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Air Guns An air rifle you have never seen

An air rifle you have never seen

Crosman 760
This specially-built custom 760 airgun was made for a specific purpose.

This report covers:

  • Custom-made
  • First model
  • Power
  • No test
  • Summary

Today we look at an air rifle that very few people have ever seen or will ever see. It’s a Crosman 760 that is probably the most ubiquitous airgun the Crosman company ever made. But this one is different. What’s so special about it? It has been modified by shortening the barrel.

Modified airguns are no big deal. You see them all the time. Perhaps the most modified guns of all are the ones from Crosman and from their two subsidiary brands, Benjamin and Sheridan. There is a red-hot aftermarket of tuners, customizers and boutique parts sellers. Crosman also operated a custom shop when they were fully staffed, but that is gone. So, encountering a customized Crosman, Benjamin or Sheridan isn’t that unusual. But this one is different.


This airgun was made especially for a county game control department. It was never sold commercially. I used to think someone outside Crosman had cut it down, but I no longer think so. I believe Crosman made this one specially for a commercial order. I can’t prove that and since the rifle dates to 1966-71 there is no one around to ask. But it’s fun to think about. Now let’s look at the airgun.

First variation

The base model of this 760 is the first variation. The wood buttstock and forearm/pump handle give that away. Because the pump lever was short on the 760 to begin with, the only thing that needed shortening was the barrel. It measures a 12 inches, breech to muzzle. A replacement plastic front sight was pressed on the muzzle after the barrel was trimmed.

The 760 is and always has been a smoothbore. This one certainly is. The accuracy will be iffy at anything but very close range — perhaps 25 feet, or so? Shortening the barrel did nothing to improve accuracy.

The 760 does not need to be cocked. Pumping air intro the gun cocks the hammer, much the same as it does for the Crosman 130 pistol.

There is a brass bolt but it does not cock the rifle. It just opens the breech for loading. The shooter can choose between loading a pellet or a steel BB and 180 BBs are held in an internal reservoir.

It would be easy to criticize the gun for its shorter barrel, but the information engraved on the right side of the receiver indicates that this gun was once the property of the Oconee County, South Carolina, Game Control Department. It also has the number .37 engraved on the side of the gun. The dot before the number makes me think it’s not a rack number.

Crosman 760 engraving


Two things mitigate against the potential for power in this multi-pump pneumatic. First and foremost is the short barrel. Pneumatics need long barrels to develop power. By looking at the penetration of a pellet into fresh duct seal after the maximum 10 pumps, I estimate the pellet leaves the muzzle between 200 and 250 f.p.s.

The age of the gun is a second reason to suspect the power isn’t that great. I think it is original and unfooled with. Yes the powerplant can be rebuilt. but that would destroy the gun’s originality.

I assume that this gun was not meant to kill anything. It’s almost as if they were trying to reduce the velocity to as low as it would go, and of course the multi-pump design would help with that, as well. Perhaps it was used to motivate larger animals. Like an extended cattle prod, the game officer could put in three pumps and whack the errant bull in the butt without breaking the skin.

These were made in the 1960s, when little was known about the relative power of airguns, but it’s a cinch they knew that this one was not lethal or humane. And, given its lack of accuracy, it wouldn’t reach out that far anyway.

No test

I have no plans to test this airgun in the usual way. I’m thinking this report will be all I do. The gun is a 760 so the performance would be similar to the rifle I tested for you in 2019 and 2020, except this one has a short barrel, so velocity will be less than the other one. Both are smoothbores, so accuracy could be equivalent.

Hunting Guide


Today we have looked at a unique variation of an airgun that’s been produced in the millions. The first variation is rare to begin with, and this particular one is pretty close to unique.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

38 thoughts on “An air rifle you have never seen”

  1. BB,
    First off, I’m happy that you are OK; that’s awesome!
    As for this airgun, it’s surely a unique piece of history.
    I love seeing reports on funky oddball airguns like this. 😉
    Blessings to you,

  2. Tom,

    Whatever it was supposed to be used for it sure is something that would be handy for camping and light enough to carry all day while shooting at various inanimate targets of opportunity at short range.


  3. B.B.,

    Lets see:
    1. Oconee County, South Carolina, Game Control Department.
    2. Perhaps made in the late ’60s they had some different attitudes in them there days in SC.

    “Perhaps it was used to motivate larger animals. Like an extended cattle prod, the game officer could put in three pumps and whack the errant bull in the butt without breaking the skin.”

    You sure it was just for errant bulls? Just maybe it could have been used to whack errant poachers in the butts as well?


  4. BB,

    This would be a fun little air rifle to hunt feral soda cans. It may also do well as an extended range cattle prod. Some friends of mine would really like to have this to “shoot” the deer in their garden.

  5. When I decided to look for an airgun (a couple of years ago now), I went to Wally World. The Crosman 760 is what I bought. It had been about 55-years since I had shot an airgun. And, I had never used this type of airgun before. I pumped it up several pumps, loaded a pellet and pulled the trigger. It clicked but didn’t discharge the pellet. I pumped it a few more times and tried it again with the same results. I thought something was wrong with the gun and tried to return it. Nope, have to contact Crosman, no returns on these are allowed at Wally World. I called Crosman, the first question was: Did I pull the bolt back until it clicked twice? I had not, and that was the problem. So, apparently the current 760 airguns require cocking. I soon wanted something “more accurate” and began reading this blog and acquired GAS (gun acquistion syndrome). More recently I found out that the 760 is more accurate than I first thought (now that I have learned how to shoot better, thanks, for the most part, to this blog).

  6. I have an early Crosman M417 from before they got in trouble with H&K and had to change the name. It’s basically a 760 in pseudo-tactical dress-up. But it does have a rifled barrel.

  7. Oconee County, SC is the westernmost county in SC. The Chattooga River separates it from GA. That’s the river that the book and movie “Deliverance,” starring Burt Reynolds was about and the movie was filmed there. When I was much younger, we used to go rafting on that river (shortly after the movie came out). Lots of people still do raft and kayak and canoe on that river. I gained a lot of respect for the river each time we went there. It can be dangerous. But we had a lot of good times there and thankfully no one got seriously hurt.

  8. Elmer,
    GAS (gun acquistion syndrome). I finally found out what I caught from the carriers BB, RR, Shootski, and others.

    Now I aspire to be a carrier too!

    As far as low power to startle a deer, any multipump using maybe 25% of the max allowed pumps will get a bb there and startle them. But I think the idea of paintball is even better. You can see the repeat offenders!

  9. To everyone….
    Is there any hope for an airgun show in Dallas TX area? Waxahachie? The ones I have seen in the past couple years were out near El Paso…. that’s a long way from the coastal bend.

    I took my brother in law, son, and son in law to the last one in 2017? 2018? and we brought home about 5 different guns… I have already resealed the two Crosmans my b.i.l. bought.

  10. I’ll bet dollars to donuts they never realized shortening the barrel would lower the power back then.
    Probably cut down to be carried as a truck rifle for quick access, and we know where that idea came from.

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