Don’t Leave Me Speechless
We all learned how to fold and fly paper airplanes when we were younger, right? If you didn’t, well, I’m speechless. It’s a passage of life that is mandatory! If you haven’t ever learned about paper airplanes, stop reading and go look it up. Make your very own flying paper machine before you read on!
Now that you’ve done that, (yes we waited for you to return), you’ll understand this blog a little better, well at least I hope. If you were to fly your paper airplane called the dagger or the arrowhead, they would glide across the room cutting through the air with ease. Now take another piece of paper and crinkle it up into a loose ball, what do you think will happen?
What if you just threw a plane sheet of paper?
I’m pretty sure you know by now the well folded paper airplanes flew the best and the fastest, while the crinkled up and flat pieces of paper hardly flew at all. Now that we know what flies the best, my next question would be, and yes an answer is expected, will I have to trash the airplane every time I fly it or is it durable enough to reuse? If not, what needs to be done to change that outcome? I believe you’ll agree, the least amount of repair required, the better the product.
No, this is not a blog or a song about paper airplanes, but I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this, right? If you’re looking for a broadhead, you want something that is going to cut through the air as quickly and efficiently as possible with enough energy to penetrate the game you’re hunting and still hold up on the other side for another harvest. Am I wrong?
Best Performance In Flight And Penetration

That being said, what broadheads are most reliable and durable? Is it going to be the Swhacker Expandable Broadhead? Or the Swhacker Razor 4 Fixed Blade Broadhead. I’m asking you first, what do you think will give the best performance in flight, penetration, and endurance?
The expandable broadheads have two blades that expand on impact, giving less drag on the broadhead while in flight to its destination. On impact the blades are designed to expand, creating a larger wound channel. Will this broadhead hold together while it twists through flesh and possibly bone? What do you think?
The four blade fixed broadhead consists of one single stainless steel piece. It is designed similarly to an airplane, for efficient and stable flight. The blades are fixed, and ready for max penetration and damage. Will this broadhead hold together while it twists through flesh and possibly bone? Again, what do you think?
The Bow Bully Thinks…
Here’s my opinion, if you want a better chance for a reusable broadhead, I would stick with a fixed blade like the Swhacker Razor 4 Fixed Blade Broadhead. It makes sense to me that it would have a better chance of holding its own while doing its job. If you’re looking for a broadhead with less drag, a quicker flight time and you’re okay with a possible one time use, I’d recommend the Swhacker Expandable Broadhead.
I know there are plenty of opinions to go around, if you didn’t know, you can join the conversation and leave your opinion below. I’ll read it and get back to you, it doesn’t mean I’ll agree. Who knows, maybe you’ll teach The Bow Bully a thing or two. What equipment do you use and what broadheads do you prefer?