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Archery Are You In or Are You Out?

Are You In or Are You Out?

Archer taking aim at an indoor target
Indoors Archery Range

Let Me Explain

Are you in, or are you out? You’d like some clarification, okay I understand. It’s because I asked a vague open ended question. Let me explain. 

There are two seasons of the year that can be slightly uncomfortable to get some range time in, (depending on where you are maybe more than slightly). I’m speaking of midsummer and midwinter, maybe for some of you, you’re comfortable outside all the time. Or perhaps you never are. Now I’d like to know, what do you prefer?

Archery Pros

  • Suitable for indoors and outdoors
  • No need for a hundred yard range
  • Hearing protection not necessary
  • Reusable ammo
  • Everyone enjoys it (okay, that may be a matter of opinion)

Hunting Guide

PSE Uprising bow with arrows outdoors.
We need an archer!

Fast or Slow

It doesn’t matter if you’re shooting a TenPoint Nitro 505 Xero Crossbow or a Bear Apprentice Youth Compound bow you have the option of being in or out, (indoors or outdoors that is). That means during the most uncomfortable seasons of the year, you can still do what you love, fling the string. 

All you need is an appropriate target like the Block Infinity Crossbow target, of course for your crossbow, or the Delta Speedbag Sniper Target for the rest. What’s the minimum distance you might need, I would recommend at least twenty five yards for a high velocity crossbow and all you need for a compound bow is ten to fifteen yards. Shoot, you could set up in your living room. Your living room, not mine. 

If you go to a traditional shooting range, hearing pro is necessary but, with our favorite sport, leave those at home. Crossbows produce a bit more sound than a traditional bow does, unless you just like things in or on your ears leave the Allen Shotwave Low Profile Earmuffs at home. 

Reuse Your Ammo

Ammunition can be a little pricey depending on what you’re shooting. Ammunition for your bow can be much the same, but as long as your arrow is recoverable it is reusable. Try to do that with a bullet. I hear you, it’s possible to reuse the casing but there’s a draw from your wallet and some work involved for that process. 

Go ahead, fling the string and send those TenPoint EVO-X Arrows into your target down range, then walk fifteen yards to it, retrieve your ammo and do it all over again! 

Everyone enjoys it, right? Maybe everyone who’s an archer, that would be a more factual answer. It was fun to include everyone else, at least for me. 

Are There Any Cons?

If I had to add a con this would be it; some types of archery are not something you can set down for a long period of time and expect to perform in every aspect of it exactly the same when you pick it back up. I did say some types because a crossbow doesn’t require the physical strength a compound, traditional or recurve bow does. 

With a crossbow, you’ll cock the bow, knock the arrow, disengage the safety and pull the trigger.  Depending on what your draw weight is set at, it may require a continued use of those bow muscles. You know the old saying, “Use it or you’ll lose it” , that’s exactly what I’m talking about. 

Is that really a con? I see it as more of a pro, all it is is a perspective change. If you know this reality, it can be what motivates you to shoot all year round indoors or out. Do you get my drift? Good, get out or get in but keep up the work of the bow muscles so you don’t lose them.

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

3 thoughts on “Are You In or Are You Out?”

  1. Bow Bully,

    You forgot that there are many places that only have:
    Long Dry Season
    Short Wet Season
    Short Dry Season
    Long Wet Season

    My personal favorite is the mostly bug free season(s)


  2. Shootski,

    You’re right, but that would leave me talking too much 😉

    I’m with ya on the bug free season, I call the bug season, the itchy season.

    Thanks for the correction and for sharing a favorite season with me.


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