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Air Guns 2024 Pyramyd AIR Cup: Part One

2024 Pyramyd AIR Cup: Part One

Cup range
Looking at half the firing line for Benchrest and Gunslynger competitions.

This report covers:

  • My boys
  • Friends
  • Ranges
  • Vendor’s row
  • Buck-Rail
  • Nate Chronograph
  • Falcons?
  • Summary

Today we begin looking at the 2024 Pyramyd AIR Cup. It was the most successful Cup I have seen and I’ve seen them all. The weather was perfect and the events ran on time. The Pyramyd AIR Staff ran everything, everywhere. The two people who were on top of everything all the time were marketing director Emily Phillippi and Tyler Patner. 

My boys

I planned to see my boys on the trip to the Cup and I did. We had dinner the night before I arrived at the Cup. This year was especially  important because I wanted to give them a copy of my latest novel that was published in July — The Many lives of the Apostle John.

Gaylord boys
The evening before I arrived at the Cup I had dinner with my boys — Tom on the left and Steven on the right.

The Cup was held at the Cardinal Shooting Center in Marengo, Ohio. People from all around the world attended and the license plates in the parking lot were from all over the U.S. The venue is huge and even though we took over their 100-yard rifle range, we were only a small part of all that was going on. They have many hundreds of acres and we were spread out on a lot of them. 


Yvette Hicks of AirForce Airguns and I joked that although we work 12 miles from each other in Texas we had to travel 1,200 miles to Ohio to say hello.

Cup Yvette
Though we work just 12 miles from each other Yvette Hicks and I traveled 1,200 miles to say hello.


Most of the Cup activity was on the 100-yard rifle range where the benchrest and Gunslynger competitions were held. 

Cup range
This is one-half of the 100-yard range where the benchrest and Gunslynger competitions were held.

Vendor’s row

There was also an enlarged vendor’s row this year with representation from around the U.S., as well as Slovania and Australia. I will be reviewing many of the products these vendors sell in the upcoming months, but let me tease you with a couple pictures.

Cup vendors row
Vendor’s Row was enlarged this year.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo


Terry Harmon of Buck-Rail had a booth on Vendor’s  Row and showed a few of his many products. You may remember Buck-Rail from a test I reported in 2019. It was Part 4 of the Daisy model 105 BB gun report, and I used the Buck-Rail to mount a scope on a Daisy BB gun. At the Cup he showcased a ground-mounted Hatsan Blitz.

Cup ground mount
Terry Harmon of Buck Rail turned a Hatsan Blitz into a ground-mounted full auto .30 caliber machine gun.

Cup Terry and Ian
Ian McKee (right) talks with Buck-Rail owner, Terry Harmon, with Terry’s son looking on. Ian looked at a Buck-Rail conversion for the Zelos that turns it into a pump-action rifle without modifying the basic rifle. In other words it can be removed with no changes to the Zelos. I hope he gets to test one.

Terry’s son was the one who inspired the creation of the company. He wanted a scope mounted on a Daisy model 105 Buck and his dad, who was into 3D printing, complied. 

Terry has expanded his precision 3D printing business greatly since then and he has several products that I want to test for you soon. Many of them are for the Umarex Notos. 

If there was one airgun I heard about at this event more than any other — it was the Notos. Yes there was interest in the airguns being used in the events, but the airgunners who just shoot for fun talked about the Notos. I never heard a discouraging word about it in all four days of the Cup. Many people raved over it, so I decided I needed to do something about it.

I can’t test every airgun that comes along, but the Notos is one I should have looked at. I now plan to test it in detail. I will buy one so I can modify it if I want to. That series will hopefully begin soon.

Nate Chronograph

The booth next to Buck-Rail was Nate Chronograph, where I met Nate from Australia. I’ve had an early version of his chronograph in hand for several months, but it seemed too complex and confusing to me and I have not tested it. The box the current version comes in has several bullet points on the outside and one of them says EASY TO USE. I will be the judge of that and you get to watch because I came home with the latest chronograph, thanks to the generosity of Nate.

Cup NateChrony
I will test the NateChrony soon.


Falcons weren’t just airguns at this year’s Cup. Joe Dorrian from the Ohio School of Falconry was in Vendor’s Row on Friday with several majestic birds of prey. You could get your picture taken with one of them for a donation to Airgun Geeks. Val Gamerman held an owl that was very well-behaved, if not domesticated.

Cup Val bird
Val Gamerman, the president of Pyramyd AIR, holds a owl that I believe is a Eurasian eagle owl.


I’m just getting started, folks. There is more in the vendor’s row to show, plus there are three competitions to cover. Stay tuned!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

18 thoughts on “2024 Pyramyd AIR Cup: Part One”

  1. Tom,

    Looks like everybody had a great time. That Notos seems to have a siren call for everybody. Bad enough that your time will be taken up by the Avenge-X now you will also have to deal with the Notos.


  2. “… a copy of my latest novel that was published in July — The Many lives of the Apostle John.”

    That’s way cool that you wrote a novel; I just ordered a copy…like 10 seconds ago. 😉
    I’ll have it by Friday; looking forward to it; thank you! 🙂
    Blessings to you,

  3. BB,

    I am looking forward to your spiel about the Cup event, most especially what is on Vendor Row.

    I am also looking forward to what you have to say about the Notos and what Ian has to say about the Zelos. You two guys just might win me over to Wang Po Industries yet. 😉

    If you could somehow work in something about the Hatsan Jet 1 and 2 or the Reximex RP and RPA, that would be great. I could even stand to read a little about the AV Comp 10. Yeah, I know Wang Po Industries makes it also.

  4. Great report, thanks! I also got a Kindle version copy of your novel and looking forward to reading it. I also plan to order a hard copy for my wife. I wish I could find a copy of the book you wrote on the Beeman R1 rifle.

    Please note a typo: The link to the Umarex Notos reads “Hatsan Notos.”

    Looking forward to your reviews of both the Notos and Buck-Rail’s products. I am hooked on both.

    • Elmer,

      Thanks for that catch! I fixed it.

      Also, please review the book. Good or bad, I need to know and the reviews drive me higher on Amazon.

      One more thing — it’s rabbit season. 😉


  5. I found the book “The Many Lives of the Apostle John” on Apple’s Books. After a quick read of the sample about 8 pages, I found the start very intriguing, very intriguing indeed!
    I let you know when I finish and will definitely write a review for you.
    Though, for me writing a review is a rarity.


  6. FM knows this event was not only fun, but very meaningful for you because of the opportunity to meet up with your sons and your friends – that’s what it is about and one should seize every opportunity to do that, more so as Father Time keeps dragging us along. The “toys” are the icing on that cake and FM is looking forward to the good reviews you will share with us.

    Going to get a physical copy of your book and promise a review after reading it; the Apostle John is very relevant in these times so, looking forward to that read.

  7. Parts 1 and 2 are great descriptions of what goes on in a major airgun competition. Great job, BB! I would like to get your book. It sounds intriguing. BTW, that “Falcon” shown is really an owl.

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