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Education / Training Walther .25 caliber Falcon Hunter – Part 1

Walther .25 caliber Falcon Hunter – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier


Walther’s .25-caliber Falcon Hunter is a new .25 caliber spring gun.

I’m starting an interesting new series on the Walther Falcon Hunter in .25 caliber. When I saw the Falcon Hunter at the SHOT Show, I knew it would be interesting because the .25-caliber Webley Patriot was the only other game in town (at that power level). Well, now that the .25-caliber Patriot is gone (pending rework by Webley), the Falcon Hunter is alone (at that power) in that caliber. It was going to pose a serious threat to Webley because of its low price; now it will rule unopposed!

Describing the Falcon Hunter
This is a very large air rifle. At 49″ overall, there aren’t many air rifles or even firearms that are as long. It weighs right at 8 lbs., which should make it seem light, but the balance is decidedly muzzle-heavy with the scope not mounted. The 19.75″ barrel is one of the longest on any breakbarrel. There’s a setscrew on the muzzlebrake, which probably means it can be detached. I loosened the screw but the brake didn’t budge. Because it’s synthetic, I didn’t push it.

The barrel detent is extremely stiff – just like the legendary one on the Webley Patriot. You must slap the muzzle to break the barrel for cocking, and closing it takes even more effort. I hope it will wear in smoother.

The trigger is two-stage and non-adjustable. It’s heavy, so I’m going to give it an opportunity to break in before I report the pull weight. The rifle fires with a lot of recoil and some vibration, but not as much as I was anticipating.

The safety is automatic, and can be applied at any time manually. Pull out to fire, push in for safe. A red dot on the safety bar alerts the shooter to the status.


The safety all the way out shows a red dot on the bar. The gun is ready to fire.


When the safety is in like this the rifle is safe.

Synthetic stock
The stock is a hollow synthetic finished in a Mossy Oak Break-Up camouflage pattern. It’s lighter weight than a wood stock would be, which on this big gun means a lot. The length of pull can be adjusted longer with three additional spacers that come in the box, but I found the factory 15″ pull to be long to begin with. Both the pistol grip and forearm are checkered, but the diamonds are not aggressive. The forearm is held to the spring tube with four screws instead of the usual two. Although there’s a low cheekrest only on the left side of the Monte Carlo butt, the rifle could be fully ambidextrous because the automatic safety is centered at the rear of the spring tube.

The sights are fully adjustable with click detents on both adjustment knobs. They’re fiberoptic, and you’ll have to use them that way (front red dot centered between the two rear green dots) because the front post is too wide for the rear notch. No daylight can be seen on either side of the front post. But most shooters will probably install the scope that comes with the rifle. And that’s where the proprietary rear scope base gets a close look.

Unique scope base
This unique design has an 11mm dovetail on top of the base. This dovetail has been cut with numerous cross-slots for some reason. While they make it appear like a Picatinny or Weaver system, it’s neither. The slots appear to serve no function I can discover, though they might interface with other mounts I haven’t seen, yet. The 3-9x scope that comes with the rifle has a thin pair of rings already attached to the scope tube, and these will butt against a plate screwed to the top of the scope base dovetail. I’m showing a picture because I cannot explain it any better.


The Walther Falcon Hunter scope base is unique and proprietary. The slots do nothing I can identify. On other rifles, they wouldn’t be there. They’re not the same as the slots on a Picatinny base. The flat plate with the Phillips screw (upper left) is the scope stop.

Besides the stock, there’s a lot of synthetic on the outside of this rifle. The triggerguard, trigger, muzzlebrake, parts of the rear sight, the safety and the end cap at the rear of the spring tube are all synthetic. It’s finished nicely, with all these parts having a pleasing matte finish. The metal parts (barrel and spring tube) are darkly colored with black oxide, and the metal has been prepared very well. I think Falcon Hunter owners will be proud of their big guns.

Because this rifle comes with nice open sights, I’m going to test it with them first. Besides letting the action break in a little more, that will also help me choose a good accurate pellet. Stay tuned!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

101 thoughts on “Walther .25 caliber Falcon Hunter – Part 1”

  1. Hi B.B. The timing of this report is perfect as I am looking for a hunting rifle in .22 cal.I considered the Bam B40 and the RWS Panther. I”m leaning to the Bam as I think it will be less hold sensitive.Am I correct? Also I could”nt find a report on th B40 in .22 cal. is it as efficient as.177.Thanks

  2. Your writing style is usually exceptionally clear and a pleasure to read. Might I suggest the using the word “plastic” in place of “synthetic”? The use of an ill defined euphemism only detracts from the accessability and apparent authenticity of your blog.
    If a product merits it, the term “high grade plastic” might better serve your readers.

  3. Plastic,

    The reason I DON’T use the word plastic, is that many of these materials are so far beyond the quality of what we commonly call plastic that they don’t really qualify. For instance, would we call a Glock plastic? I know the media does, but that’s for a different reason.

    A more precise term would be engineering plastic, into which category Delrin falls, but I don’t know that all the parts I see are really made from that stuff.

    So I use the term synthetic, which you can interpret as plastic if you like. Just know that this plastic is not the same stuff a soda bottle is made from.


  4. I’m a canadian going on a business trip to the us, does anyone know what store(s) I could go look for a Benjamin Discovery, I wanted to order it here and have it delivered but it’s out of stock.
    Thanks in advance.

  5. PA Gunner,

    Only the .25 Patriot is unavailable at present. All that means is the calibers that are still available are old stock.

    Hatsan, the company that makes the Patriot for Webley, changed the specifications of the Patriot in the last shipment. When Pyramyd AIR examined the new guns, they found them not up to the quality of the previous Patriot, so they sent them back to the importer. Presumably that problem is being dealt with. If not, we may not see any more .25-caliber Patriots.


  6. J-F,

    The Discovery is still behind in production, as the demand has continued to exceed the initial expectations. That has delayed the sale of guns to sporting goods stores.

    I see production picking up, so this situation will turn around sometime soon. I don’t know which stores will be selected to receive the rifle, but as soon as I find out I will mention it in the blog.


  7. all of this discussion concerning the “synthetic/plastic” stock has me curious. are there any other “synthetic” stocks you could compare it to (gamo cfx, rws panther, rws/hammerli 850 magnum, crosman 2100, etc.) so I can associate it with something in my arsenal.

  8. I know that there is a lot of disrespect for ‘plastic’…and being old school I graviate to metal and wood guns.
    But check out how much ‘plastic’ (synthetic) is used on todays highly stressed Formula 1 cars.
    ‘Plastic’ it isn’t.

  9. BB,

    Below is an excerpt from a previous blog. Just wondering if this worked and if so can you give a little detail as to how to do it?



    Finally pcp4me tells me he was told by a Beeman tech that Beeman SR-series rifles have leather seals. Since he posted that remark to the dual-caliber blog post, I think he meant Beeman RS rifles, of which the SS1000H is one. If that is the case (the SS1000H having a leather seal), there should be a simple fix for the velocity variation. Simply heavily lubricate the piston seal with corn oil. A long time ago, I was told that corn oil builds up a residue in the uneven compression chambers of spring-piston guns, making them far more consistent. I will try this fix and report back to you.

  10. Regarding “synthetic” vs. “plastic”: I’ve noticed that the Brits seem to the use the term “resin” to identify plastics that aren’t terribly …. plasticky.

    Phil L.

  11. BB, did you ever try the Daisy Powerline 1000 built by Hatsan? The rifle has something of a reputation as a very harsh and crude gun with very good accuracy and power. In fact, it is not uncommon for it to exceed the factory velocity ratings with mid-weight pellets (mine does about 1025 with CPL’s). If the Powerline is representative of Hatsan’s products, I don’t think the gun you’re testing now will disappoint.


  12. Aaron,

    I did answer this where you initially asked it, but you did say you might forget where that was, so here goes:

    Corn oil does not work in that rifle. It made no difference.

    I am still playing with possible easy fixes for the power in .22, which is why I have not done the final report yet.


  13. i appreciate the additional comments concerning “synthetic/plastic usage…but part of the question was,…”is there another rifle (or rifles) that have a similar grade stock” so a potential buyer would have and idea of he/she is getting.

    Stock Comparison

  14. Vince,

    Pyramyd AIR has already received several nice customer reviews on the .22 caliber Falcon Hunter. I wanted to hold out for the .25 caliber because of the low number of options on the market. Now that the Patriot is gone, I’m glad I did.

    We shall see.


  15. BB,
    Thank you for mentioning that PA was not satisfied with the quality of the .25 Patriot. While waiting impatiently for 3 months for my Patriot, I couldn’t help but wonder if the new Turkish factory had all of the bugs worked out.

    When I got my rifle it was a huge disappointment. I felt the workmanship was poor and it barely put out 20 ft. lbs. of KE. Even after break in, it couldn’t even come close to the advertised 27 ftlbs. For the first time I sent the thing back to PA after 1 hour with it.

    Hats off to PA for refunding my money and discontinuing the substandard product!!


  16. BB, I’ve been wondering if you would ever test a .25, and not only are you blogging one, but you are blogging one that I’ve a great interest in. You can bet I’ll be hanging on each posting for this rifle. I wanna’ know EVERYTHING about it. JP

  17. Wayne,

    Apparently you are one of the very few who did receive a new “Patriot.” Pyramyd AIR wasn’t even aware the gun had been changed until a few customers like you called their attention to it.

    When they saw what you saw, they pulled the gun from the website and all the guns were shipped back to the distributor.


  18. JP,

    I’ve tested .25 caliber rifles before. I tested the Patriot when it first came from Turkey, but that gun was so much like the British one that I could tell no difference. You can read that report here:


    I also tested the Patriot with a gas spring here:



  19. I’m also glad to hear that Pyramyd pulled the .25cal Patriots. I sent back a .22cal version for the same reasons as a previous poster on this blog.

    I’m curious though why Pyramyd deems the .25cal Patriots sub par but still sell the .22 & .177 versions? My Patriot had quality control and poor performance issues as well.

    AGS the current owner of the Webley name are doing Webley’s reputation a great disservice by permitting a poor quality product to come to market. Before making any changes to the rifle they should concentrate on getting the original version of the Patriot up to the discontinued UK models standard!

  20. Vulcanator,

    They are two entirely different airguns. The .25 Patriots are Hatsan designs that don’t look like Patriots. The smaller caliber are still the traditional designs that look British.

    You must have gotten a bad gun, but not a Turkish design. Did the scope base look like the one on today’s rifle?


  21. 15″ LOP plus spacers to extend??? I don’t know what’s up with these huge stocks nowadays. Maybe it’s to make shooting fun, like wearing around dad’s shoes when you’re two.

  22. B.B.

    Quite a lot of commentary to process. If you haven’t yet, you might want to look at one of the Star Trek movies–I forget which exactly–where Mr. Spock has been raised from the dead and is trying to retrain his mind. He steps into this circle of computers and they start barking questions at him from all subjects throughout history: “Analyze John Marshall’s final arguments in favor of judicial review”, “discuss the permeability of the Romulan triple chambered heart,” “adjust the sine wave of the magnetic envelope….” And he totally vanquishes them.

    The word “plastic” seems to come loaded with so many connotations, mostly negative, that it confuses more than clarifies. I think you’re on the right track with “synthetics” which I like for their modern look.

    But I’m coming around to the appreciation of wood. Walnut seems to be the class act for stocking guns. Are there gradations within it? I just paid over a 100 clams for a new black walnut stock for the M1 Garand.

    I’ll be interested in your analysis of the B30 stock when you get to it. Some site–unverified–claims that it is made of a rare wood called Red Qiu which approximates walnut. It doesn’t look like a monkeywood stock which I can well believe were placed on other Chinese rifles, but I’m no judge of stocks.


  23. The diameter of the objective lens of an optic (scope, telescope, etc) determines the relative brightness of the scene. The eyepiece and focal length determine how wide the field of view is.

  24. Hi BB,
    I think you can still have a Theoben Eliminator .25. Are you preparing a blog on it too? I would be more interested in the .22 version.
    Thank you,

  25. BB, do you think they’ll make a gas spring mod for this rifle? If so, does Pyramydair do these mods, or (if they sell them), do they have a location to send them to? You don’t recommend a person doing it themselves, right? JP

  26. BB,

    (This is the guy who asked about the 397 and the B30)
    SO, I finally chose the 397, but then I saw the Blue Streak. I like the look of that so much better! Since, I assume, they are pretty much the same gun, do they perform the same way? Because you told me the 397 will be a good shooter using little to no technique, will a blue streak perform like that? Also, being .20 caliber, would I be able to hunt small game?

    Sorry for this being so long, hope you can help.

  27. AR-6 pistol,

    I haven’t done the AR-6 pistol in a number of years. Certainly not since the newer crop of them came out.

    I could do one if there is any interest. Yours is the first request I’ve received.

    Do you own one?


  28. BB,
    Just wondering what it was, no plans on buying it. Especially after what you said 🙂
    Besides, there’s an air gun show in CT next month I believe, in which I want to save up my money for. Hoping to find a Crosman 101 there, or another rocker safety sheridan. Anyway, here’s the dates for it:

    Connecticut Airgun Show, June 7-8, 2008 at Windsor Elks Lodge #2060 130 Deerfield Road Windsor, CT 06095

    Al In CT

  29. Hatsan website (www.hatsan.com.tr) states that the mount is suitable for both 11mm and 22mm scope mounts. That would possibly indicate that it is a Weaver/Picatinny dual purpose mount?

  30. B.B.

    My .22 Patriot was just like the pictures as posted on the Pyramydair website. Mine came with the tru glo sights, the weaver rail on the cylinder instead of scope rails and the abominable trigger which is heavy and creepy.

    My gun had a nicked breech seal, a screw that had been stripped in the stock at the forward trigger guard and when chronographed for velocity was 668fps for 14.5 ft/lb! You can see why I sent it back.

    My wish is that Webley remake the Patriot in its original form but add the Longbow trigger and up the quality-then we’ll be in business.

  31. BB,

    I’m interested in the Evanix AR6 pistols, and for that matter, Evanix rifles too. Especially the take down, if they didn’t stop making them.


  32. Anonymous (397-Blue-Steak enthusiast), I’ve both .177 and .22 Benji’s, and I don’t think there’s much difference at all. Technique is not much of a factor with these rifles, and some how I doubt the BS is any different (except calibers). Just hold it steady and fire away!!! One advantage the Blue Streak might have, is that Benjamin-Seridan makes a cylindrical pellet (perhaps better accuracy?!?!?) that I can’t find in the other two models. Either way you go, I don’t think you will come out dissappointed in the least. Remember, Always leave at least two pumps in it during storage,..or all the time like me, Get the Venturi/Picatinny rail mount, and count to two between pumps when out plinking/hunting or whatever. The last is an old tip from a reputable Crosman Service Center gunsmith. The first is to keep the seal tight, and the V/P rail system works better than the “off set” system, and won’t risk spliting the soldered joint between the barrel and the compression tubing. The flip side of the rail system is you can’t go from the scope to the “iron” sights. The BSA ‘classic’ scope at wally-world is good enough for anything inside 30 yards. Maybe BB will direct you to my blog about pumping them “old-man” style?!? Best of Luck, Thomas

  33. Hey BB!
    Could you do a blog for the Ruger Air Hawk Elite? I just got one and I am amazed at the quality. I value your opinion, so I would like you to take this rifle through its paces.


  34. Hatsan makes the Falcon Hunter as well, I understand. At least it’s the samething as another model they’ve had in their line before.
    When i called PA and asked them where the Walther Falcon is made the lady told me “The U.k.” I said you mean England? And she replied “Yes”. I knew better so with a little looking soon found the same gun at Hatsan’s site!

  35. I have a Webley Patriot in .22 caliber with a gas ram and love it. Just purchased the Walthers Falcon in .25 caliber. My Question is if they are both made in Turkey can the Walthers be fitted with a gas ram. If so it would be the perfect small game hunting rifle

  36. They fit the Gammo CFX with a gas spring,too. I don’t think it would matter what brand the gun is. It could be done but will they offer it?
    I buy the Falcon Hunter I believe it will be in .22 because the fps is pretty darn high for the price and .22 pellets I will always have. And the reported fps is even higher than the RWS 350 mag.

  37. Guys!

    You don’t just dump a gas spring unit into a gun and then it suddenly works. It has to fit.

    It has to interface with the trigger and the piston diameter has to match the compression chamber bore diameter.

    An M1 tank has a 1,500 horsepower helicopter engine, but you can’t put it into a Corvette without a lot of work. Yes, it fits, but it doesn’t interface.


  38. Help!

    I lost your most helpful post on lubricating my Crosman 160 and the Benjamin Silver Streak.

    Can you repeat yourself, oh wise one?

    The search funtion cannot seem to find the past post. Any hints on using your info rich archives?

    Can you repeat it?

  39. Dear B B,
    A bit off topic but, there are no stupid questions. I’m newish to this sport but have some experience now. Have been using a Remmington Summit 1000 in .177 and am ready to move up. Done research and have narrowed it down to Beeman R1 or Air Arms TX200-lll.
    I want to play at Field Target and maybe hunt Crows, but nothing large. Mostly interested in accuracy at distance. I can get the R1 in .20; any advantage, comments? Anyone else care to chime in?
    Thanks, Jules, chourrej@mac.com

  40. Jules,

    Get both! P.A. has the HW-80 in .22cal for $100 less than an R-1. Buy it now. They are the same model. It is rare that they have them in stock. The .22 gives you more power and pellets to pick from.
    Then get the Air Arms gun whenever.
    Those seem to always be around. You may want to some day want to add an HW-30S as both the HW80 and TX200 are big heavy guns.

  41. Dear BB,

    Thanks for the Crosman Pellgun lube re-information.

    However, I cannot find the Benjamin Sheridan Silver Streak lube info on the llink you sent.

    Were you referring to the blog info for +200 posts?

    So it is best to reply or ask on the current blog string of comments?


    Jay (aka Culler or Lube)

  42. Jay,

    You told me you used Crosman Pellgun oil, and asked how to apply it to your Silver Streak. At the bottom of the blog I sent you to, there is a photo showing where. It goes with the instructions I sent you in my reply.


  43. hi BB

    do u recommend the Walther Falcon Hunter .22,because im thinking about this gun lately,this gun sounds not really good by u guys.can u just roughly tell me what is the point of it?thanks

  44. I recommend it for hunting. It’s the most powerful spring rifle currently available. Accuracy is reasonable if you use good pellets. But this is not an air rifle for general shooting. It’s relatively hard to cock and it recoils quite a bit.

    So if you want a good rifle for hunting, this is it.

    You really should read the other three reports on the gun:



  45. hi BB

    i was the 82 comments guy,i have some questions to ask u because u are so experience,and i wish i dont bring u any trouble.
    im thinking about (Hammerli 490 Express .177 Air Rifle),(RUGER – AIR HAWK COMBO (490 fps)),(WINCHESTER 500X),(GAMO Recon).
    im going to buy one of them,can u tell me which one is the most valueble.thanks u ~

  46. Choices,

    You are asking me a large and long question one fact at a time. Let me see if I can evaluate your entire question and restate it.

    First, and most importantly, you are a Canadian. I’m guessing that because in the first comment you mentioned that the Ruger Air Hawk was a 490 f.p.s. model. That model isn’t available here in the U.S. But Canada has a velocity restriction on airguns, so the Air Hawk would have to shoot under 500 f.p.s. there to qualify as an airgun. The 1,000 f.p.s. model requires a PAL, which I’m guessing you do not want to bother with.

    Well, the velocity restriction makes everything different. If you can’t shoot faster than 500 f.p.s., you certainly don’t want a .177 caliber rifle, because now you tell me the gun is for hunting. A .177 shooting slower than 500 f.p.s. is a terrible hunting choice, but a .22 that shoots that fast will work.

    So what you want is a .22 caliber rifle that shoots under 500 f.p.s. So, that changes everything – doesn’t it? You need to go back and look at .22s and pick one that you like.

    At under 500 f.p.s. a wadcutter pellet will be the best shape to use out to 25 yards. If you shoot farther than that, try a good domed pellet like a JSB Exact or a Crosman Premier.


  47. The IZH 61 is a fine rifle and certainly under 500 f.p.s.

    The Ruger comes with a scope and is a little less money, but I do think you would like the 61.

    Use wadcutter (flat point) pellets and don’t shoot at animals, because the rifle doesn’t have enough power to kill reliably.


  48. bb,
    i recently bought a walther falcon hunter in the gas ram system and have put around 500 pellets through it, im noticing AIR leaking out of the cylinder when i cock it, it still shoots, But its as powerful as my benjamin 397!!

    it cant be normal for it to seep air out, should i send it back to pyramid air?? or is there a simple fix for this??

    thanks, bryan

  49. bb,
    i dont have a chronogragh, but i can tell you that the penetration is about the same as a benjamin 397, when you cock the gun you can hear air leak somwhere in the gun, and i noticed the cocking effort has decreased about 10 pounds, or mabey its broken in

  50. bb,
    no i meant to say 392, i have both, but the falcon hunter is .22. , as so the 392

    what is the easiest way to figure out if its really leaking? i know air is seeping out HALF the time you cock it and the power is not noticeably different from a 392, they both fail to penetrate 3/4 inch particle board.

    is there a way i can make sure it is that?

  51. when the gun is cocked there is a faint sound of air seeeping out of the gun, it happens 90 percent of the time. i cant tell if it has lost power, but it doesnt seem as powerfull as they said.it compares to a benjamin 392.

  52. Gary,

    WHAT gun? What model are you talking about? You have been talking about 392s, 397s and Walther Falcon Hunters.

    Which gun is leaking air when it is cocked? The Falcon Hunter???

    If that’s the case, I told you it needs to go back to Pyramyd AIR for a repair of the gas spring.


  53. BB just want to get this straight because I live in Canada and I just got my PAL. Is the walther falcon hunter the same as hatsan mod 125?
    I bought the hatsan last year before I had my license. It was detuned 500fps. Now I have my PAL I want to tune my gun/ full power. I can’t find an aftermarket spring but I saw on pyramid that they had air venturi gas ram for walther falcon hunter. Can I use this gas ram for my .177 hatsan mod 125? I think it would fit and be quite powerful. Iam I correct or not?

  54. Hatsan,

    I THINK the Walther Falcon Hunter is a Hatsan 125, but I don’t know for sure. Your best bet is to call Pyramyd AIR and speak to one of the technical folks. They may know, or not.

    As for the power, it is no different. What the gas spring gives is smoothness, greater cocked time, and less cold affect.

    Pyramyd AIR may have some mainsprings from guns in which they installed gas springs.


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