Is Your Name Siri or Alexa?
We all eat, and if you don’t, your name might be Siri or Alexa. If it is Siri or Alexa, no need to interrupt, I am not talking to you. I’ll speak for myself and you, yes you the reader, can follow suit if you’d like. One of the most rewarding meals I’ve ever relished is one I’ve put the most effort into and came away with success from start to finish. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
Whether it’s a hunt that I wake before the sun makes its appearance on my side of the world, (it’s not just mine, I won’t get too excited), or I’m geared up and out the door after it’s left again, that’s where it starts.
Gearing Up
There are decisions all the way through, from what to wear? Like this one which may be most important, “Do I want to keep my complexion natural, or naturally let the mosquitos alter my appearance and my mood?” Here’s my answer, I’m packing my Allen Vanish Full Head Net. From here, I’ll ask you to decide. What equipment are you going to utilize? Will you be using a rifle, shotgun, maybe the Pocket Shot Hammer? In this setting you really should be using something like this, the Killer Instinct Vital X Crossbow. What setting? The Bow Bully Blog, duh!
When you get to your honey hole, yes, I said your honey hole, and get set up for the game you’re seeking, one of the best things about the hunt is taking in your surroundings. Here we go, let’s share a tender moment…
Tender Moments, Don’t Miss Them
You’re settled and in position on the ground, in a tree, or you’re a stalker, (as long as it’s just animals, you’re okay in my book), now you should take a deep breath, just one, keep breathing (it’s sad I had to tell you that). Take in the colors you see, and brown is a color and can be stunning too. What stands out to you? What catches your eye or eyes, you do have two right?
Next you need to listen, (or I mean we, we are sharing the moment), hear all the noises around you and try to imagine what and where each one is coming from. Hey! Don’t get too lost in this tender moment, the game you’re hunting is on its way in! There it is! Tell me what it sounded like when its feet met the ground! That’s right I should know, because I’m right there with you! Take your shot! Good shot, and now we get to revel in the excitement and wait so we don’t bump it.
Time to Investigate
This is going to be fun, at least if you’re successful! Investigation time. There it is! The Killer Instinct HYPR Arrow and it’s dripping with pink bubbly foam, hence a lung shot! It won’t be going too far, (that’s my prediction anyway). As you follow the path you watched it run, there’s great indicators you’re going in the right direction, besides the scattered leaves there are patches of the same substance that was on the arrow and you know what that means. Again, you stop to look around, when you spot it in a heap, now you’re ready to harvest!

Finally, the fun part, the drag. You take hold of its back leg and begin the haul. When you get to your truck, you lean on it, taking a deep breath, (you know it’s time for another one), and finish it with a smile. Now that you’ve rested from that long haul, it’s time to load your success. Since it is just a swamp rabbit, next you’ll want to knock off the hide and clean it on the spot. Lastly, but not really, just throw that bad boy in the cooler and let’s eat!