Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
This report covers:
- Filled
- The test
- JSB Exact Jumbo RS
- H&N Baracuda 15
- Discussion
- Next
- Summary
Today we stretch the Umarex Notos precharged pneumatic (PCP) rifle out to 25 yards to look at the accuracy. I learned in Parts 8 and 9 that this rifle prefers lighter pellets, so that’s what I’ll shoot today.
No need to sight in because I was on target in Part 9 at 10 meters. There will be some scope adjustment at the start but after that I’ll leave it alone.
I used the RovAir compressor to fill the rifle to 3650 psi/251.66 bar at the start. I filled again in the middle of the test. Naturally I oiled the seals with each fill.
The test
I’ll shoot three different pellets in groups of 10. Before each group I’ll season the bore with five shots of the same pellet. I’m resting the rifle on a bag and I’m using the Maple Custom Products single-shot loader.
Air Arms 16-grain dome
First to be tested was the Air Arms 16-grain dome that was used for sight adjustment as well. By the time I shot the group seven of these pellets had passed through the bore.
I think this pellet may be a little too heavy for the best accuracy in this rifle, but that’s why I tested it.
Ten pellets went into a 25-yard group that measures 0.938-inches. The sighting was spot-on for all shots and there were no called pulls. That single pellet that went high opened the group from 0.645-inches.
The Notos put 10 Air Arms 16-grain domes into a 0.938-inch group at 25 yards.
JSB Exact Jumbo RS
The second pellet I tried was the 13.43-grain JSB Exact Jumbo RS dome. I did season the bore with five before shooting the group
Ten of them are in a 25-yard group measuring 0.578-inches between centers. That’s noticeably better than the Air Arms group—not just in overall size but also better than the 9-shot group I measured! This is a pellet to watch.
Ten JSB Exact RS pellets are in a 0.578-inch group at 25 yards.
H&N Baracuda 15
The last pellet I tested today was the H&N Baracuda 15 dome. At 25 yards the Notos put 10 into a 0.899-inch group. Like the first group there was a single flier that opened this group. The nine shots that stayed together are in 0.592-inches.
The Notos put 10 H&N Baracuda 15s into a 0.899-inch group with 9 in 0.592-inches.
I have stayed away from the Notos too long before this test—partly because of the SHOT Show. I forgot how quiet it is and I also forgot the trigger.
The UTG Accushot 4-16X44 SWAT scope seems to work well with this little PCP carbine.
I’m taking my time with the Notos because so many people have one and like it a lot. The next thing I think will be to take just a single pellet and shoot many groups with it, to see if those wild shots will go away.
So far, so good. There are still many accessories to add to the Notos, once I get to know it a little better.
The Notos is apparently the PCP equivalent of the Crosman 13XX/22XX guns. People spend double, triple, or more the cost of the base gun improving it!
Yes, that seems to be the case. Why is that? Is the airgun lacking? Or do people see much more potential in it that they want to bring out?
OP is missing the point altogether. People are modifying the 13xx/22xx platforms because they can. They can easily “make it their own”. There have been guest blogs about these. The stock Marauder Pistol is also being modified by many, sometimes even changing the caliber.
Some people are modifying the Discovery and the Maximus. TCFKAC took some of those modifications and built the Fortitude. Over the years AirForce has taken some of the modifications some have made to their airguns and incorporated them into their newer models.
BB, you are reporting on a Disco Double. For a time, there was a Marauder Double and a Marauder Pistol Double. There have been companies that have made stock and bipod adapters for these. There are also companies that started making parts for converting these to whatever the owner wanted to now making their own airguns.
I have seen, held and fired a side lever cocking, .30 caliber Marauder many years ago. TCFKAC has not gone there yet. Jefferson State Air Rifles has though.
P.S. Does not your 3622 have a steel breech?
Happy Weekend Everybody!
I do hope others do enjoy this little thing. Will one end up at RRHFWA? Not likely. Now there is the possibility of a Marauder pistol or a .177 Fortitude showing up here.
By the way, my customized 2240 has found a new home.
Thanks for the report BB. Looking forward to the next one. It would be nice to find out what is causing the wild shots. As far as modifications go, most of us have our personal preferences for the different features on guns. What works well for one person might not suit another person. If there are modification parts available, at least some of the folks will typically be interested in them. Some mods are mostly for appearance. And some do “improve” functions, dependent upon preferences of course.
BB could it be that the silencer (usual suspect) is responsible for the stray shots?
It could be. We’re gonna have fun with this one!
I hope you do have lots of fun with the NoToes ;^)
While your having all this fun would you please do shootski a favor after you find your favorite pellet?
Save your 10 shot group at 25 for comparison.
What i have in mind is for you to shoot 30+ consecutive shots on on Bull at 25 with the same projectile from the same tin if possible.
If you are agreeable please offset your POI enough to avoid taking out your POA.
The test premise is to see when this Notos stops growing the group size with that projectile.
Happy Groundhog day…over and over again….
Thank you,
If we enter a blog reply to a member here from a comment that was made days ago, will it be forwarded on to their email simply by entering their name in the address? or, does it happen only when you click on reply directly under their comment?
The reason I ask is because my reply may be of interest to readers today who may not go back and look for additional comments on a particular blog topic from the past.
To Notos or to not Notos?
If I did not already have an Evanix Sniper Carbine I would have this one on order for sure. It’s along the same lines.
Bob M,
Bob the above is a link to your post above. You could click on the name/handle of the members comment and i believe it will clue them in to click on the link you imbedded and get them to see the earlier blog topic.
Hope that makes a tiny bit of sense and gets it done for you.
Bob M,
I myself am more likely to go with the Evanix Sniper Carbine than the No Toes. 😉
Evanix does make some very nice airguns.
The registered readers should see all comments.
Thanks for clearing that up. And you as well Shootski.
Also to be fair I believe I accidently posted a picture of the full size Evanix Tactical Sniper Rifle although I’m not sure. I have both and that one actually looks to be in-between the two in length. It’s a newer version with a different flash hider / compensator and may be a big bore carbine model. Got it off the internet. Easier than dragging it out of the safe to take a picture of it. It is also missing the fluted barrel mine has.
Also, it cost twice as much, making the Notos a good deal in that area of concern. Probably a lot lighter as well.