Bear Super Grizzly Traditional Bow
Upgrades:40lbs Draw
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The Bear Archery Super Grizzly Traditional Bow is a classic bow that provides modern shooters with excellent performance due to its timeless design and high-quality construction. It is engineered for smooth shooting with double-layer maple laminate limbs, in addition to black fiberglass limb facing and backing, and a crowned, cut-on center arrow shelf with a leather side plate and a bear hair arrow rest.
To get a bow that has been trusted by generations of archers because it offers steady and consistent shots, buy a Bear Archery Super Grizzly Traditional Bow at Pyramyd AIR today.
Bear Archery Super Grizzly Traditional Bow
- AMO: 58"
- Draw weight: available in 40 or 50 lbs.
- Double-layer maple laminate limbs
- Limb backing and facing: black fiberglass
- Crowned, cut-on center arrow shelf w/leather side plate and bear hair arrow rest
- Reinforced tip
- Right-hand
- Color: Shedua with Black Stripe
- Includes DynaFlight 97 Flemish Twist string
Bear Super Grizzly right hand 40lbs draw weight Traditional Bow and DynaFlight 97 Flemish Twist string
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9 of 9 Bear Archery Super Grizzly Recurve Reviews
The Bear Super Grizzly is a beautiful, finely crafted,, accurate bow with a long.and distinguished pedigree! The 2 I bought from Pyramid Air live up to that reputation! It's good too see Pyramid Air moving into offering Bear bows because the service I get with them is top notch and I like Bear Archery products. Ordering is simple and fast. Affirm payments made this very convenient! Great job Pyramid!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowUse good, proper form with recurve bows!

Absolutely love this bow. As soon as I picked it up it became part of me.

Undoubtedly the smoothest shooting bow I’ve ever fired. Powerful and feather light. My favorite stick and string so far.

Shooting this bow for 2 weeks now, really good and smooth shooting.
35# @28", I shoot at 29" but no problem at all! No stacking.
I can recommend this bow, doesn't need to get accostumed to.

I bought in early summer to have enough practice time before whitetail archery season. I had months of shooting almost daily. very impressed with every aspect of this bow; from the looks, to the smooth shooting, and it was almost completely silent when shot. I would encourage anyone to this product. I have always shot Bear products and really didn't expect anything less.

Been shooting this bow for 2 months along with my grizzly and Montana. This bow will fling an arrow! Great fit and finish, however not as smooth as the regular grizzly. But all and all, a great bow

I actually got a right hand 35# ,mixup ordering and I love it !! This is fun .

Bought this bow last month from 3 Rivers Archery. Light weight, fast, and smooth to shoot. Would recommend this to anyone getting into traditional archery.
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Apr 30, 2024
By Michael
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing!
What Others Should KnowBear bows are as good today as they were when Fred Bear took them on his grand adventures!