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Archery Sub-$400 Crossbow? Really?

Sub-$400 Crossbow? Really?

Several manufacturers now make models available for under $400, but are these bargain crossbows up to snuff?

Hunting can get expensive.

From license fees to camo for all conditions to pricey optics, the costs of being fully outfitted for the field can add up quickly. And a rig can come with the highest ticket of all.

Some crossbow packages — equipped with tactical scopes, integrated cocking devices, and incredibly compact footprints — are approaching the $5,000 mark. They can certainly produce devastating results, but dropping several grand on a new crossbow just isn’t practical for some shooters and hunters.

For crossbow hunting on a budget, sub-$400 models can be a great option.

Hunters who love the simplicity of a recurve crossbow can easily score one for just a couple hundred bucks. But even those who prefer more robust compound models can find options from CenterPoint, Barnett, Wicked Ridge, and Killer Instinct without breaking the bank.

And we’re not talking slow, clunky setups. Some of these sub-$400 crossbows reach speeds of up to 425 fps, sport smooth-drawing cam systems, and weigh in at just a couple pounds more than a vertical bow.

Now, you’re not going to get a top-of-the-line TenPoint or Ravin rig in this price range. These affordable crossbows might be slightly noisier, have a larger footprint, and lack some of the latest and greatest features, but they can still get the job done.

They’re especially great for youth hunters, newbie shooters, or anyone interested in just dipping their toes in the crossbow waters. With proper care and maintenance, they’ll serve you well for many years, and you can always upgrade down the road.

More important than the price tag on your crossbow is the time you spend practicing at the range and putting boots on the ground to scout for the coming season. It takes more than expensive gear to make you a good hunter.

If you’re in the market for a solid, affordable crossbow under $400, check out these models:

  • CenterPoint Heat 425: Reaching up to 425 fps, this crossbow is equipped with CenterPoint’s Whisper Silencing System as well as an adjustable foregrip, cheekpiece, and MIL-SPEC AR-style buttstock.
  • Barnett XP 400: This crossbow is ready to hunt in seconds with a single-bolt assembly that reaches 400 fps and weighs in at 6.2 pounds.
  • Killer Instinct Ripper 425: This setup can hit 425 fps, and Pro Package features high-performance accessories including a 4×32 IR-W scope.
  • Wicked Ridge Rampage 360: At just 6 pounds, this crossbow reaches speeds of 360 fps with a pre-sighted scope.
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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

3 thoughts on “Sub-$400 Crossbow? Really?”

  1. I picked up an inexpensive (less than $200) Carbon Express model for my wife a couple years ago. She can’t draw her Hoyt since her stroke. Yeah it’s not very fast (310-320 fps) but it’s not very loud. It is a great shooter to 50 or 60 yds. Still need to use a different aim point for each shot while target shooting so she isn’t tearing up bolts. She got a really nice (140 class) 5 1/2 yr. old 8 point last year. If I knew how I’d load a photo.

  2. The Bow Bully,
    When I bought the Excalibur target crossbow (90-pound draw) for my wife, even it was above the $400 limit; I think I paid $600, plus something for bolts and that sting device to help reduce the draw by half so she could do it all by herself with no help from me (as she wished it =>).
    For awhile, Excalibur even had a 40-pound version of that bow, for kids; the thing is, the quality was just as high, hence, the price was just as high; people didn’t want to pay that much for a crossbow with which they couldn’t even hunt and it got discontinued. Even the 90-pound crossbow they made for my wife has been discontinued.
    At the time (15 years ago or so), I had to special order the crossbow; and the guy who ran the archery store tried to get me to buy one of several 175-pound crossbows he had in stock. “You can get it for your wife…but then you can use it, too, like during the deer season.” And that’s where he missed the whole point: my wife wanted a crossbow that was just for her!
    Sadly, as with air rifles, I see the push for speed with crossbows. That’s nice for hunting, and it’s good to see that there are some sub-$400 crossbows to keep it an “every person” kind of sport.
    But where are the nice light-poundage crossbows for someone like my wife who wanted it just for fun?
    And I don’t mean those cheap, low-quality crossbows I see advertised. Does anyone still make a decent backyard crossbow just for fun? Something like the crossbow equivalent of the HW30S, an all-day shooter made just for fun. If you know of such a crossbow, I would be curious; thank you.
    Take care & God bless,

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