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Education / Training Webley Mark VI CO2 Pellet Revolver 2.5″: Part 1

Webley Mark VI CO2 Pellet Revolver 2.5″: Part 1

Webley revolver
Webley Mark VI CO2 Pellet Revolver.

This report covers:

  • It’s NOT airsoft; it’s a pellet pistol
  • Large!
  • Ferrous report
  • Front sight
  • Safety
  • Worn finish
  • Lanyard loop
  • Field-strippable
  • That’s it
  • Webley to make Mark IV revolvers for India’s civilians
  • Summary

Today we begin looking at the Webley Mark VI CO2 Pellet Revolver with a 2.5-inch barrel. This revolver shoots pellets through a rifled barrel — a fact that Webley didn’t think was important enough to put on the box, though they did mention that it is a fully functional airsoft gun! Yes, BB reads the box!

Webley box
Yepper — Webley thinks it’s an airsoft gun. Not really, though. Someone just didn’t proofread the box. See — BB isn’t the only one who does that!

It’s NOT airsoft; it’s a pellet pistol

Webley even labeled the barrel with 3.0 joules, which is 2.21 foot-pounds. That must be important for sales in some countries, though not in the United States. And I suspect it stems from the revolver’s airsoft heritage.


Although it has a 2-1/2-inch barrel, this revolver is huge! It’s close to the size of many other 4-inch barreled revolvers. I own a genuine Webley Mark VI firearm revolver and this pellet pistol is sized appropriately. And it’s heavy. It weighs 2 lbs. 1.4 oz., so you know you have something when you hold it.

Ferrous report

Unlike the firearm the only steel parts on the outside of the pellet revolver are the screws. The remainder of the parts are aluminum.

Front sight

The front sight seems anomalous until you check other historical Webley revolvers. The older Mark I and Mark II revolvers with short barrels had the same sight. The front sight is machined directly into the barrel and is nothing more than a simple hump. The military versions have longer barrels (4 and 6 inches) and a front sight post that is separate from its base.

Webley pellet sight
The front sight on the pellet pistol is cast (machined on the firearm) from the same material as the outer barrel.

Webley firearm sight
On the military and law enforcement 4-inch and 6-inch revolvers the front sight is a replaceable insert. But on the 2-1/2-inch barrel the front sight is the same hump as the pellet pistol.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo


This revolver has a safety, which is no doubt a liability thing. When someone testifies on the witness stand that the revolver fired on its own accord and the defense learns that it has no safety, they hammer that into the jury. If the jurors were selected correctly the lack of a safety on a revolver will mean something to someone with no experience with revolvers. Revolvers have no safeties except in Agatha Christie novels.

Webley safety
Yes, this Webley revolver does have a safety. At least it’s unobtrusive.

Aged finish

This revolver has an aged finish that would be correct on a handgun carried for years in a holster. Pyramyd AIR calls it a battlefield finish, but this model revolver never made it to the battlefield.

Lanyard loop

At this time in history it was common for handguns to have lanyard loops, just as pistols made 60 years before all had skull-crushing metal caps on the bottom of their grips. Soldiers had lanyards attached to their person and to these loops. Theoretically lanyards were for cavalry troops so they wouldn’t drop their sidearms, but everybody used them. So the civilian model is period-correct for having one, even if civilians didn’t need them as much. Heck, even the Colt 1911 US pistols had lanyard loops for the same reason.


You can read on the box flap pictured above that the revolver can be field stripped. Don’t get too excited though because field stripping this revolver is extremely simple.

Webley strip step 1
To field strip the revolver break it open and remove the cylinder cam lever lock screw (arrow).

This screw is one place where Webley didn’t maintain accuracy with the original. The slot in the screw head is supposed to be large enough for the edge of a shilling to fit.

Webley firearm strip
On the firearm the takedown screw has a slot for a shilling coin.

But the pellet pistol disassembly screw isn’t slotted like the screw on the firearm. That’s sad because the screw in the pellet pistol is steel and could easily have been done right. Fortunately I now own a Vessel screwdriver whose slotted bit fits this pellet pistol screw slot exactly.

Webley screw out
Remove the one screw and swing the cylinder cam lever up. This frees the cylinder.

Webley cylinder out
Pull the cylinder straight up and out of the crane that it turns in.

That’s it

That is as far as this pellet pistol disassembles and the same for the firearm. You can now clean everything that needs cleaning (in the firearm) or just enjoy the experience (with the pellet pistol).

Webley to make Mark IV revolvers for India’s civilians

This has nothing to do with today’s pellet pistol but this was just released yesterday and I thought you might like to know. The Mark IV revolver is a .38 caliber handgun used by many military forces and law enforcement agencies supported by the UK. Webley will now make them for Indian civilians who have been disarmed since 1980. The caliber will be .32, but which .32 cartridge is not clear as the reporter for the Hindustan Times, Tanmay Chatterjee, didn’t specify.


What a cool replica airgun! If you ever get one in your hands you will agree, I’m sure. This is going to be a fun test.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

41 thoughts on “Webley Mark VI CO2 Pellet Revolver 2.5″: Part 1”

  1. BB,

    If the pellet pistol made of non ferrous alloy weighs in at 2 lbs. 1.4 oz. , how heavy is the real one made of steel? Does it balance well in the hand when in the firing position?

    Oh and the new MkIV made in India are reported to be in .32 S&W Long


  2. Stupid question #1, Do co2 pistols/rifles gain/lose any power with a longer barrel?
    I know PCP’s gain power with the longer push. But co2’s????



    • Yogi,

      Answer to not so stupid question #1. CO2 pistols and rifles do gain power with a longer barrel, to a point. I do not recall the optimum length, but it is much less than HPA.

    • Yogi,

      WOW you do know how to ask a great question! B.B. and RidgeRunner have both given good answers at the basic level. The full answer to your BIG question is unbelievable complex and the math gets GNARLY.
      EVEN SIMPLIFIED! The big problem is the weight of the CO2 gas charge and to a lesser extent the size of the CO2 molecule. As the barrel gets longer the gas entering the barrel at the transfer port is pushing not only the pellet weight but also the weight (Mass) of all that gas that is between it and the projectile; not even considering the air in front of the projectile that needs to be pushed out of the barrel. At the same time the CO2 is expanding IN the barrel it is also cooling the barrel which lowers the rate of expansion even more. There is a great deal more than that happening and constantly changing but just wanted to give you and the other readers an idea of how complex and GOOD your question really is.

      This Internal Ballistics STUFF is Rocket Science!


      • Shootski,

        You did not mention the effect of caliber, mass of the projectile or coefficient of friction between the projectile and the barrel. How could you possibly have left such matters out of the rocket science?

        • RidgeRunner,

          It would be boring for too many readers who could care less as long as their group sizes don’t get all too large!
          I’m having fun trying to become an accomplished break barrel (yes Gas Spring!) shooter. I just wish PA would get me the JSB Knock Out Slugs in 10.3 grains. I kept the 13 .34 together until past 70 but then things opened up…can’t really tell if it is my lack of springer skills or just the heavy slugs. The holes in the paper are still symmetrical but the “groups” have opened up well beyond the 2 MOA i was still getting at 70. Lots more to do and try to catch up with all of you springer powerplant guys experience. I doubt I will ever get the “real” spring powerplant since the Sig’s were more of a Lark than a departure from My Dark Side Religion!

          Keep your powder dry! We shooters (of any kind) are under a Barrage Attack and too considerate of the families suffering to fight back until a respectable interval…unlike the Grabbers!


          • Shootski,

            LOL! It sounds like you are doing pretty good with those Sigs. There are very few sproingers out there that will shoot smaller than 2 MOA at any range. You are making me wish I had picked up a .22 in synthetic stock. The lack of Sig support sorta scares me though. I have enough airguns like that around here without a “new” one being that way.

            I would like to have a Weihrauch HW90. They make the best sproingers in the world and when you team that up with the Theoben adjustable gas spring.

            Too many airguns, not enough money!

  3. The Webley pistols have been the one type of CO2 pistols that have tempted me. I kick myself in the but when I think of not getting the full-sized barreled Webley pellet pistol when I had the chance.

  4. BB

    I kick myself for not buying a .455 Webley army revolver from Ye Ol Hunter for $24.95 back in the 1960’s. But that was a lot of money back then for me.

    A Webley in 32.20 would make a serious home defense weapon for the civilians. I have a Colt in that caliber.


    • Deck,

      I feel like kicking you for not buying it. I would really like to have one of those unmachined buggas. Ah well.

      Now, as for the 32.20, that is a pretty punky round. My Grandaddy had a Remington pump rifle in that round and I had a rechambered Ausy Cadet.

      • RR

        Had to sign in twice to reply.. The 32.20 in a handgun has about same muzzle energy as .38 Special. But the news article from Hindustan Times below says civilians can even get .45’s. Hope this news is accurate.


        • Deck,

          I am certain they can but imagine the hoops they have to jump through to get one. Here in the USA it is getting more difficult every day. Sooner or later the sheep will win and then wonder what happened to there other rights.

          P.S. if I am not mistaken, the 9mm has more muzzle energy than the .45 ACP. Strange though that they did not teach the double tap until after the Vietnam War.

  5. B.B.,
    It will be interesting to see the velocity and accuracy; yet I already give it “5 stars” for just being one cool-looking pistol! 🙂
    Blessings to you,

  6. **The slot in the screw head is supposed to be large enough for the edge of a shilling to fit.**

    A shilling eh? The rear sight elevation screw on my HW44 uses the same type of screw – what a pain in the butt!

    No shillings here, ended up using a washer to make the initial adjustments and have since reground a screwdriver bit to suit.


    • Vana2,

      Which Shilling?
      Austria had a Shilling in the Time Before the economic union (eu) and the euro error…
      I’ll bet there have been other Shillings in other Lands too!


      • Shootski,

        Where was the Webley made? I doubt very seriously it was an Austrian shilling. Of course now, maybe the Europeans had already standardized their shillings to that of the British shilling. Of course at the time the Europeans would have measured them in millimeters and the British would have done it right in fractions of an inch.

        • RidgeRunner,

          I believe if I remember from my youth; the Austro-Hungarian Empire used Zoll until: “The metric system became compulsory on 1 January 1872, in Germany and on 1 January 1876, in Austria.” But folks still used Pfund and other Imperial Units rather than grams and kilograms in informal ordering from shopkeepers as recently as two decades ago.
          Also, I misspelled the Austrian Schilling ’cause the last Shillings I used were Australian! “The Schilling was the currency of Austria from 1925 to 1938 and from 1945 to 1999, and the circulating currency until 2002.
          CIA World Factbook


          • Once again, my brain has shut down from the input overload of useless knowledge. I need to go clean my ears out to increase the outflow. I will be back momentarily.

    • Yeah, I too was surprised to see only 2 comments (using my ipad), until I signed in (twice, as usual), when over ten times as many hitherto unseen, “secret comments” appeared.
      What an exclusive club (cock-up) this is ! 🙂

      Oh yeah, I wanted to mention that the “airsoft gun” mistake, to me, does not seem to have been authored by a native English, French or German speaker. Sign of the times, eh ?! 🙂

  7. FM was gonna attempt to repost his comment which seemed to have been vacuumed into WordPress oblivion, but was pleasantly surprised to see it had been resurrected.

  8. BB, Vana2, Shootski
    When I looked at the picture of that take down screw on the real Webley firearm I immediately thought it was a “Hi-Torque” screw. The slot recess looked curved and undercut on the sides of the slot, exactly the same as some screws and drive bits I have.. The driver tip is curved instead of flat and actually hollow ground to catch under the sides of the screw slot. It helps prevent the driver tip from camming out of the slot. Especially helpful in applying higher torques on shallow head screws as it concentrates the torque more to the center of the screw. The more torque you apply the tighter the driver blade grips inside the slot, being undercut.
    Which came first, the Shilling (screw driver) or the Hi-Torque screw? Not sure but the rim of a coin would act the same as a hollow ground curved screw driver bit and may have influenced the design of the now recognized Hi-Torque fastener.
    By the way the High-Torque tips come in various sizes in both tip and square drive square opening. HTS-0 on up, -1, -2, -3 and so on.
    If you see a curved bottom in the screw slot a coin of propre size may work but I would look into the proper Hi-Torque tip screwdriver if the slot sides are undercut. Look up APEX fasteners. for a screw size chart

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