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Equipping You For Even Greater Adventures

The Pyramyd AIR you know and love has a new look and an expanded mission. We are excited to announce that we are rebranding to Pyramyd AIR, where AIR now stands for Adventures In Recreation.

Pyramyd AIR. Adventures In Recreation, new logo for Pyramyd AIR.

Air Gun Adventures & Beyond

We are committed to always providing the largest air gun selection with high-quality air guns and accessories that we have been known for over the decades. In fact, you may have already seen the benefits of this change as we bring new brands to your fingertips such as Nielsen Specialty Ammo, STUD Loading Solutions, and more. We will also continue providing you with the services you rely on for your best airgunning experience. 

We also know our customers are not one-dimensional and we want to offer gear for ALL your outdoor adventures. This is why we are broadening our horizons to provide the best outdoor experiences for more than just airgunning.

Two campers sitting on either side of a firepit, one passing a break barrel air rifle to the other,

Embracing More of the Outdoors

With our rebranding, we will offer more products that cater to a wide variety of outdoor activities. We aim to become your one-stop shop for all your outdoor needs. In our category lineup, you will see more outdoor categories like Hunting Gear, Shooting Gear, and Action Sports. 

What does this mean for you? It means you will have access to more products that get you outside and enjoying nature from a company you know, trust, and have come to rely on.

The great outdoors is a playground for adventure, relaxation, and discovery. It’s a place to create memories and pass down traditions. We want to be a part of those memories and traditions, and the best way for us to do that is to support you by fulfilling more of your product needs. 

Our new mission is to help all of our customers rediscover the outdoors through the delivery of stellar products, knowledge, and service, ensuring safety and guaranteeing limitless enjoyment. Our No. 1 goal is to make sure you have the right products for your needs.

So gear up, venture out, and let Pyramyd AIR be your companion as you embark on your next outdoor adventure.

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Pyramyd Insyder
Passionate about helping customers get the most from their Pyramyd AIR experience, Insyder brings years of experience to provide insightful info about the various types of guns, ammunition, accessories, and gear available. They have a passion for airgunning and take pride in helping others discover the joys of shooting sports. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced shooter, Pyramyd Insyder has something to offer everyone.

19 thoughts on “Equipping You For Even Greater Adventures”

  1. Good luck with the new venture. Just please do not dilute your attention to your Airgun customers.
    May I ask if Pyramid Air has been sold. This new dimension to the company leads me to think it has been sold to a sporting goods distributor or retailer.

    David Enoch

  2. Best luck in the expansion that you are executing. I hope that this will give you more weight to promote the sport, and like David said, do not forget us ‘air gun enthusiasts’.

  3. Best wishes on the expansion of the product lines.
    Adventure in the outdoors is something i understand.
    We need a hunter’s kayak, or at least some activity specific outfitting items, to get into places that have little or no road or landside access.
    Waterproof gun and archery tackle bags/cases would be welcomed item.
    Clear specifications denoting degree of acceptable water exposure; as well as guidance on required maintenance after water exposure.
    Finally, updates to state by state regulations on hunting from boats by type.

    Wishing P Adventure In Recreation a successful rollout and profitable new chapter in a long and continuing story!


    • Thank you shootski for your good wishes and your suggestions.

      We appreciate learning more about our customers and their needs. We will absolutely look into your suggestions.

  4. Pyramyd Insyder,
    I wish you well on your new venture; yet I was happy to see (in your response to Henry_TX) you say:
    “We are air gun enthusiasts, too, so no worries, air guns are still our #1 product and content focus.”
    I may well see some outdoor equipment on your site that I’d like to get.
    (shootski’s idea of waterproof carrying cases for air rifles, air pistols, or even firearm rifles and pistols, when one is out camping, or hunting from a boat, is a good one.)
    Still, I am happy to see that airguns will remain your #1 product.
    BB’s blog is one of the best things about your site, a real tool for the airgun community.
    As is The Bow Bully’s blog for the archery community.
    Hence, I hope you intend to keep both of those blogs, even if you should add more; thank you. 🙂
    Blessings to you,

    • Yes, thedavemyster, we do plan on keeping BB around and look forward to more of his writings (and report from the PA cup)!

      As for the waterproof gear, we hope to add some new items like these in the future. In fact, shootski’s request for gear “to get places that have little or no road access” was one of the reason’s we wanted to bring in eBikes (/outdoor-gear/ebikes). We want to provide hunters and outdoormen & women with gear to go further into the outdoors than before, so we hope to add kayaks and more to our selection of ebikes.

      Appreciate all of your support and encouragement!

  5. I for one am looking forward to you expanding your line further, as long as you do not leave airgunning behind. That is what has drawn me to this site, and what keeps me here. As is, this is the first place I look for what I want. If you are able to expand into other fields, so be it.

    I am not much younger than BB and do not see me going on “adventures”, but I do have a grandson now and still bop around on my Harley, so you never know.

    • By all means. Getting them away from those screens and into the great Outdoors is what it’s all about. My 12 year old son, cannot get enough of airguns; and between basement range and plinking in the backyard he is exposed to a lot more of airguns, then I ever was at his age. Thinking about getting him a small kids ebike and taking him into the deeper woods is my next thing; maybe that will make him want to explore.

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    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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