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ICYMI November 2022

It’s the Holiday Shopping season! Shopping for the outdoorsmen in your life can be tough, but we’ve got you covered. Here is just a partial list to get you started.

Holiday shopping has begun - two airgun replicas among holiday decorations.

Gift Ideas Galore

Check out the Holiday Gift Guide for the best hunting and outdoor gift ideas. There are gifts to fit every budget, and gifts to satisfy every taste. There are airgun gifts, crossbow gifts, and unique gifts. Find something for all the outdoorsmen on your list. 

Custom Air Venturi Avenger with Cerakote

Give the most durable, most unique custom Air Venturi Avenger with Cerakoting. The 12-color selection for Cerakoting provides an array of options that allows you to create an Avenger that’s totally unique. Not only do you get to choose the colors and where they sit on the gun, but you get to see the finished product as you go with a fully rendered two-sided image. Just flip it to see the other side. Watch their face light up as they open the box to their very own one-of-a-kind Avenger.

The Cerakote gun finish prevents rust, scratches, wear, and helps keep your gun in its best condition for the longest time possible. If you’d like more information you can read our article about the Benefits of Cerakoting.

Bring the excitement of the festival home with the Diana Oktoberfest bb gun. The Oktoberfest is a spring piston air rifle with a 100-count reservoir. Its top lever cocking is a unique conversation starter. Help everyone enjoy more plinking and target practice fun with this gift from Germany. It even has the official Oktoberfest seal. 

The Air Venturi Nomad III portable PCP air compressor was introduced recently for PCP airguns. It’s 25% faster than Nomad II and just as portable so you can fill more guns faster and keep your arsenal ready. The Nomad III fills to 4500 psi. With 25% less time at the pump, that’s more time enjoyed shooting. Since it works off a 12V battery as well as AC power outlets, you can take it in the field so you’ll never run out of air. 

Fill Their Ammo Wishes

There is a lot going into pellets these days. Most recently we introduced Wildman Slugs, which are hand-swaged in the UK. They come in flat-based or dish-based slugs, in calibers .177, .22, .25, and .30, from 13 to 60 grains. Hand-swaged slugs provide superior performance with an excellent ballistic coefficient and superb energy transfer. 

Speaking of ammo, check out our newest broadheads. Among them are Swhacker broadheads, both fixed and mechanical. These broadheads are razor sharp and provide deep penetration with a wide cutting channel. The Swhacker mechanicals won’t deploy in flight, only inside the target animal. And the fixed blades are hand-stropped after being laser cut for the sharpest blade possible.

Happy Holiday Shopping!

We hope we have set you in good stead to tackle the shopping for all the outdoorsmen in your life. If there is anything you’re not sure about, just contact our customer service team. They can answer any product questions you might have. We hope you have a Happy Holiday Season!!

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Pyramyd Insyder
Passionate about helping customers get the most from their Pyramyd AIR experience, Insyder brings years of experience to provide insightful info about the various types of guns, ammunition, accessories, and gear available. They have a passion for airgunning and take pride in helping others discover the joys of shooting sports. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced shooter, Pyramyd Insyder has something to offer everyone.

7 thoughts on “ICYMI November 2022”

  1. Hello people : – )
    While BB is away I thought I might spam the air waves with my tinkering nonsense!
    So I was playing around with my much “mutated” Gamo CF-S sproinger and I decided that the
    semi bullpup config that I had adapted it into was just wrong. Holding a bead in an off hand stance was
    tricky. Hitting the very small dot at 50m … almost impossible. Darn. So what to do?
    Well I considered the rifle, the hold, the grip position etc and decided that the semi bullpup position was
    actually wrong, this being due to the pistol grip being too far forward and not very well supported ( the muzzle end being quite heavy and the butt end quite light… ) if I had gone full bullpup with a short LoP things would be vastly different but that creates other problems….
    The new idea: Move the pistol grip back (less arm weight fwd to hold up ) and increase the LoP. This involves moving the trigger which is easy as all I had to do was solder on a trigger anywhere on the trigger bar. See the pics!
    ( Trigger feeling lousy and it’s not surprising if you know the Theoben design…) .

    Top pic is the old trigger, with chassis plate removed. Bottom pic is the new trigger soldered on ( it is actually well stuck on it just didn’t wet out very well, I need decent flux…). I had to make a new hole for the trigger… and that took a while to get fitted just so. I did lubricate the trigger bar and it has a slick sliding feeling, maybe thinner oil next time.
    I am still delighted by my trigger bar design, being so simple. Like me. : – )

    More pics in a tick!

    Robert A.

  2. More!
    Top pics shows the old trigger and the new one. Quite a move aft.
    Bottom pic is the Beretta as a possible grip influence. I like the grip. Can I make it in wood? Should I ? As it is I made a grip that is a lot bulkier than the Beretta but still has the angle. I did go crazy in the shed with a rasp, jigsaw, drill etc, and the first attempt was binned. Possibly too fast and furious, I need to slow down and consider things in a rational and methodical light. ( not on my watch! ) . More pics soon!

    Robert A.

  3. Back one last time!
    The Gamo with a bit if tweaking via MS Paint, I think you get the gist of the situation. After extensive shouldering and watching how steady I can hold the rifle I think this is the best stock to date. I have a few ideas which don’t really change the overall dimensions. Shortening the block that holds the butt rails so I can stow the but by simply sliding the butt in. The cheek rest: oops forgot that. The fore grip is reworked, yet again. No Hamster this time. One thing I learned is this: If the butt to scope distance is short for Off Hand ( no craning the neck forward to get into the scope “in focus” zone ) then when trying to prone the butt distance will be much much too short, so I compromised and went for a stock length that made prone still doable. It’s amazing the difference in ergonomics between off hand and prone.
    Those 10m off hand stance Olympic rifles would not work prone without significant adjusting!
    All up it’s been a heck of a ride to get to this point, I have learned the hard way that rifle design has to take into account the most used stance that the user is going to use, and that having a rifle that caters to all extreme stances has to be a compromise or be mechanically flexible ( sliding stocks are a great example ) .
    The three stances I use: Off hand, sitting and prone all require some tweak to the stock to be comfortable and useable. The perfect off hand setup is not ok for prone in my humble opinion etc.
    This is all amateur waffling of course and your mileage may vary etc, best you try it out for yourself!

    Robert A.

    PS. The grip looks a bit bulky and blocky, it’s it in fact really comfortable! I think I might cover it with silicone as this is a really cheap but excellent material for this kind of thing. Pics of that later. : – )

  4. Hello!
    Not much to report but things are looking good, in a rough sort of way. : – )
    Added more wood to the forestock ( really feels good, just the right height and lots of room to aim up or down by simply move my rest forward or aft ) , put some silicone on the grip ( texture is nice ) and added the lower brace to the “stock”. The next move will be to saw the “stock” shorter and make a new butt with longer rails ( I carved out the wood to accommodate the longer rails when stowed). At some stage the cheek rest will get stuck back on and extra metal on the top of the stock will get removed.
    How does it shoulder? Well, actually it’s darn good. Now that I can pull the stock out further etc I can actually change the set up from Off Hand to Prone in seconds. The quick release is off an bicycle seat tube clamp, has extreme clamping grip. The LoP is good, not too far out not too far in. With the Diopter sights it all comes together very comfortably. : – )

    Robert A.

  5. RobertA!

    You have learned a lot with your tinkering with that sproinger! Stocks do tend to be a compromise. There are the exceptions of the dedicated, but to design one that works in all shooting positions is very difficult. A recent example presented to us by BB is what TCFKAC did to the 392/397 stock. They made it fine for a scope, but the open sights were unusable. As you pointed out the stocks of 10-meter rifles are fine for standing, OK for bench, not so good for prone. I for one would not want to carry a bench rest rifle when hunting.

    Thanks for letting us know what you have learned along the way!

    PS: Did PA really have to give us a commercial?

    • RR,
      Thanks for the reply! I guess tinkering is not for everyone. actually it is a kind of madness. But then my buddy has a yacht and he has moved things about to maker it go faster… tinkering! I guess I have learned a lot, the “compromise” well that really did seem obvious after the fact. That smacked me in the face when I tried to shoot prone with the “10m off hand ” stock, the butt would not reach my shoulder at all… oops.
      The bottom line is that work was done, things were learned. Like this doozy: Moly leeching oil … ah…
      Um, there are other things on the horizon, such as a custom trigger block. Yep, when I get onto the Milling/Lathe machine I will copy some classic triggers. The Gamo has an easy way of mounting a trigger block so making a test bed would be no big deal, a tube, with a hole and a plate, too easy. But why ? Because ! Ho ho ho. : – )

      Robert A.

      PS I was wondering/concerned about the commercial… I did shudder slightly.

      • I did not even read the commercial.

        This is why I like the AirForce line. They are a Tinkers’ dream come true. I took an Edge and had it shooting over 700 FPS and had a trigger to die for. I now have a Texan LSS and a Talon SS to tinker with. You can bet they will end up with at least some sweet triggers.

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