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Archery Kill Your Target, Not Your Bow

Kill Your Target, Not Your Bow 

trail cam footage of a deer in the woods
Yep, you’re the target!

It’s a good thing we’re all familiar with shooting terms, otherwise, we might have this question. “Dry Fire? Is that a dehydrated fire?” The term “Dry Fire” does sound kind of odd, especially if you have a literal brain like the Bow Bully. 

If someone would have consulted me before naming the term, I would have called it vacant shot or barren fire…okay now that I said that out loud and typed it out for the world to read, the term “Dry Fire” does sound better. 

Void of a Projectile

Enough analyzing the world of shooting terms, at least for now, let’s get on with the discussion. How many of you know what it means to dry fire? It’s a term used in the entire shooting realm, whether you’re shooting handguns, bows, rifles, pellet guns and even sling shots. It means to release the firing mechanism void of a projectile. Like firing a human sling-shot without a human, knew you knew what I meant!

Hunting Guide

For some shooting apparatuses it means no harm at all, but for others it may mean the apparatuses now need to be completely replaced. What is a good way to find out which ones are which? Say you purchase a Killer Instinct Vital X Crossbow the best place to start is…READ THE MANUAL! 

But to save some time, (I am not going to use the word count on this blog to “read” it to you) I will skip ahead and say it is imperative for the safety of your bow, yourself, and others around you to know, you should never dry fire, vacantly shoot, or barren fire any kind of bow. For now you can put the manual down and finish reading this blog. 

Did you just ask me why? When you realize the amount of pressure the string, limbs, risers, cams, and pulleys are absorbing when in full draw or cocked, you may understand when that pressure or energy is released it has to go somewhere. 

Energy Has to Go Somewhere!

The intended design for shooting apparatuses is to dump the energy into the projectile to send it as far as is physically possible into your intended target. In finishing that goal, it is especially rewarding when you can safely send another in a repetitive fashion. Hence why it is imperative to refrain from the deadly “dry fire”. Yes deadly, deadly to your bow, don’t kill your bow!

Too Much to Haul

I’m pretty sure when you, or I for that matter, are in the woods with the intention of harvesting game, you are not carrying the Big Shot Titan 10XL Target with you so you can release your drawn or cocked arrow into, in the case you don’t have a shot opportunity. What to do? What to do?

archer inspecting the fletching of his arrow
I know buddy, you want to live!

Don’t fret, wipe the sweat off your brow, and relax!! There is a solution, knock your Killer Instinct Deadstop Decocking Bolt , aim at the ground and fire! It gives something for your most lovely crossbow to dump all that pent up energy into, therefore saving your crossbows life! 

This Will Save Your Bow’s Life!

The Killer Instinct Deadstop Decocking Bolt is designed to take a hit and keep on hitting, keeping you from damaging your bow and an expensive arrow. It is constructed with ultra dense stainless steel and a dual stop ring to keep it from breaking and penetrating too deep into the ground. It is also equipped with bright colored vanes for easy visual and recovery. 

Bottom line, no matter how odd some of the shooting terms sound, don’t kill your bows! Read the manuals and follow the manufacturer’s instructions! This is the Bow Bully talking and I am Pro Bow!

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

2 thoughts on “Kill Your Target, Not Your Bow ”

  1. Bow Bully,

    Wrote: “How many of you know what it means to dry fire?” I HATE to point this out…but you do not!

    Bow Bully goes on to write: “How many of you know what it means to dry fire?” Many of us…you?
    “It’s a term used in the entire shooting realm, whether you’re shooting handguns, bows, rifles, pellet guns and even sling shots.” mostly in English speaking areas.

    “It means to release the firing mechanism void of a projectile.” NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!

    THAT is shooting BLANKS!

    You need to work on this conception of, shooting blanks, and dry fire… ;^)


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