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Air Guns SHOT Show 2025 Day Two

SHOT Show 2025 Day Two

This report covers:

  • Starting with Air Venturi
  • Air Venturi Bullseye
  • Air Venturi Micro Strike
  • Avenge-XL
  • Hatsan
  • Crosman, Benjamin, Daisy, Gamo
  • Crosman Vapor Max
  • Summary

Starting with Air Venturi

Let’s now see the rest of the Air Venturi new products for 2025. How about a 1911A1 BB gun that’s both semiauto and full auto? It’s the Springfield Armory TRP.

1911 TRP
Springfield Armory 1911 semi and full auto BB gun.
The black switch above the grip is the selector.

Air Venturi Bullseye

Remember the fun we had with dart guns? How about a single stroke pneumatic that shoots both pellets and darts? It’s the Air Venturi Bullseye. And this one is very affordable at less than $50! Finally– a dart gun I don’t have to fix before testing!

Air Venturi Bullseye.

Air Venturi Micro Strike

The Micro Strike is a pistol/carbine PCP with an adjustable regulator. It comes in.177, .22 and .25 and is a repeater. It’s similar to a Notos in size, power and function, except the stock folds to the side and the sidelever/cocking lever is on the right side

Micro Strike
Air Venturi Micro Strike.


The Air Venturi Avenge-XL is a big brother to the Avenge-X. It comes with capable of accepting a barrel in either .22, .25 or .30 caliber. However these barrels do not interchange with the current model Avenge-X barrels–hence the designation Avenge-XL.

The Air Venturi Avenge-XL.

Hunting Guide


New for 2025 is the Hatsan Surge compressor. Selling at just $500, it has a one hour continuous run time, suitable for airguns and smaller tanks. It is a set and forget compressor, though you do want to listen for when it shuts down. It has a temperature control to prevent overheating. 

Hatsan Surge compressor

The TacBoss is a new competition-grade PCP that comes in either 22 or .25 caliber. This one seems suited for benchrest and possibly open field hunting. A folding buttstock brings the size down to a more manageable package. The 580 CC reservoir gives air for up to 90 powerful shots. This one will retail for $1,100.

Hatsan TacBoss.

Crosman, Benjamin, Daisy and Gamo

I’ll close with this booth that housed these four brands of airguns. Ian and I showed ourselves the guns because the six salespeople in the booth could not be bothered to talk to us. It was exactly like the Gamo salespeople used to treat all customers who came to their booth.

One guy stood two feet away with his back to us because we were probably bothering his texting. Three more were standing in front of a display cabinet having a conversation, but they at least moved out of the way so we could see into the case.

Crosman Vapor Max

This is a multi-pump with a magazine. It’s a larger rifle and looks pretty sharp, but Crosman, Daisy, Gamo and Benjamin representatives were either unwilling or unable to comment.

Vapor Max
Crosman’s Vapor Max is a multi-shot multi-pump.

There could have been other new products in this booth, but we had no way of knowing.


There is still a lot more to see yet, but tomorrow Ian tells us about the new Goliath bipod from UTG.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

75 thoughts on “SHOT Show 2025 Day Two”

    • Think how many places where a Gamo is the “high-end” airgun, and I think you have your answer, Siraniko!
      “What’s so special about a Cometa/Weirauch/AA besides their price?” We all know too many people like that!

      • OP,

        Quite a few years ago, I was told by a powder burner dude that Gamo made the best air rifles around. I tried to reeducate him, but I was probably just talking to a wall. Let him buy that junk. He probably thinks the Mattelomatic is a great rifle.

        P.S. To this old, fat, bald-headed geezer it does not seem to be that long ago that a Cometa was not a brand to own either. That is one reason I tested the Gamo. I had thought they had finally done something right. I was wrong. I should have listened to BB.

        I did end up with a nice, little Falke though. 😉

  1. The Air Venturi Micro Strike looks interesting, but the sights don’t look very useful, and personally I could do without the folding stock. The Micro Strike looks like a large pistol when the folding stock is removed which is similar to the stock version my Marauder pistol. I do like the threaded barrel of the Micro Strike versus the fixed moderator of the Notos.
    It and the Notos are similar in function as my now Marauder Pistol / Carbine.

    The big question for the Micro Strike, how accurate is it?


  2. RR it looks like that Chinese airguns can actually look less Chinese. Those two air pistols, the MicroStrike and the Bullseye hide their Artemis/Snowpeak origin really well.
    Air Venturi must feel really proud for their work on taking Chinese made airguns to the Avenge level…
    I hope the Micro Strike will make it to the Old World, even named otherwise.

    • Bill,

      More than likely it will show up there, even if it does have a different name. Contact Andy of AAR. He usually reviews that stuff although it is typically powered down for the UK market.

      • RR
        Since UK is not EU (tax, customs) and have their power limits I will rest my hopes on the big Dutch retailer or the small importers here in Greece. Artemis/Snowpeak airguns are quite common here, that’s the reason I know some things about them after all.

        • Bill,

          They have learned to better disguise the origin of some of their airguns before sending them over here as there are still some folks (including myself) who so not want to support the communist regime over there.

  3. i have the unbranded version of the bullseye.it’s a very good concept. i just wish the rear sight was four directionally adjustable. it also hasn’t been consistently accurate with any pellet i’ve tried. i hope air venturi got the manufacturer to make some improvements. i’m definitely going to buy one based on that hope, and i look forward to it.

  4. The Crosman Vapor Max is the same rifle as the Gamo Vapor 10X, which comes with two ten shot magazines.

    It seems the cocking lever pivot is placed more forward, allowing a longer cylinder and stroke for more power.

  5. BB,

    I noticed in the photo of Ian at the Gamo/Daisy/TCFKAC booth showing off the “new” Crosman Vapor Max, that in the background was a picture of someone holding an air rifle similar to a 3622. I do hope it is an indication of TCFKAC bringing out the 3677.

    It is a shame that the Gamo folks are pretty much like their airguns.

  6. BB,

    I think I know what was wrong with the Gamo folks. Most of their junk, I mean airguns, are bought by big box stores such as Wally World. Those morons are only there because they have been told to be there. They are not likely to make a big enough sale there to help their personal portfolios look better, so why put forth the effort?

    Another thing is you did not show up with a large video camera and sound crew. You were just a couple of pee diddle dudes as far as they were concerned.

    I am glad that you stopped by the Gamo/Daisy/TCFKAC display though. It clearly illustrates how far down the Crosman/Benjamin brand has fallen. I may not get a 3677 IF they are ever brought out.

    • Who would want to deal with a company whose reps act as if they were embarrassed about flogging its products? Not FM. So he will be content with what he’s got and likely look outside any and all things Gamo for future acquisitions while doing his best to avoid Uncle Xí’s output. Given the experience with the Gamo Whisper Fusion rifle his good buddy insisted on gifting, this is not a difficult decision to make.

      Glad Tom “outed” these outstanding “sales reps.” The problem with a lot of businesses in this country is failure to identify the mediocrities in the ranks and swiftly issue them a “You’re fired!” directive.

  7. It would appear that Uncle Xi’s buddies have upped the ante with the MicroStrike. According to HAM, it is all metal construction.

    The stock and pistol grip also look to be changeable. You can also install the suppressor of your choice. Another little trick is you can change calibers.

    I cannot say that I am too crazy about the fill pressure though. I guess even the Chinese cannot overcome physics yet.

    We shall see.

  8. BB

    Just maybe the money owning Gamo, et Al, hears about your visit to their booth. If it was me I would fly in my chosen team including myself to man that booth. I would personally reach out to you and Ian and issue an apology to you, your readers and to Shot Show organizers.

    I find it amazing that Gamo can have its superb Urban that P/A includes in its best selling airguns list with this disdain for customer service. Or perhaps the money man is a bean counter which would explain it all.


    • Deck,

      The main reason the Urban is an excellent air rifle is if I am not mistaken it is still made by BSA. If you go to the Gamo website you will see a number of BSA air rifles and scopes. The products that are made in Spain unfortunately are not worth having.

      The fact that the bean counters are in charge should be obvious to even those who are blind.

      P.S. PAIR is probably small potatoes compared to someone like Wally World.

      • After becoming aware of all this acquisition drama and its probable effects down the road, FM might just save his pennies for a TX200. It ticks off a lot of the right boxes, including not being made by The Usual Suspects.

        • FM,

          If you are in the market to expand your “collection”, I also would recommend this and other “heirloom quality” airguns. The “usual suspects” have not proven themselves to be that long lived. I guess our descendants may realize such.

    • Vana2,

      You’re absolutely right—taking care of customers is everything. Thanks for the reminder; it’s a commitment we take seriously every day!

      Jesse Newman – Director of Marketing
      Iconic Outdoor Group (Crosman, Benjamin, Daisy, Gamo)

        • Hi Shootski,

          We may not be as avid shooters as many of the airgun enthusiasts who frequent these message boards, but most (if not all) of us on the IOG booth team participate in firearm and/or airgun shooting. Personally, I’ve been enjoying firing the Crosman 100-Year 362 (C2023) at any chipmunks bold enough to invade my backyard.

          Best regards,
          Jesse Newman

      • Jesse,

        Thanks for this comment. I was sorry I didn’t get to talk to a rep in your booth. My readers want to know whether The Crosman 3622 will be joined by a .177 rifle anytime soon.

        Tom Gaylord

        • Tom,

          We agree that a .177 version of the Crosman 3622 would be a fantastic addition to the lineup. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen enough demand yet to make it a priority. Right now, we’re focused on building sales momentum with the current 3622 model, but we’ll certainly keep the idea of a .177 option in mind as we move forward.

  9. Tom,

    Thanks for stopping by the Crosman, Benjamin, Daisy, Gamo booth and for sharing your experience—I really appreciate the honest feedback. I’m so sorry it didn’t live up to the standard we strive for. I must have stepped away for a meeting and unfortunately missed you, but I wish I’d been there to show you around myself.

    If you’re up for it, I’d love the chance to walk you through the booth and show you what we’ve been working on. Your thoughts are super valuable, and I’d like to make it right. Feel free to reach out to me anytime—happy to set something up!

    Jesse Newman – Director of Marketing
    Iconic Outdoor Group (Crosman, Benjamin, Daisy, Gamo)

    • Mr. Newman,

      It is most unfortunate that this is not the first time we have heard of such poor representation of the products your company showcases. It is our hope that this will be changing in the future as many of us own Crosman, Benjamin, Daisy, BSA and Gamo products. I myself own airguns of most of these brands, albeit they are no longer in production.

      As you may have surmised by reading what many have commented about though, many here are very interested in some of the newer products and would indeed appreciate a bit more in-depth view and analysis of what is currently offered.

      No, most of us do not shop for airguns, accessories or such at the big box stores, mostly because their purchase agents do not understand airguns or us. So be it. There are some “smaller” outlets that we do frequent that do cater to folks such as ourselves. While we may buy a Red Ryder to give away or to amuse ourselves on the odd day, we do frequently spend large sums on certain airguns, most of which will most likely never be sold in the big box stores.

      You have rightly surmised that “the little ol’ bearded feller’s” opinion is closely followed by thousands around the globe and should not be ignored. I for one do hope this can be rectified.

      • RidgeRunner –

        Thank you for sharing your feedback. I understand the importance of providing more detailed insights into our newer products and better connecting with the airgun community. We value enthusiasts like you and recognize the need to engage beyond the big box stores, focusing on the outlets and voices that resonate with dedicated users.

        Your input is invaluable, and we’re committed to improving how we represent and support these brands.

  10. Now this should be interesting. Ball is in your court, BB.

    Fred formerly of the Demokratik Peeples Republik of NJ now happily in GA with a ton of original Crosman/Benjamin implements of entertainment

  11. B.B.
    Thank You so much for your honesty. It’s not what I wanted to here about Gamo, but I want the truth. That is such a let down. I had high hopes for that pump gun. Maybe it will be ok in spite of the poor customer service. And I am hoping the make it RIGHT!

    I also love the look of the AV Bullseye. I hope it is metal (looks metal). I am let down by it’s 300 fps though. Was hoping it would be 400+ fps like most the other single stroke pneumatics


  12. BB,
    I like what you had to say about that Air Venturi Bullseye pistol.
    That looks like a nice candidate for my 5-meter indoor pistol range.
    It’s been 20 degrees and windy for the past week, so outdoors is mostly out.
    While guys like Hank (Vana2) would laugh, and say that’s lukewarm, it’s been keeping me inside. 😉
    Blessings to you,

    • Davemyster, keep on the lookout for the Air Venturi bell target.

      Most bell target distances are 6 & 7 meters.
      Close enough for your 5 meter range.

      Poking a pellet through that 3/8 inch hole while shooting offhand isn’t as easy as it sounds.

      At any distance.


  13. The situation at the Gamo, etc booth reminds me of the way that the British motorcycle industry was, before they disappeared in the1980’s. Board members and executives would show up at annual meetings in their Bentleys, Rovers, etc with not a single motorcycle in sight! Lose track of your product and interaction with its users at your company’s peril!

    • billj,
      Lived in England for 2 years ’67 & ’68 riding my 650 BSA MkIV Spitfire. Went to the factory to switch out a 5-gal Brit gas tank for a chrome Lightning tank. Building was OLD. They are big on tradition and not to innovative. Minor changes over the years and the Japanese walked all over them with new modern bikes.

  14. I stopped ordering anything directly from Crosman. They can’t seem to get it delivered to my address.

    If I recall, I ordered two of the 362 Anniversary Editions, and one was returned to sender from ‘Texas’.
    I live in San Diego. They bounced all over the country, as far as the east coast, got to Pheonix where one continued on to me and the other went back to Texas, address unknown and returned to sender. Happened more than once. Got two more from PyramydAir instead. One was a regular composite stock 362, wonderful designed stock. Actually, switched an Anniversary Edition into it. Custom wood stock was in bad shape on one. Poor craftmanship. But I was totally impressed with the detail that went into their AK1. Extremely realistic.

    Power off again today here. Two more wildfires. 70 mph winds blew over two Semi trucks so far.

  15. BB it’s been a while since I dropped by. I can’t believe it was so long though such that I can’t find my way around! How can I access all the other posts? Everything is changed!!

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