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Ammo Shooting .177 JTS DEAD CENTER Pellets

Shooting .177 JTS DEAD CENTER Pellets

Today, reader Ian McKee, whose blog handle is 45Bravo, starts telling us about shooting the JTS Dead Center .177 pellets. If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me at blogger@pyramydair.com.

Take it away, Ian

three tins of JTS Dead Center pellets in .177 caliber: 1 wadcutter & 2 domed (8.7 gr & 10.4 gr).

Today, we will examine the new .177 JTS pellets in .177 caliber. They are currently offered in two varieties and three weights. They are a 7.87-grain wadcutter target pellet, an 8.7-grain dome pellet, and a 10.4-grain “heavy” domed pellet. 

First impressions

All three pellets come in 500-piece tins and have two layers of foam: one at the bottom of the tin and another on top of the pellets

The tins have a screw-on lid and are easily opened. 

I see a small artifact in the center of every pellet head. I assume that is from the lead wire used in the swaging process. I did not see any damaged pellets or pellets with any flashing at the mold seam. 

.177 wadcutter pellets inside the open tin.
They are clean and very well packed, you can see the artifacts of the heads in the photo.

Pouring them onto a paper towel and spreading them out revealed no lead flakes from the tins.

Weights and Head Sizes

I measured and weighed 10 of each weight. 

Using the pellet gauge, all three weights were a no-go on the 4.53mm hole, and were a go in the 4.54mm hole. So I would say they are a 4.535mm head size. 

The 7.87-grain wadcutter pellets had a minimum weight of 7.8 grains and a maximum weight of 8.2 grains. 

The 8.7-grain dome pellets had a minimum weight of 8.6 grains and a maximum weight of 8.9 grains.

The 10.4-grain heavy dome pellets had a minimum weight of 10.4 grains and a maximum weight of 10.6 grains.

Are we seeing a pattern here? These are some very consistent size and weight pellets. 

The Gun

This will be an ongoing test as we try the JTS pellets in many popular airguns. 

Since JTS does not currently sell a .177 caliber airgun in the USA, today’s test rifle will be the Air Venturi Bullpup in .177 caliber, using a single-shot tray. 

 I will fire a 10-shot group with each pellet at 25 yards from a rested position using a bag. 

Having owned this rifle for a couple of years, I am familiar with its characteristics. It is regulated, and while it can fill to 4350 psi (300 bar), it is most consistent in the 3000 psi (206 bar) down to the 2000 psi (140 bar) range, so I filled the rifle to 2900 psi (200 bar) before each group. 

I have not shot this rifle since I was preparing for last year’s Pyramyd AIR Cup. I eliminated it from being used as it was too slow to load for the Gunslynger speed silhouette event. It is still tuned for heavier projectiles, as at that time, they were shooting the best. 

Velocity and Groups

Velocities were recorded with the FX Pocket chronograph.  

The JTS 7.87 grain Wadcutter pellets averaged 978 fps over 10 shots, with a high of 979 fps, a low of 977 fps, with a spread of 2 fps, and a standard deviation of 1 fps.

graph showing the velocity of the wadcutter pellet group. the shots range from 977 to 979, with most being 979.
That’s super consistent, but I think it’s too fast for this pellet.

I have said before in the blog that 25 yards is the new 10 yards. At 25 yards, 10 of the 7.87 grain wadcutter pellets went into a .395 group with one flier. 

the wadcutter group, smaller than a dime, with only one flyer.
Not bad, but not the best. 

The JTS 8.7 grain domes averaged 945 fps over 10 shots, with a high of 946 fps, a low of 944 fps, with a spread of 2 fps, and a standard deviation of 1 fps.

8.7 grain dome pellet graph showing velocity starting at 946 for 4 shots then dropping to 944 for the rest.
Another consistent string, I need to revisit this rifle more often.

10 of the 8.7 grain domes went into a nice tight group that measures .269 from center to center. 

That’s almost 1 MOA.

the 8.7 gr group stayed together creating a hole in the target smaller than a dime.
That’s a nice group, I think this pellet warrants more experimentation. 

The JTS 10.4 grain heavy domed pellets averaged 902 fps over 10 shots, with a high of 902 fps, a low of 900 fps, with a spread of 2 fps, and a standard deviation of 0.9 fps.

the 10.4 gr domed pellet graph showing 7 shots at 902 and 3 shots at 900.
Again, a super consistent velocity string.

10 of the 10.4 grain heavy domes went into a group that measures .356 from center to center.

the 10.4 gr group stayed together and created a hole smaller than a dime.
Another good group, all I can say is WOW!

I have shot better groups with this rifle, but it was with heavier ammo at a slower velocity. I think these velocities are a little fast for maximum accuracy with these weight pellets. 

I will revisit these pellets and rifle with this same tune at 50 yards before I start turning screws. 


The JTS Dead Center .177 pellets are clean, well-packed, and very consistent in both weight and head size. 

Like their .22 and .25 caliber pellets, JTS has brought us three more pellets that perform exceptionally well.

Now, we just need a .177 caliber rifle from JTS to go with them. 

Travis, we have the pellets, and American airgunners would like a .177 rifle to go with them. Can we bend your ear and make it happen?

Shoot SAFE, have FUN!


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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

37 thoughts on “Shooting .177 JTS DEAD CENTER Pellets”

  1. Ian,
    They surely are very accurate pellets; and another thing I like about them is what you said here:
    “The tins have a screw-on lid and are easily opened.”
    Yes, yes, yes!
    For the love of God, I wish all manufacturers would pay attention to that.
    I HATE when pellets are packed in tins with friction-fit tops so hard to pry off I risk dumping all the pellets!
    “The tins have a screw-on lid and are easily opened.” Yes, yes, yes! That is the way to go!
    A big “thumbs up” to JTS, and thank you for this informative report. 🙂
    Blessings to you,

    • dave

      Amen for screw on lids, especially the ones with reduced thread coils for quick on-off.
      I save the empty tins and peel the labels off the others and place on the user friendly tins.


      • Deck,

        Concur in regards to screw-on lids. I discovered how useful they were after purchasing some H&N Excite wadcutters, which came in tins with snap-on lids. My, what a mess when they tumbled everywhere whenever the lid decided to pop off.

        The wife is always wanting the empty tins. She uses them with her miscellaneous sewing parts and pieces. They’re also great for loose hooks in the tackle box.


  2. It’s time for me to re-stock on some new pellets, after all I’m down to just a hundred tins or so. So Ian or BB, how about a direct comparison between the JTS Dead Centers and the Benjamin “Bulls-Eye” pellets (Tom’s name). I’d sure prefer 22 cal domes. Hurry please, I want to order soon. . . Pyramyd keeps emailing me that they’ll run out SOON. Thanks, Orv.

    • The JTS line of pellets have been one of my go to pellets to test since their introduction. They seem to show well in many airguns.

      JTS recently introduced a 16 grain dome in .22 caliber. And a 14 grain pellet that’s a wadcutter.

      I have not tested them yet but are on my list.

      Doing a direct comparison with the New Benjamin pellets in .177 is a possibility

      The new Benjamin .22 pellets may not be a fair comparison to the JTS as the Benjamin’s weigh 14 ish grains and the JTS weigh 16 ish.

      And a wadcutter against a dome pellet may not be fair either.

      But be assured even with the disparity between the weights they will be tested.


  3. Ian,

    Thanks for the report. Seems these pellets should be added to “see if my rifle likes them” list?
    Good to see how consistent they are in your rifle. Great graphics to boot!



  4. Ian, great shooting and great report. Even Yogi had something positive today, and that’s something! Great pictures and graphs to illustrate the consistent performance of these pellets. I will certainly give these pellets a try in some of my airguns.

    Now if we could get competitively priced and performing pellets made in the USA, I’m hoping the Benjamin’s fit the bill, then I would be super happy about it. No offense to JTS, I understand the business model and the logic, but if and when possible, I prefer to keep my dollars local.

      • Ian

        Is your FX chronograph Generation 1 or 2?

        I have found JTS .22 pellets have a pronounced change in point of impact vs others of similar shape and weight. This is not criticism but I do wonder why.

        Excellent report.


  5. Ian,

    Thanks for this. Your report, photos and graphics are top shelf.

    Your AV Bullpup has a very nice regulator. Is it the Avenger?

    I do not know if JTS will maintain this level, but this early batch, like their airguns have been top shelf also. This attention to quality will certainly open many doors for them. Like RG, I personally would rather spend my money on this side of the Pacific, but this is now the competition.

    Velocity and Groups
    The JTS 7.87 grain Wadcutter pellets averaged 987 (978.2?) fps over 10 shots…
    (the graphics changed on me)

  6. Very good report and pellets – impressive consistency in weight, FPS and grouping for those ‘lil devils. Would like to see how they do with a “sproinger” but, no rush there Ian – one report at a time, one Round Tooit per report.

    Hope Tom is doing better today. That’s a one-day-at-a-time recovery process.

    • I have a limited collection of springers. I will have to change that.

      But that also leads to a possible rabbit hole.

      New springers, vintage springers, low end or quality springers?

      Where do I start?


      • And what power level?

        I think springers as a general rule are more picky than other airguns. I am assembling quite a collection of them. I think a Beeman R7 and R9 would be good ones to start with due to their reputation for accuracy. Of course, the AirArms TX200 Mark III would be near the pinnacle.

      • 45Bravo,

        from memory, you have an Air Arms Prosport underlever long arm and several Giss system break barrel handguns. Quality airguns: Check!

        So, that leaves a vintage looking but new, cheap toy, eh… 🙂

        Why would you want another springer and, if you followed your heart, where’d it take you?

        • If I followed my springer side heart hmmm.

          A Prosport in .22, (I like the look.)
          A HW97 in either caliber (I have never actually owned an HW) Shot them yes but never owned.
          I would revisit the TX200. But with an assist to help separate the cocking lever from the barrel.

          And the metal version of the IZH 60-61.


          • Ian

            My Izzy 61 may be my favorite fun gun. Accuracy is only okay but I can’t help but smile when it comes up in my shooting rotation. The look of it and one finger cocking effort are the reason.


          • 45Bravo,

            interesting shortlist. Thanks.

            With respect, I submit:
            Besides a bigger hole at the muzzle, the Air Arms Prosport looks the same as the one you already have (or were you thinking of changing to .22″ calibre and [!] to a walnut stock?).

            I would also dismiss the Weihrauch HW97 because there is a better alternative (either get the HW77 because it’s identical but also comes with open sights. Alternatively, the HW30S [or HW50S if it fits you better] for open sight shooting fun only).

            The Air Arms TX200 III appears to be a challenge for your finger tips, so that’s out too (next time you get a chance, press the length of your thumb between barrel and underlever, ideally below that rubber cushion-button… please).

            Which leaves, an early, metal action, Baikal IZH60, single shot, side lever (the 61, being a repeater, is reputed to be less precise). 🙂

            So yes, I would recommend the hardest to find airgun for you… 🙂

            • I say a .22 Prosport because it has more umph downrange than .177.
              Also, the .22 pellets are larger so if I drop a pellet while loading, it just falls right through, no having to dig the pellet out of the action.

              I have not shot a HW77, or a 50, so I don’t know what I am missing.

              The TX 200, about 40 or 50 rounds in my fingers start to hurt from wedging them between the barrel and the lever to pry it loose from the latch. Thats why I said the need for a grip on the end of the lever, but it looks funny.

              The Button on the end of the HW is more user friendly to me.

              Another on the short list would be a Diana 75, just because its a GISS system.
              And I never say no to an FWB of any kind…


      • Ian:

        Apologies for responding a day late. Work always expands to fill the available time.

        Good report! I appreciate all the time it takes to do one of these reports and do it well, so I am especially appreciative of your volunteering to do an on-going series of pellet tests!
        I don’t see much point in testing new pellets in spring piston air guns that are known not to be pellet picky (i.e. HW30 / R7). Don’t get me wrong. My HW30 K is high on my list of air rifles that I’ll NEVER sell. But, if an air gun shoots well with most pellets it doesn’t really say anything about how good a new pellet is?

        So, perhaps your list of springers to consider should start with “Which air guns are pellet picky?” And, then you have to ask yourself, “Why is this gun pellet picky?” As an example, I am told some manufacturers start a production run with tooling that makes a bore on the larger side of acceptable tolerances and then lets it wear down to the very LOW side of tolerances…an appreciably smaller bore…so they don’t have to pull maintenance on the tooling so often. Thus, they are able to keep costs down. So, whether a given pellet does well in a gun may just depend on where in that gun fell in a production run. That may invalidate testing a new pellet in one of these guns?

        Does anyone want to volunteer to write a blog on “Why are spring piston guns pellet picky?” Sounds like a fine can of worms to me!

        My suggestion for a springer would be an HW 98 (or HW 95, same action, different stock).

        Eastern MO

  7. P/A

    I wish IT would put in a toggle allowing a reader to switch to the chronological comment order and back. This would make the site more user friendly and should increase viewers. This toggle would allow us to see the newest comments quickly. Then we could toggle back to see who the response is directed to.

    This may be a big deal to do but it should increase your customer base in my opinion.


  8. Good, clear, and objective information. I especially appreciate the charts. I think that I am especially interested in the heavy domes and will have to give them a try.


  9. 45Bravo,

    Great report for some interesting pellets.
    Nice shooting to boot.
    We may all be buying more projectiles from the USA and the Pacific area since the Port of Baltimore (POB) is the likely entry point for most of the European pellets; i wonder how many are in containers on ships anchored outside of the POB. Buy pellets now! The POB is going to take some time to clear just the one channel in and out.


  10. Thanks Ian, great report!

    AGS included a sample tin of the .22 caliber JTS pellets in one of my orders a while ago and I’ve been shooting them in a variety of airguns.

    Been seeing the same things as you – the pellets are well packaged,
    clean and consistent.

    Don’t know if they could be a direct substitute (no point of impact change) for the JSBs that I usually shoot but I’ll be testing for that. It’s always good to have a second option.


    • Hank, I have been using the JTS .22’s where I normally had been using JSB. with a few minor exceptions.

      The JTS .22 pellets seem to seat harder than JSB.
      So In my true semi auto guns where the action is cycled by the gun, I use the JSB. They are just more reliable in feeding.

      I also notice for some reason when switching back and fourth between the two pellets, it takes about 10-12 shots for the groups to settle in.


      • Ian,

        I’ve also noticed that when changing to pellets of a harder/softer alloy that it seemed to take several shots for the barrel/group to settle down. I shoot 5 sets of 5 and could see a difference in the 3rd, 4th and 5th groups… figured it was me settling in.

        Since you mentioned it I will make a point of watching for that when testing.



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