by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
Diana Stormrider Generation II precharged pneumatic air rifle.
Stormrider Gen 1 Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
This report covers:
- Open sights
- The test
- Sight-in
- Crosman Premier Heavy
- JSB Exact Beast
- RWS Superdome
- H&N Baracuda Match with 4.53mm head
- JSB Exact Heavy
- Summary
Last week reader Krasi asked me when I would do Part 3 of the Gen. II Diana Stormrider. I had to be honest with him — I had totally forgotten it! It’s sitting here in my office and I never gave it a second thought. So, today I make up for the oversight and start reporting the accuracy of the Gen. II Stormrider.
Open sights
The Stormrider has good-looking open sights and I wanted to try them first. It’s a very good thing I did, which I will discuss in a moment.
The test
I shot off a rest at 10 meters. I shot 5-shot groups that gave a rough idea of the accuracy and also allowed me to test more pellets. I decided that if there was a pellet that was particularly accurate I would also shoot a group of 10 with that one.
Part 2 told us how many good shots to expect from a fill (17 that were really tight and probably a good 20-25 shots in all, depending on the range), so I did refill the rifle during the test. And I was careful not to go over 2900 psi on each fill.
Here is an interesting part of this report. I noticed that the front sight was glued on to the barrel with a tilt to the left, which means the shots will go to the right. I sighted-in with Crosman Premier Heavys. Let me show the sight-in group and then discuss it.
The first 4 shots are the vertical string on the right that begins at the top and moves down. I adjusted the rear sight down and to the left for each shot. The bullseye that you can barely see on the left was the aim point.
The Stormrider was shooting too high and too far to the right. I adjusted the rear sight down and to the left. That’s the first string of 4 on the right. The last of the first 4 shots was shot with the sight adjusted as low as it would go. Then I cranked it as far to the left as it would go and the next 8 shots or so were fired without further adjustment. That’s the group that is to the left of the vertical string.
The open sights on the rifle I’m testing cannot be adjusted to the point of aim at 10 meters. I doubt they will ever get to the point of aim at any distance. I’m still going to finish this test, though, because it will show us which pellets are good and which are not. I can use that information in the next test. So, let’s get started.
Crosman Premier Heavy
My first group was shot with Premiers Heavys. Five shots went into 0.462-inches at 10 meters. The group is not bad but it’s a little too open for my tastes.
Five Crosman Premier Heavy pellets went into 0.462-inches at 10 meters.
JSB Exact Beast
Next I tried 5 JSB Exact Beast domes. These super-heavy .177 caliber pellets weigh 16.2 grains. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they are accurate, because the Stormrider Gen II is a reasonably powerful PCP. Heavy pellets do well in powerful PCPs.
Five pellets went into 0.307-inches at 10 meters. I’d call that a good group!
Five JSB Exact Beasts made this 0.307-inch group. Yeah — I’d call that a good one!
RWS Superdome
Next to be tested were 5 RWS Superdomes. They made a group that measures 0.376-inches between centers at 10 meters. It’s another really good group.
Five RWS Superdomes made this 0.376-inch group at 10 meters. Another good pellet!
H&N Baracuda Match with 4.53mm head
Next up were 5 H&N Baracuda Match with 4.53mm heads. I had to link to 4.52mm heads because Pyramyd AIR was out of the 4.53mm heads when I wrote this report. These gave a vertical group that measures 0.679-inches between centers. That’s not as small as I would like.
Baracuda Match pellets with 4.53mm heads went into 0.679-inches at 10 meters.
JSB Exact Heavy
We have come to the last pellet I tested — the 10.34-grain JSB Exact Heavy dome. The heavier Beast was very accurate. How would these do? Not so well, as it turned out. Five made an open group measuring 0.902-inches between centers at 10 meters — the biggest group of the test! This is definitely not the right pellet for the Stormrider Gen. II.
Five JSB Exact Heavy pellets made this 0.902-inch group at 10 meters.
Okay, which pellet should I select for the 10-shot group? I don’t think there is any contest; the JSB Exact Beast wins the honor, hands down. That said, I was getting tired by this time and my concentration failed on the final shot of the 10-shot group. I called a pull to the left on that shot, which opened a 0.612 nine-shot group into 0.843-inches for ten.
I pulled the last shot to the left and 0.612-inches for 9 became 0.843-inches for 10.
We learned a lot on this test. First, the open sights on this rifle, while nice to look through, are not mounted correctly on this example and cannot be sighted-in. Next, we found the JSB Exact Beast to be a very accurate pellet in the Stormrider. The RWS Superdome isn’t far behind and even the Crosman Premier Heavy is worth consideration.
I want to try the Stormrider with the UTG Micro Reflex dot sight dot sight next. The small size of both the rifle and the sight looks like a winning combination to me.
I also want to try it with a scope. Something like a Bug Buster comes to mind, but after I see how it does with the dot sight I’ll decide.
So there is a lot more story to tell. I’ll try not to let so much time pass before the next one.
My rememberer is poor and always has been. But I think on these guns the set screws on the barrel can be loosened up and the barrel rotated. There is a dimple that is used to index the barrel so it may not match up with the sight or the set screw is not in the dimple. Either way I think the barrel can be rotated to align the front sight.
I believe your right about the barrel. Should be a simple fix.
Thank you! I will look into that and correct it if I can.
I was not sure about the transfer port. I did not remember it being in the barrel. That would be an issue. Maybe it is off also?
I will look carefully before I do anything.
Only issue with barrel rotation, the inlet port shifts as well. That said after working with many of the SPA’s in this configuration its not uncommon that the alignment is off a bit anyway….
In which way? Is there a air transfer port hole in the barrel that won’t line up any more? If so that could drop velocity or maybe not even go together. A Discovery or Maximus won’t because the transfer port orafice won’t fit in the barrel correct anymore if you rotate the barrel.
Yes short answer is the divot on the top the set screw engages can be shifted and or ignored to rotate the barrel. That said the port hole alignment may no longer be fully open. Only one of perhaps a dozen I have had apart was grossly off. In its case they simply missed the perpindicularity of the alignment divot to the port hole. It’s one of the issues I have seen with Chinese assembly. In many cases I suspect the people who are “on the line” don’t realy know or understand what they are making and what is therefore critical. It’s no ment as a knock on Asian goods per say just as simply a universal problem with QC practices (Yay Ed Deming).
Thanks for the answer.
Maybe BB doesn’t want to turn his barrel.
On the other hand if it misaligns the transfer port that would reduce velocity but should up shot count. That could be a hidden way to tune that gun to your liking. Definitely faster than changing a transfer power orafice in a Crosman/Benjamin gun.
Of course that will affect the front sight to rear sight alignment as was already said. But that don’t matter if your putting a scope or dot sight on it anyway.
I think I like that the barrel can be rotated like that.
Huklebery, not to be a nitpicker, but I believe you meant to say “per se.”
Sorry, man; I had 4 years of Latin hammered into me in school…
…and all these years later, my brain still hurts, haha! =)~
We all have issues don’t be layin your romance issues on me man…. 😉
“…don’t be layin your romance issues on me…”
Good one, man! =>
Oh my! Look at what the Limeys have gone and done.
This sure would go nice with a Webley MK VI.
Oh my!
Yep that’s cool.
Oh the PURE HORROR of it!!!!
It causes me FLASHBACKS to The GRINDER!!!! SHUDDER!!! The hours and hours spent drilling with that piece until every part of the Manual of Arm’s came automatically…
Jokingly given…sort of…if it doesn’t balance the very same as the real thing I won’t be interested!
NOT the Diana Stormrider Gen II
It was a weak joke about the Lee Enfield!
You just murdered it TOTALLY! Lol!
We had to have been there.
Thanks for testing this rifle. It might be my first PCP if it works out. It looks like it would be easy to fill with a hand pump. Unless I bought a compressor, its the only way to fill a PCP where I live.
Big Iron,
It is a personal thing, but I would be more inclined to go with the Benji Maximus as a firster. With a lower fill pressure and all kinds of aftermarket upgrades…
Like I said, just me.
Big Iron,
Also, take a gander at the Gamo Urban PCP. It’s manufactured in the UK by BSA and basically a rebranded BSA Buccaneer. Very good quality and super accurate. I fill mine with a hand pump to 3000 psi no problem. You can find it on sale for $200-$250.
Thanks Guys! I’ll take a look at them.
Big Iron,
I have the Maximus in .22 and love it. I would however lean towards the Fortitude if doing it again. Or the Urban like Geo suggest. The Fortitude is regulated, which you will find out is a nice feature, plus a repeater. At this moment, not sure if the Urban is regulated or not. I do like the stock/pistol grip on the Urban better, but I do not have one. Keep us posted on what you decide.
Hi Chris,
The Urban is not regulated but the valve is finely tuned. If you look at the reviews that show the graph of the power curve, it is quite flat for 20-25 shots if the reservoir is not filled to the 3365 psi max. Filling to 2900 psi is just about right to get good consistent shots. Regulator not really needed on this one. Shot my first starling from my feeders the other day. Spring is almost here 🙂
The early shot stringing after a fill to 2900psi was it climbing or desending. I’m certain you would remember a climbing string since we typically anticipate desending stringing…unless it is an overfilled Big Bore, Lol
The reason I ask is it may tie in to the front sight and (potential) transfer port misalignment. If it isn’t just the tilted sight at issue only you really ought to redo this part of the testing since the validity of all the group sizes is seriously compromised if the TP was partially blocked.
My opinion given for you to do as you will! It is clearly the DT&E tester in me talking to the OT&E type when I suspected their methods and results!!!! I’m glad you are on the side of the smarter (fairer) OT&E types!
Off subject.
Needed some more pellets for the Bullmaster of course. 🙂
But made a pellet order today with the St. Patrick’s day sale PA is having going on. And…….
I ordered my Air Venturi TR5. It’s not in stock yet. But had to do it. They say the 25th of this month. I hope so.
And I know getting ahead of myself. I think this will be my TIAT test gun. Hopefully I won’t need it. But If it makes it even smoother and shoots great. What the hey. 🙂
Since this has a moderator? on the front, is the front sight glued crooked to the moderator,… or,… is that square, but the barrel rotated? Or, the barrel is indexed correctly, but the moderator and/or front sight is glued on/indexed wrong,.. in relation to the rear sight. I also assume the moderator is glued on.
Whatever the case, a bit unsettling. A front sight indexed wrong to the rear and/or (maybe) also the barrel indexed wrong to the transfer port, possibly causing a restriction.
Good evening to you and to all,……… Chris
I will have to look into it.
BB, The original Stormrider has three setscrews on the top of the breech that hold the barrel. The center one engages a divot drilled conically to center the barrel. I don’t know if Gen 2 uses the same barrel fastening, but i think it probable.
The new barrel bands have two clamping screws. You might be able to move it left there, or if you have an extra add one towards the muzzle. Also, tightening the barrel band hold down screw might bring POI down.
Looking forward to the scoped accuracy tests!