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Education / Training Quinn’s Crosman 150

Quinn’s Crosman 150

Today reader RidgeRunner starts a blog series on his experiences with the Crosman 150 air pistol.
If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me at blogger@pyramydair.com.
Take it away, RidgeRunner

Quinn’s Crosman 150
by RidgeRunner

This report covers:

  • Tony McDaniel
  • Back Home
  • First Shots
  • Velocity
  • Accuracy
  • Summary
  • Editor

As promised to some blog readers, I am starting off a series about my experiences with Crosman 150s.  The first one I encountered belongs to a friend of my grandson, Blake.  It used to belong to Quinn’s grandfather.  Quinn had given it to me to have it resealed, but since I was afraid of messing it up, I took it to the North Carolina airgun show.

Quinn 150
Quinn’s 150.

Tony McDaniel

Tony McDaniel runs TMac’s Airgun Service in Newton, NC.  He is also the organizer of the NC Airgun Show.  I took the 150 to him to have it resealed since these old Crosmans are one of his specialties.  He informed me that it would be a few weeks before he was able to do such and I told him that would be OK.

Back Home

Eventually, Quinn’s 150 arrived back at my house.  I could not stand it.  I just had to try it out.  I put a drop of Pellgun Oil on the end of a CO2 cartridge, dropped it in the reservoir, tightened the cap down and took it out on the back porch.

First Shots

Once on the back porch, I put a pellet in it, cocked it, pointed it off into the woods, released the safety, pulled the trigger, and- NOTHING! Then I cocked it again and pulled the trigger.  POW!

Not being familiar with these air pistols, I did not realize that the first strike is used to pierce the CO2 cartridge.  After that, the pistol is charged.  Woohoo!  I immediately chambered another pellet, cocked the pistol and fired again.  POW!

I was hooked.  I had to have one.  I could not keep this one because it had belonged to Quinn’s grandfather, but I had become determined to find one somewhere.  In the meantime I was going to play with this one a bit.


It was pretty cold out, so I decided I was going to sit inside our running SUV when I shot Quinn’s pistol.  I took five shots over my chronograph using 14-grain RWS Meisterkulgen.


That averaged out to about 386 f.p.s.  Not too shabby for something like this.

Hunting Guide


I set up a target about ten paces away from the SUV.  Yes, I was sitting inside where it was nice and warm.  I put one of my bags on top of the window and rested the pistol on it.  After adjusting the sight to roughly being centered, I shot for score.  Now, before I show you the target, let me say a couple of things.  First, this was not the best rest for this. I just wanted to give you folks an idea what to expect from this thing.  Another thing is I am not a pistolero.  I can kill feral soda cans at twenty-five paces with most air pistols, but I am not about to try and shoot competition.  OK, here is the target.

Quinn target
As you can see, this pistol is shooting a little high at this range, but if you throw out my four pulled shots which I circled, it did not do too bad.


I guess I am going to have to get this back to Quinn and get started on the one that BB sent me. 


Everyone, There is a second part to this saga. It is RidgeRunner’s first encounter with the Crosman 150 I sent him. I’m making it the Monday blog, so you get the second part of the story right away.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

75 thoughts on “Quinn’s Crosman 150”

  1. RidgeRunner,
    Great stuff here! The only thing missing is the pic of you sitting in the SUV and shooting through the open window with the bag rested on the window sill.
    Yeah, you should definitely get your wife to take a shot of that next time!
    I think it would be an instant classic. 😉
    This is a cool report on a neat air pistol.
    Blessings to you,

  2. RidgeRunner,

    Those CO2 pistols are really something addictive. Not as powerful as a PCP but with greater accuracy potential than a springer of the same price range.


    • Siraniko,

      They can be most addictive.

      My main issue with using CO2 is it is usually fairly cold around here from late fall until early spring. That really puts a damper on the shooting time with CO2. My prime shooting time around here is early fall to late spring. I am too fat to appreciate shooting in the hot summertime.

      Also, Mrs. RR does not let me shoot inside, except to kill unwanted vermin that very occasionally manage to slip inside.

      • FM is a little wary of CO2 since the T38 revolver started having leaking problems a year or so after resealing. On the other hand, the Umarex MP40 has been a trouble-free blast so far; still have to shoot the Legends Luger. The heat around here does enhance the gas shooting experience, if you can find good shade for your firing position.

        Glad you’re having fun with this one.

        • FM,

          I have that pistol here. It belongs to my Grandson. I am not impressed. The main problem is trying to make these things look and operate like the firearms. If they would just take the strengths of these airguns and design to them, they are awesome. Crosman did that for a while.

          Way too many of the companies these days are trying to sell “eye candy”. This is one reason I like AirForce. John McCaslin understands what he is working with and has his team design to that. Many of the “old gals” hanging around at RRHFWA were built to be “form follows function”. Most manufacturers these days have forgotten that.

          Some are starting to learn that, but golly gee whiz they are putting a pretty hefty price tag on such. I do understand their desire to get rich quick, just not off me.

      • RR
        Good show old boy, as they say in UK.
        Regarding the addiction of CO2 guns I plead guilty. Just received a brand new MP 654k. I have had five of them in my life but sold the last two in order to finance an AEA… Still I couldn’t be without one and when I found an EU retailer with fair prices I jumped in. The Brno Tau 7 is another CO2 gun I will never sell.

        • Bill,

          I myself am not really that into CO2. Like I said before, It can be a bit chilly around here a good part of the year. That sorta kinda puts the quieetaas on CO2. It is just that I enjoyed Quinn’s Crosman 150 so much, I just had to have one of these “old gals” for myself.

          These newfangled replica CO2 airguns just do nothing for me. I have always espoused that we should let an airgun be an airgun. Let the form follow the function. Those are the airguns that catch my eye.

          Do not get me wrong. I once played with a M712 that the dude had modified a little bit that allowed him to use it with the old wood holster/stock. It was fun to play with for a few minutes, but I quickly became bored with it. Things like that do not hold my attention long. Replica type airguns are just not my thing.

          Most of my airguns are sproingers. I do have an old Crosman 101 I need to finish rebuilding. I also have a couple of AirForce PCPs. I even have a Benjamin Armada. What can I say, the price was right.

          In the past few months, I have once again begun to mess with CO2 a little bit. Will I jump into CO2 whole hog? Not likely. Despite global warming, it is still chilly around here a good part of the time.

          • On chilly days, could one perhaps use one of those disposable hand warmer packs attached to the CO² compartment with rubber bands? Or would that be too hot?

            I wonder what the readership thinks of that idea.

            I put one of those hand warmer packets in each pocket of my hunting coat to keep fingers from freezing.

            • RG,

              That could possibly work. I have heard of doing such before. My problem is I do not have any.

              Would it be too hot? I do not know. I do not know how hot they get.

          • RR
            I fully agree with your thinking about replicas being boring. It’s exactly what happened to me recently with a Glock gen 4! I believe it’s all about soul. That’s why I will always have an MP 654k in a closet. It has the real Makarov’s soul but it’s just made to shoot co2. Different version but not a replica for sure.

                • Bill,

                  LOL! I did not mean to step on your toe. Yes, the 600 should still be made today. Crosman still makes the 22XX series, which surprisingly some of its parts will still work on the 150 that I have.

                  Some of these “old gals” should still be made these days, but the cost would likely be prohibitive. Having a bit of knowledge concerning what it would take to build the 1906 BSA that I have hanging over my fireplace, I estimate it would cost well over $1000 to build it these days.

                  The model of the 150 that I have is cheaper made than the 150 that Quinn has and the one that I have would have a very high price if it was made these days. The problem becomes how much someone is willing to pay for a new one.

                  I pick up these “old gals” for almost nothing because folks who really do not understand these things think they can get better by buying a new one. This is the bad thing about this blog. Once the word gets out about how nice these “old gals” really are, the price skyrockets.

                  Keep looking, you will find a 600 somewhere. You may have to reseal it, but that is not anywhere near as difficult as you my think.

                • Bill, if I were to find one here in the states, could it be legally shipped to you? I see them for sale all the time for various prices and in various states of repair / disrepair. I’m happy to keep an eye out for you. With a little patience, I’m sure I could find a gem for you.

                    • OK. We will see. I am really missing my roots. The kids are now involved in so many summer activities, it is hard to find time to get away.

                      If you want to open a side conversation, I can let you know if I see something promising and let you know. Email me at my handle with no spaces with the number one at gmail dot com.

  3. RidgeRunner,

    Well done! The fun this 150 provided you is expressed in every word.

    In my opinion it is better to not have provided a photo of you shooting out of the warm SUV. As it is, I am able to create my own mental image of you shooting, a big grin on your face. That is a great idea about the bag hanging over the partly open window. Your accuracy might have been impaired somewhat as you described not only by not too great stability, but also by a less-than-optimal distance from your eye to the sights. Next time consider shooting from the rear seat if it would allow you to move back farther inside the SUV. Just the same, pretty decent shooting. (A LOT better than I would have done.)

    Again, well done, and I look forward to the next installment.


    • Thanks Michael! It was indeed most fun and very addictive to shoot this “old gal”. You cannot see it in any of the photos, but there was also a few inches of snow on the ground besides being pretty cold. I am a woos.

      I just wanted to get my experiences with this particular air pistol out to you folks quickly before I started in on the one that BB sent me.

      Hey, what can I say. I am addicted to the way these “old gals” are made and the different ways certain issues were overcome by the pioneers in this “sport”.


    I had a considerable post about my experiences with CO2 airguns over the years, but after I posted it, it disappeared and I was told I needed to be logged in to post.

    That will learn me to copy everything before I post it.

  5. First I want to express what came to mind regarding your grandson’s friend’s name:

    “ Come all without, come all within
    You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn”

    Those are lyrics from the song by Manfred Mann. By the way, is Quinn an Eskimo? 😉 (Look up the full lyrics and you will see why I asked.)

    Just kidding, but I think that he has a cool name.

    Glad you got the pistol working well. And looking forward to Monday’s blog regarding your own pistol.

    • Deck,

      It is really a pretty nice trigger. Over the years of use, the parts that rub against each other have become “polished”. Also, the spring that pushes up against the sear does not seem as strong as what is used in the modern Crosman air pistols. It has a light, smooth pull to it.

      There is no adjustment to these triggers, but if you use a lighter spring in the modern Crosman CO2 pistols (22XX family), you will notice an improvement. All the spring really has to do is push the sear up to the engagement position and hold the sear up against the weight of the trigger.

    • Decksniper,

      Off current topic but still about airguns.

      Eleven months ago you had a friend (firearm shooter) who wanted to get into airguns and shoot out to 75 yards.
      Whatever came of that?


      • Shootski

        My friend bought a .25 cal FX Crown (thanks to you), compressor and Element scope. He invited a friend and me to his farm for some flip gongs shooting at 50, 75 and 100 yards. His friend had a .25 cal Avenger with wooden stock. We all had no trouble hitting the targets with both scoped rifles rested on bags. I think we were using JSB 25 grain pellets. No slugs were on hand. Both rifles had been previously dialed in for holdover but I don’t recall how many reticle dots we used. Accuracy seemed similar for both rifles as far as we could tell but there was talk about options available for the FX. A larger reservoir was already on order. This fun day led me to buy my .25 cal Avenger with wooden stock which has been a joy.

        My friend’s job is time consuming. He is much younger and I rarely see him. I would love to get another farm invite. Next time I see him I’ll invite him over again to my place for deck shooting with some of my goodies.

        Glad you asked.


          • Decksniper,
            I’m glad to hear that you and probably other readers also keep airgun notes. When we discuss something interesting here on the blog, I write my thoughts on the topic as it relates to me, in individual Word documents, with appropriate titles.
            Have you found a good way to enjoy air gun darts?

            • Decksniper,

              Glad it worked out.
              Shooting beyond our typical range with the right airguns is usually an eye-opener for most. Great FUN too.

              I’m very glad you took the time to credited Hank since he has way more direct experience with the FX brand than i do.

              Hank tries hard to enable me into more than FX hand pump ownership. He might just be getting close to a success. LOL


  6. RR,

    Never had good experience with Co2. The extremes in temperatures (air-conditioner during the day to wood stove at night) make Co2 impractical for outdoor shooting most of the year here and I have the winter 10 meter indoor shooting season well covered with PCPs and SSPs.

    Still, I’ve seen a couple of Co2 guns that I may consider.

    Thanks for the nudge in that direction!


    • Hank,

      Brrrrr! I can certainly understand your view in this matter. It is not as bad here as it is there, but it can certainly be a “chill” on CO2 use around here. I myself have not been much of a CO2 fan, but there are a few “old gals” that I just have to play with some. The Crosman 150 is one of them. There is another one that was made in France that I am looking forward to playing with some. 😉

      • RidgeRunner,

        ah, I did wonder… 🙂
        Yet again, our modest host appears to have been generous: congratulations!

        After the snow has melted, I look forward to reading about your experience… please. 🙂

  7. RR,
    4 wheeling out in the desert one day a friend of mine shot his 45 at something from in the car and we nearly went deaf, never again, but I guess a CO2 pistol is no problem. Gotta hand it to ya, where there is a will there is a way.
    My skin is thin now and when I open the door to leave my home if there is any discomfort, I will close the door turn around and reconsider. “Do I really need to do this now?”. No wonder I’m behind in all the work to be done. Spoiled my old body.
    Really had no exposure to airguns growing up in NYC till my friend got his father’s Daisy Model 25 in our teens so I’m pretty interested in early airgun models. Treasured my first pistol, a Healthways Plainsman.
    Good to see how they have evolved. For better or worse. Sad I missed having so many of them. The ones I do have now no longer work and need some TLC.
    I found an old CO2 bb rifle I never even heard of before in a secondhand shop. The CO2 cartridge is inserted underneath where a mag would be and evidently had a clip-on cover plate, lost now, and I thought, boy this must have been some kids dream at one time and he probably spent hours and hours shooting it. Probably passed on now and his kids let go of it. Needs a reseal.
    Thanks for the blog.
    Ah yes, found it. A Crosman Model 500 Power Matic. Know nothing about it.

    • Bob M,

      If you were to contact Baker Airguns, he may have a seal kit for that (he does, I looked). He will also likely send you an exploded view of the parts. If you look around you may find a blog somewhere that shows you how to step by step fix it.

      These “old gals” are usually a lot simpler than most people think and are more robost than what is made these days. Start getting those “old gals” going. It is an awesome experience.

  8. RidgeRunner,

    Just got in from a paddle and read your Guest Blog; it deserves a BZ hoist if for no other reason then the smile it brought to my face. I had multi-pumps for years before my first adventure in CO2 (i needed to find a source of income to cover the expense of the CO2 since my parents said NO to that) and back then it was the most stable powerplant i could afford once i started re-doping, washing, and waxing airplanes.
    Your 1st shot story brought back memories of a friend almost taking part of his forehead off!
    His new pistol did the same thing but he looked down the barrel while NOT practicing good trigger discipline and leaving the cross bolt safety OFF.

    Have fun and shoot it more since the Ground Hog said it will be an Early Spring!


    • shootski,

      I will give this one back to Quinn this Saturday, but you will be able to read of my misadventures with the one BB sent me on Monday.

      Anyone who looks down the barrel of a loaded gun deserves to blow their head off. It removes morons like that from the gene pool.

      • RidgeRunner,

        Unfortunately he survived and went on to breed similarly “gifted” offsprings who have gone on to positions of power in the SE part of Penn’s Sylvania.
        Do share with Quinn Tom’s blogs on the 150.
        I’m looking forward to reading about your continuing “shenanigans” on Monday.


        • Well, I expect no less from up there. Yes, I know there are some intelligent people up there, but they are not what you “hear” about in the news except that they are leaving.

          • RidgeRunner,

            When i was a boy you could stable a horse or rent one in the city/county of Philadelphia! You could ride for miles in one of the biggest natural park systems in the world. You could even hunt deer and fox in the Northeast part of the county. The city/county had one of the best performing public and parochial school systems in the country. The Superintendent of Schools had fewer than ten people working in the office. The sidewalks were clean thanks to the street sweepers that used real brooms and trash carts, folks in the city washed there marble stoops every morning and actually picked up any litter they did find. The Lamplighters got around to every gas lamp each evening and morning without fail…then they got replaced by electric streetlights that were burned out or broken most of the time along with all the ugly wires and smelly poles.
            Something happened when the folks who knew better took over and all that was good and worked went away in a few short years in the late 1960’s.
            I got out of there because you could see the cracks forming under the weight of the political and government bloat.


  9. Looking forward to part 2. I got hooked on wanting one of these about a year and half ago. Mine is a 157 .177 version. It shot when I got it but very weakly. I took it to the Texas airgun show in 22 and Jeff Cloud who ran the show was kind enough to work it into his busy schedule along with my 102 and reseal them properly after my attempts failed on them.

    I really need to find a new home for it as I am so bad with a pistol that I just don’t shoot it much at all. Same for my 102 now that I think about it as I have two of them. Oh and I love that Mighty Quinn song too!!! My grandparents had an old jukebox and that was played many many times by yours truly.


    • Bob,

      If’n you was to send those pistols to me, I will surely play with them for a bit and then pass them on to good homes. You may rest assured they will be well cared for, hopefully for generations.

  10. I have a few NIB airguns that have been discontinued already and just found out the Daisy Winchester Model M14 CO2 BB/Pellet rifle has joined the list. Not sure when. Same with the Winchester MP4 AR I assume. Too bad we don’t get any warning from PA and others that things like this are about to happen. A ‘Discontinuation Sale’ would help. May result in a surge of orders from people who put off getting one.
    My airgun museum / collection may be a reality one day at this rate.

  11. Off topic, more related to a comment about Gamo not attending the SHOT Show, which for some reason motivated FM to find his Round Toit the last day of January and check out the gifted Gamo Whisper Fusion in .177; it was sorta “quickie” test and yet it was enough to come to pretty much the same conclusions B.B. came to in his 2013 review.


    Crazy FM for some reason thought he was gonna get sniper-quality results at 25 yards, using the fixed sights and resting the rifle on a monopod, shooting at steel can ends, one 2.5″ diameter, the other 4.” Out of 50 Crosman domed 7.9 grain pellets fired, a grand total of 7 hit the cans, 3 striking the smaller target, 4 the other. Fourteen percent hits…way to go, Fawlty Magoo! Had to adjust the rear sight all the way down to even register those hits, and a few more that hit below the cans – the rest went into a very wide spread about 2-3″ above the targets after the rear sight was adjusted for elevation. To be fair, next sighting attempt will have to be at 10 meters – or maybe 10 inches? – using the homemade “bench” with the Caldwell bag for support. Not going to look this gift “horse” in the mouth – or breech, though. Also, no Toucans were harmed during this test, just two cans. 😉

    • FM,

      I have bone to pick with you. A small package has arrived at RRHFWA from you.

      You may rest assured that I will do my best to find a good home for it. This may even end up on the front of my Diana 34. 😉

  12. I just came back from giving my dog her morning walk. The sun is starting to poke up over the ridge. It is in the mid-twenties this morning. Typical for this time of year. Now can most of you understand why I am not more enamored with CO2?

    • RidgeRunner,

      Perfect reason for the Dual-Fuel Benjamin Marauder.
      Also a Great lead-in to my mini blog/reply comparing PCP and Spring Piston capabilities…well i guess with me holding them.

      Same targets 80mm Skippy Peanut butter jar safety seals at 30 meters (32.8 yards) off hand, thirty shots each with my 1st Generation .22 Benjamin Marauder SN# …0009.

      The conditions were more windy than last time with the SIG SSG ASP20s more than enough to make the targets dance.

      West (180° out from the last test) at 23 Knots (42.6km/h) with Gusts to 33 Knots (61.1 km/h)
      Temperature 45°F (7.2°C)
      Dew Point 32°F (0.0°C)
      Relative Humidity 61%.
      Altimeter 29.92 (inches) 49′ (14.9 Meters) above sea level 1013.0 (mb)

      The air rifle is set up for dual fuel operations and has NO regulator.
      The Valve and Striker are set to give 30+ shots with 14-18 Grain pellets from 2,300PSI (158.6 BAR) down to 1,200PSI (82.7 BAR)
      The .22 caliber 1st Generation Benjamin Marauder is quiet enough for densely populated urban shooting if a quiet trap like the rubber mulch or a sound deadened metal trap is used.

      The first target (30 shot) was used to get back into shooting a small bore PCP air rifle; i had been shooting 9mm, .45 cal, and .44 Magnum caliber pistols most of this week. The second target of 30 shots was intended to be the basis for comparison to my two SIG SSG ASP20 Gas Spring break barrels. Well the resulting target is pretty sad compared to what the Marauder had done for me in past sessions.

      Ian, i almost thought my Benjamin Marauder had become 90° capable when i shot the group ;^|

      I refilled between each 30 shot string and reloaded my three (10 shot) magazines with the Air Arms Field Target pellets right out of the tin. As i got ready to disconnect from the storage fill i noted that the Trenier 4-16 x 44 scope was set on 4X and not the 12X to match the maximum power setting on the SIG WHISKEY3…Duh! I decided to shoot another 30 on 12X and really put out some proper effort. It worked!
      Other than on the three pellets that opened a nice, fairly round one hole group i was ON my WIND and FUNdamentals.
      The reference coin is the same Swiss 1 Franc coin (a little bit smaller than a US Quarter dollar/.25 cent coin) used for the ASP20 targets last test.


      PCPs inherently more accurate and easier to shoot well; even off-hand!

      I will admit to using a tall structure to my right as a WINDbreak right next to my shooting position. The rest of the way to the targets was mostly open to the Wind and Gusts.
      There is a trick to using a wind break that i will share with you. You must stand very close to the windbreak and hopefully be protected all the way from the muzzle to your back from the breeze. The projectile is typically less effected by the wind on the way to the target then an Off Hand (Standing) shooter’s body and rifle are regarding Point Of Aim (POA) displacement; PCPs with the reservoir tube all the way to the muzzle are just like sails in the WIND. If you move any distance downwind (lateral) from the windbreak you will get turbulent air which will buffet your rifle and you in totally unpredictable patterns; better to stand clear of the windbreak. If the windbreak isn’t tall enough you will not only get horizontal turbulence but also in the vertical from wind spilling over the top.
      Downrange windbreaks of any kind are a nightmare for reading the wind; i think of the side bermed outdoor range Tom shoots his longer range tests with Texas sized winds blowing and just cringe.
      I much prefer a wide open range with low or no berms; let the wind blow.


  13. Yesterday was Blake’s birthday. He and Quinn took the Crosman 150s out to the range for a little bit of shooting fun. Only feral soda cans were harmed in the making of this experience.

  14. When it’s really cold your eyes begin to freeze, and you lose focus. Your breath begins to turn to ice before it leaves your nose, and you feel like you are naked in a walk-in freezer no matter how you dress up, and God forbid you touch anything metal without gloves on … One winter night in Ohio was enough for me.
    I left San Diego with a Levi jacket on and almost did not make it from the plane to the hangar at 3AM. “You guys take the van, I’ll walk. I want to see somebody in Maintenance Control”. Little did I know.

    I wonder how CO2 would perform when a wind chill factor hits -40 degrees below zero? Would the BB reach the end of the barrel?

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