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Air Guns Bear Archery Whitetail Max, Sharing May Not Be Right!

Bear Archery Whitetail Max, Sharing May Not Be Right!

older man with arms stretched to show his "wingspan"
What’s Your Wingspan or Reach?

Killer Instinct SWAT X1 On Hold

While I’m practicing to take my Killer Instinct SWAT X1 into the woods to hopefully harvest a wild hog, let’s chat about something that came up recently concerning compound bows. 

This topic covers many conversations, “Sharing May Not Be Right”. Have I already confused you? One of my earlier blogs, I told you, “Don’t Be a Jerk! Share the Sport!” I assure you, I am not contradicting myself. Some things are near impossible to share. A great example are shoes. If you wear a size thirteen and your nine year old daughter wears a size one in girls, she’ll be able to put her feet in your shoes, (most likely both of them in one), but walking may be a feat (lol that was good). On the other hand, or should I say foot, your feet going into her shoes, not a chance! 

All Are Not Created Equal

Unless it’s a group of people with the same wingspan and same strength, sharing may not be right. I give you permission to say, “Get your own bow!” Okay maybe not that enthusiastically. It would be kind of you to explain to them why, and even point them in the right direction to get their own Bear Archery Whitetail Max and have it set to their draw length, then they can tell you the same thing you told them, “Get your own bow!” 

Why does draw length matter so much? It is based on an individual’s wingspan or reach, it is crucial in the archery world. When I entered my first archery shop, they directed me to the wall where there was a large ruler. I was told to face the wall and extend both arms. They measured me to consider the best draw length for a Bear Archery Whitetail Max

Draw Length Determination

The longer your wingspan or reach, the higher the draw length your bow should be set at. It determines how far back you’ll need to pull the string before you reach the mechanical stop and appropriate release point. 

archer in camouflage holding a bow at full draw.
My Bow Fits Me Not You.

Thinking back on the shoe conversion we had earlier for a reference, it’s a similar scenario. If I am of a smaller stature, having a wingspan of sixty-two inches, I’ll divide that by 2.5 and my draw length is about 25. My bow is set at a 25” draw length. My son comes along with a wingspan of seventy inches and after doing the math finds out his draw length is 28”. It seems like a small difference, right? 

Can’t Shoot

Maybe he doesn’t know those three inches are massive, so he picks up my bow and nocks one of the Easton Bowhunter 6.5 Arrows. Then using the B3 EXIT-IV Thumb Release, he draws. The stopping point came a little sooner than he expected and he’s unable to get his contact points right. I know what he’s thinking before he even says it, I can’t shoot like this! 

If he were to have his own bow, set it for his 28” draw length, the scenario would be the opposite. I may not be able to reach the full stopping point before my reach runs out, therefore deeming it impossible for him to share his bow with me. 

Tell the Truth

Sometimes the right thing to do doesn’t always seem right. Here’s the deal, do you want to share the sport in a manner that the one/s you’re sharing with can achieve success. That means they need the truth more than a coddle, in this instance, don’t be a jerk, tell the truth!

Read our Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Bow to help you pick the right bow for you.

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

2 thoughts on “Bear Archery Whitetail Max, Sharing May Not Be Right!”

  1. TBB,

    I’ve helped a lot of people get into archery and agree that proper fit and setup is critical to consistent form and ultimately accuracy.

    The advantage of compounds is that they, with all their mechanical adjustments, can be setup for the shooter. Sights, peeps, releases, stabilizers, etc, etc. work but puts the reliance on accessories rather than skill and that introduces potential problems and limitations.

    One opening morning while moving to our stands my buddy whistled a warning that gave me time to knock an arrow on my 48# selfbow. I took the deer he had spooked with a double lung pass through at 15 yards. My friend had surprised the deer, it stood long enough for him to get his compound organized but he couldn’t draw and align sights for a shot when the deer spooked. No problem for the selfbow – an easy shot. Sometimes simple is best.


  2. Hank,

    That’s a great comparison with some favorable results for you. Thanks for sharing that experience! Did your buddy pick up a self bow after that?


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