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Education / Training Hy Score 801 – Part 1

Hy Score 801 – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

Thanks to blog reader David Enoch, who signs in as woguph, for today’s report. Perhaps you’re familiar with how it works. You go along in life, blissfully ignorant of something until someone brings it to your attention. Then, suddenly your life has a huge hole in it until you possess the object with which you were so recently unfamiliar. That’s what David did to me when he introduced me to the Hy Score 801, and I’m passing it along.

Hy Score was an American company that sold airguns from the 1940s through to about 1982. They made a unique design of air pistol, but they also rebadged a number of airguns, both rifles and pistols, under the Hy Score name. And, as sometimes happens, they were careless in naming their models, because there are at least two distinctly different Hy Score model 801 rifles. Although there’s next to no information about them in the Blue Book of Airguns, one of the Hy Score 801 breakbarrels was a Diana 25 (that one they do identify), and the other was made in Belgium. Today’s report is about the Belgian gun.

Diana 27 on the left, 801 on the right. Note the walnut stain on the beechwood stock. Beautiful!

There’s a LOT of confusion about the 801 because of the two different guns using the same number. Many people know about the Diana model 25 but are completely unaware of the Belgian gun.

I learned on the Vintage Airgun Forum that it was made by Peipers in Belgium in the late 1940s. It’s a small breakbarrel with some remarkable design/style features that I’ll show you today. The thing that captivated me most was the appearance. Where a contemporary Diana model 25/27 looks plain-vanilla, the Belgian 801 is a hot fudge sundae.

David showed me his two 801s at Little Rock, thus creating the hole I had to fill. After I show you the gun, I’m sure you’ll understand why. A couple weeks ago on the Yellow Forum classified ads, I saw one for sale. Brad was selling it at a great price and the shipping was included. Whenever I come across something nice like this, I ask myself, “If I stumbled across this gun at an airgun show and had the money, would I buy it?” When the answer is a resounding “yes,” as it was in this case, I move quickly.

The Belgian 801 is a gorgeous little breakbarrel. It sits in a beech stock that’s stained the most beautiful walnut brown that you could ask for. There’s not a hint of redness in the finish. And the metal parts are all highly polished and blued to a deep, rich black color. A comparison embarrasses any modern breakbarrel short of an Air Arms rifle.

Then, there’s the checkering. What can I say about the generous flat-topped diamonds that wrap around the ultra-slim forearm and also decorate the pistol grip? Each panel abounds with overruns, as if on purpose, which they must be, to be that obvious. But the overall look is spectacular. It even feels good to the touch. And then you see the checkered butt and think you’re in heaven. No, it’s only Iowa, but still, who does that kind of work on anything less than a full-blown sporter that we common folk can’t even afford to look at?

The wraparound checkering under the forearm is impressive. Overruns are everywhere.

Left side of the forearm shows both the checkering and the finger grooves.

Pistol grip is beautiful, too.

The butt is over the top! Who does work like this on a production airgun?

The .177 caliber rifle is small. It’s 40.5 inches overall, with an 18.5-inch barrel and a 13.88-inch pull. It weighs 5 lbs. even. When put alongside a Diana 27, it comes out as the smaller gun.

Atop the breech where the barrel breaks is a unique device–a pellet loader. It automatically flips down and aligns with the bore. It hints–no it shouts–at the care and thought that went into building this little rifle.

The rifle breaks open easily. We’ve forgotten, in this era of magnum springers, that it used to be possible to open a breakbarrel without slapping the muzzle. The 801 is a reminder of a gentler time.

Brad said the gun has been lube-tuned recently, and I know from taking a few curious shots that it’s very smooth. The trigger seems to be placed too far forward; but when the gun is cocked, it moves back in the small triggerguard just enough for my average fingers to fit. For ham-handed folks, this would be a problem.

The sights are adjustable after a fashion, but there are no knobs to click. Everything seems to be done by drifting the sights from side to side, and possibly by elevating and lowering a separate rear sight blade, though I’m not fully aware of how it works at this time.

The trigger doesn’t appear to adjust from the outside of the rifle. At this time, I would assume that it is what it is. It has a reasonably light single-stage pull that’s well suited to this type of small plinking rifle.

I will know more after I return from the SHOT Show and have some time to play with this little treasure, but I think this one is here to stay. Like a Diana 27, when you finally do get one, you won’t want to let go.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

73 thoughts on “Hy Score 801 – Part 1”

  1. You can post off-topic comments on each day's current blog. Everyone does it, and it is encouraged so that more people will see it & provide additional answers.


  2. Thanks Edith.

    Here's my question. Can you purchase a second barrel for the Benjamin Discovery? If so where and how hard is it to change the barrels? I would like to have both the .177 and .22 cal.

    I have not owned an air rifle in 30 yrs, so this will be my first one since I was a boy.

  3. Hi BB,
    I am glad you are telling everyone about the Belgium 801. Someone had pictures of half a dozen examples of the gun and no two had the same checkering. They all had different patterns and shapes. It appears the people doing the checkering were free to do what they wanted to adorn the little rifles. And while we are on the stock, I think I like this long swept pistol grip even better than the C1 stock. If I ever have a Diana 27 stock made, it will be to this pattern.

    I hope you will show pictures of the tapered barrels and the tightness of the inletting.

    Have a little fun before you come back home,

    David Enoch

  4. Good morning Tom and Edith!

    Wow! what a beauty! Now that would be a collector piece for anyone with an appreciation for guns. The stock alone is amazing, I think I have been staring at it for at least an hour! Any idea how many of these Belgian made springers might still be around? Needless to say I would love to aquire one. Anyway, hope you get a chance to test it on the range, I'll bet it shoots well. Thanks for the great blog!


  5. Off-topic,

    As far as I know, Crosman isn't selling replacement or spare Discovery barrels.

    If you want a PCP with interchangeable barrels, try an AirForce Talon, Talon SS or Condor. You can swap those barrels in 5 minutes.


  6. Discovery barrels – You may want to contact Crossman directly regarding the barrel swap. Although I haven't done it myself I've heard you can order the necessary parts from them. I believe all you need is a new barrel and bolt and maybe a new transfer port seal (I could be wrong on that) Look here for an exploded parts diagram


    This should tell you if you are up to the task of changing the barrel yourself or not. Please report back if you contact Crossman and let us know what you find out, I am sure there are others who are curious about this as well. The Discovery is a wonderful gun. I have one in .177 and it loves 10.5 grain Crossman Premiers. Out to 30-35 yards it is a squirrel killing machine!! For your first airgun (and probably not your last) in 30 years, I think you will be impressed. Good luck!!


  7. Discovery question,

    Call Crosman to order the barrel, bolt and bolt o-ring for the extra caliber that you want. I think the cost will be about $25 before freight.

    Head to their website first and look at the Benjamin product manuals for the part numbers of the items you need.

    It'll take you about 20 minutes to swap calibers. A bit faster after you've done it a couple times.

    If you use a scope, you'll have to remove it to get access to the breech for the barrel swap. You'll have to re-zero after each swap, too.

  8. Aaron,

    Thanks–looks like you and I were composing at the same time!

    The transfer port is the same. It's the o-ring for the bolt that is different. Why they sell a bolt without the the o-ring is a mystery to me.

    It's a good idea to buy several extra breech bolts, too.
    It's part #29 on the schematic–#1322B027. They're a buck each and impossible to find at a hardware store due to the fine thread pitch.

    They're tiny and easy to damage.

  9. derrick38,

    I was going to post that annonymous should ask you about the barrel swap. Aaron I ment no offense to you and good job with your quick accurate reply.

    No derrick38, I never did the barrel swap with mine. I'm trying to justify building a Discovery with a shrouded barrel in a Kantana type stock, but the riser breach is $100.00, the shroud is $100 to $120 and then there is the stock which I haven't priced yet.

    By the way would you like some more Air Source cylinders? I've saved 3 more and they're yours for the asking.

    Mr B.

  10. Mr. B – No offense taken, everyone is so willing to help around here, I just try to chime in when I can, and I always take the opportunity to tell people what I think about the disco.

    Thanks for the more detailed info on the barrel swap Derrick, I think I'm going to get the .22 barrel someday. I think it's worth the $25 to have a dual caliber gun. I'm thinking I'd put the .22 caliber barrel on in the fall at the start of hunting season, and around feb or march switch to the .177 barrel for all of my plinking needs. Did a great gun just get even better?!?!


  11. Discovery Guy

    All three of the bolts I have received from Crosman had the o-ring installed on the bolt already and shouldn't need to be purchased seperately. The o-ring is relatively cheap and will need replacing way off into the future anyway, so its not a bad idea to pick one up. But like the screws and other hardware on the gun, if you can find them at Home Depot/Lowes they will cost about a third of what Crosman charges.

    The aforementioned derrick38 contributes to a blog called Another Airgun Blog


    It is tremendously informative and has how-to/DIY tips on everything from disassembly, to tuning to machining amazing custom parts. Many excellent photos to walk you through the procedures as well. I highly recommend it.

  12. Derrick38,

    I had recently broken the bolt handle on my Discovery. The thread and pitch are available at the local hardware or bigbox store. I believe it's a 10-24 thread but I was able to find a bolt in my collection so I could still fire the Disco until Crosman shipped the handle.

    Anonymous – that was really a great question as I was unaware that swapping barrels on the Disco was an option! This might even enable one to convert the .22 cal to .177 and have a cheap Field Target rifle.

    Welcome to the Blog. Hope you stay around.

    Fred PRoNJ

  13. Discovery Guy

    A couple things I forgot to mention.

    If you plan on using the Benjamin pump to charge your Discovery, do yourself a favor and put a piece of scrap paper underneath the pump when using it. The reason is that the first couple dozen times you open the bleed valve to purge the air, it will blow out a fine spray of lubricant, leaving an oily stain on your carpet.

    Secondly, while Crosman is good at rifling barrels, they are often horrible at crowning them. If your accuracy isn't where you want it to be, I would recrown each of the barrels while they are off of the rifle.

    Good Luck.

  14. I love the little Belgians. I've owned both a .177 and a .22 in the past, but due to my revolving-door collection policy and the economic necessities of having two teenage daughters, both have since moved on. The .177 went to Frank Korn's collection in Holland, and I'm pretty sure my .22 is now David's .22.

    These guns have an old-world feel that is hard to describe. Evidence of craftsmanship and handwork is everywhere. And as stated, the fit of metal to wood is the tightest and most precise I've ever seen on a spring rifle. There are other subtle details as well, like the unique wavy-line texturing along the top of the compression tube, seemingly to reduce reflection and glare when sighting. Both calibers have tapered barrels, but it is more pronounced on the .177, giving it better lines in my opinion.

    Funtionally, they are about as simple as you can get; just a tube, spring, piston, barrel, and direct-sear trigger. The only "embellishment" is the funky little pellet seating device, which is often missing from gun-show finds.

    If they have a weak link, it would be the direct-sear trigger. Given the age of these guns, they have often seen considerable milage, and tolerances aren't what they once were. Consequently, it is sometimes possible to "over-cock" the gun, causing the front side of the notch on the piston rod to push down on the sear, reducing the amount of engagement. I've seen this on a couple Haenel I rifles as well. It isn't a problem IF you're aware of it. I developed a cocking technique wereby I kept my index finger behind the trigger, with slight forward pressure. This allowed me to feel the point of maximum sear engagement, since the trigger moves backward then forward when latching. A small inconvenience, but well worth it to be able to safely shoot such an elegant little gem.

    I look forward to additional reports on one of my favorite vintage guns.

    Jim in PGH


    Early in my collection days, I ran across one of these beauties… I couldn't find it in the Blue Book of Air Guns… so I figured I was dumb again in looking through the book.. or … it was a very special gun.. so I bought it. It was in great shape too, very tight.. great bluing still.. damn I was dumb!!! cause….

    Recently, I gave in to someone who asked if I happened to have one, and wouldn't stop asking if I'd sell it.. till… I finally gave in, in a moment of low cash flow… been sorry ever since… especially since I got it cheap, I sold it way to cheap!!

    Now hear you are rubbing it in.. with salt to boot!

    There is only one way you can make it up to me Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord..
    … a certain USFT collecting dust in the corner of the gun closet..

    There must be somethin ya'll want..

    Wacky Wayne, MD Ashland Air Rifle Range

  16. Wayne,

    So, you sold a gun during a period of low cash? There probably isn't an airgunner who hasn't done that. The sad, sad story of Tom & his Hakim rifles echoes yours. I can remember when he sold a Hakim to a shooter in Arizona. The minute it was out of Tom's hands, he expressed his remorse. He called up the buyer shortly thereafter & told him that if he ever wanted to sell it that we'd would buy it back…which we eventually did.


  17. Speaking of USFTs..

    #6 is on the way to me as I write… Might get her today.

    I got this one from Billy Lo, like #44. Billy won #44 shooting #6 in the 2005 national field target contest. Tim and Larry D. spent many (90+) hours setting up & testing #44 as a 12 foot lb. gun to compete in the world championships, in hopes of having one of their guns win. (eventually they did win, twice!)

    #6, and 20 foot lb gun, was the first "production" gun that Tim made… where he had made a run on the parts, instead of one at a time in the final designing stages.

    anyway.. that's the story as I understand it..

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  18. Naw,

    to me, CBS Dad, it's much ado about nothing. While I'm not a new testament guy, it doesn't bother me. Kind of like buying a Buck knife and having a prayer from the owner included with the knife (don't know if they still do that).

    And away we go…..

    Fred PRoNJ

  19. BTW…I guess my post may not be entirely clear…but I'm with Trijicon all the way on this one.
    They say they've been putting the reference on their ACOG's for 20 years now…and someones only just complained (and of course a ton of advocacy groups are chiming in).
    Now I know I'm from Canuckland and have no real right to be offended…but…an no disrespect to any other race/religion/creed, but I'm getting fed up with immigrants coming here and telling me that our beliefs (the US and Canada were established on Christian ethics) are offending them and we should all stop it.
    But infringe on their beliefs and all holy hell breaks loose.
    WOW…I feel much better now!!
    CowBoyStar Dad

  20. CSD,

    No, you're not the only one.

    Not sure when the idiots are going to force us to throw all of our money away since it says "In God We Trust". Guess this is rhetorical since they're throwing our money away for us.


  21. B.B.

    What are "overruns" on the checkering? I had supposed that this meant that the checkering was not following the pattern and was a flaw.

    CSD, I'm not exactly sure why Trijicon would want to print biblical verses about goodness and light on equipment designed to shoot people, but that's their business and the controversy seems overblown. Surely there are other things to worry about. I would be more interested if Trijicon would erase some of the price off their $1000 scopes. The EOTech ones seem cheap by comparison.

    Perhaps a taste of things to come apropos of our conversation about bad production quality: my Crosman 1077 arrived last night with a faulty trigger lock. I had the hardest time removing it with the provided key or with the other key I had. I was seriously thinking of drilling it off at the risk of wrecking the gun and voiding the warranty or sending the whole thing back to Crosman. Those who have ever unboxed a gun with anticipation can appreciate my feelings! I finally got it off and got shooting although I noticed that the magazine had difficulty locking. Trigger seemed a little tinny. Then, I ran out of Pellgunoil. (Springers all the way.) I'll make sure I never run out of Pellgunoil again for the rest of my life. At least I can say that the 1077 had the same accuracy as earlier versions.


  22. Matt61,

    Trijicon scopes have Bible verse references on them, not the entire verse. They do this to show spiritual support for our men & women in uniform.

    Overruns are when they go outside the area that was meant to be checkered. If you look at the second picture, you'll see several overruns in the lower right side.

    Too bad about the trigger lock from Crosman. Not the first time I've heard about this issue…or that the key didn't work or the key wasn't included.


  23. BB,

    I just thought that the bolt should always come with the o-ring. It didn't used to be included and that was a common complaint on the Crosman Forum as folks often forgot to order the o-ring separately. Sounds like it now does according to Slinging Lead.

    Mr B.

    Why not just get a Marauder? Appreciate the offer on the A/S cylinders, but I'm A-OK on A/S cylinders now–I've got 5 or 6. Did make a pin valve adapter to make them refillable. Still haven't gotten around to making the new valve half to finish the project. With a riser breech it'd be done by now–without a riser breech, the valve half needs to be offset to allow the A/S cylinder to clear the barrel.


    Your Crosman MK2 just went up on the blog right. Really enjoy it.


    You'll enjoy the rifle going up on the blog this weekend. Check back Saturday or Sunday. I'm not sure when it's scheduled to publish.

    Slinging Lead,

    Don't wait for Wayne to open the vault. Just hound him like I do. He enjoys helping us find what our little hearts desire.


  24. Matt61

    I think the overruns are basically the checkering outside the lines. (Think coloring outside the lines in a coloring book) Call me crazy but I like it. The checkering also appears to be quite asymmetrical, but I like that too. I guess I'm a sucker for checkering.

    Belgians must have enormous passion to put this kind of effort and skill into such a little plinker. But then again, Belgium spawned the greatest athlete in the world in my opinion (at least since the age of accurate record keeping)

  25. BB,
    I like this one a lot. It was good that they did the beech justice for once, instead of covering it in brown or reddish-brown paint; the checkering should hold up well in beech. The slim forestock is nice as well.

    I can't watch the video for some reason (my network fix is involved; the wife is not so happy), but if its what I think it is, I've already signed up mentally for a ball-tank full-stock "PCP" in .30 caliber or so. A modest 42" barrel should be about right:).

    I couldn't see what the uproar was about. It seemed a little silly that the NZ forces were worried that an abbreviated reference in the scope serial number would heighten tensions:).

  26. God forbid Trijicon should stamp some obscure numbers into their sights so that a few faithful, saddled with a chore few could endure, could look the passages up and gain some comfort from them.

    Shame on these people.

    Anybody that frets over the implications of this needs a hobby, really bad. I suggest airgunning.

  27. Edith,

    Thanks… at least I'm in good company!.. bummer is I just did it again last night!
    .. It's so tricky..


    Chris is a really nice guy. He does custom work on air guns. He had emailed me several times.. asking about a BSA Standard from the early 1900s .. Vince worked on it for me and when I finally took some time to shoot it with friends, I fell in love with it.

    But then Chris becomes friends from a far and convinces me, he could love her more and use her more… HHHMMMM
    I'll be packin her..

    and puttin the money toward a scope for USFT#6…

    ..unless Edith, you'd like a down payment on that dusty, ugly, robot of a USFT in the closet 🙂

    Wacky Wayne MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  28. Turnabout is fairplay,Wayne,My bestest buddy in the whole world…Need some more scope money???What else ya got that you will let go of even though you'll fast regret letting go of?I love my Haenel 301 to death!I will out-love you on a few more odd guns if you are still horse trading…look around for me,see if you have anything good left…They are just cluttering up your USFT storage area anyway!!!!!!! Frank B

  29. Edith,

    So, I was right about the overruns. I'm not sure, then, why a manufacturer would make them on purpose as B.B. suggests. It's a nice looking rifle in any case.

    I'm all for supporting the troops in whatever way possible. It wouldn't be my personal style to inscribe verses on gunsights, but you will look long and hard for anything manufactured by me. 🙂 And if Trijicon wants to do it, I certainly have no objections.

    That Crosman trigger lock is so cheap (although certainly hard to remove!) that I guess it can warp pretty easily. But the intention to promote safety, especially for kids, is a good one. My particular lock is now in the trash and the rifle is shooting great.

    Belgian who is the greatest athlete of all time? That's a tough one. Fannie Blankers-Koern, the sprinter from the 1940s? Eddie Merks, the cyclist?

    Frank B., how about a report on your new USFT?


  30. Matt61,

    I disagree with Tom that the overruns are seemingly on purpose. I suspect that the products with overruns are training pieces that got sold as "seconds" at some point. They're much rarer than the ones with perfect checkering, so they're ultra-collectible in my view. It wouldn't be the first time that something that was incorrect or not perfect became more valuable than the item that was done right.


  31. Matt61 and all,Maiden voyage today to sight in in between rain showers…I was in a hurry,couldn't find my FT pellets.Grabbed a tin of Crosman supermatch wadcuts.Muddy as heck,sight in off tailgate of truck @ 36 yards.took 6 to get on the crosshairs…wind gusts didn't help any,but even with the WRONG pellet the accuracy is stunning.The trigger is breaking at like 5 oz.!Stacked 3 in a row on the same point of impact!I'll be throwing these boxers away!What an airgun…The bushnell elite 4200 has a sight picture on an overcast day like a 5,000$ big screen HD tv on Blueray…Yeah,it's that good.No sidewheel,paralax adjusts from the bell but rangefinding on 32x was accomplished with confidence,and I've never tried it before with any scope!!!Can't wait to try the good pellets with fresh underwear! Thats my report

  32. To the person wanting to swap disco barrels.

    Why? Just buy one each in .22 cal and .177 cal and use whichever one you fancy at the moment.

    Because invariably you will want to use the one NOT installed at the moment and it will be a REAL pain to swap, resight, etc……well u get the picture.

    Contrast that with having each already sighted and ready to go at a whim!

    Do yourself a favor….just buy both and have done with it!!!

    Better yet…just buy a .22 cal and be done with it! What can a .177 offer you? Cheaper pellets? When you consider the cost and time of barrel swaps it is just so NOT worth it! Go with the .22 cal and be happy!! I did and I do NOT regret it!

  33. Fred,

    Lol….there is no such thing as a "cheap" field target rifle. Least not if you wanna be competitive. And I can assure you that you will not be competitive with a disco .177 cal.

    So leave the disco to what it was meant for….plinking and hunting and if you want to do FT, get a FT rifle.

    In fact, leave the .177 disco to heck alone. It serves no useful purpose. Imho the only use for .177 cal is target use where .22 cal is prohibited because of scoring. And maybe for plinking because you could get cheap, really cheap .177 cal pellets that would do minute of pop can at 10 meters. I could make a weak arguement for .177 in FT, but it would indeed be weak.

    But if you just want to do plinking, the disco is way too expensive and overkill. And if you want to do target, the disco is way under kill. It won't do the job.

    So decide what you want to do and pick a gun to suit.

    Hunting and plinking? The .22 cal disco or similar.

    Plinking and average target shooter. Daisy 953 Target Pro or similar.

    Good target shooter? Air Force Edge or Crossman Challenger or similar.

    World class target shooter? You know a heck of a lot more than me. Buy the best you can afford and like.

  34. To All

    I am arranging an intervention for Wayne to help him with his USFT obsession. He is clearly a sick man. If you would like to help, contact me via email or donate to the U.S. Red Cross c/o the "Wayne will never own every USFT ever made, so he might as well forget about it." fund.

  35. Frank,

    Now you're playing a trump card!
    You!… especially have good "kar"ma credits!

    I'll be looking.. and thinking of you.. email soon to come..

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  36. Slinging Lead,

    Excellent start. Trolling numerous websites looking for another USFT hit is solid evidence that Wayne needs an intervention. To be rid of this burden, he needs to get rid of all his USFT guns so he's never reminded of his obsession.


  37. "my Crosman 1077 arrived last night with a faulty trigger lock. I had the hardest time removing it with the provided key or with the other key I had"


    Are you aware that you don't turn the key in the Crosman trigger lock? I recently discovered you push it in until the two parts pop apart. I used to turn it (I assumed that's why they called it a key), often twisting it into a pretzel before the lock would come apart.

  38. Wayne,I have a good and shameless teacher,YOU.If you worked selling Chryslers,mine would be worth .02$,there would be billions of them! And you won't be getting USFT #92………It's ugly

  39. B.B.

    I have an RM600 (Mendoza)which has 11mm dovetails, but no scope stop recess. The plastic end cap on the reciever has a square shoulder which should function as a stop, but it is plastic! I was planning on using a 1 piece mount, but what would you suggest doing about the stop?



  40. Paul,

    Type mounting a scope on an RM600 in the search engine just to the right of where you did your post.

    This topic was just covered a couple of weeks ago–check it out.

    Let us know if you have any questions that you cann't find the answer to.

    Mr B.

  41. Eddy Merckx was absolutely the greatest athlete of all time.

    But since this is a shooting blog, we'd better talk greatest shooting achievements. Unquestionably, you'd be hard pressed to top Hungarian rapid-fire pistol shooter Karoly Takacs. Considered the best shooter in the world in 1938 until his right hand is blown off in a grenade accident in the military. He recovers and secretly trains, teaching himself how to shoot using his non-dominant left hand and crushes the Olympic record by ten points. He wins the gold a second time in 1952.

  42. derrick38,

    I cann't come close to knowing what an incredably hard job retaining all the muscle memory and then crushing the Olympic record by 10 points.
    Gotta agree with your choice of candidate.

    Mr B.

    RE why don't I buy a Marauder? I like the 24" barrel of the Discovery along with its light weight, and being a single shot.

  43. I hate reading about air rifles I'll never be able to own! No, that's not true, I love reading about them. No, I hate it, no I don't! Hey, these things are making me just as crazy as the rest of you!

    FYI, I entertained the thought (just for one second) what it would take to collect one of each firearm product S&W currently has in it's catalog. My source is the 2009 S&W product guide magazine. I think it is a bonus issue from Guns & Ammo. Anyway, S&W has approximately 250 different guns listed in their product guide. Average msrp is probably around $1,000. That's just one manufacturer and only current models. So little time!


  44. CJr,would you want to hear about the FWB 300s type II universal I just made a deal for?It chrony's at 630fps,groups .06 c-t-c@ 10 meters….if not,don't read the above description…LOL Frank

  45. Sorry,Chuck…Had to tell someone!When ya coming to Huntsville? I talked to JTinAl last night,we'll be getting together soon,weather permitting…..Tornado this evening knocked heck out of Five points…I watched it form from a half mile away,scary beautiful,thankfully no injuries!

  46. The reason for the barrel swap is I found a Discovery .177 w/pump for $250 still in the box that a friend has. I want the 22 cal but if I can swap the barrels (@$25+ship) then there is no need to pay $369 for the 22cal. I also then have a spare barrel if needed in the future.

  47. Anon,I have absolutely no idea why anyone would question you wanting the .22 barrel swap….for the price of a crappy scope or a couple tins of pellets.I say at that price you would be INSANE to not want one!Some free advice isn't worth the money…Go for it,and check out anotherairgunblog for great pics and instructions.You can't go wrong!

  48. Looks to me as if the Edge not only squeezes into the sporter class; it might well meet all the requirements for the ISSF 10 meter discipline. As such it would make a dandy bridge gun between the older wooden stock competition guns and the newer aluminum-stocked which are virtually a free rifle.

    I lust after the new guns, but don't want to spend the $$$$$ before having some idea what the change would be like. The Edge wouldn't have all the gizmos of the FWB, but needn't have them. Then after spending a year with the Edge the Alu FWB 700 wouldn't seem such a long step.

    Any thoughts? please.

    pete zimmerman

    I'll be out of action for 2 weeks with neck surgery. Don't do anything too much fun while I'm gone.

  49. Paul,

    I have advised people to use the plastic end cap as a scope stop in the past, but Vince and others have told me they break from prolonged exposure to recoil. I think a better plan is to get and use some BKL scope rings, which will hold by clamping pressure, alone.


  50. I thought I was purchasing an IZH-46M air pistol but I received an MP-46M air pistol instead. They look the same but does anyone know the difference between the two guns?


  51. Doug,

    I don't believe there is such a thing as an MP – 46M. MP designations are for IZH's line of air rifles and a rifle/pistol. What makes you say you have an MP 46M pistol?

    By the way, you are much better off posting comments or questions on the latest blog comment section. Very few of us go back and review new questions/comments on older blogs.

    Here's the link if you happen to need it:


    I'll still monitor your question and will try to help you out.

    Fred PRoNJ

  52. Fred,

    Doug has a valid point. Pyramyd AIR is on the case because someone has brought this to the attention of tech support. I have images of the 46M imported by EAA and the ones currently imported by Pyramyd AIR…the imprint on the gun is different & wholly dependent on who imported the gun. I will keep everyone posted on what I find.


  53. Edith,

    I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself here and other places on this blog sight but I don't exactly know where the best place is to post comments.

    I tried to go that IZH-Baikal website but the link didn't work. I'd love to see it if you can find the link that gets me there. I'm a little concerned because in all the research I did before I purchased this gun (IZH-46M), no one had ever referred to it as the MP-46M. It is only referred to as the IZH or Izzy 46M. My gun is stamped MP-46M. I feel like I paid for an IZH-46M but received a knock-off, maybe cheaper gun. The Pyramyd AIR website should not say they are selling you an IZH-46M and then ship you an MP-46M. This has me very uneasy. I spent a lot of money on this gun and want the gun I paid for.


  54. Doug,

    You don't have to post it in multiple places. Just post it on the current day's blog, which is always in the same place here.

    Here's what I wrote on the other blog where you posted this same question:

    Looks like their website is down or it was hacked. I used it frequently for info, exploded views & user manuals. First time it's been unavailable.

    You did not receive a knock-off! You got the same gun but with different lettering.

    Nevertheless, Pyramyd AIR is speaking with IZH to find out more about why they opted to change the labeling.


  55. I found this site because I saw the hyscore 801 pics & I have 1 in well 1 to 10 condition 8+ , same waffle wood and its 100% all there , I do not sell uncommon things , coins guitars ,guns paintings , u name it I have it !!! Bayonets from civil war ww1, ww2 joe DiMaggio autograph baseball with the coa. What is the value I'm just curios .

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