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Archery What Is the Best Gift Ever?

What Is the Best Gift Ever?

Archer opening his equipment pack.
The best gift doesn’t fit under a tree.

Christmas is Monday

It’s four days until Christmas and now you ask that question! I encourage you to take a look at the calendar, Christmas is Monday. If you haven’t figured out the best gift yet, you’re in a pinch. If you order something online, it’s highly unlikely they’ll get it in time. The other option is to face the insanity of crowded stores hoping to find something great on the already picked over, half empty shelves. Who ever said the best gift sat on a shelf anyway? I’d say whoever did is more than wrong!

Time and Effort

What do you have that is most valuable to those you care about? I’ll give you a hint, this is going to take time and effort. It may not tug on your wallet, (not yet anyway), it will require you to abandon the couch and your cozy slippers. It may also require you to dress in layers and brave the cold. 

If you still haven’t gotten the hint, here, I’ll just give it away;

Hunting Guide

  1. Time
  2. Knowledge
  3. Skills

Just Like You

It takes time to listen to the one in front of you go on and on about how their dream is to become an inductee to the NFAA Hall of Fame like you. They gaze at all your trophies and medals hoping one day they’re collection is as great as yours. The photo of you with your Bear Archery Super Grizzly Traditional Bow is one of their favorites, (you won’t tell anyone, but it’s one of your favorites too). 

Indulge Their Appetite

They turn to the bull elk hanging on the wall next to the turkey fan and beard and beg to hear the story of the harvest. Because you care more about them then the peaceful quietness you could have instead, you indulge their appetite. 

You: “I hadn’t made it to the exact spot I scouted out the day before when I heard him bugle. He had to have been less than 150 yards to my right! My heart began to pump, to me it seemed so loud I was afraid he was going to hear it as well as I could hear him!”

Them: “What happened next? What did you do?”

Another One

You: “Then I heard another bugling bull to my left about a hundred yards, I was in the path of two competitors. I had no idea if I would even get to lay eyes on either of them or both. They bugled one last time before the sound of my heartbeat was seeming to be in their hooves slamming to the ground with every step!”

Them: “Were you scared? I know you got one, I’m looking at him! Come on what happened next?”

You: “I laid my eyes on the one coming from my left first and he was convinced of his dominance with his antlers decorated for his lady, he appeared with a purpose, a purpose to defend his title as the man!” He was so focused on his competition he failed to see me, a meer thirty-two yards from him. With the TenPoint EVO-X arrow already knocked and the TenPoint Flatline 460 Crossbow already cocked, I placed the crosshairs at the top of his shoulder and squeezed the trigger. The sound of success was the last cry of the 654 lb beast blended with the sound of the G5 Montec Broadhead penetrating the giant. ”

Them: “Did he drop right there?”

You: “No, but he didn’t go fifteen yards before he began staggering and fell. Then the real work began, slicing and dicing till the sun goes down.” 

Them: “Will you teach me how to hunt?” 

You: “My couch is calling me right now, come back another time.” Really? Is that really what you’re going to say? Come on man, don’t be a jerk, share the sport!

Time, Knowledge, Skill

Archer sorting out arrows in a quiver.
They’re going to need your help.

This is where you share your knowledge to help build their skill. It’s time to go to the range, get your bows, yeah bring them both, why not? Be sure your Big Shot Extreme Target is set up at an appropriate distance for a beginner.  

Wait a minute! Don’t just hand over the bow and tell them to go for it! This is a part of the best gift ever, don’t slapdash this moment! Teach them, encourage them to practice. Once they can consistently hit the target, break out the Big Shot Buck Target to teach them shot placement. 

When you determine they’ve accomplished all they can shooting at an inanimate object, spend more time with them in the field. Teach them the appropriate places to set up, and share the moment of their first harvest with them. 

The Best Gift Ever

That’s the best gift ever and it doesn’t fit in a stocking or under a tree, share the most important things someone else has shared with you; time, knowledge, and skill. That’s what I call a very Merry Christmas!

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

9 thoughts on “What Is the Best Gift Ever?”

  1. The Bow Bully,
    I have developed a solution for those who need a little more time to get those Christmas gifts:
    you can give gifts up to January 6th, The Feast of the Epiphany, Three Kings Day, the day that celebrates the gifts of the Magi to the Christ child.
    However, I like to go one better than that; after Christmas, I switch from the Gregorian calendar to the Julian calendar, which is still used by the Eastern Orthodox Church; on that calendar Christmas falls on January 7th and Three Kings Day is not till January 19th…yay! for the extra time.
    I’ve sent plenty of gifts set to arrive by January 19th, and I include a “Three Kings Day” card tied to the Julian calendar so they know why they are getting their gifts then.
    It works well to buy yourself some extra time, and people get a kick out of it. 🙂
    Merry Christmas to you!

  2. TBB,

    As I don’t like being rushed, can’t stand crowds, hate being told the the size or color I want is out of stock and don’t appreciate being told there’s no boxes left when a ask for one, I start my Christmas shopping early. I’m usually done and all wrapped by mid November 🙂

    Christmas comes at the same time every year so I’ve (finally) learned to be ready. LOL!

    Agree, you are right that time, knowledge, and skill are an excellent gift. Following that line of thought, I feel that the best gift is homemade. Being a DIY kinda guy that appeals to me and my wife receives something I’ve made every Christmas (and often, as a surprise, at other random times of the year).

    An avatar is an option for a gift that will not arrive in time. My wife gifted me an Avenge-X airgun (I know because she always checks technical things to be sure the correct one is purchased) which is not available in Canada yet. A very light “rifle-sized” box is sitting wrapped under the tree, I strongly suspect that it contains a picture and an “I.O.Y. when available”. Works for me, it’s too cold to shoot outside anyway!

    Merry Christmas!

    • Hank,

      It would clear the crowds out if we’d all finally learn that one. Shop early, yeah well I can only hope.

      Homemade gifts! Absolutely some of the best and it requires all the above; time, knowledge, skills.

      Ooo the Avenge-X that’s a good one! Sounds like your wife loves you, please tell her I said keep up the good work!

      Merry Christmas Hank!

    • “…my wife receives something I’ve made every Christmas”

      Hank, good point! The few times I have managed to go that route it worked out the best! 😉
      Merry Christmas to you. 🙂

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