Testing the Benjamin Disco Double-again: Part One
Do you like stories? Sit back and enjoy this one, because it’s a good one.
Do you like stories? Sit back and enjoy this one, because it’s a good one.
Today reader Ian McKee, whose blog handle is 45Bravo, tells us about a dot sight he has mounted on his Glock 19 clone.
Today reader RidgeRunner, tells us even more about the Falke model 50 breakbarrel he got at the North Carolina airgun show.
Today’s report is on a super lubricant called SLIP 2000 EWL 30. It that will probably have a part two but at present I don’t know what it is.
This report covers: Today’s report was suggested by reader LFranke, who commented to last Thursday’s report titled, Who do you trust? LFranke “The one thing I have paid increasing attention to as I adapt along is trigger safety. My older and most faithful arms all have tens of thousands of rounds in their individual histories. … Read more
Today reader Ian McKee, whose blog handle is 45Bravo, tells us about a recent firearm purchase he made.