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Archery Your Favorite Crossbow Optic Is Mine

Your Favorite Crossbow Optic Is Mine

Hawk 2-8x36 XB 30 Crossbow Scope with reticle illustration
Hawke 2-8×36 XB 30 Crossbow Scope

Not Enough To Go Around

My favorite dinner is a big juicy medium rare steak served with an everything salad, and asparagus. Why is it my favorite? It tastes good, it’s filling, and doggonit my belly agrees! It’s yours too right? I mean just because it works for me, it should for you as well! Thank God that’s not the case, there may not be enough steaks to go around!

Let us transition to the world of Crossbow optics. If we had the same conversation, this is what I would say. “ My favorite scope for the TenPoint Titan 400 is the Hawke 2-8×36 XB 30 Compact Scope. Why is it my favorite? I am a fan of Hawke Optics! I’ve only ever had great results, it’s affordable, and they offer a lifetime warranty, yes a lifetime warranty!

Why I Like It

For Crossbow shooting, the magnification is not something I’ll need in extreme, two power is sufficient, especially for hunting. The max distance I will shoot an animal with a crossbow is fifty yards, therefore  the 2-8 magnification it offers is perfect!  

Stock up on Broadheads

It’s under a pound, it has an etched reticle rather than a wire with the option for red illumination. It also has the yardage references beside each aim point to better assist with the shot placement at multiple distances.   

Let the Light Shine

The 30mm mono tube is a factor because tube size matters! It just so happens lower light conditions are where I find myself facing the most harvest opportunity, the larger tube allows more light. I’ve never heard anyone say, “ I’d like this scope better if I couldn’t see anything when the sun starts to go down.” Have you? If you have, they were probably in a hurry to get to the dinner table. 

Then there’s the locking speed ring that allows the shooter to make adjustments according to the velocity produced. Why is it important to have a locking speed ring? Let’s just say, “It happens” and the point of impact could be heavily impacted if it does. 

Are You Convinced?

Just to be sure, so far, we are in agreement right? The Hawke 2-8×36 XB 30 Compact Scope is your favorite crossbow scope too? It works for me so it should work for you! If it doesn’t work for you, well, um there’s surely something wrong with you! 

Calm down, I was being sarcastic! If someone thinks everyone needs to agree with all their likes and dislikes, there may be something wrong with them! If we were all supposed to like the same thing, multiple manufacturers wouldn’t exist. This is just The Bow Bully bullying bullies, you with me?

Comparison photo of Tenpoint EVO X crossbow scope and Hawke 3x32 XB
My Affordable VS Your Affordable

It’s okay if you prefer the EVO-X Marksman Elite because it’s affordable to you, or on the other spectrum of affordable, the Hawke 3×32 XB. It’s even okay to gift one to someone else to encourage them to like the same thing you do. But if, by chance, the free optic doesn’t persuade them to agree with you, you would be wrong to be upset with them. 

Gearhead X16 compound crossbow without an optic.
Gearhead Crossbow Without An Optic

The Freedom to Choose

You’re allowed a free will and so am I, it’s a beautiful thing! It’s also helpful to manufacturers that cater to the different “affordable” spectrums. Get this, there’s also no rule against shooting your crossbow without an optic. Though many could, and I’m sure would argue the point of why it wouldn’t be wise, it is still a personal choice we all get the freedom to make.

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

2 thoughts on “Your Favorite Crossbow Optic Is Mine”

  1. “My favorite dinner is a big juicy medium rare steak served with an everything salad, and asparagus.” Reminds FM that, if God had not meant for us to eat animals, He would not have made them out of meat.” Bon appetit!

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