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Big bore airguns future – TNT episode 2

Big bore airguns future – TNT episode 2

What’s this? A Saturday blog? Yes. And no. What this is, is a look at the second in a series of six episodes of Tyler Patner and me discussing things a new airgunner needs to know when getting into the hobby. It’s targeted at new folks, but we thought you might like to see what we’re doing, so here is your exclusive first look — cue the red carpet and the reporters and don’t forget your popcorn!

Missed 1st episode? Here it is for your convenience. In the first episode we talk about how we get started in airguns, how many folks gets started and if there are any mistakes that can be avoided, two different approaches.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

6 thoughts on “Big bore airguns future – TNT episode 2”

  1. B.B.,

    Enjoyed the T’nT videos.
    Not that much has changed with the Ke numbers since you wrote this two part blog:
    I will say that the production of Big Bores has moved from boutique/garage constructors, many of whom were hunters, to larger manufacturer’s with 33 year old CEO’s and large Marketing Departments. Tyler Patner said, One Thousand Foot Pounds was a good round MARKETING number…or words to that effect in the second video.
    I personally think ammunition design is the key to better terminal results in the future of Big Bores. It has already been demonstrated (many times) that just increasing Ke at the muzzle doesn’t do much to change the Terminal Ballistics with the existing large caliber projectiles.
    Once you have a through and through projectile no further wound channel is possible!
    Unless of course something that you WILL wound is behind your intended target.


  2. Watched both episodes and was greatly impressed. While it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, I did love the new forum. I’ll have to check if my cable provider allows me to access TNT but if not, there’s always Youtube.

    Fred formerly of the Demokratik Peeples Republik of NJ now happily in GA

  3. B.B./Tyler Watched the Beginner’s Video. I guessed wrong on the pistol pistol you suggested. I figured it would be the Beeman P1 due to it lasting forever.


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