Bear Grizzly Traditional Bow
Upgrades:40lbs Draw
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The Bear Archery Grizzly Traditional Bow is a tried and tested recurve bow that provides high-value performance and is available with a draw weight of either 40 or 50 pounds. This bow uses a clear maple limb overlay with black fiberglass limb backing and facing, as well as a crowned, cut-on center arrow shelf that has a bear hair arrow rest and a leather side plate.
To get a bow that delivers accurate shots for anyone from a beginner to an expert, buy a Bear Archery Grizzly Traditional Bow from Pyramyd Air today.
Bear Archery Grizzly Traditional Bow
- AMO: 58"
- Draw weight: available in 40 or 50 lbs.
- Limb overlay: clear maple
- Limb backing and facing: black fiberglass
- Crowned, cut-on center arrow shelf with leather side plate and bear hair arrow rest
- Dacron string
- Right-hand
- Color: Shedua
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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9 of 9 Bear Archery Grizzly Recurve Reviews

Love it. Very pleased with my decision to get a Bear bow. Well made and performs great too. Just wish there were some customizable options like maybe some stain options for instance. All in all very satisfied, would recommend and plan on getting more in the future.

I have a older one it’s a 69 and it’s a great bow one thing I wish bear had is different glass colors than black mine is forest green also mine is 43# which is kinda weird

As the title says this bow shoots well. It was my first bow and I wouldn’t hesitate to get another bear bow which I intend to do. I had it for 6+ years. The only thing that has happened is the part that receives a bolt for a quiver on the riser has come out. I might have tightened it to much. I do wish it was built for high performance strings as well and didn’t know the difference at the time I bought it (only a few options where I got it). Still, I am happy with the purchase!

I bought the Bear grizzly recurve a week ago and I must say it's the quietest and smoothest recurve bow I own! The speed is great too and paired with Easton carbon legacy arrows it is accurate. Thanks Bear archery for a wonderful, beautiful bow!!

Everything is as advertised. Nice looking bow and excellent quality. I very well may buy the long bow {montana} just to have a different shot. All I shoot is target and this is great.

I am blessed to own this 30# Grizzly ... I also own the 35# and 55# Super Kodiaks. This 30 pounder is training me, a 70 year old, to master the 35 and 55. To be humble and grateful with every shot. Thank you folks!

short draw length but works great feels like a bare bow if your into it

Just bought the grizzly about a week ago and just can't put it down. I have many recurve bows and this one shoots the best! Buy it, you won't be disappointed!
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Oct 23, 2022
By Prowler
I bought this beautiful bow about a month ago and I’m starting to get good with it. I’m going to be better than just good before I hunt with it. I’m addicted to shooting it.