![Tactacam game camera mounted to a tree](https://www.pyramydair.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Tactacam-TBB.jpg)
Deer season is upon us and this year’s prep has been different from the last few years. I’ve had to move my stand, clear some timber, and replace my game cameras. I procrastinated just a wee bit, it was only two days ago I put my game camera up.
A Camera It Is
Speaking of game cameras, I was considering hunting this season without a camera. Obviously I changed my mind, with some pressure from my hunting partner. I was looking forward to the element of surprise and the mystery of what type of deer are coming to my stand. Sounds exciting right?
You don’t agree? You had your Tactacam Reveal X Gen 2.0 up and running for five years straight and regularly check it? I guess that’s an inexpensive hobby, what do they even call that, nature watching? I would have done the same thing if my camera didn’t quit on me, okay, not to that extent.
That’s My Deer
I’ve spoken with hunters with a mixture of opinions. A few seasoned hunters who claim it’s cheating and how they didn’t have cameras and they did just fine. Then there’s the others, some seasoned ones in the mix as well, that prefer knowing the deer’s pattern and well, getting to know their deer. Yes we like to claim the ones we see regular photos of.
![trail camera footage of a deer in the woods with its head obscured by light](https://www.pyramydair.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Mystery-Deer-Season-1.jpg)
What kind of hunter are you? Do you like to get a heads up on the game coming through or to your hunting area, or do you like to be surprised? I haven’t decided yet because I’ve only hunted using game cameras, maybe next season I’ll tell my hunting partner it’s my turn to decide.
Imediate Intel
The next question I have for you is how do you feel about cameras that automatically transfer the photos/videos to your phone or do you prefer the old fashion sd card swap out? I prefer the old fashioned sd card swap out, I still have a camera that is cell phone capable like the Tactacam Reveal SK Hunt 16, but I don’t mind taking the ol’ swap out walk and sifting through hundreds of photos to pattern the deer.
I know myself, I know having photos/videos of big bucks traipsing to my stand all throughout the day is not a good idea. You can make fun of me if you want, I can’t hear you anyways. I work for myself and may not have the restraint to know there’s no need to try to sneak in and take that wall hanger, leaving me to come away disappointed.
Your Human Scent Is Not Mine
Kudos to those of you with that type of restraint. May I ask, well of course I can! Why do you prefer to have the automatic transfer? Is it the excitement of seeing what’s there the moment it approaches? Is it because you believe keeping your human scent out of the woods will give the deer a sense of comfort? If it’s the latter, I might suggest getting the Tactacam External Solar Panel to keep your camera going.
Do you think your way is the only right way? Good, I’m glad to hear we’re in agreement. The right way is the one that achieves success and it looks different for every hunter. Whether you prefer going cameraless, doing the sd card swap, or getting immediate notifications, if you’re experiencing success The Bow Bully says don’t change a thing!
I prefer to be surprised, you still do the scouting putting the time and boots on the ground, but no cameras for me.
Growing up in the 70’s my dad and several of his friends would make a yearly hunting trip to Colorado from Louisiana.
We would leave in late May, or early June, bring the horses there, and leave therm with a “dude ranch” for the summer so the animals would be acclimated to the higher altitude when they returned during elk season.
And they would do some preliminary scouting of the area of public land they would be hunting later in the year. My dad and his friends would spend hours pouring over the Topographic maps of the area discussing the best possible places to be on the hunting trip, and each discussing the patterns that the elk would most likely take.
When I was old enough he started letting me go on the hunting trips.
During my first trip, my dad lucked out and shot a huge trophy class bull elk. Later in the day while many hunters were admiring the animal, a well dressed man accompanied with an entourage of people stormed up, looked the animal over and said to what my dad later said was probably a paid guide.
Said: “Yea, thats the one we have been seeing from the air. ”
He spun around and got in their trucks and left.
That was in the late 70’s, pre-trail camera days.
I have always remembered that encounter, and have since and always be one that If I am supposed to get an animal that day, it was meant to be.
If I don’t, well, I had a good day in the woods with nature.
Yes I know we are busy now, and time is money, and cellular game cameras do increase the chances of you being in a “target rich environment.” on the days and times you have available.
But the object of hunting isn’t the kill, its the thrill and challenge of the hunt.
And sitting quietly enjoying the beauty of nature as it unfolds in front of your eyes…
I absolutely agree, with every bit of what you’re saying, and what a great memory of your dad! I love the thrill of just being in the woods and the possibility of seeing things I may otherwise never see.
I also know hunting is different in different parts of the country/world. Some terrain is great for stalking and the only way to hunt, while others are still hunting territories and stalking a deer is almost impossible because the thickness of the foliage.
It is all enjoyable to me.
I’m with Ian – for all the reasons he mentioned!
I think that too much emphasis is placed on taking fish & game and any/every means is justified as long as you are “successful”. It’s a SPORT and I feel people are losing sight of that.
You have to decide where your line of acceptably is. For some, jack-lighting deer or setting snares for them is perfectly OK.
My moose hunting friend was telling me that you could tell how many hunters were in the area by the amount of drones flying around. The drones do the scouting, and provide GPS coordinates of the animal to the “hunters”. Wonder how long it will be before the start arming the drones and hunt big game the way the Ukrainians are going after russians. He’s not planning on hunting this fall.
Yeah, technology is inevitable but it’s not a replacement for real skills.
Seen some of the AI image generator programs? A couple of seconds clicking choices in the prompt “creates” absolutely stunning pictures – your choice if you want to call the author an “artist”. Hunting and fishing is going the same way.
I originally deer hunted with rifles; as my skills improved I went to compound bows, then homemade selfbows as I could get close to my quarry and no longer needed to shoot at long range.
The trail cameras can show you close-ups of deer, can you get past their senses and get within point blank range? To me, that’s real hunting.
Each to their own.
Vana2, the next stage in your hunting de-evolution is to go into the woods barefoot, wearing a hunter orange loincloth and and carrying only a bowie knife. Now that’s hunting, man! Just don’t let the trail cameras or the drones spot you .
Thanks for that advice! And that would be a grass loincloth – until I could get a fur. If you are going to role-play you gotta do it right 😉
I don’t hunt deer anymore, we are on a first name basis with a number of the locals. Molly is bedded under the apple tree on my front lawn, I said good morning to her a few minutes ago.
If I wanted venison I would only need an apple and an axe LOL!
Have a great weekend!
Ha ha, yep, you have to earn your fur loincloth.
I have a lot of deer that have become overly comfortable in our suburban neighborhood. Can’t do much about them except keep sprinking smelly or spicy stuff on all the decorative vegetation. If only they would learn to eat the weeds in my yard. I’m thinking of having shootski pay us a visit and cull them all!
Thanks for sharing, there is definitely a lot of technology making its way into the hunting world which does bring about questions of is it really hunting or is it plain killing? I guess it depends on what you’re hunting. I can see for invasive and dangerous species using a thermal drone to locate them but probably not for deer, elk, etc.
It can be extremely frustrating sharing your hunting ground/time with others who always seem to have a “leg up” so to say. The one that really has the “leg up” is the one who enjoys and appreciates the sport and every aspect of it.