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Benefits of Cerakoting

Gun finishes have been important to gun owners since guns were invented. Through the ages, gunsmiths and manufacturers have made several types of finishes from metal plating to anodizing to powder coating. A newer finishing technique that has gained popularity, Cerakoting, has them all beat for versatility, durability, flexibility, and color customization.

Custom Cerakote Air Venturi Avenger Air Rifle

And now, the Air Venturi Avenger is customizable to your exact aesthetic style!

Through Cerakoting, you can have a completely unique custom Avenger, styled to your exact specifications. Here is your opportunity to have a one-of-a-kind airgun designed by you that will last for many years to come.

Let’s break down the benefits of a good Cerakote and answer some common questions.

What is the purpose of Cerakote?

Cerakote is a spray-on coating designed to cover the exterior components to increase durability and prevent corrosion. It also helps maintain structural integrity in high-temperature environments. It is extremely durable and completely safe for use on guns, knives, car parts, plastics, bikes, tools, and many other items from several industries. 

Cerakote was tested by an independent lab against several competing finishes. It outperformed the competition and exceeded all military-level requirements many times over.

What material is Cerakote?

Cerakote is a ceramic-polymer coating that is airbrushed onto components (metal, polymer, wood, or plastic) to provide them with additional durability and prevent corrosion. It is scratch resistant, rust resistant, chemical resistant, maintains consistent coloration, has no heavy metals, and does not cause stress fatigue on metal alloys that some finishing techniques can cause. It has a low environmental impact and is VOC-compliant in all 50 states.

How permanent is Cerakote?

Cerakoting is fully permanent, and once it adheres to the product it would need to be removed through an abrasive blasting process.  It’s a great way to protect your investment. With the Cerakote applied, you’ll never have to worry about rust destroying your airgun again.  

Does Cerakote scratch easily?

Cerakote beat other coating competitors for durability against scratches by withstanding 6500 revolutions of abrasive material, while the next top competitor only held up to 2000. 

Cerakote has been used by military and police officials for years and has recently become popular with the general public. It protects against scratches, wear and tear, corrosion, weathering, and other damages that occur during use in addition to providing a tough barrier against chemicals you might come in contact with around the house, in the car, or at the range.

Is Cerakote better than bluing?

In a head-to-head test, two identical rifles were left in the woods of the Pacific North West for 15 months. After nine days of sitting in wind and drizzle, the blued rifle began to show signs of rust. The Cerakoted rifle never showed any signs of rust even at the end of the 15-month trial.

Cerakote was tested against the following processes: Anodizing, Blueing, Powder Coating, Nitride, PVD, Teflon, and Xylan. Cerakote was the clear winner in every test.

Hunting Guide

Does Cerakote finish rust?

In corrosion testing against various gun coatings, Cerakote outlasted several competing applications by more than 10x. While blueing began showing signs of corrosion in as little as 24 hours in a salt spray tank, Cerakote didn’t show signs of corrosion for 2,034 hours.

Does Cerakoting increase performance?

While Cerakoting will increase the durable life of your gun, it will not improve the performance of the gun as far as accuracy and precision are concerned. Those aspects are built into the gun by the manufacturer, and adding the coating will not change those specifications.

What Cerakoting will do is reinforce part materials and prevent them from scratching, rusting, cracking, and other environmental damage. 

In our complicated, hectic modern world, there is little we can control. Thankfully, there are ways we can mitigate the uncertainty of life with extra security measures like insurance and protective coatings. To keep your Avenger looking its best for several years, you can do extra care and maintenance or add Cerakote. The added benefit with Cerakote is that you can also give it an entirely new look. Build a custom Air Venturi Avenger today and see what we mean.

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Pyramyd Insyder
Passionate about helping customers get the most from their Pyramyd AIR experience, Insyder brings years of experience to provide insightful info about the various types of guns, ammunition, accessories, and gear available. They have a passion for airgunning and take pride in helping others discover the joys of shooting sports. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced shooter, Pyramyd Insyder has something to offer everyone.

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