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Archery Many Thanks to All of You

Many Thanks to All of You

Arrow fletching closeup.

Regardless of your method of sending projectiles down range, if you look at the bigger picture, (yes, you can be a part of it), there is plenty of thanks to be given! 

Historically archery held its place in the hands of a hunter and a warrior. There are a few different opinions of when archery began, which one is correct, I don’t know. You tell me!  Most people will attribute it to the Native Americans, but they weren’t the first. You go look it up, I’m not a history teacher! 

A Hunter’s Hands

In a hunter’s hands a bow and arrow meant families had the opportunity to enjoy a protein with their meals, furs to stay warm, and other random parts of the harvest for various survival tools and instruments. It was a required skill almost mandatory for survival. I guarantee those skilled archers didn’t get online and order their equipment. Another thing to give thanks for!

Hunting Guide

Homemade Survival Tools

They made their own. The dying craft of bow and arrow making is a skill that shouldn’t be lost. I’m not saying everyone should become a Bowyer or a Fletcher. Not everyone is cut out for it and may only create something suitable for firewood. For those of you who fit that description, there are options like the Bear Grizzly Recurve Bow which is a traditional bow. 

A Warrior’s Hands

In a warrior’s hands a bow and arrow meant life or death, it determined the who was going home to live another day and who wasn’t.  It was a critical game of tag using a deadly projectile to stop the other before the other stopped you. All that is a thing of the past and that is another thing to be thankful for, wouldn’t you agree? 

Now the conversation is, “You need to be practiced in your shot, when your target game lines up in your shot range and your heart is pushing your bow up and down, because it’s pumping so hard, you have to be able to make an ethical kill shot!” Imagine what the warriors went through, they weren’t facing a protein to add to the table, they were facing true survival! Again, something to be thankful for. 

Survival or Sport

Archery has changed from a thing of survival to a sport. Hunters aren’t necessarily depending on their skill to put protein on the table, not in every case anyway. If you are unable to harvest what you’re after, there’s always the grocery store for an option. 

Not only is it used for hunting, you don’t have to look far for tournaments held world wide. Like I said in the beginning there’s a bigger picture, it started somewhere and will only continue if we the archers will support it. 

Archery’s Existence

several traditional bows laid out on a park table

Whether you prefer a traditional bow and arrow like the recurve, a compound bow like the Diamond Edge XT Compound Bow or a some of the higher tech more powerful options like the Wicked Ridge NXT Crossbow or the Ravin R18 Crossbow it all began long before any of us existed. If it weren’t for those Bowyers and Fletchers where would the sport be now? Would it even exist? 

Lastly, definitely not least, maybe most important…show your appreciation for all those who came before, give thanks by sharing it with another. Don’t be a jerk, say thanks and share the sport!

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

5 thoughts on “Many Thanks to All of You”

  1. Thank you for this blog, Ang giving everyone food for thought.

    Most of the newer generation may not resize the rich and absolute necessity of an archer, or fletcher, or bowman (hint they got their names because of their job) and how history has been changed and shaped because of the bow and arrow, it’s history long predates gunpowder.

    Thank you again.


  2. “In a warrior’s hands a bow and arrow meant life or death, it determined the who was going home to live another day and who wasn’t. It was a critical game of tag using a deadly projectile to stop the other before the other stopped you. All that is a thing of the past and that is another thing to be thankful for, wouldn’t you agree?” Well, perhaps bow-warriors are not necessarily a thing of the past.


    • FawltyManuel,

      Thanks for your response! That is a great article, though I wouldn’t consider it current, it falls into the “thing of the past” in some sense. There may be some bow warriors out there still today, but it certainly is not one of the most common uses for a bow, as we speak. Again thanks for the conversation and the article, I love learning from you guys! Please keep them coming!

      -Bow Bully

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