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Accessorizing the Umarex Glock G19 BB Pistol

Best Options for an Entry Level Air Pistol

This is the Umarex Glock 19 air pistol, not an actual 3rd generation model, but it is hard to tell because there are only two obvious differences, first the crossbolt safety at the top of the trigger (if you see it) and the absence of the caliber marking 9×19 after the GLOCK logo, the model number 19, and AUSTRIA all in capital letters on the left side of the slide.

I like to think of myself as a “the CO2 cartridge is half full” kind of guy and hope that airgun manufacturers eventually get everything right. But I have learned that sometimes you just have to be overly optimistic. It’s like major league sports; you hope your team is going to win the championship every year even though you know from experience they’ll probably never make it to the semi-finals. But it does happen once in a great while, so there is always a glimmer of hope. I was disappointed with the first Umarex HK USP when it came out as a non-blowback model some years ago. After a long wait, in 2018 they hit it out of the park with the new blowback action USP, currently a serious contender for my Air Pistol of the Year. So, let’s take a second look at another non-blowback with the promise of greater things to come, the Umarex Glock 19, a pistol that was actually less disappointing than it appeared. This mid 2018 offering was a big surprise in ways that other non-blowback models have disappointed. For one thing there is the potential versatility of this entry level air pistol to lay the groundwork for a follow up blowback action model, very much like the first HK USP. When that will happen is a little uncertain, hopefully not as long as the USP, but what can the current G19 model accomplish in the interim?

The obligatory airgun reading matter is well disposed of on the bottom of the G19 triggerguard. The authentic dustcover serial number plate is used for a serial number, and the caliber and proof mark to eliminate them from the right side of the polymer frame. This keeps the look of the CO2 model as close to the centerfire pistol as possible from either side.
As stick magazines go the G19 is a gem with a locking follower and a large loading port on the back of the channel that makes pouring BBs into the magazine easier than almost as any other stick magazine design. It also has a correct size base pad with the Glock logo to assure a clean G19 profile when inserted.

Everything is right but…

There is a simple Glock mantra; if you know how to handle one Glock pistol, you know how to handle every Glock pistol (unless, of course, you happen to get your hands on a select-fire G18). It is that consistency since 1982 that finally led to the much anticipated licensing agreement with Umarex to produce Glock’s first CO2 training model. As basic as this non-blowback, stick magazine-fed offering is, it is so close in design and “basic” handling to an actual G19 that it is almost indistinguishable except for not bearing the caliber markings on the left side of the slide and having a slightly wider Picatinny rail and triggerguard, which makes it unsuitable to fit some Glock 19 holsters. That, more than anything else, is the most disappointing feature of the air pistol, it is only a fraction of an inch off but sometimes that’s all it takes. What the entry level, (i.e. very affordable) new model delivers is a CO2 pistol that makes no other compromises in size and shape, sighting, trigger design or balance, with the exception of the mandatory manual safety, which is truly redundant given that the air pistol has a Glock-type Safe Action trigger. It even has an impressively clean right side free of bold faced white warnings and maker’s marks. It is all discretely hidden on the underside of the triggerguard and dustcover in magnifying glass sized type.

It is a masterpiece of external design that does the best job of looking like its centerfire counterpart of any air pistol on the market regardless of being a non-blowback model. The Umarex nicely duplicates Glock’s signature Tenifer finish and black top coat used on the Gen3 centerfire models. Glock has since switched to a new process and a slightly lighter shade top coat, but this is a Gen3 design gun, so it is right on the money.

The fine attention to details in the CO2 model is evident in the slide which has the fit of a separate barrel, slide and extractor, and a slide lock (for disassembly of centerfire pistols). While none of these features function, they look correct. Same for the slide release on the left side. The air pistol even has the manufacturers mark panel above the right grip that reads: Officially Licensed Product of GLOCK. And the finish on the air pistol is about as close to the finish on a Glock as you can get. As a training gun it fulfills all of the entry level requirements at a price (around $70) usually associated with CO2 pistols of either generic design or lacking in the fine details of the gun they are based upon. The Umarex Glock succeeds in delivering the look and feel of a much more expensive CO2 pistol.

We know the CO2 model can work with existing Glock GTL light and light laser combos, like this GTL 22 on the Umarex, but it also accommodates any Mil.-Std. 1913 or Weaver mounting units.
Another example is this Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro green laser and tactical light combo, which is adaptable to a variety of rails and another perfect, albeit expensive, fit for the $70 airgun. Of course, not every laser has to set you back a couple of hundred dollars.

Dressing the Glock 19

As I pointed out in the original June review of the Umarex G19, it is accurate enough in design to mount the actual Glock tactical light and laser (GTL 22) from the centerfire pistols. Of course, unless you already have an actual centerfire Glock, odds are you’re not going to spend $285 to put a GTL 22 on a $70 air pistol! However, there are more affordable tactical lights and lasers that can work on either a centerfire or CO2 model. For this review I am using a Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro (which also sells for over $200 but I happen to have one on hand), and a much more affordable LaserMax Spartan red laser which sells for about the same as the Glock CO2 pistol, and is available from Pyramyd AIR.

This $90 LaserMax Spartan red laser is also a perfect match up for the G19 CO2 model and can deliver dead on accuracy at the optimum 21 foot range for a CO2 BB pistol.

Using the Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro, the G19 CO2 model, which has already proven itself to be quite accurate at 21 feet, delivered 10 rounds, fired at 1 second intervals, into 1.56 inches with a best 5-shot group measuring 0.75 inches. Switching to the more affordable LaserMax Spartan the G19 put 10 shots at 1.06 inches with the best five steel BBs clustered into 0.56 inches. For training and affordability the G19 and LaserMax are a good team, and at a reasonable $160 for both.

The Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro guided 10 rounds into tight groups at 21 feet. This is an expensive unit for the CO2 pistol but for practicing low light accuracy with a laser it pairs up nicely with the Umarex Glock 19.
The LaserMax Spartan actually out shot the more expensive Rail Master at 21 feet delivering slightly tighter 10-shot groups. At $90 from Pyramyd AIR it is the best choice to match up with the current G19 CO2 model. It will also be a best choice when the blowback action version finally arrives. If you are going to eventually own both models, might as well start practicing with the LaserMax now. It also fits any other rail gun.

Packing a G19

The Glock 19 was designed as the compact version of the G17 and better suited for concealed carry use by law enforcement, military and civilians. As I noted, the air pistol is off a fraction in width, enough so that it won’t fit some injection molded tactical holsters. One that it will fit is the ASG Strike Systems Tactical Gear Holster G. This rig is a Level 1 locking holster with about a $20 price from Pyramyd AIR. Toss this into the mix with the gun and you are under $100. A spare magazine for the G19 is about $10. See where I’m going with this? You can put a decent Glock 19 training gun package together for about $190; gun, ASG holster, Spartan red laser and spare 16-round magazine. That’s an airgun experience just about anyone can afford.

Holstering the Umarex G19 is a little harder than I would like since the dimensions are just a little larger (we’re talking a fraction of an inch) but enough to make it a hard fit in most Kydex or injection molded Glock 19 rigs. The ASG Holster G for the Glock 19 is also a little tight but it works and the Level 1 locking system functions as well. In an affordable ($20) paddle rig it’s the best bet for the G19 airgun. Also notice the correct Glock markings on the bottom of the air pistol’s full size stick magazine base pad. The devil is in the details and Glock made certain Umarex delivered on every possible one of them. The forthcoming blowback action version should be an even more exciting example of Glock Perfection.
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Dennis Adler
Dennis Adler has been an author and contributor to Blue Book Publications since 1997 and was co-author of the First Edition Blue Book of Airguns. He is an airgun collector and enthusiast for over 20 years and wrote the Air Show column on air pistols for Combat Handguns magazine and other publications before joining the Pyramyd Air writing team. His articles appeared in the Pyramyd Air Airgun Experience blog and provided readers with expert reviews and in-depth articles.

3 thoughts on “Accessorizing the Umarex Glock G19 BB Pistol”

  1. There seems to be a pattern with Umarex. Put out an almost there product , and then replace it . The P08 stick mag , da no toggle blowback , then the same with Broomhandle Mauser , Mkatov and others like S&W M&P pistols. Since ISSC had an almost Glock blowback , would have thought Umarex would have gone to full Monty with the coveted Glock brand launch. Here we are again with no blowback , stick mag launch. For those wanting a Glock appearing and feeling pistol , this will have to do , for now. At least it is affordable and accurate, if not the real deal .

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