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Who am I?

by B.B. Pelletier

When this blog began, I was concerned about several things. The first is the fact that I write a lot, and I would be writing other blogs. At one time, I had five going at the same time. Now I’m down to three, and this one is the only one I keep current.

A second consideration was that I have written a lot of articles under my own name, and I wondered if I would need to see things from a different perspective when writing for a website that doesn’t handle every airgun product on the market.

A final consideration was the internet itself. There are websites I will not visit because the posters seem to be having an eternal food fight. Other websites come and go as the miscreants gang up on whoever is trying to manage the site and wear them out. I have been in that situation in the past, having once operated the largest and most active airgun forum in the world. I wanted to avoid attracting that element to this blog, because they can pollute it in a very short time.

What I wanted was a place to talk about airguns. Period. No agendas, no personalities, no cliques. Just airguns. Pyramyd AIR owner Josh Ungier agreed with that viewpoint. In fact, it was Josh who suggested the “No stupid questions” comment for my profile. Well, I believe we have achieved what we wanted. In three years and eight months of blogging five days a week, we have had only one attack, and that was shut down very quickly. The readers of this blog seem to be as concerned as I am that this place remains friendly.

And the fact that Pyramyd AIR doesn’t sell all airguns hasn’t kept me from blogging any model I want to. So that concern wasn’t real.

The only concern that was real was who I am. I have a large body of writing that I want to draw upon, but maintaining my disguise has prevented me from using a lot of it. I have used some of it from time to time and those who have recognized it have kept silent, which was appreciated.

But why tell them who you are?
Several of you have advised me to not do this. They worry that things will change when I do. Perhaps they will, but not because I want them to. I will continue to sign on as B.B. Pelletier and I will use that name when I answer your comments. In fact, I probably won’t respond to my real name on this blog unless I happen to use it in a particular post for some reason. But I want you all to know who I am because there are some things I need to say, and can only say if you know my background.

I’ll give you an example. I want to do a series on scopes for you. But I want to put in material that I developed before I was B.B. Pelletier. In fact, I have already done this once in the blog, in the 13-part spring-gun tuning series. I had to rewrite that material so carefully to keep from tipping my hand (yet I probably did many times). I am writing both a book and developing a video on this subject and I’d like the opportunity to preview some of that material here to see your reactions.

“Gee, Lois…
… I’d have to be Superman to do that.”
That’s the stock answer I have been giving for years when people buttonhole me at airguns shows and ask if I’m B.B. Pelletier. For some, it is important to know, while others couldn’t care less. I think I fall into the latter category. However, it is good sometimes to be two different people. Then, I get to read what people have said about my real identity. For example, just last week, a reader compared my writing style to B.B.’s and decided we were two different people because B.B. always tells the truth, but I sometimes lie for whoever I’m writing for. He mentioned an article I wrote for Compasseco’s website and decided I must be in bed with them to say such nice things about Chinese airguns. But apparently he never read the article I wrote in The Airgun Letter, where I described a Tech Force 45 stock that looked,“… as if it had been carved by a rabid beaver.” I have been very critical of Chinese airguns over the years.

The fact is that the Chinese have made great improvements with some of their air rifles. I’d put a Tech Force Contender 89 (AR1000) against a Beeman R1 any day – and I wrote a book about the R1! On the other hand, I see guns like the BAM B51 that sometimes work and other times don’t, and I know the Chinese aren’t there yet. So, when I write, I call them as I see them – one gun at a time.

Who I write for
When I started writing about airguns I pictured one guy in my head. He’s a working man and doesn’t have a lot of money to throw around. In my mind, he lives in Keokuk, Iowa – don’t ask why. He may buy just one airgun this year, so whatever I tell him is very important. I worry about that guy when I see a gun that isn’t as accurate as it should be for the price or a gun with a 12-lb. trigger or one that isn’t going to hold up.

You LIED to us!
To some people, anyone who uses a pen name is an outright liar. And, I did have to lie to further distance B.B. from myself. In several blogs I said that B.B. was well into his sixth decade, when in fact, I just turned 60 this year.

Undoubtedly, I have used other misdirections throughout this blog to maintain my cover. That ends now.

I am Tom Gaylord.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

85 thoughts on “Who am I?”

  1. BB,

    I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned in a short period by reading your work, here and elsewhere. Because of your knowledge, and wisdom, I can speak with my peers with a sense of confidence on the subject of airguns. Thank you so much for all you do.

    Bill in Keokuk
    (Michael in Florida)

  2. B.B.

    Thanks for coming out and saying it, but I dont think anyone is going to be overly surprised at who you are. I think it was one of the worst kept secrets in airgunning haha.

    On another note. Are you aware of any attempts at using just a computer as a chronograph? I saw on a forum some software called softchrono that says it just needs a computer and a microphone to measure velocity somewhat accuratly. It is free and I’m going to give it a try.

    I just wondered if this had been done before, and if so, how accurate was it, I didnt find anything else and figured you’d be the person to know

    Thanks and keep up the good work !

  3. Softchrono,

    This idea has been in use for at least 20 years at the world cup level. The Swiss make a sound-scored target that uses transducers to “hear” the sound made by the pellet tearing a hole in the paper target. Three transducers then triangulate the location of the hole to within 0.001″.

    Determing velocity is much the same. All it takes is a signal to turn the clock on and another to turn it off. A sensitive microphone can do that.


  4. WOW! Finally, the big question has been answered! I have an even bigger question: Who Cares?

    I’ve always taken this blog for what it is: a good source of information based on one guys research and opinion.

    Does a bias sometimes show? Sure. Didn’t I mention that this was opinion? Anyone who says they can write without bias has a bias about themselves. The good news about this blog is that often the bias is presented with some fact and research involved.

    Do I agree with you every time? Absolutely not. But I wouldn’t even if you were writing with you own name. I also find that if I’m willing to listen to someone who doesn’t share my opinion then I am more likely to find out something new.

    So just keep writing, BB Gaylord Tom Pelletier. I’ve gleaned lots of good info from the blog and really appreciate it, no matter what your name is.

    “A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” to quote the Bard.

  5. Hi Sir BB,

    I am from South Africa where we have started to really get into airgunning (I am a firm spring gun fan) and I cant tell you how in anticipation I wait everyday to see what you will write about, its great to get a unbiased review and having reviews on a lot of different stuff is awesome. Much respect on the way you handled this forum. I know it is very difficult to keep everybody happy and I congratulate you on keeping it “good”! I believe all your endeavours will be succesfull.

    Kind Regards
    André Meintjes

  6. Stunning is that anyone DIDN’T already know this – Duh! Identical writing styles/body of knowledge = same writer. But then – I minored in English. When are you getting to the 460 in .22?

  7. Wow! Nothing against B.B (lol) But I feel priviliged to have been coresponding with you Tom all this time. You know I have been meaning to buy your R-1 book for years even though I don’t own one. Maybe this weekend I will. Welcome out of the gun safe. From savagesam. (still having those login problems lol)

  8. I recently purchased my first “springer” a Beeman R7 and have really enjoyed your blog! It is an invaluable tool for learning about all things related to air gunning. I’m looking forward to your upcoming series on scope mounting. Thankyou for sharing your knowledge.


  9. B.B.,

    I ve said this quite a few times on the comments section of this blog: You offer priceless info to airgunners and we all thank you for that. That’s the most important note of all.

    I still don’t understand why you wanted to tell the blog readers who you are? You don’t like the “impersonality” of the blog and you want to push it more towards a forum style?

    You didn’t have to tell us IMO. I still respect you just the same and your advice counts just the same. You ‘re a teacher.


  10. B.B.T.G. What’s in a name? You have done more for airgunning than anyone else. Your comments have helped me numerous times and have influenced many of my purchases (all for the good). I’m a little sad because I thought you were older than me but I’m ahead of you by 12 years! Thanks for a great blog——-Don.

  11. B.B.
    A man is judged by what he does, not who he is. I got into airgunnibg because of you and will continue to read daily the volumes of information that you graceiously pass on. I am older than you are, but, because of you, I am much wiser. Thank you very much.

    Bill D.

  12. Andreas,

    Thjank you for recognizing that I am a teacher. That is indeed what I am.

    When I was very young, I asked my father how much a million was. He said, “A thousand thousand.” I didn’t understand his answer so I asked repeatedly, and got the same answer every time. Later, when I learned what a million was, I vowed to explain things to people in a way that they could understand.

    I’m still refining the way.


  13. I knew that you are Tom since the first time I read your blog… That shouldn’t surprose anyone. But that doesn’t change how much I’ve learned from your blog about all kinds of airguns. I think you are doing a good job with this blog.

  14. Thanks for your blog and all the time you put in answering my questions along the way. You have helped me in many decisions on AG’s I’ve enjoyed greatly namely the HW80, R7, Tx200 and HW50s. All 4 I got from Pyramyd as well as thier price is OK an the the support/staff there is excellent. I met Josh Ungier and Boris on a visit while purchasing a HW80 and can tell they are very good people. I hope to meet you someday as well Tom to personally thank you. Keep up the good work.


  15. BB, I also would like to say how much I enjoy your blog. In fact I read it every morning and very much look forward to it. I am that guy you talk about with too many “real” life commitments who buys probably only one airgun a year if that, but I sure shoot the hell out of what I do have! I have learned a lot from this site, and Pyramid gets a lot of my business because of it. Sincerely, Robert from Western N.Y.

  16. BB,

    This is the blog that got me into airguns. This is also the only blog I read everyday (yes I do read them again during weekends). And a BIG “THANKS” for providing all these knowledge that I’m not able to find anywhere (not in such a friendly and unbasis way anyways).

    So you are Tom, or BB, it don’t matter. It’s the real person with real knowledge who’s willing to share that’s most important.

    Thanks again!

    Byron (Los Angeles, CA)

  17. BB,

    I did not want you to blog this but now im glad you did. Its great that your Tom Gaylord because you can say who you are and sill be all knowing. well not all knowing but you seem to know more than the rest of us. I knew you were either Tom Gaylord or a super computer of airguns. Fortunately you are human.

    It never feels good to hide anything, even a thing as small as this from people you have have never spoken man to man with.

    You are B.B. Pelletier but your name is Tom Gaylord, or maybe your Tom Gaylord b ut your name is B.B. Pelletier. It does not matter to me because i am getting the most up to date info on airguns available.

    Thanks for all that you have given me. Its not every day that you come across someone who is there just to help.


  18. BB, Somehow, I’d already figured out that you were Tom Gaylord. Perhaps it’s from the recordings played when I call pyramyd air customer service, but I think what really cued me in is this page: /

    On the bottom, they tell the world who you are for all to see.

    Regardless of the name, I’ve really enjoyed this blog. It’s taught me lots about airguns and I honestly have to say it is the reason I got into airguns. Your excellent 3 part review of the Umarex 850 air magnum is what convinced me to buy it and I’ve been a devoted reader ever since.

    I hope you keep up the good work because I really, really enjoy this blog.


  19. Your blog today is quite a surprise for me. I read the topic and can’t wait to quickly scroll down to find where in the blog you write who you really are. And BANG!!! it’s glad to know that the real BB is TG.

    I had some thoughts many times when I found this blog a couple of years ago that BB might have been TG because all BB’s experience about airguns is unique and the only other person that has this kind of unbeatable knowledge is TG. But when I continue to read long ago that BB is a retired army man whose age is in the mid sixties and once in a while I saw TG’s articles showed up in this blog so those facts quite confirm that TG & BB are different identities and I didn’t suspect at all that BB is a character that someone would make it up!!

    Almost all members here would say who cares but for me it’s does matter. I’ve been a big fan of TG’s work since Airgun Letter, Airgun Revue, R1, Airgun Illustrated, etc. I’ve been after those of his publications since beginning to the end and never missed an issue. After Airgun Illustrated, I knew that TG joined Airfore Airgun and I couldn’t find any of his recent publication. Until I found this blog few years ago I never heard about BB before but I feel I like his writing style. I really enjoy what BB writes daily and even value his information/ reviews when I’d like to get a new gun. Last year I decided to get a TalonSS just after I did some research on BB’s articles about AF Airguns. I’ve been a member to several Airguns forums/blogs but this is the only blog that I have to visit everyday to see what BB has in his mind.

    I feel like I’ve just discovered a long lost friend.
    I’m your loyal fan in Thailand. Keep up your great work BB/TG 🙂


  20. B.B.,

    I read this blog every day and am thankful for the information I learn from it. I find it much more than just a sales tool for Pyramyd!

    I am also one of those one airgun per year guys. Well, I cheated this year. I bought a second since I found a Walther PPK/S at KMart, on clearance, for $7! I couldn’t resist!

    I am looking forward to you finishing the B50 review and reviewing Mendoza RM-2800 when you get to it.

    Thanks BB,
    .22 multi-shot

  21. B.B.:

    I’m happy to see so many friendly comments!!! Here goes mine:

    Your posts, besides from being informative, interesting and fun, they ENCOURAGE people to do things. And that is great. For instance, your 13-part series about spring gun tuning was KEY for me to start doing that.

    I’m from Chile, South America, and I feel you help the airgun fans worldwide.


    Rodrigo (Rod).

  22. Thank you for the outstanding service you have rendered to the air gun community. I look forward daily to your blog.

    I have just recently taken up the “sport” after a lull of 10 years. Your comments have been a gold mine and I have made many good decisions because of it. In fact, I went back and read all your blogs form the the beginning.

    Your advise about parallax was 100% correct and my shooting has improved considerably. I am 60 and my eyes together with the rest of my body is not as it used to be.

    Thank you and keep it up !!

    Stingray (Willie Lapus)

  23. I too am that “Bill in Keokuk” man. Thanks B.B., Tom. I really appreciate all the work you do! I’ve purchased an RWS 48 and a Crosman 1077 because of your writings and love both air rifles. I love air rifling, and I have you to thank!

  24. Yeah… like we didn’t know you were Tom Gaylord! 🙂

    I’m just a little sad… it would be WONDERFUL if there were 2 gentlemen like you in the world.

    I’ve learned a lot reading your blog in the past years, thank you very much!

    Waiting for the scopes stuff, OK? Want to know what do you think about magnification x use x distance.


  25. dear superman,
    i gotta say you did have me fooled. all the work of turing over certain blogs to “Tom” to maintain the front. also it must be hard not to take credit for all the wonderfull articles you/tom wrote. i remember when i first started reading your blog i would sit down for hours on end and read past articles. i read every single one. it amazing how when you take an interest in something you just want to learn more. i appreciate the method of writing for a person who can only buy 1 airgun a year because im one of those people. i wish i could attend roanoke so i could meet you but i can not. you really need to compile all this information into a book of some kind. thanks again

    Nate in Mass

  26. i have only been reading this blog for a few months and to tell you the truth it is easy to tell you are tom gaylord. first off, you say you live in midtown, which is in new york city. the picture of you in the experts corner shows you holding a rifle right next to a fence to “keep cover” from neighbors seeing you. also, on the review of the c11 you stated that you went to the crosman airgun range. since crosman’s hq are located in upstate ny, i knew you would not travel to another part of the country just to use their range. lastly, you always refer to tom gaylord which made believe that since you referred to him and his opinions often that it was you. i personally could not care who you are, your reviews are excellent and i always value your opinion higher than anyone elses.

  27. B.B,

    I, like so many others, thank you for writing a blog/forum for the common man. There’s at least one forum on the internet where the comment has been made that you can not be considered a true member of the airgun community unless your airgun cost more than $200. I’m sure that requirement would exclude a lot of your readers.

    I’ve found the information you disseminate to be accurate, unlike that found on many airgun forums.

    Thanks again!

    Molino, Florida

  28. Doesn’t make any difference to me your blog is great.

    Please keep up the good work and the continuous flow of information, it is appreciated.

    Don’t be afraid to get overly technical from time to time, that works too!

    Happy shooting.

  29. Dear BB,

    Just wanted to add my thanks for all you do. I read the blog EVERY day. The only thing I don’t like about weekends is there is no new blog to read. Some people wonder why a guy my age (56) is interested in the sport. I think you and most of your readers get it.

    Thinking of moving to Iowa now.

    My knowledge and enjoyment of airgunning is in large part due to your blog. Thanks again and keep it the same, BB or TG or Superman!

    Al Pellet

  30. Thanks for all the great information you have shared with all of us who enjoy this sport. I have read this blog daily for the past 2 years and has really expanded my interest in airgunning. Through this blog I have bought the the right guns, pellets, and scopes to suit my interests have had no disapointments. To me thats priceless. This blog definitely becomes a little addicting, but ya gotta love it. Thanks again Tom/BB Brad in Iowa

  31. It’s nice to know that an old friend I haven’t yet met is still and old friend I haven’t yet met no matter what his name is. Keep up the great work BB/Tom


  32. BB – I was on hold with pyramyd, and they were playing Gaylo… er, your talk on airguns over the line while I was waiting. I was only half listening to it, but I thought I heard your voice say that pellgun oil is a silicone based product.

    I realize that the recording was made quite some time ago, but I wonder if you might want to do something to about that. You seem to be rather sensitive to giving out wrong information (as per your pellun oil posting of a couple of weeks ago). As you pointed out – if someone thinks that pellgun oil was silicone based they might be tempted to use it in an unsafe application.

  33. BB/TG,

    I just wanted to add that I’m glad to know who you really are, even though my money was on you being someone else.
    It doesn’t matter, though, as your willingness to dispense your extensive knowledge has been invaluable.
    I read other resources, but it was mainly because of your review of the Gamo CFX that I ordered both a .177 and .22 of that gun, and I have not been disappointed.
    btw…the .177 prefers Beeman Ram Jet and Crosman Premier Ultra Magnum, while the .22 prefers JSB Exact Jumbo and H&N Baracuda Match, with both guns grouping five of those pellets from 0.4-0.5″ @ 25 yards.
    Your patience and ability to get the the crux of all the questions flooding your way indicate that you are a great instructor.
    Also, as an ex-Navy (heh!) guy, I think your Army experience has been a huge part of your trajectory, to use a gun term.
    Thanks for all the great articles and answers to questions, often for the 100th time.

    -Scott (from New Castle, Indiana, not Keokuk, IA, but I know that guy)

  34. B.B. I really do live in Iowa (but not S.E. Iowa), and I appreciate that image of who you write for – sounds like me. I haven’t had a gun for quite a few years – and your input helped me make a good choice that has turned out to be a lot of fun. Thanks.
    P.S. – Honestly, I did wonder about that last name – “Pelletier” – …sounds French.

  35. B.B.,

    Thanks for lifting the shroud of secrecy. Like many I suspected as much. I have been biting my tounge for a while, wanting to congratulate you (Tom) on the excellent articles you’ve been writing for Shotgun News. You articles are the first thing I look for in each issue.

    Your work has always been outstanding regardless of whether is said B.B. or Tom on the by line.

    Thanks for every thing.


  36. B.B.

    I just purchased a tin of pellets from a local Sportman’s Warehouse called Wolverine FT by BSA. (.177 cal. 8.44 gr. Domed)
    It is made in the Czech Republic and I suspect that it is a rebranded JSB Exact. Do you have any knowledge of this brand/pellet?


  37. Hi BB,

    Misdirections to keep your ID a secret. Technically a lie, but not related to the quality of what you were reviewing. You are Tom Gaylord. You are B.B. Pelletier. You are an extremely knowledgeable guy and reviewer. You are NOT a liar. And we’ll help keep the riff-raff out.

    Looking forward to your next review, no matter what it’s on!


  38. BB. or Tom:
    It does’nt matter to me. I Just want to say thanks for hours of great reading and info. This blog is one of the first pages I open when I get home.
    Thanks again.

  39. Being a bit new into air rifles I had read and posted here and read Tom Gaylord pieces. Had no idea until somebody discussed it the other day. But it was clear when you did not shoot it down immediately that it was because you couldn’t. Its nothing to be concerned about, it doesn’t matter who you are just that you give good opinions. And everybody certainly enjoys chewing the fat with you.

    Now if I may interrupt the unveiling ceremony, have a question. On Straight Shooters they have velocity tests. With the R1 they tested CPL to weigh 8 grains, shoot 911 at muzzle and 643 at 50 yards for a BC of .018. They also tested the R9 with CPL weighing 7.9 grains, shooting 876 at muzzle and 685 at 50 yards with a BC of .026.

    These numbers seem puzzling and against physics, unless I am missing something. Do they appear to be ok???

  40. bb,

    just out of curiosity, why did you do some posts as tom?

    i do have an airun related ? for you also.(btw, i love your review of the 89…i think its going to be a xmas present to myself now). do you remember when you told us about the link that made a benji easier to pump? any news on that(where to buy, if it is purchaseable, etc.?)

    one more ?…how difficult was it when you did the post on the condor?lol commenting must have made you crazy…this one for tom, that one for bb, lmao, i get a headache just thinking about it.

    thanks for all of your advice, and great blogs…youve taught many of us most of what we know about airguns.


  41. Darn! Well, I’ve been silently reading this blog for the past 6 months trying to catch up. I read every single post until Feb 2007 and in a couple of weeks I’ll catch up to today. I just had to read this when I saw the topic. In most of them, I read all comments as well.

    I have spent more than $1500 on pyramyd airguns in the past couple of months. It’s because of this blog. I’m not sorry, but I’m just saying. Actually, there’s a Benjamin 392 in the mail right now. One of the reasons I made this decision was that I recently heard the airwaves and Tom said it’s his favorite rifle. Then, BB said in here several times that it’s his favorite rifle. I figured that since both these guys that seem to know what they’re talking about suggest the same rifle, it can’t be that bad, even though they both work for pyramyd. When I also read that Insomniac bought that (who from his posts apparently checks everything out there and worries about everything out there – no offense). it sealed the deal.

    At some point I thought that it may be the same person, but the comments about “Tom said that” or “BB’s blog said this” or “I’m turning the blog over to BB, cause I’m going on vacation” threw me out. I guess I never thought about it much, because I couldn’t see a reason why someone would conceal their identity. Honestly, even though I did read this post, I still quite don’t get the reasons. But again, I haven’t lived on too many forums to judge. And the bottom line is I don’t care that much. I don’t know either Tom or BB personally and chances are I’ll never get to meet them.

    But let me take this opportunity and say good job to both. You’ve spent a lot of time doing what you do with airguns and it’s very nice of you to share that knowledge biased or not. If it weren’t for that, I (for one) would have been in the dark. I’d rather have some insight into what’s good and bad and then judge for myself what’s biased. I usually start form this blog to see what’s worth looking at and then I go to reviewcentre.com to see what other people think as well. The comments in this blog are also good indicators of what people like/dislike. BB is not far off from the general consensus in reviewcentre.com, so that right there says that this is good information and not so biased.

    So far, my CP99 and Walther lever action have turned out great (even though the CP99 was missing a backstrap and the Walther’s bore was scratched on the outside and not so well blued; details that are not a deal breaker for me). My 22SG is also really nice for the money I paid. The one time I voiced my opinion here (in a very old post), I got a satisfactory answer that helped me on my decision. Now, I’m waiting on the Benjamin and who knows what I may get next month (hello Career 707 III + accessories, goodbye $1500).

    Thanks again BB, good job.

  42. Aw, check out the love in this room.

    If BB allowed you to write, free of many biases, than I am glad for it. It also let me, and maybe others, to view the blog without an apriori. Now that you’re revealed, we as airgunners can now benefit from your previous work but since we know BB, there’s no more apriori to deal with.

    But seriously, I’m impressed with the loving. You’d think we were in line for a concert.

  43. B.B.,

    Thanks for the sacrifices that you ,and your better half has made to educate so many readers. It is said that behind a great man there is a great woman. We are all fortunate that you chose this path. Most of us would be in the dark and maybe giving up without your help.

    You are a true friend ,and I think your timing couldn’t be any better.
    Tom Peletier
    I think you need to treat yourself if you haven’t already. Happy 60th birthday.

    This blog make Pyramidair so much more than just a retailer.

  44. Annonymous person who asked the question about the data from Straight Shooters website:

    Straight Shooters may have an error in their data, because two different ballistic coefficients from the same pellet seems wrong. They might have gotten two slight different numbers, but those two seem to far apart. Also, the weight of the same pellet is given as two different values. They could get that by weight-sorting, but the resulting data wouldn’t represent the pellet anymore.

    Pellets don’t change ballistic coefficients based on the model rifle from which they are fired.


  45. DED,

    The gentleman who invented the easier pumping solution for the Benjamin will be at the Roanoke airgun show on Oct. 26 & 27. I plan to buy one of his guns for long-term testing.

    Pyramyd AIR also plans on doing something with him.

    As soon as I am permitted to reveal who he is and how to order the guns, I will tell you.


  46. Walther Dominator 1250,

    I have wondered when this rifle will be here, too. Umarex knows the Chrismas season is the biggest sales season of the year, so for them to miss it like this must means there is a reason the rifle hasn’t arrived.


  47. Well, BB, it’s nice to have a real name behind the “pen” name. I’ve been reading as many of your reviews as possible, and has really been influential in my decision process for my next gun. As you know, I’m now leaning towards the B40, with the TF 89 coming in second. You mentioned that you’ve had the average joe in mind when you started your blogs/reviews and I thought it really shows through with your reviews. I, like the average joe you mentioned, have limitted means and am really trying to get the best bang for my buck considering power/accuracy/ease of shooting. I really want to express my gratitude for sharing your knowledge, experience, as well as opinions with all of us who visit the site. Thanks again, and please continue the great work!!!

    Joey S.

  48. bb,

    Thanks…if you would do me a favor at the show(because i cant go:-(…) ask him if his product will be able to be purchased so ppl can put it in themselves. if not, its no biggy. thanks for everything.


  49. BB,

    WOW thats all I can say!!!lol
    Well I have always read this blog even if I dont write anymore.I still love every single word in it and I love airguns thanks to you.So keep em coming BB you have a loyal reader in me.God Bless you man

    Hernan Diaz (cf-x guy);)

  50. I guess my first instinct was right, but I really liked the pen name. The body of knowledge you possess & reference I remembered from an early Beeman airgun book I got back when I first caught the bug over 25 years ago. Keep up the great work.

    Western PA

  51. BB I am looking for a airsoft sniper.I was thinking about the shadow ops one but then saw the tsd SD700 that is coming soon for half the price.What do you think about it?should I pay twice for the shadow ops or wait for this new tsd.Do I get the same performance or similar for half the price or should I buy the shadow ops.Please tell me what YOU think


    CF-X guy

  52. When we are here to learn/share does not matter who we are. Many of us figured this out but different columns are helped by different names or alias. Actually helps consistency.

    I enjoy having it all just a few keystrokes away.


  53. Wow, I know this topic is old and I haven’t been around for a few months but I also feel honored to have received direct assistance from Tom Gaylord.

    People’s opinions are like a-holes and I actually left the TOG over the fiasco that took place over that blog entry. However, that was when I first knew your true identity, when tom “stopped by” to blog. That and your love for Beeman, come on.

    On another note, I dumped my cf-x and went to a 24″ Talon….much happier. I did that based solely on this blog if you can imagine that. I read between the lines and realized I don’t have the time, patience or technique to be as effective as I need to be with a spring rifle to accomplish my goals. I still long for an R9 goldfinger for some reason though…

    sorry for writing so much but after seeing you had dropped the bomb I had to post some sort of comment. I got a job with a government agency so I’m busier than ever and can finally afford any gun I want but that’s why I haven’t been here to ask questions.

    I just wanted to thank you again for all the info you have provided and no matter what all these self-proclaimed experts say you do a great service for the airgun community and are about the only person who not only tolerates but seeks out to help noobs.


  54. Hi, I’m totally new to air guns and was hoping for some advice. I’m not even sure if this is the correct blog. If not I’m sorry (and could you give me a pointer as to where I should ask my questions) I’m looking at buying a Tech Force Contender 89? Anyone recommend? The right ups on the gun look good. I’m just a bit skeptical as it is manufactured in China where quantity normally goes over quality.

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