range I must say I am delighted with the P 07!!! I have experience with everything from a Taurus PT111 thru a .45 Glock, so I didn’t fall in love with the first girl that I met!

    Later still I was able to purchase the CZ-manufactured .22 LR conversion kit for my P 07, so less expensive practice was possible, tho still requiring a trip to the range. The conversion kit works very well and the accuracy is excellent. Once again, I’m delighted with my third CZ product acquisition!

    So, with all that, when I noticed the P 07 BB pistol on the Pyramid Air site I thought this was the ultimate set of training tools…BB (to practice with at home), .22 LR, and the “real” thing in 9 mm Luger. Unfortunately, the “dual tone” P 07 that I ordered proved to be single action only when I received it. It was returned because I really wanted the option to pull it from the holster and have the first shot be DA like the firearm.

    I called Pyramid today to see if there was a SA / DA version of the BB pistol. They told me that the non-blowback model was DA ONLY. The all black blowback model was DA only also. But, the dual tone is SA only, which makes no sense to me. Why would the black blowback model be DA and the dual tone be SA?

    Then I read this article and find out that the P 01 BB pistol, almost the same gun as the P 07 BB pistols, is SA / DA BOTH??? Why am I confused??


    St. Louis, MO

  11. Speaking of J-B Weld I used it to repair a water leak ‘inside’ my engine head ‘ exhaust’ port and a pinhole leak on a carburetor float where it sits in gas. An outstanding invention.

    So has P/A or ASG decided to back track and use an older mag on new issues or plan to correct the design. Sounds like a Recall or free swap is the correct thing to do here.
    I couldn’t pass up a chance to try to fix it by peening it if metal or melting it if plastic myself.

    I’ve been looking at some CZs lately and this one is up for consideration, but not without a verified correction to the mag situation. Decided to start selling off my stuff, soon, but these outstanding replicas are hard to pass up for a collector.

    Perhaps ASG has accepted the motto, ” 60 % of the time it works all the time ” Sounds like something Yogi Berra would have said for sure.

    • Bob,

      When I taught at the US Army Armor School at Ft. Knox we had a story about a guy repairing a caterpillar crankcase with J-B Weld in a middle eastern desert. The repair held as long as he ran it, which was moer than a year.


      • BB
        You know I was blissfully ignorant of the fact that there was a procedure to follow as a teacher until the Navy put me through LMET ( Leadership, Management, Education and Training ) and Instructor School.
        It changed the whole way I judge peoples behavior everywhere, especially in supervisory positions.

        It’s unfortunate that schools fail to educate kids in the realities of life for financial and professional success. I just had to explain how a checking account, debit card and credit card work to a 21 year old.
        Bob M

        • Bob,

          Let’s see if I got it right. As long as there are checks in the book, I can write them — right? 😉

          And credit cards are no problem. Just use them until someone won’t give yours back. That’s your limit.


        • Bob,

          The US Navy must have changed the name of the course from Leadership-Management-Effectiveness-Training after I got out, Lol

          The one bit of training that effected me most was a John Paul Jones’ quote:. Enlistedmen are sly devious and cunning; and bear close watching at all times! He must have known what he was talking about; shipped out of Scotland as an ble bodied seaman while just a teen. I need sailors with ll those attributes and with a lot of smarts…it made it easier to get our missions done with all of us usually coming home. The very best measure of Effectiveness.


          • Shootski
            LMET- It was Education, however in verifying it I noticed that I should not have put a comma between Management Education. I retired from the Navy in 1988. They may have changed the name and course material over time.
            It makes sense. That portion dealt with the various types of leadership and which one would be more ” Effective ” in a given situation if I remember correctly.
            The training wasn’t that widespread at the time. I spent my last ten years as an active duty reservist training “Weekend Warriors” and throughout the week we were always short handed so I had to function as a Division Chief and Squadron Duty Officer on occasion.
            Bob M

            • Bob M,

              Thank you for your service and sacrifice Shipmate.
              I wore a Master Chief’s insignia under my shirt collar.
              I decided to retire in 1992 in order to get to be with my kids and wife more than 3 months out of every 12. Our VQ-1&2 Squadrons were very busy during the Cold War.


      • B.B.,

        I guess that is the difference between the Soviet experience in that part of the world and us! Hollywood did a movie IIRC it was tittled Tank and they had coolant leakage…no JBWeld at hand…horrible outcome for the crew and commander running only on the oil as both coolant and lubricant.


        • Shootski
          I asked on yesterday’s blog if you had any pictures of your air guns and what sight set ups you had on them. Haven’t seen a reply yet.

          Was curious to see since you have talked alot about sights and other things. As they say. Every picture tells a story.

          • Gunfun1,

            I’m a shooter not a photographer..sir!
            When I need a photograph of one of my pieces to explain my point I will use one.
            I stopped doing Show and Tell in grade school.

            I trust you take my meaning.

            Warm regards,

            • Shootski
              Oh and here is my reply to you the other day that I was referring to.

              May 31, 2018 at 2:52 am
              I definitely enjoy shooting. And even more fun with my 20 and 17 year old daughters. Taught them when they was in their single digits years still. Kind of following family tradition like when my dad taught me and my brother. We was around 7 years old when we learned. Just what happens when you live in the country on a farm.

              And I forgot to mention after the video pointed it out also. I do like that with open sights and dot and peep sights that the hold over, hold under factor like whay you need with scopes disappears some what. Easier to stay in a given kill zone without compensating with holds with the dot, peep and open sights.

              And you mentioned your air guns you have. How do you have them set up for sights. If you got any pictures you should post them. I would like to see them. And how well do they shoot at different distances. Do you make you a cheat sheet with your holds written down. That’s what that piece of tape is on the Maximus scope. I have the holds written on the tape for some different distances. Got to many guns to remember each of their holds. ”

              So why your comment about grade school?

  12. BB
    Just realized there is a plastic version of this pistol that sells for $45.00 and it apparently has the same 21 round mag that was to come with yours here and there is no mention of problems in a review.
    I do see that although the picture of this pistol on the P/A sight shows the contoured mag it states it only has a 17 round capacity so they must have substituted the regular CZ-75 mag already. Perhaps they did the swap with the plastic pistol as well and just did not get around to replacing the pictures with the square off 17 round mag?
    Bob M

  13. Cobrajockey,

    If you scroll up on this page of comments, reader Jerry Cupples has posted a picture of his CZ 75B. On Gun Broker the 75B is one of the most common types of the gun.

    I don’t know enough about the Taiwanese BB guns to comment.


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