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Education / Training Evanix Blizzard S10 – Part 2

Evanix Blizzard S10 – Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

Well, you’ve waited patiently for the second test of the Evanix Blizzard S10! And none more than Jane Hansen, who’s still making a buy decision. All I can say is that with all the traveling I’ve been doing, and the TV show, I’m starting to forget things in a major way.

Enough apologies–on with the test. The Blizzard S10 has a growing group of advocates who admire its looks, accuracy, power and perhaps the trigger (I know I do). The only thing they all say is that it isn’t as quiet as they would prefer. While it’s fully shrouded and much quieter than without the shroud, they think it is still a bit loud. Well, for the power it delivers, it’s hard to be quieter without attaching a car muffler to the muzzle.

I’m testing the .22 caliber version. Although the rifle does come in .177, I think at this power level a .22 is the only way to go. The .177 shoots so fast that accuracy with diabolo pellets is going to be a problem. Heck, even in .22 it’s shooting some medium-weight pellets well over 1,000 f.p.s.! Since this is the velocity test, we’ll see how real those numbers are.

Fill pressure
The fill pressure is 200 bar, which is 2,900 psi–not 3,000. I’ve learned and been reminded several times that a manufacturer’s recommended fill pressure is the place to stop, unless you know something to the contrary.

Beeman Kodiak
The first test was with Beeman Kodiak pellets. At 21.1 grains, they’re a heavyweight pellet. In a PCP like the Blizzard S10, they’re going to probably deliver the maximum energy the rifle is capable of. In consideration of Jane, who uses a hand pump, I shot three strings of 10 shots, which is what the circular clip holds. Because of how the velocity decreased, I will report the strings individually.

String 1


Extreme spread…57 f.p.s.

String 2


Extreme spread…50 f.p.s.

String one was pretty good, but there was a total of 57 f.p.s. from the fastest shot to the slowest. However, the next string had shots that were faster than the slowest shot in string one. String two was okay, as well. The total variation from the fastest to the slowest shot was 50 f.p.s. That’s close to the variation for the first string. However, the variation between the fastest shot in string one and the slowest shot in string two is 91 f.p.s. That’s pretty high, so I think two 10-shot clips are the max for this rifle. But just to know what happened, I shot a third string.

String 3


Extreme spread…65 f.p.s.

Now, the velocity is dropping pretty fast. The rifle would still be usable at 25-35 yards, but probably not at 50 yards with this kind of velocity decrease. From the fastest to the slowest shot, there are 65 f.p.s. in string three. And from the first shot to the 30th, the velocity varied by 155 f.p.s.

Air Arms domes
Air Arms 16-grain domes were the next pellet I tried. They actually weigh 15.8 grains from the tin I tested.

String 1


Extreme spread…52 f.p.s.

String 2


Extreme spread…58 f.p.s.

Well, I think these pellets are going too fast for the best accuracy. The first string averaged 1070, which is well beyond the conservative velocity Pyramyd AIR advertises for the rifle. So let’s not hear any complaints there! The total variation in string one was 52 f.p.s. String two averaged 1023 f.p.s. and had a total variation of 58 f.p.s. That’s not much different than the Kodiak performance, though the velocities were higher. And I did shoot a third string.

String 3


Extreme spread…74 f.p.s.

Like the third string with Kodiaks, this string also varies by too much, in my opinion. Of course, it depends on how far you’re shooting and how much compensating you’re willing to do with the scope. From the first shot to the 30th, the velocity varied by 185 f.p.s.

My feeling is that the first 20 shots are the usable ones, if you’re hunting at long range, which I define as 50 yards or so. If you take the time to really learn your rifle, much more performance is possible, and you’ll still be able to hit on string three.

Kodiaks averaged 44.79 foot-pounds on the first string and 41.39 foot-pounds on the second string. With Air Arms domes, the first string averaged 40.18 foot-pounds and string two averaged 36.73 foot-pounds. That makes the Blizzard a powerful PCP with a reasonable number of shots.

The adjustable trigger on my test rifle breaks at a consistent 1 lb., 14 oz., making it a remarkable sporting trigger. The second stage is reasonably crisp and only the lack of an overtravel adjustment keeps it from being world-class. I must comment that the trigger is one of the best features on the rifle.

This trigger is adjustable for the length of the first-stage travel, the length of the second stage, which is also the sear engagement, and the position of the trigger blade. As nice as the trigger is on my rifle, I’m pretty sure you’ll find an adjustment that will feel good.

Accuracy is next. I’ll try to stay on schedule so you get the full report soon.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

48 thoughts on “Evanix Blizzard S10 – Part 2”

  1. Hello BB
    A little off topic, but I was going through some old Blogs of yours and saw where I had asked you if newspaper ads were a good way to find air guns.
    Your reply:JWB,

    Newspaper ads were good 40 years ago, but I don't find them that useful today. Anyone else have a different experience?


    Well, I went and placed a ad anyway just to see for myself. Within a week I received a call and picked up a Beeman C1 in very good condition for $50.00. Then I received a a call and Picked up a MINT R7 for $100.00. I passed up so many good deals I cannot tell you. If I was a Crosman collector, I would have hit the jackpot. Many Many calls on all models of those guns.Many vintage 392's and 397's for around 25 to 35 dollars.Well, it was fun taking the calls, just wish I had more money to buy.
    thanks for listening.

  2. I am really interested in the accuracy of this rifle, so I'll be on the edge of my seat until then.

    I'll be curious if your review/investigation leads you to believe that the baffles in the shroud need to be bored out to 5/16" diameter as some mention in the product reviews of this rifle.

    I know you would never advocate boring the baffles. It seems to me that if pellets were nicking the baffles on the way out of the shroud and negatively affecting accuracy, that over time (and a proper break-in of 500/1000 pellets) the pellets would naturely bore an effective path themselves. Is the shroud material conducive to this?

  3. B.B.

    See if you can test the Blizzard for accuracy with the JSB 18 gr. They seem to be a nice compromise of shape and weight for the Blizzard..

    Did you have any problem with the kodiak pellets "clipping" as the mag went around? I found that I had to load them just right, not to far in, but at least flush with the loading side.

    The 18gr JSB fit real well and were more accurate than the kodaik for me … not by much, but a little even at 50 yards.

    Did you get the thumbhole to test? I sure love the way it fits! .. and mine has a real nice, well finished stock.

    Will you test the coconut oil on the pellets, and see if the difference in fps shrinks like it did for me?

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  4. There are two comments about pellets clipping the baffles on the Evanix Blizzard S10 in the reviews on Pyramyd AIR.

    I've also read about pellets clipping the baffles on the yellow. It's happening on some of the Evanix Blizzard S10's and on some of the Marauder's.


  5. 15,000 Residents Remain Without Power
    Strong storms tore through northeast Ohio Monday, leaving behind damage with downed trees and power lines.

    just happended to catch this on the news…….what a coincodent

  6. BB
    This is a great looking piece of equipment but in some way I find its existence to be deeply offensive. I own the air arms that this rifle seems to be a clone off and I absolutely love my AA S410, as all the little engineering details come together to create a wonderful demonstration of human ingenuity. When I see a gun that looks as if it is blatantly hijacking the AA product just as the bam line clones quality products and replace them with cheap copies, how is it that AA cannot sue Evanix for this s410 clone or Daystate cannot sue Bam for robbing them of the huntsman design? Sorry just a rant from a worker in an industry where Asian companies stealing our designs has hurt business in such a dramatic way as many of my fellow workers are now unemployed and the future of our business is now in question.

  7. Uh….CH, do you think that American made Crosman Marauder everyone is taughting, looks like nothing you have ever seen anywhere? Crosman saw an opportunity to also take other designs and bring a competitive price point with it.

    Business 101

    p.s. – Do you also think patents last forever, or do they expire?

  8. Calling all air pistol folks. Need your help.

    There's an airgunner that needs some advice and I can't help. He's looking for a new pistol. Here's his criteria and what he is thinking about purchasing:

    " the features in a pistol im looking for are very high fps, accuracy and , if possible , blowback. do u recomend the walther cp99 compact or the PPK/S ??"

    Would appreciate any advice you could offer to him.


  9. Kevin,

    I took tons of pics of these Russian guns at the SHOT Show. Unfortunately, the guns were not ready for the world market. From what I saw, they will take several years to get there.

    These guns are virtually handmade, by which I mean hand-fitted. The retail prices would have been at the high end of Daystates. $1600-1800.


  10. Evweryone,

    I get "personal" emails at the Blogger account all the time. That's not what that account is for. I have asked people repeatedly to please post here, so everyone can read their comments.

    From now on, I will report the emails here for them.



    Mr. Gaylord,
    This is my first time writing to you and I wanted to say I very much enjoy reading your blog and listening to the pod-cast. I thought I would Post my question to you as you seem to be the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Air Force rifles. I am considering jumping in with both feet into the PCP world and purchasing an Air Force system.

    Here is my question: To the best of your knowledge, has anyone (including Air Force themselves) ever compiled a list of chrony reading from 1 Condor and/or Talon rifle, set at the same adjustment settings, shooting the same pellet with all 3 barrel Lengths using both CA and CO2? To clarify, I am curious what the difference in performance is between the Condor and Talon rifles with the same barrel Length, same power source, same pellet really is? Additionally, do these differences change with different barrel/power source combinations? I cannot find any information as to the performance of a Talon with a 24" barrel, or a Condor with a 12" barrel.

    I know this would be a HUGE test for someone as busy as yourself, so I am not asking if you would do it. Maybe you could let the good people at Air Force or PyramydAir know about this and I would be more than willing to do these test if the could supply the equipment. LOL.

    Thank you for looking into this for me and a response via e-mail would be greatly appreciated.

    Jason in MA

    I removed Jason's email address to protect his privacy.


  11. Jason,

    When I worked at AirForce (it's one word, by the way) I told everyone that we, meaning AirForce, would never live long enough to test every variable with each of our rifles. That's more true today than back in 2005, when I left the company.

    Your test sounds very involved, as you indicate. I suggest that you, more than anyone else, would be the best person to conduct such a test.

    When you do, be sure to take lots of photos, so you can get a Guest Blog out of it.


  12. B.B.,

    Thanks for the edgun update. I'm reading about more optimistic release dates but it seems like mere speculation. You certainly have a better handle on this.

    Another test of my limited patience.

    Hand made/hand fitted is apparent in the photo's. Your price estimates don't surprise me.

    I'm a little put off by the 300 bar (4,350psi) fill but everything else I've read has me very interested.

    Please suggest to Joshua Ungier that he pick up an armload of these guns for you to test next time he's in Russia.

    By the way, it's time for another guest blog from Joshua and Mrs. Gaylord.


  13. Kevin,

    Wow, that's quite a paradigm shift for accuracy. Long ago, I believe we had all supposed that a pcp could hit a pumpkin at 130 yards 10/10 times and a springer 7/10 times. 1.3 inches at 118 yards is much better and on the order of the Anschutz 1907 I believe.

    Jake, I ended up sending the IZH 61 to Mike Melick, and he returned it shooting better than ever. So, this was the inspired choice by me. I'm still not exactly sure what he did with it, and I think he is being excessively modest. He claimed to only lubricate it, but the cocking lever has a different tighter feel and will no longer fall open when unlatched which led to many double-feeds. He also changed the guide for the spring which he said was extremely loose. I'm sure this was responsible for the problems, but how I do not know.

    Mike actually started out working on CO2 guns, so if a good tune can affect your decision, I would send your guns to him. His prices are fantastic–even incredible. He didn't charge me at all for his work!


  14. Matt 61,

    Just to clarify. These are 5 shot groups and a lot of them to get the 1.32 inch. I have a lot of problems with shooting pellet guns in wind. This is bench rested with front and rear bags and the 18 gr jsb's make a difference. Just a little wind and the second best pellet (jsb 15.8 gr) opens up the group dramatically.


  15. In reply to leaving a ad: I experimented with a ad on three occasions. I live in Virginia. In my local newspaper, they Have the beginning of the classifieds call "antiques and collectibles". This column worked much better than say sporting goods, hunting etc. The best ad read" CASH PAID: Have a Old BB OR PELLET GUN sitting in the closet or attic collecting dust? call me, cash paid.
    It is like fishing, some weeks you may receive a lot of calls some weeks nothing. Examples of what I passed up. Crosman 1100 like new in box for $50.00, Diana P5 like new for $50.00 a Sear's brand Diana 45 for $50.00, I picked up a 2240 in almost new condition for $10.00 from a mother that tried to give me the gun because her son got in trouble with it. I had one guy said he would give me a Diana if I would just come over a pick it up. and like I said, many Crosman guns. I would later get home and see that many were very vintage. I suggest that you keep a "blue book of guns handy"
    They will always want YOU to give a figure of what the gun is worth.Don't fall for that, instead put the question right back on them and say I do not know, it's your gun, what is it worth to you? Many times, I would turn down the price and they would call back up and really be ready to deal. Be smart.Good Fishing

  16. Hi Kevin,

    " the features in a pistol im looking for are very high fps, accuracy and , if possible , blowback. do u recomend the walther cp99 compact or the PPK/S ??"

    I own both pistols. If this person is looking for accuracy I'd say, neither. OTOH, accuracy is a relative term when considering blowback and the fun of shooting these guns. Just shoot them at 10-15' and you should be happy enough with accuracy (and of course it's always fun to push the envelope). In that case, I'd recommend the PPK/S over the 99 Compact. To be blunt, I wasn't as satisfied with the CP99 Compact overall as I was with the PPK/S. And of course there's always the 007 factor, which may have influenced this preference. Also, the PPK/S is the official teaching handgun of the NRA, isn't it?

  17. Matt, I don't think a tune is in order yet. I thought on things last night, and I'll probably keep both, and when I get a left-hand breech, I'll get it in .177 with a barrel.

    Does anyone have any idea how much an aftermarket barrel for a 2260 costs?

  18. I'll confirm Joe B.
    I have the PPK/s and the Walther CP99 (the pellet pistol, not the b.b. Compact).
    As with any smooth bore b.b. gun I find my PPK/s has what I'd call 'minute of pop can' accuracy at 20 feet. I don't think the Compact would be much more accurate, though it is pushing the pellet 100fps faster.
    The CP99 pellet pistol is an altogether different can of worms. At 10m (33ft) it will easily group under an inch if I'm careful and wait 15 seconds between shots to let the CO2 cartridge temp stabilize.
    So when I want to hit a target, I go for the pellet gun.
    But when I want to just plain old have fun I grab the PPK/s.
    But it has been replaced. As I mentioned yesterday the Nightstalker is just a riot, and accurate as all get out as well.

  19. Hi Kevin,
    I own both guns too. The 007 is an in-accurate slow poke that fits my hand like a glove, has a nice light trigger, ans has a really neat blow back action. The CP99 has a heavy trigger but can't miss a golf ball at 17 ft.(shooting slow).
    If you want to have fun, Joe is right. If you want to hit something, get the CP99

  20. Seems as though you could replace both with the Nightstalker…

    To anyone who cares, the Nightstalker DOES NOT like CPHs at all. I had half a cylinder of CO2, and it jammed 4 times in 6 shots.

  21. Now would be the time to place an ad. Mine would say:

    Send in your old airguns for free recycling.

    Then I would fix airguns or sell parts until I had money to buy decent ones outright.

  22. I wish I had the time… work and homeschooling my son is a lot of work. Today we mastered the tv remote and learned how to burp the alphabet. lol!!!!

    ok he's only 3-1/2. Someday we'll say it mommy's way.

  23. I've heard a lot about the NightStalker being pellet 'picky'.
    On this past weekend we put through a little over 300 RWS Superdomes through it with not a single jam or unfired pellet.
    And as I mentioned at 40 or 50 feet it was grouping a magazine (12 shots) that could be covered by a quarter, pulling the trigger as fast as I could.
    This has quickly become my favorite gun…just because it is so much damn fun.
    CowBoyStar Dad

    You have no idea how much you helped me! I've been going crazy with trouble shooting a RWS 92, couldn't get it to group worth a darn. I read a comment you made the other day about tightening all THREE stock screws. I was assuming I only had two, but guess what, that larger screw on my trigger guard turns out to be another stock screw. Stupid me. Anyway, tightened and problem solved. I just got a 3/8" 10 shot group. Yay you! It also changed what I thought was an unusual hold placement back to something more regular. I'll be sure to add some blue loctite to the screws tonight.

  25. Kevin, still mighty good.

    Regarding the CP99, I use the slightly cheaper version, the CPSport, used for the Walther Nighthawk. The pistol is capable of extreme accuracy, but you won't get it often with the double-action revolver trigger.


  26. Mr B……
    Sorry for the late response.
    In reference to recrowning without the use of a lathe…

    It is tricky at best. If the only thing wrong at the muzzle is a burr, then it could be gently polished out without causing harm.
    If the crown was cut cockeyed in the first place, then you would only be polishing a cockeyed muzzle that will still be cockeyed.


  27. You said that this gun is significantly louder than a marauder, which I would expect, seeing that it can generate over 45 fpe. But, the pyramydair site rates both guns a the "2-low-medium" loudness, which it reserves for only the quietest guns? Is this a mistake for the blizzard or what?

  28. Tuned guns,

    I have tested tuned guns in the past, but I've found that sometimes egos are bruised if I don't feel the gun is as smooth as the tuner believes it to be. This often happens when the tuner has very little experience, which happens frequently.


  29. Kevin,
    This is a great blog I found on the internet. When I first read B.B.'s posts I got fascinated and from then on, I have become one of those guys who believe that world wishes it had more guys like B.B.
    To be honest, everytime I go airgun window-shopping, I bombard the customers with the information I have acquired just from B.B.!

  30. Sasan,

    I agree with you 100%. The wealth of information B.B. has acquired and shared, without asking very much in return, is mind boggling. We are very fortunate to have someone like B.B.


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