by B.B. Pelletier
The rifle was scoped with a Bug Buster 2 6X scope. The scope base of the AR6 is long enough to permit the installation of very large scopes, but I find I can get the Bug Buster sighted-in in half the time, so I tend to use it a lot more.
I filled the rifle to 3,000 psi and shot it for velocity, first. I shot 28-grain Eun Jin pellets, which were made for powerful .22 air rifles like this. There were 22 good shots ranging from a low of 930 to a high of 977 f.p.s. A median velocity of 954 f.p.s. delivers 56.6 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. That’s less energy than either the Career 707 or the Condor, but nearly equal to a .22 short and well beyond anything a Swedish or British PCP delivers.

A pressure gauge is built into the bottom of the forearm.
After the first 22 shots, the velocity dropped pretty fast. All shots were with the hammer cocked, which gives the highest power. If you just pull the trigger, the power will be much lower, giving more shots per fill. This would be one good way to shoot lighter pellets such as the JSBs.
The Beeman Kodiak was the most accurate pellet, because I waited to shoot them until after firing the first three cylinders of Eun Jins. That way, their velocity was in the 900s, instead of supersonic. They grouped under one inch at 40 yards on a day with blustery winds ranging from 5 to 15 mph. A more powerful scope and a calmer day would probably stretch the distance for one-inch groups to at least 50 yards. Eun Jin pellets were nearly as accurate as Kodiaks, and so were JSBs (shot after the pressure dropped).
To load the rifle, first pop the cylinder (the gun comes with two) out of the right side of the receiver. It’s held in by spring-loaded ball bearings front and rear, so direct pressure from the side pops it out. Once out, each chamber must be loaded from the front, not the back. A shelf inside the back of each chamber makes this necessary. The pellets are pushed in until their base presses against this shelf. This loading method means no out-of-round pellets can be loaded, because their deformed skirts will not enter the chamber. All Korean revolving rifles have this feature, so I was ready for it.

The 6-shot cylinder loads from the front. This is a Eun Jin ready to be pushed down. A seated pellet is seen just below it.
Firing behavior
I was pleasantly surprised by a lack of harsh muzzle report from this new AR6. It’s a loud airgun, of course, but nothing like the Career 707 or the Condor. If I were a hunter, I’d like the gentle behavior of the new rifle, which is why I made the comment earlier that the power and accuracy appear to be refined.
Hunters now have another good rifle they can choose. Disregard the low price and concentrate on the power, accuracy and nice features. This new AR6 is a real contender.
During the first twenty good shots did the did the POI change at all due to the air tube being strapped to the barrel while the pressure dropped?
I’m realy interested in this rifle, so i asked pyramid what gun performs best, the ar6 or the Infinety.
So far i got no response…..
What do you think is the beter gun?
Kind regards,
Lasse Holtzer
I have no experience with the new Career Infinity. What I said about the AR6 holds true, but I don’t know anything about the Infinity.
Will Evanix come out with a silencer for the AR6? If not, are there any available silencers that would work with this gun? Is the end of the barrel threaded? Thanks for reading, Gerry
There are silencers for the AR6, but if you live in the U.S., you first need a $200 tax stamp and the premission of the BATF&E to own them. You might want to read Tom Gaylord’s article about silencers for airguns on this website. It’s at
Dear B.B.,
Heya bud! I am pretty interested and anxious on buying an AR6. However, I live in a suburb of Toronto and wondering if CobraAirGuns or Pyramid deliver to Ontario Canada.
I tried calling the 800 # but can’t reach them in my city.
Have any info on that?
Yep, I do!
Canadian import law prohibit the import of airguns with velocities over 500 f.p.s. and of guns with any type of silencing capability. The AR6 falls under the former law.
Airguns developing higher velocities can be imported as firearms, if the exporter and importer have the proper paperwork on file with the Canadian government.
This law prevents a lot of airguns from coming into your country.
hi B.B. …
i whant to inform you that more versions of AR6 are aviable 😉
EVANIX send`s to USA 60 joules version , but they have 80 and 100 joules versions !
i own 80 joules version and whant to inform that speed of this AR6 shooting 17 grain pellet is 1600 FPS (measured with CHRONY master) !!! shooting heavy EUN JIN 28 grain pellets i get somewhere about 1300- 1380 FPS , it have more power than CONDOR or CAREER 707 😉
best regards from Latvia
The Evanix I tested for this report produced 76.74 joules, so it is an 80-joule model. The Condor develops 88-100 joules and gets 20 shots at that power.
B.B. …
yes the EVANIX have air problems 🙂
but i don`t understand why you have measured so small FPS with 28 grain pellets i can easily make them fly ~1300-1380 FPS first 6 shots
best regards from Latvia (Baltic States)
I have AR6 with longer air chamber and fill place is protected with dust cap.
My AR6 looks different not like in picture what you have on post in part 1 … (the AR6 was send to me like demo model, may be they send 100 joule model 🙂 )
The AR6 has been around since the mid-1990s, so you could have a different model.
may be you can give me your e-mail adress i have some questions that i whant to discouse with you
you can send your e-mail to
I’m sorry but all discussion has to be here.
Ask away.
do you know some other pellets still aviable greater than 30 grains in calliber .22 ???
Brand and model please
.22 pellets.
At present the only way to go heavier than 30 grains is with a lead bullet. You buy them from shooting suppliers, but they won’t fit in airgun barrels. Unless you have had your gun rebarrelled with a .22 firearm barrel or you have the DayState rifle that only shoots .22 Eley bullets, 30 grains is the top.
and what brand`s produce 30 grain pellets ?
only one i know is PROMETHEUS- piledriver
I guess that’s it.
interesting thing 🙂 , many of air gun manufacturer`s make fowerfyll air guns , but don`t make pellet`s heavier than 30 grains , it`s impossible to shoot light pellet accurate for long distances , many of modern powerfyll PCP air guns 30 grain pellet is not enought for shooting in bulls eye for 50-100 metters , it`s still too light
That’s intentional. An airgun is short-range by design. For longer range shooting, there are firearms.
but why make air guns what shoot`s more than 1300 FPS if ther are no pellets that can be shoot in bulls eye for example in 50 metters 🙂 those 28-30 grain pellets are too light to produce perfect group`s ….
if we use 35 grain pellets in CONDOR, CAREER, AR6 on distance 50 metters we get much closer groups, than if we are using 20-grain pellets
The airgun is not accurate with the revolving magazines, but when i put the pellets directly into the barrel there is pretty good accuracy! Why? Is there something that can be done for the airgun to start shooting accurately whit the magazine? Best regards- Anton, Bulgaria
The AR-6 is made to shoot very heavy pellets, like the 28-grain Euin Jin. If you are using lighter Barakudas, they may not be as accurate unless loaded directly into the barrel.
In any revolver, the jump between the cylinder and barrel is important to accuracy. Short pellets have to travel too far before entering the barrel, which will cause them not to be accurate.
Try using the Eun Jun pellets.
Do you know the volume of the air tank this rifle has?
I couldn’t find it…
Evanix has changed the tank, so I don’t know. The old one was 380cc, as I recall. I think the new one might be slightly bigger.
How does the AR6 compare in accuracy w/ the AF condor?
In all my testing the Condor has been more accurate. Of course it is a single-shot, so you would expect that.
The AR6 ranges between very accurate and just accurate, in the little testing I’ve done. One rifle will shoot half-inch groups at 50 yards while another will shoot an inch.
Hi to all!
Where in Europe can I buy EVANIX AR6 100J model rifle?
Im from Croatia.
Pyramyd AIR may be able to export a rifle to you. They will need direct contact from you.
If this rifle in your tests produced 76.74 joules so why you have stated that it delivers 56.6 joules @ 954fps?
BTW which is the fastest gun(FPS) to shoot a .22 considering the pellets are the same?
2)Daystate air ranger
3)Evanix AR6
Thank you.
It’s a tossup between the Condor and the AirRanger. The AirRanger with the non-pellet caliber .22 barrel is probably the fastest, but you can only shoot special pellets from it. A custom Condor .25 will top that, but not the regular .22. However, it has a regular .22 caliber airgun barrel and can shoot all normal pellets.
The AR6 comes in last, behind even the Career 707.
Hi B.B.
I have an Evanix AR6. I had it filled with air at a paintball shop. I asked them if I can fill it up with CO2 after it’s all emptied just for variation. They said yes.
Is it true that I can do that? Will CO2 not destroy the valve or any other part? I know the power will go down but just for info which I will use to play around with the rifle.
Also, I read somewhere in your blogs that you filled a CO2 rifle with a bit of HPA(of course after emptying it with CO2). I have a Crossman 2260 which I changed the caliber to .177 and made it bulk filled. Can I fill the rifle with HPA and how much can it take safely?
Hope to hear from you and thank you.
…tedd (colorado)
CO2 won’t hurt the seals of your AR6. It will drastically reduce velocity and energy, but you will get a great many more shots per fill.
I would not trust the Crosman with air unless you change the reservoir. Unless you are talking 900 psi air, which will only give a few shots, you are taking too much of a rusk.
Hello. I own new AR6 rifle and i have done many velocity tests with many different pellets. Shooting about 40cm from Chronys first cencor. Heres results of 4 best pellets. These numbers are 20 shot average from 210bar filling. Eun Jin 28 grain 992,8fps(61,3ftlbs), Eley Magnum 30grain 940,3fps(58,9ftlbs), Daystate Range Master 29 grain 1010,9fps(65,8ftlbs), Daystate Varminter H.P. 39,5grain 839fps(61,8ftlbs). Eun Jins and Daystate 29grains are most accurate and 29 grain Daystates deliver best energy so i use them. Only bad thing they are not cheap..
Their power is from 62 to 70ftlbs with 20 shot and one filling. I have owned also Career and must say that AR6 is much better power stays almost same 20 shot. Even the last 20th shot has 62ftlbs with 29gr Daystates.
You have a very hot AR6. Hold onto that rifle!
Most are 10 foot-pounds weaker.
I guess those cute, innocent, harmless, gentle, playful, soft, cuddly rabbits are definitely not gonna like this gun.
Dear B.B.
I want to buy a new pcp airgun, and i have found two the ‘evanix AR6 80j.’ or ‘the career III 707’.
And i don’t know wich one to buy.
Can you give any info of witch of these two is beter. Or witch one you prefer
PS. witch one is more powerfull
A year ago I would have said to get the Career 707, but the Evanix rifle has evolved a lot in the past 12 months. I haven’t tested it yet, but the new gun is supposed to get about 65 foot-pounds.
The old Career II 707 often got 70 foot-pounds on the first shot, but the power dropped off with each shot. I think the new Career III 707 is more in the 55-60 foot-pound range.
As far which is better, I can’t say. But the Evanix is supported by Pyramyd AIR, who is the exclusive importer, so the support for that brand is going to be better.
Both are accurate with the heaviest pellets.
Dear B.B.
Thanks for the info.
Another question:
I live in Belguim, and I was wondering if it was possible to order a ‘evanix AR6 80 joule’ through Pyramyd AIR. Because a same model in a Belguim gun-shop cost around 800 euro’s, thats about 1256 US dollars. And through Pyramyd AIR it is 600 USD.
Can you give me any info on that?
I have forwarded your inquiry to the Pyramyd AIR sales team.
They will need your email address, so please either leave it here or use the Contact section of their website.
Dear B.B.
My Email is:
Thanks alot!!
I sent your email address to them.
Tell me if you are not contacted by next Tuesday. We celebrate our independence day tomorrow, and I want to give them a chance to respond.
Dear B.B.
The evanix AR6 on PyramydAir has a differnt front as a evanix AR6 on the evanix home site. On the evanis home site, it looks like it has a small silencer on it. Is the one from PyramydAir maybe an old version?
The muzzlebrake you see on the Evanix website is the old model. What you see on the Pyramyd AIR website is the current model.
Pyramyd AIR will carry all the new models. Some of them will be substantially quieter than the regular AR-6.
Dear B.B.
What is the most powerful (in ft/lbs) pcp air rifle in a .22 cal
For guns out of the box, that would be either the Evanix AR-6 or the AirForce Condor. It will vary gun by gun.
The Sumatra from Sam Yang and the Career III 707 are contenders, too.
The most powerfull PCP guns I know come from Beaumont in the Netherlands where I live. The .22 version can deliver up to 150J.
Only problem I have is the money to buy one …
I saw and held a Beaumont .22 at the 2006 IWA in Nuremberg. It’s certainly a beautiful air rifle.
Yep, gues I’ll have to buy a ‘poor’ mans version….
Speaking about the Evanix AR6, I have been told the design is not that good, leakage is a common problem or not? Any AR6 owners here who can tell their experiences on this matter?
I’m intrested in the .22 cal AR6 but I’m confused about the models..
The Evanix homepage states that there is a single action 80J version and a new semi-auto 50J version.
Which is sold at pyramydair?
I also read that the gun might break if you shoot it in double-action on the pyramydair page.
I read that you shot it single and double-action.
The whole semi-auto thing is confusing me, can you sort me out?
best regards Emil
Evanix and Pyramyd AIR are about to release many new models, so watch this blog to learn about them all. They should all be out by the end of this year.
Hai b.b. can i ask you 1 short question? the ar6 is stated single action, i don’t quite understand, to tell the truth, i’m not really sure what it means. to shoot all 6, do you just pull the trigger? or do you pull back the little “switch” thing in front top of the grip, that little dude that sticks out. i also saw the other evanix, the renegade, and that is double action, so that, you just pull the trigger 6 times with no small cocking? ok, thx..
Single action refers to a gun that must have the hammer manually cocked before the gun will fire. You’ll find a complete explanation in this report”
That “switch thingie” is called the hammer. You pull it back to cock the rifle.
Double action refers to firing the gun AND rotating the cylinder to the next chamber by pulling the trigger, alone.
Dear B.B.
I still haven’t bougth a airrifle.
I’m planing on buying one begining next year.
I’ve done some research and i found out that many evanix owners say that it is great and powerful gun, but it isn’t that accurate.
Is that true?
Kind regards,
An AR 6 is accurate enough. Did you look at the Renegade?
The AR 6 uses the same barrel, so expect the same accuracy.
Is that good enough for you? Only you can answer that.
Don’t expect any repeater to be as accurate as a single-shot, because they have to be made looser to handle the pellets.
It seems that there are different versions of the Evanix AR6….IE, 100 joules, 80 joules, 50 joules, etc.
Which model does Pyramydair sell?
The AR6 that Pyramyd AIR sells can make 80 joules or perhaps a bit more. I have never heard of a modern AR6 making 100 joules. The ones from the 1990s made that for the first shot, but they declined in power after that.
The RENEGADE, which looks like an AR6 but is different inside, makes 50 joules. Pyramyd AIR sells it.
Hi, there !
I want to buy a PCP Combo airgun to practice field target.
And I wonder which one between a Walther 1250 or the Evanix AR6 in terms of power and accuracy.
Somebody can help my choice ?
I’m living in France, where the law allows a silencer for an airgun.
What kind of Silencer/moderator and what kind of bipods fits the Evanix AR6
Christophe from Nice, France
Neither gun you mention is appropriate for field target. The international rules require a rifle of not more than 12 foot-pounds. Both of these rifles are many times more powerful than that.
Because of your proximity to the UK, I suggest you look there, where all air rifles are regulated to 12 foot-pounds and below. They will also have information about silencers that we do not have here in the U.S.
Dear BB,
Thanks for your prompt answer !
But the French are very special people, you know !
They always think doing better than the others !
That’s why we’re practicing a local version of the field target named “tir sur silhouettes métalliques” (metalic outlines shooting) which is practiced with .22 LR rifles or .22 or .25 PCP powerful Airguns like Air Arms S410, FX Monsoon, FX Revolution, Hammerli Pneuma, Walther Dominator.
The FX airguns and the Air Arms are too expensive and the hammerli is a one shot gun.
That’s why I’m hesitating between the Walther and the Evanix.
I know that the Wather Dominator 5,5mm is a very accurate gun, but the Evanix was twice powerful than the Doninator and double Action.
I need help to choose between the Walther’s accuracy and the evanix extra-power.
Kind regards from French Riviera
Christophe ,
Okay, your sport sounds more like the sport I know as metallic silhouettes.
If the Walther Dominator is more accurate, I would go with it. I haven’t tested one, so I don’t know.
The Evanix is plenty accurate for hitting the entire silhouette, but not if you have to hit a smaller kill zone to knock the animal over.
In the silhouette sport I know, power is just as important as accuracy, which makes the Evanix the better gun for you.
French Riviera, eh? Well, it’s a tough life but I suppose everybody has to live somewhere.
I am seriuosly thinking about buying a Evanix AR6. in .22 Cal
Will it be accurate shooting Benjamin Discoverys?
I am worried about the wood. I have read it is too fragil. Taking reasonably care of the rifle will it be expected to broke?
Thanks EMU
I have a Evanix AR6 for half a year now. The wood is still perfect.
And it is accurate. I can hit 8/10 times a target that is not bigger than 1.2 inch at an distance of 75 meter.
I have shot some crows over a distance of 135 meters. using eunjin pellets
kind regards,
Thanks a lot for your answer.
I want a rifle that has power, accuracy and long lasting.
Which would be a better option, AR6 or Sumatra, both in cal .22?
I don't have any experience with the Sumatra, but if you look at the numbers, the AR6 is more powerful in the .22 and better looking in my opinion.
I think the AR6 will last longer, it is better build (thats what the my gunsmith told me)
Either rifle will work well. The Sumatra is just as reliable as the AR-6, but the AR-6 is easier to operate. You won't live long enough to wear out either rifle.
Hi all,
I don't know if you heared but there is a new model of AR6 on the market.
Check out this one:
I need to say that this one is fit with a SILENCER and is a SEMI AUTO (DOUBLE ACTION).
I sow that many of you were talking about DOUBLE ACTION but I guess you didn't read the MANUAL because there it sais that YOU WILL DAMAGE THE GUN IF YOU USE IT IN DOUBLE ACTION.
I want to ask you if you sow anywhere this NEW AR6 because I realy want to buy one?
Can anybody tell me if the silencer is fake or it is trully silence the airgun?
If it isn't fake then does it modify the performaces on the old version?
Respectfully, Alex
Dear BB,
Would you be so kind to answer some question for me?
Is it the latest model of AR6 that PYRAMYDAIR is now selling?
What is the maximum energy that delivers?
What is the exact date when the model of AR6, that PYRAMYD air is selling, was rereleased?
How come there are diferences betwin the AR6 that PYRAMYDAIR is selling and the one that is displayed on the EVANIX official site ?
Respectfully, Alex
PS: I realy love this airgun but I want to buy the best and latest model there is on the market.
The latest Evanix is the Blizzard S-10 Read about it here:
There will be a new Part 4 on Monday.
The "semiautomatic" Evanix is NOT semiautomatic. It is a double action revolver that works as a double action. It's called the Renegade. The old AR-6 is also double action, but you'll bend the transfer bar if you shoot it that way.
Read about it here:
Semiautomatic means the gun reloads and recocks without the shooter doing anything.
The "differences" you see on the Evanix website are new models that haven't reached Pyramyd AIR yet. PA is the exclusive U.S. Evanix importer, so they will have all the latest models first.
Dear B.B.,
Thank you very much for answering me.
I love the power of the AR6 better then the RENEGADE so I will wait for the new AR6.
Is the new BLIZZARD S-10 BOLT ACTION better then AR6 (power and accuracy) ?
Is it anyway that you can tell me when the new models will be on PA, atleast an estimation, because I would love to buy the new AR6 ?
Can you give me some inside info about what is new in the new AR6?
Respectfully, Alex
Dear BB,
Respectfully, Alex
I don't have any advance info on the Evanix.
A transfer bar connects the trigger to the hammer.
Read the reports and you will get everything else.
Yes B.B. said that PA would be the first USA distributor to receive the new Evanix models because they are the exclusive USA dealers. Hermans Guns (where you found information on the "new" AR6) is apparently Evanix's exclusive Australia distributor.
Based on all the research you've done on the older model and the newer model, what are the differences? From what I can tell, the newer model has a silencer (may or may not work) but if it does work it would not be allowed on guns imported into the USA since it appears to be removable. The other difference I believe is double action. Although a nice feature, as the site in your first link states, when you use double action the pellet will be fired at medium power. I assume this feature doesn't interest you since you are attracted to these guns because of power and using double action takes away significant power in this gun?
I think B.B. has already answered your question about PA getting the new model. IF the new model is to be distributed in the USA, PA will get it.
Where are you located? Would buying a gun from Australia be cheaper for you than PA considering shipping costs?
Dear Kevin,
I am from Romania and I don't even think to buy the new AR6 from them because they ask for too big price.
I want to buy it from you but I would love to do something that you will have it sooner.
Yes I am interested in power more then double action but the silencer it is a new touch and I hope it will be leagal for you to importen.
I am fixed in getting new model not only because of the silencer but because maybe they fixed a lot of the old model problems… like the bad stock and the tough triger.
I hope you get your hands on that AR6 soon because I bet there are many enthusiasts that want to buy it.
Respectfully, Alex
PS: I even talked with Siyoung Lee THE MANUFACTURER OF AR6 but I need to buy miniimum 20 of them so I can't. BTW… here is their email address . Maybe PA will get in touch with them and get their hands on the new products.
Hope I was helpfull.
I'm not affiliated with Pyramyd AIR. I'm just a guy like you that likes airguns and am trying to help you out.
I'm not very optimistic about the silencer being included with the guns imported into the USA IF THE SILENCER WORKS. If the silencer is hollow/for looks only it could be part of the imported guns.
I'm sure PA is aware of the new guns and if they feel there is a market for them they will carry them.
Maybe you can buy 20 of them from Siyoung Lee and resell 19 of them in Romania and make enough profit to have your gun for free?
Keep and eye on the PA site and good luck to you.
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for answering me.
I cannot buy 20 because I need anauthorization for being a dealer.
I am happy with providing the info and let the big dealers like PA taking care of the rest.
BTW… I have a THOBEN CROW MAGNUM 4 that has a SILENCER and it was bought from USA a couple of years ago and I didn't had any problems.
Can you please tell me if the AR6 was much expensive first time when they relaced the model that is now in the market then there is now?
Respectfully, Alex
The price of the AR 6 has been approximately the same since it was first imported into the U.S. in 1994 by Air Rifle Specialists.
Dear BB,
Can you please tell me if I should consider as a replaement for AR6 this one Eun Jin Sumatra 2500-500cc Air Rifle ?
Is it more powerfull and more accurate the AR6?
Respectfully, Alex
There is a blank box on the right side of this page that allows you to search the huge library of information on this site. B.B. has written well over 1,000 airgun related articles that are now on this site.
Here's a link to an article that should help you:
Within this article are "live links". Click on them and you will be taken to other articles or the PA website that shows details of the gun. On PA's wedsite, on the right side of the picture of the gun, towards the bottom of the text, if you see "review/article/latest buzz" click on that and it will take you to the latest article that B.B. has done on that specific gun.
Hi all,
I got to the bottom of this mistery and I want to share the info with you.
The new AR6 with the silencer is in fact the model that has been of the market for years now and the silencer is a muzzle protector to protect the crown of the barrel.
I finaly made up my mind about what gun I should get and it isn't AR6, it is Sumatra 2500 caliber 22 with 500cc reservoir.
Sumatra is cheeper and has many options that AR6 doesn't have.
Sumatra 2500 has adjustable power, adjustable sigts, adjustable triget and much more power with havier pelets then AR6 (look at the tests, don't belive what is sais in the manual).
Besides that check the reviews and see that there are many people complaing about the poor qualty of the AR6 but when you check the reviews of Sumatra 2500 you will get bored trying to find a bad review about this airgun.
Check out this custumer of the AR6… hope nobody will get throw what is poor guy went:
Hope I was helpfull of any people that don't know yet what airgun should they get.
Respectfully, Alex
hi, my partner and i live in australia and are serious about starting our hobby in air rifles. After many hours on PA we have decided on the AR6. Since reading this blog and having found an evanix dealer in Aus, it sais that the retail price is $1699 as PA is quoting $699 U.S or about $800 aud.
IS this correct? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Rob
I believe Pyramyd AIR imports & distributes the Evanix guns in the U.S. I'm not sure they distribute them to Australian dealers. Your calculation based on the exchange rate is approx. correct.
Is there a way that I can purchase from PA?
I mean to say, is there a way i can purchase direct from PA and not through a local dealer?
This comment has been removed by the author.
You'll have to contact PA and ask them.
Mr B.
It is difficult to sell airguns to Australia because of the legal restrictions. I doubt Pyramyd AIR would be able to sell to you, and even if they did, the shipment would be subject to seizure by Australian Customs when it arrived.
Pyramyd AIR does not ship to addresses in Australia. I just discovered that yesterday. Sorry.