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Archery Best Sellers! Who Decides That?

Best Sellers! Who Decides That? 

TenPoint Flatline 460 crossbow, a top selling crossbow.
This one’s a top seller, the TenPoint Flatline 460 Crossbow. Can you see why?

It Begins With Curiosity

Are you shaking your head yet? I guess that may be a silly question, “Who decides that?”. That would be each consumer that buys one, right? As I was browsing I found the TenPoint Flatline 460 Crossbow to be a bestseller. I got a little curious and wanted to find out more about it and I guess that’s the start. 

The first thing I noticed was its name, TenPoint,(maybe that means you’re guaranteed a ten point or better when hunting white-tail). Flatline because it drops them on the spot! Right? 460; I know, I’ve got this one because the arrow, depending on the weight of course, is able to travel 460 fps. The last word in the title is Crossbow because it’s a cross between a bow and a gun, (at least I got the last two right). 

The next thing I noticed is the rating of four and a half stars, so that means most of the consumers, those that have already purchased or had experience with it, loved it! At least the ones that reported back. 

Hunting Guide


Why do they love it? I’m thinking it has everything to do with the name and the promises it promotes. So you don’t agree? Okay maybe it’s the color, yes camouflage is a color. And you still don’t agree? I know, it has everything to do with the compatible arrows, like the TenPoint EVO-X CenterPunch16 Alpha-Blaze Carbon Arrows, you buy the crossbow just so you can buy the arrows. You’re right that’s even sillier than the first question I asked.

Aesthetics: A pleasing appearance or effect.

  • Veil Alpine Camo Stock
  • Total length is 26.5″ long
  • Total width 7.5″ axle to axle (cocked) 12″ axle to axle (uncocked)
  • Total weight 7.5 lbs.
  • Fixed raised cheek piece and rubber butt pad
  • Contoured pistol grip for a natural fit

Just take a look at it, it’s quite the looker, and by the description, sounds like a comfortable shooter too. A consumer’s purchase isn’t generally based on aesthetics alone but, there may be some of you out there that take one look at an object, animal, place or person and say, “I’ve got to have it!” and you’re allowed to, (to say that, that is. You don’t always get what you want, so keep that in mind). Others take it a step further and want to know more about what’s inside, because that’s the wiser thing to do.


What about the velocity of 460 fps? Now we’re heading in the right direction, and I’m sure some, if not all of the satisfaction of the consumer has to do with its performance. Great performance will absolutely produce a top seller so Let’s read about how the Flatline 460 performs.

Performance: The action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function.

  • Max velocity 460 FPS
  • Max kinetic energy 188 FPE
  • Integrated crank and de-cocking system
  • Integrated string stop system
  • Two-stage zero creep S-1 trigger with roller sear system
  • Power stroke is 14″
  • Draw weight 300 lbs.

Also Included

There’s more! I left out some of the accessories included with the Flatline 460.

  • EVO-X Marksman Elite Camo Precision Scope
  • Six EVO-X CenterPunch Premium Carbon Arrows
  • A quiver
  • A bubble level
3D target, deer head on a bear body.
Real Wild doesn’t begin to describe this archery target!

That sounds like a great package, because you get everything you need to get the range and take some shots at this Real Wild Beer Target that includes a can holder. Well, almost everything, beverages are not included.

What Do Other Consumers Think?

So if you’re a hunter, you bet it’s got what it takes to perform in a manner that accomplishes the task ahead of you over and over again! you don’t believe me or the written specs, go read some of the consumer reviews and let them tell you about their experience, in conclusion that’s the best way to find out why it’s a top seller. So get curious like me and read what the ones behind the trigger have to say!

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

8 thoughts on “Best Sellers! Who Decides That? ”

  1. Hello there tomek,

    You are right, that is alot, so we say “THANK YOU!!!” for cocking devices. 😉

    I think in that case scared = respect and that’s not a bad thing.


  2. The Bow Bully,

    Wrote: “The last word in the title is Crossbow because it’s a cross between a bow and a gun, (at least I got the last two right).”
    You might think that TBB
    But i don’t; especially on the business about some kind of hybridization resulting in the alternate of Armbrust in German and other names like Arbalest.
    Check out particularly in the Welsch: Bwa Croes
    https://www.gweiadur.com/welsh-dictionary/bwa croes

    No cross breeding of guns and bows in the BC Epoch that anyone seems to know of.

    The REST of the Story…


    • Dear Shootski,

      I checked out the links you sent, so what it’s basically saying is bows of all kinds pre-dated firearms. I never looked into it really, I really thought I was right, darn, but not really. Crossbow history is fascinating,(even though if you couldn’t tell, I’m not really a history buff). Thanks for the correction, I will stop the crossbreeding of bows and guns in my future blogs.

      Correction much appreciated!

    • I never heard that before, Hi. Could it really be that simple?? People do seem to enjoy complicating things, but most of the time it is the simplest answer that is most correct.


      • edlee,

        Words of wisdom, “People do seem to enjoy complicating things, but most of the time it is the simplest answer that is most correct.”

        Thanks for that!


    • hihihi,

      I’ve recently watched a show with a character named similar to yours, very strange, but hello hihihi!

      That is a very simple way to put it. Thanks I also have never thought of it like that. I know what a shame, right? No, not really. I’d be an idiot to claim to know everything.

      Thanks for sharing the wisdom!

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