Diana 35.
This report covers:
- Mockingbird
- Which one?
- If only
- Crux
- Save the lecture
- Yogi
- Summary
The old saying goes, “Beware of the man with just one gun.” I now have a corollary. “Laugh at the fool with 100 airguns.”
Today’s report will be short because you readers are going to write most of it in your comments. What you write will be the most important part.
Here in the part of Texas where I live we have fewer types of birds than I’m used to seeing in Ohio and Maryland. There they have a great many songbirds and the cardinal is the state bird of Ohio where I’m originally from.
Here in north central Texas we have lots of boat-tailed grackles, mockingbirds, hummingbirds and swallows. Right now the swallows are raising their chicks that are called gulps (that’s a joke). They have two sets of chicks each year.
I have three swallow nests under the roof of my back porch and every year one or two swallow families raise their young. But years ago a cat came up on the porch and killed all the chicks in one nest. I now try to scare away any cats I see. But the problem didn’t end there.
Last year I found a nest destroyed with the remains of several chicks on the cement below. I thought it was a cat until this year I saw a mockingbird, sitting on the porch eyeing the nest that was occupied. Mockingbirds are extreme predators that attack bird nests and kill other birds. Even my cat, Punky, was attacked by a mockingbird mother after he killed one of her chicks. Okay, I thought, I’ll just grab a quiet air rifle and make this guy history.
Which one?
And here, my friends, is the punchline to this report. Which quiet and accurate air rifle or pistol do I grab? And where is it sighted? At what distance? With what pellet?
The next few minutes looked like a Mack Sennett revival of the Keystone Kops, as I went from room to room and place to place looking for that one air rifle that could do the job. And I never found it. The mockingbird flew to the top of my fence and gave me a perfect 10-meter silhouette shot that could be made safely, if only I could find the one airgun to do the job.
If only
I realized I had no airgun, rifle or pistol, whose point of impact I knew with any hope of precision at any distance! I didn’t even know their favorite pellets — even if I knew the other stuff! Gentlemen — the cobbler’s children have no shoes!
This isn’t the first time this has happened. And, if we want to get technical, I do have just one airgun whose favorite ammunition I know, and exactly where it is sighted and at what distance. My Daisy 499B BB gun is the one I know. Remember when I told you about killing a cicada in the report titled, An unexpected expedition?
BB killed this cicada with a head shot from the Daisy 499B.
Well that Daisy is great but it will never take out a mockingbird at 10 meters. And I don’t shoot at animals to scare them away. I shoot to kill, and ONLY to kill. For that I need a pellet rifle, which is why the vintage Diana 35 is shown at the top of this page. I’m considering it for duty as my go-to airgun, but I need to hear from you readers first.
This is a five-shot group of Air Arms Falcons that was made by the vintage Diana 35 shooting rested at 10 meters. It measures 0.371-inches between centers. Apparently this rifle loves the Falcon pellet regardless of the hold.
And here is the crux of this report. Do you guys have a go-to airgun with go-to pellets and does it work for you? Tell me about it.
Save the lecture
At this point I can expect a lecture from several readers who say things like:
“BB, you shouldn’t kill rattlesnakes. Don’t you know they keep your yard free from armadillos?”
“BB, never kill a wolf spider! They kill black widows in your house!”
“BB, don’t kill rabid dogs! They will kill all the skunks that live under your foundation!”
It has occurred to me that the mockingbirds are only doing what they must to survive. Therefore, if they want to get the swallows on my back porch, I will not shoot them. But that still doesn’t relieve my need for an accurate go-to airgun that I know and can shoot well — OFFHAND!
And yes, I also realize that a pellet rifle that’s suitable for smaller critters like birds is not suitable for larger animals like dogs. I am not looking for a universal airgun — just one to shoot common pests.
Yogi, on a related and completely different subject I have made a breakthrough in my 10-meter target pistol practice. I have learned how to stop or at least attenuate the up and down wobble of the gun. I was always doing this, but as far as I know, I never wrote about it before nor did I even think about it consciously. On Monday I will report on the progress of my 10-meter target pistol training.
That’s it. You tell me what you do, and some of you tell me what you think I should do.
For many years, my go to airgun has been my old Sheridan with a receiver (peep sight).
In the past few years, it’s been re-sighted in with .20 JSB 13.73-grain pellets.
Sighted in at 15 yards with 6 pumps (11.8 fpe), it’s good-to-go and has accounted for many pests.
Looking for its first chance, my .22 Crosman 362 is also sighted in at 15 yards.
With 14.3-grain Crosman Premiers at 6 pumps (11.8 fpe), it’s my backup, in case my Sheridan dies.
(Both rifles can make head shots from 5 yards to 20 yards)
And, thanks to some enabler, whose name we won’t mention *cough..B.B., cough, cough*,
I also have my .22 Dragonfly Mark2, sighted in at 25 yards with JSB RS 13.43-grain pellets.
At 10 pumps (13 fpe), this rifle shoots flat between 15 and 25 yards.
(25 yards is about as far as I would shoot a pest, especially at night.)
All three airguns are kept side by side, with their pellets.
Although all are multi-pumps, I never vary the number of pumps from that for which they are sighted in, and I never change their ammunition (since I spent a lot of time finding out what’s best).
I need these rifles to always shoot the same way every time.
If I have to shoot something, I want to put it down, not have it crawl away wounded.
And, while not quite an airgun, next to these three is my old Marlin model 101 (Sears branded).
This old single-shot .22 is sighted in at 15 yards with the CCI .22LR Quiet rounds that you tested.
I swapped out the factory sights; the rifle has a receiver sight on the rear and thin square post front.
With the .22 Quiet rounds, it has accounted for small pests; with regular .22LR rounds, it has taken out many larger pests, like the feral hogs that were destroying my neighbor’s farm.
(I loaned him this rifle for a year; he’s an old farm boy, and knows how to shoot hogs in the head.)
Also, my Crosman 1322 pistol did account for one copperhead on the front porch.
I had to shoot towards the road, and towards my neighbor’s house.
This is the type of situation where a lower-powered airgun is desirable.
I was able to shoot the snake in the head from a distance of only 7 feet.
That made my wife happy, as she does not like poisonous snakes on her porch.
Happy wife, happy life.
Anyway, that’s my 2 cents. 🙂
Blessings to you,
I demonstrated my foolproof snake-killing-with-an-air-rifle technique to my wife and she instantly saw the benefit. She was another “didn’t like ’em” woman.
One of my problems is I have forgotten my past, which makes me doomed to repeat it.
B.B., I remember your technique, and it works well.
Edith was a Proverbs 31 wife and a blessing to you and is missed by all.
I’m sure you sometimes feel (like Paul in Philippians) that you would rather
“depart and be with Christ” (and Edith),
yet also you know that “to remain in the flesh is more needful for you” (us =>).
Here’s me praying you’re still with us for a good long while; you have much yet to teach us. 😉
Thanks for that. Our mutual Friend must be talking to you about this! You have just described my feelings exactly.
Yes, and He is wiser than the both of us. Blessings to you.
I think if you are leaning toward the Diana, go with the Diana. I don’t remember if you have tried JSB Hades in the Diana but they are a top pellet in most of my guns and reliably expand even at lower velocities. They hit like a Crow Mag but shoot like a JSB dome.
Usually, it’s we have a bunch of airguns, it’s just 2 or 3 we shoot all the time! Or that one you always grab, even if you have one that’s “more appropriate” for what you’re shooting at.
And often the man who only owns one gun….. doesn’t practice enough with it.
I grew up with a Diana 27. Have had two more for short periods of time. I still have the very first one, my dad’s, overseas. I don’t know how many thousands of pellets have gone through its barrel, by me. I practiced much, much more than enough with it. 😉
Depends on the job at hand. For squirrel and smaller, Diana 34 pro compact, 1st gen, .177, H&N FTT pellets@ 870 fps. For heavier, Diana 52 in .25, ZRT kit, brass tophat, H&N FTT@ 725 fps. These 2 will hit exactly where I aim them. The Diana 35 would be an excellent choice, btw.
I hope you’re right about the Diana 35 because that is the way I want to go.
The Diana 35 is a good choice. Mine prefers Falcon or RS also. Diana 34 would deliver 6 fpe more but if that is more than you want the HW50S fits between the two. All are good offhand shooters.
As far as offhand shooting goes — I am the problem. Not the airguns! 😉
I resemble that. Happily I have shooting bags.
Another candidate as a back door airgun is a Benjamin NP or GP Titan in .22 caliber. It packs a punch for someone who wants to dispatch larger animals like rabid raccoons and opossums. While not a target grouper to compare with the 3 above it is capable of around 1 inch at 25 yards. It also has a satisfying shooting cycle sound that is all its own. I know it’s a gas springer but it has been around for years and is still available. Plus the price is right.
I have such a love/hate relationship with those Benji gas guns. I have one leaning against the back door of the garage and it has done a lot of pesting but I always feel like it is just waiting to throw a flier at the wrong moment.
If only it was the only one that threw fliers! Has to be gun’s fault right?
Yeah, I’m pretty good at throwing my own fliers and knucleballs down range. I feel like I’m a decent shooter right up to the moment I’m standing next to a real one.
LOL! You now have what used to be one of my go to airguns. That Edge when it was hopped up would put 10 shots of JSB RS in .8 inches CTC at 50 yards. I also use my Izzy with RWS R10 Pistol for close range work. I keep a tin in its case.
The 1906 BSA hanging over the fireplace likes RWS Superdomes. The FLZ hanging over the door into the kitchen likes RWS Super Hollowpoints and the Webley Service MKII and the Senior hanging over the front window seem to like the Crosman hollowpoints. Their favorite pellets are in Wilkins pellet pouches hanging with them.
I am at present working up a solution for an old Diana 34 I obtained recently. It will likely be my new go to as it has quite a bit of umph. She seems to like the JSB Exact. Of course, that is assuming she does not find a new home after vacationing here for a bit. I also need to learn my “new” Talon SS. My Maximus would be an awesome go to also. I need to learn it also. LOL! I for one do understand your title.
You should learn that 35 and use it as your go to and get a Wilkins pouch to keep its favorite with it. They are expensive, but they are nice.
“Their favorites pellets are in Wilkins pellet pouches hanging with them.”
RidgeRunner; that’s smart; I need to look up these pouches. 🙂
I believe the airgun retailer in the SW USA sells them. They are not cheap, but they are real nice.
RidgeRunner, yep, I found them; they’ve even got a nice demo video…pretty cool! 🙂
You little enabler, you!
I just bought a Wilkens pellet pouch from England. You are right that they are expensive, but they are the ideal way to keep the correct pellets with the intended rifle.
ROTFWL! They are real nicely made also. With a little thought, they can be fastened directly to an airgun. They are also easily carried. The way they are made, it is difficult to spill the pellets out of it.
I first saw them at the Roanoke show. A gentleman set up a table beside mine with a slew of them. I traded a Weaver Quick Point for one. Now I have several in various colors and sizes. I personally prefer the larger ones, but they all work nicely.
No secret here. Both kept near the door with ammo in a lockable gun cabinet.
The .22 FX Independance with a Golden Image 4×32 Mil-Dot @ 35 yds. Sighted in at 50 yds. Have been using 1,175g JSB Match Diabolo Jumbo Heavy EXACT pellets but just opened some 14.3gr. Crosman PREMIER Hollow Points and they seem to be doing just fine at 50 yds. 3 for 3 K.
And the .177 RWS Diana P5 Magnum pistol with open sights for small close-up stuff with whatever pellets are open. I break it open a little and leave a pellet in it.
I have a Benjamin Marauder Pistol by the front door which is much lighter, less power, and easier to maneuver than my 22 cal Hatsan FlashPup. The Prod has an AR stock, UTG micro red dot, a Streamlight ProTac rail mount long gun flashlight with remote switch mounted with Beamshot RF9 to the pressure tube, and a Huma-Air regulator set to 1900 psi. I use JSB Match Diabolo Exact Jumbo Heavy 22 cal 18.13 grain pellets sighted in for 10 meters, with muzzle velocity ~590, and 14.1 ft-lb. My “little toy” as my wife calls my Prod has eliminated many pests from 10 feet to 20 yards.
I guess the total of all the add-ons is noticeably more than the original price of the Prod. LOL
Thank you BB for your blog and all the commenters so I can make informed choices.
Thanks for that. I have a similar Prod but I wanted something simpler.
Are you going to Malvern 19-20 May? I’m not going to make it :^(
If you are simply ask Dennis to bring you a Camp & Garden Gun .410 shot pistol.
Depending on the load in the shot shell you choose you can deal with pests with varying degrees of approriate prejudice in the yard.
This DAQ is the definition of KISS!
I am so glad you mentioned the Malvern show. I had not been watching for it, and did not realize it was so soon! Close call.
May 19-20. Got it. I’ll be there. I went last year too.
Thank you for mentioning this!
The Prod is my go-to as well. Bugbuster + DonnyFl Sumo + JSB Hades. Lil’ thumper.
Living in a rural area, pests around here range from chipmunks to bears. Bears are out of (my) airgun capabilities 😉 so that leaves 3 ounce chipmunks to 30 pound raccoons to be dealt with.
I want a pesting airgun that has the following capabilities/features…
– Pinpoint accuracy
– Adequate power for humane kills
– Variable power to be quickly adjusted as required to suit the size of the pest
– Good ergonomics – fast pointing
– Ready for immediate use (no Co2, cocking or pumping)
– Magazine fed repeater
– Backyard/late evening friendly low noise levels
Per the above requirements my go-to pesting airgun is a .22 caliber PCP. It’s ready at a moments notice, no fumbling with tins or pellets – multiple shots are available, just pop in the magazine and close the lever.
My pesting rifle has externally adjustable power levels, with my current tune I can go from 7 fpe (15.89 g Hades) to 47 fpe (25 g Monster Redesigns) with a twist of the dial. So from chipmunks and sparrows to to porcupines and raccoons can be dealt with the same airgun. Slugs are an option for coyotes (at close range) but I haven’t explored that yet.
My effective range is 60 yards for small pests and 25 for large ones.
The JSB Hades have been performing very well for me (excellent expansion & energy transfer) for birds and rodents and the JSB Monster Redesign penetrate well on larger pests.
My go-to favorite pesting airgun is a .22 caliber FX Crown with the 500 mm barrel.
Hank, that’s a lot of versatility! You’re really pushing me towards…you know what, LOL! 😉
Hank, you make a great case for the FX Crown. The AirForce offerings with the external adjustment may also be worthy selections. I like the simplicity of a break barrel, but the adaptability of the Crown is undeniable. I read an article once about the folks that do pest and wildlife control at airports and they use a similar setup to use low power for birds inside the hangars and higher power outside and for bigger critters.
For those who do not want to take the plunge into the dark side, a multi pump may be similarly versatile. The Dragonfly and Crosman 362 with a steel breach seem perfect. And one can always have 2 springers at the ready: a low power gun for smaller pests and a more powerful one for bigger critters. Myself, I plan on working out the trajectory on the Diana 350 Magnum .22 for longer ranges and bigger animals and the R7 for smaller ones at shorter ranges. They are both turning out to be tackdrivers!
Hear you Roamin. Lots of airguns for the pesting job.
I’m interested in different platforms and disciplines so my airguns, from low power springers, through 10 meter SSPs to high power PCPs are available. Most have their strong points – and limitations, some are more versatile.
I learned to hunt with a Crosman 101 pumper, it had the power but was a singleshot that took a long time and a lot of movement to load. I like my Benjamin 392, but not for pesting. Would not use either for anything tougher than a squirrel though.
Springers and SSPs are good in many ways but if you load one and the pest scampers or flies off without giving an opportunity to shoot you are pretty much forced to discharge it some where safe. Springers don’t appreciate being left cocked and SSPs will lead down if left charged. I have a number of single shot weapons and always believe in making the first shot count but there’s an advantage to having a quick second shot available.
IMHO, PCPs are ideal. They can be left at the ready just waiting for the pellet to be chambered. Variable power and mulit-shot capabilities are convenient.
Being right by a beaver pond, we have lots of raccoons. We respect each other, say hello in passing and mostly get along fine. Last week I had to deal with a couple of raccoons that were determined to get into a locked garage shed. Lights, noise and being sprayed with water didn’t deter them so, two shots in (under) two seconds took
care of things… neither made it out of the backyard. Trouble makers are dealt with.
As I said, lots of airgun options for pesting. Just need to make sure that the accuracy and power are suitable for the situation.
Weather has finally turned decent enough to shoot outdoors 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Yeah, Agree – the R7/HW30 is a tack driver!
Thank you, you too!
I like springers that can be “decocked.” Running a cleaning rod down the barrel unloads them.
Please correct me if I am wrong (because I have not yet dipped a toe into the dark side), if you cock a pcp, doesn’t that chamber a round? Then if your quarry scampers away, don’t you still have a round sitting in the barrel with all that air looking for a place to go? Seems to me, you will still need to fire that pellet to put that pcp into an “unloaded” but precharged condition for storage.
This is one of the reasons I like the Evanix AR6 platform. You can insert the mag whenever you want, pull the hammer whenever you want and lower it whenever you want, without a pellet in the barrel.
Safety is always up to you with these guns.
Yes, some airguns are easier to make-safe than others.
With springloaded magazines there’s always a pellet/slug in line with the bore and closing the bolt/lever will chamber it.
When pesting I’ll mount the magazine but leave the lever open while setting up the shot. When ready to commit, the lever is closed and the safety comes off.
Occasionally I’ll end up with a pellet chambered and no chance to shoot. Since I’m standing by the backdoor shooting range anyway I’ll take the opportunity plink a spinner.
…Like I need an excuse to shoot eh 😉
Forever, the .22 rimfire was the ultimate pest rifle. From CB low velocity ammunition to the hyper velocity stuff you had a chipmunk to coyote range of capability. Think that PCPs are an excellent choice as well.
“IMHO, PCPs are ideal. They can be left at the ready just waiting for the pellet to be chambered. Variable power and multi-shot capabilities are convenient.”
Hank, all kidding aside, you have many persuasive reasons for making room for a PCP on the farm. The trick for me would be to convince my wife. Chainsaws, ZTRs, and other such tools are easy to justify to her (a retired accountant!). But she grew up as a subsistence hunter (starting out with a homemade longbow from her granddad…she used to laugh at my compound bow with it’s peep sight and “unnecessary do-dads” since, as her granddad taught her, “a good longbow is all you need for deer hunting”…he almost cried when her brother brought home a compound, saying, “What’s wrong with that nice longbow I made you?!?”), and sees most any gun (airgun or firearm) costing more than $500 as “over-priced” (for what she would want it to do). Her first question would be, “What will this PCP do that one of your .22LRs can’t already do?” Hence, I might have to “lose” one of them to make room for a PCP. *shrugs* That may still happen; I do like reading about them; I’m sure I’ll bite the bullet and get one someday. 🙂
That follows when one subscribes to a purely utilitarian outlook. Perhaps the key is to blend the utilitarian with other outlooks like fun, or varied experiences, or others.
Then perhaps the question of “What will this PCP do that one of your .22LRs can’t already do?” can be answered with, “It is different enough to bring be joy, let me have fun, and provide me with new and varied experiences.”
Of course, none of this is to overlook the basics of budget, etc.
“It is different enough to bring be joy, let me have fun, and provide me with new and varied experiences.”
MisterAP, thanks, I like that. 🙂
The cost for admission to the dark side has come way down since I started but it’s not cheap.
With your HW30, Dragonfly and a .22 rimfire you have all the pesting bases well covered, you don’t need a PCP.
I got into PCPs because I like to hunt with .22 caliber airguns and wanted to target shoot and plink at longer ranges than practical with a springer. The accuracy of a good PCP is addictive and bench shooting at longer ranges is more fun than I ever thought it would be.
Agree with you wife, a wood bow is all that you need to hunt deer!
“Agree with your wife, a wood bow is all you need to hunt deer!”
Thanks, Hank, she’ll be happy to hear that. 🙂
Actually, now that we have Reno (our rescue dog who just showed up here one day, but is now part of the family), the number of pests to dealt with is getting smaller all the time. Reno has an electric fence to keep him from getting into the road and chasing cars and getting hurt; but his fenced area is about 3 acres around the house; to him, that is “Reno Land,” and nothing should be in there except him…and a couple of his cat buddies that he likes to play with. The deer have learned to cross onto our land either north or south of Reno’s territory; he likes to chase them, or any raccoons, possums, and armadillos; he figures it’s his job to protect the farm from anything that is not him. 😉
Cheers to you,
I have a dozen or so dried staves of various hardwoods ready to become bows and there’s an elm recurve that I want to finish.
Last fall I found a very rare, perfectly straight ironwood (hophornbeam) and split out 4 staves. Planning on making a Meare Heath, a Holmegaard and a couple of English Longbows. The wood is dry enough to rough out the bows but it will probably be winter before they are the right moisture content (10-12%) to finish them.
The cedar is ready for making arrow shafts, have the feathers for fetching, sinew for binding and the pine-pitch glue is made. I’m going to try my hand at knapping some chert points. Just looking for materials to make a quiver, think I can get my hands on some bear skin.
Fun stuff! Retirement has been very busy for me!
Fun stuff indeed!
I hope you post some pics here, or on The Bow Bully’s blog. 😉
The only “pesting” I ever do is killing feral soda cans.
For that I usually go for a Snow Peak (SPA) s400 if I want to shoot a pistol or a Red Ryder if I prefer a long gun, especially if it is to be off-hand. They are so light, even with my arthritic shoulders I can shoot ’em for a decently long session.
Unless I had been taken over by a body-snatching extra-terrestrial, I would not shoot an animal. But in the spirit of the blog, there are only two non-raptors (we have a lot of hawks and owls) and non-songbirds around here, starlings and crows. If I were inclined to shoot a starling or crow, I would be stumped. I have a couple springer magnums in .177, but that’s .177. I have many low-powered .22 air rifles, but a crow would require more than that. Probably, I would dust off my Sheridan Blue Streak that has been given the Mac1 Steroid treatment. But as I recall, pumps 12-14 would probably require the Suzanne Somers Thigh Master technique!
Here in the SC low country. It’s the time of year that cooperheads are on the move and young rats are looking for a new home. Out the door. Up to ten yards its my Gamo PR 776 .177 Revolver shootin JSB 7.33’s at 425 fps . Out to twenty yards shootin at rats, snakes, starlings and the like. It’s my Diana Chaser rifle in .22 caliber shootin 13.4 JSBs at 610 fps. Out side of twenty yards, shootin at menacing pigeons, squirrels, raccoons and other varmints. It’s my brand spanking new Stoeger XM 1 Bull Shark in .22 caliber. It’s my first pcp and is a bull pup.
When I moved to Georgia, I joined what many consider the premier gun club here. We have 11 ranges including one 800 yard one for the high power rifles (Barretts and Lapuas). However, we also have a 100 yd. 22 rimfire range which I take my air rifles to. I have set up targets from 20 to 50 yds at 10 yd intervals and record the scope settings with the pellet that is best for the particular rifle. 10 yds is doable in my backyard and is recorded in the notebook, as well. So when a pesting session or culling the herd session is needed, any rifle and my notebooks are all I need. Look up the scope settings, grab the pellets for that rifle and no more chipmunk or squirrel. Since I rotate my rifles for plinking in the backyard, I normally have the needed pellet handy and my notebooks.
Fred formerly of the Demokratik Peeples Republik of NJ now happily in GA
Fred DPRoNJ,
You could put your D.O.P.E. on round cards and paste it inside your rear flip up dust cap. Pellets go in say a 1/4″ Neoprene band with a few pellet diameter holes punched through it. Always ready!
*** “Beware of the man with just one gun.” – “Laugh at the fool with 100 airguns.” ***
I mitigate the multiple airguns, multiple trajectories problem by setting them all up to the same “point blank range”.
With a 1″ kill-zone for reference I allow for 1/8″ for tolerance and use 3/4″ (+/- 3/8″) as my desired target size. Plug the details into a ballistic calculator (I use Chairgun) and it will give you the near and far Zeros that will keep the projectile within the desired target size throughout the point blank range.
For my setup, most of my airguns will group all shots in a 1″ circle anywhere from 15 to 35 (45 for the PCPs) yards with no compensation. Knowing my airguns, I can usually compensate to hit my target anywhere from the muzzle out to my maximum effective range.
This is my goal to do for my airguns as well.
It seems to me, inside the near zero, you only have to deal with the distance between your sights and the muzzle, right? So you just need to aim a little bit high inside of the near zero?
Yes, between the muzzle and the near zero the line of the bore is below the line of sight so the cross hairs have to be higher than the intended point of impact.
When practicing or teaching I always start CLOSE, like 5 feet from the muzzle close, then in 5 foot increments shoot groups (on paper so you can easily see the delta) out to the near zero to get used to the hold over.
You can use the scope’s subtends for aiming points at close range. I know how high the scope is, where the near zero convergence is and I practice at close range so I just judge (guesstimate) the hold over.
I’ve seen dozens of rabbits missed at close range with scoped rifles because people think it’s an easy shot. Done that more than I care to admit 😉
It feels OK to hold over on distant targets but wrong to aim off target when it’s so close – but it’s not. A bit of practicing fixes that.
For rabbit hunting in heavy bush I prefer iron sights (with glow-thingies LOL!). My .22 HW50S is scopeless for that reason, no fiber-optics but I’ve painted the back of the front sight white.
“The fool with 100 airguns”
I wish I were one of the kind. It would mean that I were rich. I have no 100 needs for different shooting. I just happen to love interesting (for me) guns and I would just love to have 100, or maybe more.
For the moment I am a fool with 10, ok 15, airguns and my go to, for hitting dead center every time, is that black, 12 fpe, LGV.
I have three pests that need to be dealt with once in a while squirrel, opossum, and skunk. I use my Marauder in .22 caliber. It is sighted in at 20 yards. Most shots are 10 to 30 yards with most around 20 yards.
For my pesting I want:
1. Quite
2. .22 caliber
3. Repeater (no fumbling for pellets)
4. PCP (handy)
I have a Benjamin Fortitude but it is in .177 caliber. If it was in .22 caliber I would use it.
Something I have learned about skunks; if you make a lung shot they won’t spray.
PS. Before I settled on the Fortitude and finally the Marauder I was befuddled too many times. I don’t have 100 airguns but more than I know the number of.
Just how many skunks are in your sample group, you think? I’m not doubting you, but boy I don’t want to be on the wrong end of a good theory that is based on only one dead skunk.
B.B. and Readership,
The Merry Month of May? The Godfather of Airguns sounds anything but Merry.
He and his cat have been MOCKED!
And by a Mockingbird no less….
How could such a thing have happened?
shootski brewed up a mug of loose leaf tea and when he was done drinking his Earl Gray he read the leaves at the bottom of the mug: There were seven “P” leaves laying on the bottom of the mug!
What could they mean?
Can anyone in the Wide World of Airgunning know the answer to what the 7 “P” leaves message is?
As a foreigner I really look forward for the answers. This must be interesting.
What do the coffee grinds in the bottom of the little cup say? Ask Yiayia to read them. ;o)
I don’t think Grandma has the answer unless she wears Combat Boots!
Shootski, I knew you were stationed in Greece for part of your military career, so I though you might pick up on my reference as well as Bill.
As I recall, it was something about “Proper preparation and prior planning prevents poor performance”??
(My rememberer might not work as good as it once did, but my forgetter seems to be working better every day!)
7 pumps on a multi pump pneumatic.
Or six pumps, and the 7th is P for POW!
Roamin Greco,
Not bad!
But no cigar.
Shootski and R.G.
Since Grandmas/Yiayias along with Mom are gone I will have to follow this conversation. In any case none of these ladies wore combat boots, but their husbands certainly did. In wars and/or lifetime careers.
Well if I don’t get a cigar, then it’s due to a lack of planning and preparation that would have prevented my piss poor performance.
Roamin Greco,
Must have ben the Combat Boots that gave it away \^ )
I’m heartened that most of our fellow readers have some pretty good plans and try to give pests a quick end.
B.B. gets to shoot so many different airguns that he suffered from choice overload and not enough time to realize almost any mid power airgun could have easily done the required deed to avenge Punky. But he doesn’t get any time to shoot at stuff other than paper targets at 10 or 25 so how would he know for sure.
Maybe we should have him use his catapult (slingshot) on the Mockingbird!
I really think he needs the .410 Camp and Garden PCP Pistol with its power, pattern, and short range all he would need to do is put the front bead sight on that bird and let fly. No more Mocking Punky!
Taking a stab at the 7 P’s from an old and hardly remembered corporate rules and actions regulations from the 1970’s
Do not know how this fits with air gunning but what the heck.
Good stuff Mike!
Mike in Atl,
I have seen that one in Leadership and Management classes. Unfortunately these days they seem to have forgotten a few of them like Polite and seem to have replaced it with Profit Driven.
Guess that means no cigar here, so what are the your 7 “P” leaves telling you?
Mike in Atl,
Sadly not even a cheroot, whiff, cigarillo, or stogie.
The one i was thinking of has roots in the British Army and was translated by the USMC as:
Proper prior planing prevents piss poor performance.
Roamin Greco almost got it right but transposed a few terms that caused him to need extra words…and that just won’t do.
Looks like billj almost nailed it as well, I have often heard that 7 p statement before but did not think of it. Oh well probably better not to smoke anyway.
Shucks, I was just adapting it to my response and didn’t include “prior.” Anyway, what does “planing” have to do with it? Is this something Vana2 would say when working on one of his firewood lumber projects? Oh, you probably meant to type “planning,” right? ;o) OK, I’ll stop.
Michael and BB. The Diana 35 is a very nice rifle that can serve for a variety of purposes. And it is fun to shoot. With a peep sight, it is easy to shoot well. I just received a Shooting Chrony Alpha in the mail and tested it on my Winchester 435 last night. Going from memory, with .177 HN Excite Econ II pellets, it shoots at an average of 600 fps. The advertised velocity in the original advertisement promises 690 or so. So I definitely think the spring is broken. But she is very smooth, and I have the trigger adjusted per B.B.’s instructions (it has a trigger like the 27 with the adjustment and the lock screw). It has a long spring tube and a long barrel for good leverage. With a new spring and piston seal, I’m sure she could be a screamer if that’s what one wanted. Mine will be in the rotation for shooting practice.
But to answer B.B.s question, why not use either your 27 (your favorite) or the Dragonfly? I recall your stories of dear Edith eliminating mice and rats with her msp (a Blue Streak if my rememberer is still working).
I shoot my air guns at targets or aluminum cans. I am not into killing animals with my air guns. I have nothing at all against others who use them for that; it’s just not me. We did have some mice take residence in our house this past winter, but I used mouse traps to get rid of them. I have a bunch of rat-capable air guns, including “The Gaylord,” the Winchester 427/Diana27 Tom tuned for me, but anything much larger, even rabbits, I might lack anything that would be humane. My Dragonfly 2 is in .177, not .22. Regardless, I doubt a stock Dragonfly 2 could have the same muzzle energy as a fully-pumped steroid Blue Streak.
I could be wrong, but my recollection is that Edith used a Crosman 180 for rats. The 180 is a vintage CO2 air rifle in .22. It is pretty hard-hitting for a CO2, perhaps a bit more muzzle energy than the Diana 27 in .22.
My go to is/was a Daisy 990 dual fuel pellet rifle. I don’t kill animals, but do pest (bugs/insects, certain snakes and so on). I loved that I could use C02 or pump it up. Believe it or not she ran faster on c02 than pumping. We sadly about 8 months ago she started a slow leak if pumped, but oddly if using C02 she wouldn’t leak. Well a couple weeks ago I got her out to go hiking and she wouldn’t hold air by pumping or C02. Just leaked out fast. Yes I tried the ATF trick but it didn’t work. Sad because, if I could find someone to fix it, she probably isn’t work fixing. So for now I’ve been using a Daisy 25 (“pump action”) bb gun until I can find my next replacement. I do have a Daisy “Grizzly” which is pleasant to shoot and more accurate than it should be, but is just a little to weak for me. One replacement gun I’m considering is a Weihrauch HW30S. I’m surprised no one has mentioned one of these yet today. I did see someone say a Beeman R7, which I believe is the same gun.
With handguns, it’s any of my Daisy/Crosman C02 pistols. Back in the day my go to was a Crosman 1322. They gun wore out years ago. I’m considering a Beeman P1 as my next one, but just unsure.
Yup, the R7 and HW30 are pretty much the same springer.
Compared to BB-guns, I think you would be pleasantly surprised if you got yourself one!
Thanks. One review I read on the R7/HW 30, a guy said to think of them as a Single-stroke pneumatic. I think he was comparing it in reference to clam shooting/easy to shoot.
The R7 is a very nice airgun to shoot, I shoot mine regularly (indoors and out) and enjoy it immensely!
I am with Hank/Vana2, 100 percent on the R7/HW30s. It is the ultimate low-powered springer. It has the Rekord trigger, excellent accuracy, superb build-quality, very easy cocking, smooth shooting impulse, and light weight. It will outlive you and with proper care will last many generations. Additionally, they retain most of their resale value. The R7/HW30s is not cheap, but it is no question a matter of getting what one pays for.
Hank is absolutely correct.
Funny we say low powered. Just yesterday (70’s) we thought a Crosman 760 pump was powerful. Max velocity is 625. Things have changed. Thanks for your input
You’ve already picked a good one, Diana 35. Your Diana 27 would be fine too, as you have lots of experience with it.
What if you didn’t want to shoot lead pellets around your house? What would be the pellet and the airgun that you go to?
Quackenbush Camp & Garden Gun .410 a shot pistol:
Depending on the load in the shot shell you choose: Sugar Pearls of various diameters, Airsoft ammo, steel bb, Tungsten bb, Bismuth, you can deal with pests with varying degrees of appropriate prejudice in the yard.
Very interesting shot pistols. Reading about them, I don’t see anything about shooting a pellet/slug/round ball in it. Surely a guy could.Thanks for sharing.
Doc Holiday,
You could but they are smoothbores and with the metal shot and some tinkering with loads, shot cups, Mylar wraps, filler, and some other tricks the pellets fly some nice tight patterns. I have some .360 Lead ball but haven’t tried to launch them with the recently delivered short cup wads.
The big Sugar Pearls have convinced some marauding raccoons to not visit the yard for some time.
I was hoping to learn about non toxic pellets and suitable airguns to shoot them. I’ve recently read somewhere that shooting a light tin pellet through a springer has the same effect as dryfiring — All hearsay.
I’ll stick with lead pellets and use good traps.
Look at the amazing establishment,
No lead pellets allowed in the premises though.
Fish, I have used HN Match Green .177 pellets (5.25 gr., if memory serves) and Predator GTO (“Get The lead Out”) Journey pellets (5.5 gr.) in a variety of lower-powered springers and a few higher powered ones. The Umarex Embark is actually designed to shoot the Journey Pellets. I have also shot them through a Daisy 853 and a AR 2078 with great results. Sometimes they are simply the best pellet. I wouldn’t shoot them through a powerful springer, but if they stay subsonic and keep the shot cycle calm, hopefully, they are not causing damage. Predator also makes a .177 and .22 Domed GTO pellet that are lighter than comparative lead pellets, but not much lighter. For example, I think the .22 GTO dome is 11.75 gr. while a Crosman dome is 14.3 g. (?). Sometimes they shoot best if they are seated into the rifling a ways. Have to experiment. I was looking around a few years ago for the Journey pellets and they were nowhere to be found. Not just more expensive, they were scarce. But then I found a small airgun shop that happened to have a website and I scooped everything they had. These are the pellets I let my children shoot.
Good info, very helpful, TY.
Anything through smoothbores, non-lead is fine. Steel BBs for smoothbore air guns, for example, or steel shots on shotguns. I don’t fancy the idea of non-lead rounds through rifled barrels though.
As long as the wad (a wad in this case meaning this:
https://www.ballisticproducts.com/TPS-410-bore-non-toxic-wad-preslit/productinfo/3224100/ ) doesn’t disintegrate before leaving the bore you can shoot really hard shot even in a rifled bore! There is no advantage that i know of in spinning shot. It would work (The concept is very similar to Sabots in a rifled bore) but it won’t improve accuracy and might actually increase dispersion.
There is also the example of Snake Shot in .22LR and centerfire pistol calibers but i believe most of that is (Pb) Lead.
The tin pellets will take the rifling well.
I gus those Sugar Pearls would be considered Toxic by some folks! Especially the silver ones that they used to put on all the Wedding Cakes back in the day. Lol!
Got to get some sleep going out kayaking at daybreak.
I’ll kayak too.
I hope you went kayaking and had a great paddle.
Hi all. Longtime reader, first time commenter here. I like this group’s style.
Anyways, BB pushed me over the edge to comment today by bringing up mockingbirds in the blog, especially with today’s calendar date.
You know the best book to read on Cinco de Mayo? “Tequila Mockingbird!”.
Greetings from Colorado and talk to you all soon.
Welcome to the blog!
Anti-toast, welcome. Please share your interests in airguns.
Hey everybody, check out this beauty. Does anyone know what is the story behind it?
That’s a Philippine LD rifle. They are CO2 powered with good power and mediocre accuracy.
Thanks BB. She sure is a beauty.
Roamin Greco,
Tom is 100% correct. I saw a number of those hanging on walls or in display cases of officer’s homes in the P.I.; most of them were never shot. Elaborate Gold inlayed, hand checkered/engraved examples like this one in your picture were normally given as Presentation Gifts.
I’m certain Siraniko will have a great deal of better information on the LD company.
Off topic: Beautiful Sunrise and Full Moonset this morning with just a few wisps of advection fog (ground fog) over the river. Lots of whirlpools and eddy lines on the river that the state Maryland considers dangerous at current flow levels! Translation: i had the river all to myself. I did wear my helmet.
Don’t know someone who’s only 4% of the way to being a “100 airgun fool” – not including the 38T revolver and the Umarex MP40 in the equation – should be weighing in but B.B., since you asked…
The .22 Benjamin Maximus PCP has so far been the “go-to” pesting/plinking/target rifle. Seems Baracuda 18 pells are good for that and target shooting but even the Crosman domed 14.3 gr pellets are adequate.
With the .177 the JSB Exact 10.34 gr Heavy Diabolo group well enough for FM at 25 yards though Crosman 7.9 gr domed pellets hold their own. Interesting that the cleanest/most accurate pesting shot ever accomplished was with the HW95 at about 7 yards shooting Crosman domed 14.3 gr pellets.
Bottom line – happy with all the residents at Casa FM, hope they will stick around for a long time
Just noticed today that the stock on the TX200 MkIII is totally custom contoured to perfectly fit my (Right) hand and the shoulder stock is custom as well. Slightly offset to the left. The palm area is slightly wider on the right to fill the hand perfectly. What a commitment to perfection.
I have never seen anything in print about it. As far as I can remember.
Making hand crafted and engraved items must be a national pastime in the PI and Pacific Islanders in general. Especially in wood. I have a great looking, hand-made Harley belt buckle and one for a web belt with a DC-9 engraved on it. They are far from perfect but that just verifies they were hand crafted by some very talented people. Much like the engraving on that beautiful LD rifle above.
Too bad P/A no longer offers engraving. Apparently, the methods used for real steel don’t always work out too well for softer metals, or whatever?
Bob M,
I remember almost anything could be carved or crafted in the Philippines many air crew returned with aircraft models that were beautiful. The first LD rifle I got to handle cleared up for me my misconception that the metal was in the White; instead it was Stainless Steel.
Wonderful memories of some kind, humorous, and giving people.
That’s called a Wundhammer palm swell and I have written about it several times.
Tom, I have no doubt you did. Thats why I ended with “As far as I can remember.”
Was it in connection with the TX200 or other wonderful and educational information over the years? I believe I reread every blog on the TX200 before I decided to get one.
I do not recall that term but that’s not unusual for me these days. I do remember that you coined the term ‘Rememberer” 😉 I have used it often.
To answer the question posed, my go to pester is a .22 SAM. A .22 Fortitude G2 is the backup when the SAM is not aired up or the magazines need to be reloaded. For lower power and to dissuade pests, a Red Ryder. For larger pests, a .25 DAR G3.
For pistols, I have a regulated .22 Bandit and a CO2 .177 M17 (although I suspect it is a leaker) with a couple of CO2 BBs
I also have a .22 Avenger Bullpup that hasn’t worked its way in yet.
I don’t have near as many to choose from as you, but it’s definitely a challenge to pick just one sometimes. For the pests close enough for open sights, my HW50 is most often my go-to. If it’s something a little farther away, I really like my SIG ASP-20. I’d say that Diana 35 should serve your purpose well.