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Ammo The Ounce pistol: Part One

The Ounce pistol: Part One

Ounce pistol
The Ounce pistol.

This report covers:

  • What is it?
  • How does it work?
  • Loading
  • Disassembly
  • Disassembly complete
  • Sights|
  • Experience
  • Is the Ounce a self-defense weapon?
  • To come

I told you today would be weird. Here we go!

Today we begin looking at the Ounce pistol that I recently purchased from Third Bay LLC in Washington state. This is a report I promised you readers in my SHOT Show report this year. The Ounce is a.22-caliber 11-shot semiautomatic pistol that is the poster child for concealed carry. At 4-3/4-inches long, 7/8-inches wide and weighing 8.3 ounces loaded, it is the very definition of a pocket pistol.

Ounce pistol hand
The Ounce pistol is small, even in my hand! To deploy the pistol press in on the sculpted blue button located by my little finger.

What is it?

This pistol can be carried almost invisibly and put into action in seconds, once you are familiar with it.

How does it work?

How it works is today’s story because this is the strangest semiauto pistol I have ever seen. You carry it folded, as seen in the case and my hand above and deploy it in seconds when the need arises. Initially it seems to be a Chinese puzzle box, and it doesn’t take long to realize there’s learnin’ needed for this one. Lots of learnin’! I spent two weeks in my off moments just learning how to deploy and collapse the pistol. I read the manual and watched the videos — many times. And, just as it says in the manual, what was difficult at first became second nature after familiarization.

Ounce pistol deployed
Ounce pistol deployed.


The magazine does not remove from the pistol. To access it you flip up the cover on the right side of the pistol. Then the first cartridge is loaded into the chamber of the barrel via a process that is too difficult for me to explain or photograph. But you can watch it here. It’s a process of closing the pistol, then pressing a locking lever in the grip on the left side and opening the pistol again. That lever moves the barrel so an internal device called a transporter can rotate backward to align with the chamber. The cartridge in the transporter is then inserted in the breech and the transporter flips back to receive the next cartridge from the magazine. As you closed the pistol the previous time the hammer was cocked sp the pistol is now ready to fire.

The pistol is carried loaded with a cartridge in the chamber. The hammer is cocked, but not in line with the chambered cartridge until the pistol is deployed. Confused? Read on. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Ounce cover up
Flip up the cover then load the magazine. The cartridge in the rear (left in this shot) is in what the manual calls the transporter. the top rotates down to the left to align with the chamber. 

Ounce loaded
The magazine is loaded. Every time it fires the transporter on the left rotates back and down to align with the chamber of the barrel, the empty cartridge case its extracted and expelled out the bottom of the pistol grip and the fresh cartridge is loaded.


Before you load the pistol the manual tells you to disassemble it over and over. There are several reasons for that. One is to understand how the parts all work together. Another is to prepare for clearing jams if there is one and also to learn how to clean and lubricate the pistol. Practice until you can disassemble and assemble the pistol well. Learning that took me another week. As I practiced the parts also became easier to move.

Disassembly is the big thing after loading. The manual tells you it can be done without any tools, and it can, but there are techniques that have to be learned. I remember learning to disassemble a 1911 pistol. That seemed daunting at first, but after I learned it the pistol came apart in 15 seconds. I am talking about field stripping, not complete disassembly to the piece part.

Disassembling the M2 Browning heavy barrel machine gun was also daunting at first, but in the end it was as easy as the 1911 — except the pieces were not as small and light. At the present time, however, disassembling the Ounce pistol seems like playing the game Operation while wearing roller skates and balancing on top of a beachball during an earthquake!

Ounce neutral
Step one in disassembly is to put the pistol in what the manual calls the neutral position. That means the handle is partially collapsed for closure.

Ounce collapse pistol 1
To collapse the pistol a green lever on the left side it pushed down.

Ounce collapse pistol 2
With the green lever down, push the pistol grip forward.

Once the grip is in the neutral position, the right side cover can be removed. It took me a full week just to learn how to do it and yet I can now do it in five seconds. A plate on the cover is rotated to unlock things and then the cover and the right pistol grip come off. What took me so long is in the manual I saw the arrow showing the left side of the plate being rotated up but I missed the tiny arrow on the right side being pushed down. 

Ounce cover off
The right cover comes off with the right pistol grip. This gives access to the barrel and bolt.

Now pull the barrel and bolt out of the pistol sideways. When you’ve done this the bolt can be removed from the barrel.

Ounce barrel and bolt out
The barrel with the bolt has been pulled out of the pistol frame.

Ounce barrel and bolt apart
The bolt (top) has been separated from the barrel.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

Disassembly complete

At this point the pistol is disassembled as far as necessary for maintenance. The manual tells you how to clean the barrel and bolt which is where the bulk of the dirt accumulates. The manual talks in terms of every 500 rounds or so, meaning the pistol is expected to be shot. That will be my next task.


The pistol has front and rear sights on top of the cover.

Ounce sights
The sights are on top of the cover.


The pistol was difficult to learn for two reasons. First — because it doesn’t operate like any handgun I have ever seen. And second because it is new, the parts didn’t want to move that freely. Now that I’ve been working with them things are happening faster.

Is the Ounce a self-defense weapon?

Is the Ounce a self-defense weapon? That depends on the situation. If you want a pistol you can draw and fire extremely fast then probably not. From a concealed carry I can draw and fire my 9mm Sig P365 two times in three seconds, hitting center of mass on an adult silhouette at 21 feet. I don’t expect the Ounce to do that. So, when I am on guard duty at church, I will carry the P365. I’ll also have the Ounce in my pocket but it won’t be the first thing I draw.

On the other hand, the Ounce is so small and portable that I can carry it all the time. It may take me 5-6 seconds to draw, unfold and fire, but it’s better than nothing. And I get the same number of shots in this tiny pistol as in my P365. Yes they are .22 long rifle instead of 9X19mm, but please raise your hand if you agree to be shot with one. I didn’t think so.

Does this pistol have a place? It does in my life! From the first moment I saw it at the 2023 SHOT Show I knew I had to have one. This is a sidearm I will carry everywhere it’s legal.

To come

I will still do a velocity test and an accuracy test, to include timing me drawing and firing. When this report is finished you will know as much about this odd little pistol as I do.


The Ounce pistol from Third Bay LLC is certainly the most different sidearm I have every seen. This should be an interesting report.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

93 thoughts on “The Ounce pistol: Part One”

  1. I am glad you finally were able to get one in hand.

    Like you, I have seen and handled all kinds of firearms from the common to some pretty obscure ones.

    But handling this gun at the SHOT show brought the obscure rating to a new level.

    I wish he had had it out for the media on range day.

    It is truly unique, and we need to get together one day and shoot it.

    I can see where it has its place, and the advantages it has to offer seem to outweigh the negatives at this point in time.

    But only time and round count will tell.

    Very Cool!


  2. Forgive my ignorance, but this thing seems to be akin to shooting a Rubik’s Cube. Now if you’re wanting a puzzle . . . then OK, but a handgun has a very different, and obviously simpler application to me. Orv.

  3. B.B.,

    I hope they sell many of these!
    Why you might ask?
    Because from 2022 or so forward if some one has a dark object in their hand(s) and fiddle with it and next point it at me or someone i care about it (the Ounce SEMI AUTOMATIC PISTOL) is my justification for shooting them till the threat is STOPPED.

    This is not a good thing.


      • B.B.,

        Yes, wanting to defend loved ones, myself, and other innocent folks from evil intent is a good thing.
        I’m actually torn on this topic.
        My problem with shooting devices that cloak their purpose is the extra time it takes me (you) to detect and determine the threat.
        At the same time these devics give the perfect defense for any shooting where the suspect holds something in their hand and then moves it in a way to be threatening; but that is after the fact. I’m more concerned with in that moment of decision.

        I need to gain clarity on this issue with a knowledgeable Second Amendment Attorney.


        • The reality is that while you might only have a split second to make a life or death decision, that decision will be guessed and second guessed for hours, days, weeks or months by lawyers and prosecutors.

  4. Tom,

    That is a really odd looking pistol with a very novel mechanism. Even if it peeks out during everyday wear it will not look like a weapon to most people. Looking forward to further reports.


      • RR

        This appears here only because the reply option was closed for:


        Great! I would most certainly hate to see that “old gal” ruined. Now, if you happen to not have a use for that Izzy mount…”

        Actually I have two Izh 46 barrel mounts. One currently sits on my Crosman 100 (the rifle I showed you at the 2022 Newton show). I’ll give you the other one if you want it. If yes, I can bring it to Newton show this year.


  5. LOL! Throw this in the BM8 “purse” with the bayonet and take it Jackalope and Snipe hunting.

    No, I am not raising my hand to be shot with a .22LR. I am not raising my hand to be shot with a bb gun either.

    Is not a spare magazine for the Sig a better and more quickly deployed piece of self-defense equipment than this thing?

    This is a novelty and as such I could see owning one, but for concealed carry? I would sooner have a Raven .25 ACP for backup. What many forget is the ballistics of the .25 ACP are usually measured from a two-inch barrel. The ballistics for a .22LR are typically measured from a sixteen-inch barrel. With the short barrel this thing has, most of the powder in the .22LR is going to make a very big bang and probably a bright flash, but not do much for propelling the projectile toward your intended target.

    Do not get me wrong. I would like to have one. I would also like to have a BM8 with the bayonet for the same reason.

    The time it takes to deploy and use this thing could likely be better utilized in beating feet.

    • My first thought was , why not a Seacamp? However, the one you are willing to carry always is of far more use than a Deagle in the safe. I have been tempted to get a 365. I have owned and still own way too many tiny semi auto pistols that never worked out for me in the daily carry roll. I always go back to my S&W 442 with a Delta Ergo grip as the grip mitigates muzzle flip with Speer flying ashtrays and breaks up the printing look , it does not scream GUN. Does look like something Batman might own

    • Ridge,
      Not disagreeing with you as I actually love the 25 acp. I’ve owned many Ravens but my heart is the little Browning and also Colt Jr or Beretta but the 22lr has came a long way. There are more than one 22 self defense rounds now made for a short barrel. Check out the CCI Uppercut. https://www.cci-ammunition.com/rimfire/cci/uppercut/6-960CC.html
      Made for 2.5 to 4″ barrels. 22 Plinkster has a nice review of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvg6rszReBw
      Federal Punch is also a 22 defense round that shows promise.

      • Doc,

        You and others should not be afraid to disagree with me, most especially when I am wrong. The last time I checked, I could not walk on water unless it was frozen over pretty thick. Then I have to be real careful or I will fall on my pitooty.

    • RR, take a look at the new CCI Uppercut ammo, it’s designed to be shot from a barrel less than 4 inches.

      And the bullet had been redesigned to expand at the velocities that are typically seen in the 3-4 inch barrels.

      yes it can be fired from rifles, but the powder burn has been optimized for shorter barrels.


      • Ian,

        Not messing with powder burners anymore, I seriously doubt I will take the opportunity to check out the Uppercut, but I will have to say it is about time.

        I saw something the other day where someone has developed a .30 auto pistol round. Really? I just thought the 9mm was punky. I have always been partial to the .45 ACP. No double tap there.

        • I agree.

          The .30 Super Carry is relatively new, a lot of the gun tubers jumped on the bandwagon, and it made a big splash.

          Now a couple of years later, it is no longer the new kid on the block and it is actually falling out of favor with a lot of the general public.

          It’s a high-pressure cartridge. The federal loading when it was released was a 45,000 psi with a maximum pressure rating of 52,000 psi.

          That puts it Sneaking up real close to the pressures generated by 223 Remington, except this is in a small handgun.


            • Being a lifelong reloader, that’s one of the first things I look at.

              Even the .30 carbine has a max pressure of 40,000.

              The pistol uses a 110 grain moving at 1,250fps, to get 347fpe.
              The M1 uses a 100 grain moving 1,990fps, getting 750fpe.


  6. BB

    This unique creation would be fun to get to know. Whether or not it is viable will depend on reliability of function. That includes dropping it on a hard floor without discharging a shot because that is apt to happen during the long fumbling period getting used to bringing it into action. If it also is reasonably accurate that is a plus. But this little pistol is mostly for last ditch close encounters against an assailant.

    I think your reports are going to get a lot of readers. I know I am anxiously waiting for more!



  7. Well……. I will gladly let BB and others do the beta testing of this Pearl. Thinking through how this fits in the scheme of things. For me, if I have violated the ‘Three Stupids Rule’, this would be the backup to my backup to my backup. Looking forward to the velocity and accuracy results.

    Was the price mentioned?

      • rk-

        My goodness- $900?!?

        Well, just me talking-

        My plan A is that the Brain/Feet mechanism walks me out of the area.
        Plan B is a rifle, preference given to a caliber beginning with .3”
        Plan 3 is concealed or open carry hand gun.
        Plan OSAD- ‘Oh Shoot And Darnation!’ The old Charter Arms Undercover 38 Special in the ankle holster.
        Plan WIGTD- ‘We’ll I’m Going To Die’ and my only regret is that for the $900 I paid for this 7.5 ounce poodle shooter I could have bought two 12 ounce Charter Arms 38s.

  8. Thrilled to read part 1. Been anxiously awaiting this series. The learning curve of take down doesn’t bother me one bit. It will probably take a few seconds more to deploy with practice BUT a self defense weapon that you don’t/won’t carry is even more useless. If the further testing shows that it is reliable in use I’m buying one.

  9. B.B.,
    That is an interesting and and complicated little pocket firearm. I remember you mentioning this some years ago.

    Have you considered any of the North American Arms mini revolvers? They have 5-shot models that have what they call folding holster grips that completely cover the trigger and make a nice pocket assembly, but being revolvers, they are a simpler mechanism. All you need to deploy them is to fold the grip open and cock the hammer.
    Their standard offerings with folding grips have extremely short barrels (5/8” or 1″) and just an elementary half moon front sight that is really terrible at anything but extreme short range, but they also can accept either 22LR compatible cylinders or 22 Magnum compatible cylinders and the cylinders interchange depending on your desired usage.

    They have a nicer model with actual proper front and rear sights on it called the Black Widow. This model can be had with a 2-in barrel which is far better at creating a tight pattern with shotshells to use as a snake gun. This model can easily group on a pie plate at 7 yards as well. I like to load and time the cylinder with two shot shells followed by three gold dot hollow points. You can time it where you want depending on your situation.

    This pistol normally ships with a miniature palm grip but is actually compatible with the folding holster as an option. I chose this pistol and ordered a folding grip separately and installed it to create a very nice hybrid EDC pocket gun. It can go deep in the pocket or the folding holster has a pocket clip like the way you would carry a knife. A little extra work on the frame with a Dremel and Scotch-Brite to round up all of the sharp corners makes it much more pocket friendly.


      • That is very true of the shorter barreled models with the half moon sight like this first picture here. This one has a 1 and 5/8 barrel and I found the sights to be nearly useless on a paper plate at 5 yards. It’s a save your life close quarters gun.

      • Here is my NAA Black Widow with 2-in barrel, and you can see the nice sights that come with it. I swapped out the factory palm grip for one of the foldable holster grips that they sell and it fit perfectly. They don’t advertise the fact that you can do this but it does work. See the nice group I made on the paper plate at 5 yards at my range while practicing. The 2-in barrel also holds a decent pattern with shot shells for a snake within 5 ft, perfect companion for the woods. Shot shells for the little snakes and hollow points for the big ones.

        The photo with the shot shell pattern on the soda can shows the original palm grip that ships with the Black Widow. I ordered mine with their combo option that comes with both 22LR and 22 Magnum cylinders. The 22LR is far nicer to your ears in the woods for a snake gun.

          • Good question. As shown with the folding holster grip, it is not a fast draw. It requires two hands to deploy. The second hand is only needed for a few seconds to fold the grip open then you can operate it single-handedly If you had to do it all single-handed, I would stick with the factory palm grip.

      • And finally a shot shell pattern at about 3 to 4 ft from the muzzle with the 2-in barrel black widow. The one in 5/8 barrel length version distributed all of the shots evenly across the entire can at the same distance.

        • Feinwerk,
          Very nice revolver. Would be handy while hiking for sure. I have had several of these smaller ones like you first posted. I too couldn’t shoot them. But I have to blame myself. I know one guy that can shoot them with very good accuracy (coke can accuracy not paper). I often wondered about one with the 4″ barrel.


      • One final comment ,

        If you pull the hammer back part way, it unlocks the cylinder to free wheel. You can then carefully align it and lower the hammer into one of the notches between cylinders that you can see in the pictures. This prevents bump firing and makes it safer to carry. The cylinder rotates clockwise as you view from the rear so if you mix cartridge types, you can time it where you want and know which type will be the first shop.


        • Wow, thanks for the prompt response. That’s a slick little pocket pistol. If you index the hammer between cylinders as you suggest, will the trigger simply rotate a half step and go to the next chamber?

            • I opted for the same little revolver as my backup carry firearm. I like that you can get it out of your pocket by palming it without snagging. I also like the design where the hammer is in a special slot so that you can fill all five holes in the cylinder without the hammer being on a live round. I opted for the real stopping power of a .22 magnum instead of the .22 LR ;-). Lastly, if my life depended on a tool, I believe in the KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle. A revolver is about as simple and reliable a firearm as you can buy today.

  10. Readership, I have been mulling over concealed carry for a long time. I usually wear a suit to work (with an overcoat in the winter) but take off my jacket and hang it on my chair. So for the better part of the day, I’m in a dress shirt, slacks, and a tie. I don’t see too many options for where to hide a pistol. When I’m not in a suit, jeans and a tucked in button down shirt are the usual outfit. My EDC generally is a small credit card wallet in one front pocket and my keys in the other. But things may have to shift around if one front pocket will be designated for a pocket holster.

    I’m open to recommendations on a concealed carry pistol. I’ve been looking at the Sig 365 for a long time. It seems to me it’s modularity is a plus. I can set it up for concealed carry duty with the SAS slide, and then swap out the slide and barrel to have a home defense set up with a red dot and silencer down the road. But the NAA revolver sounds like a decent option.

    I’m interested in your advice.

    • Roamin Greco,

      Some high probability to need your gun on you at your work desk?
      Open carry legal?
      Co-worker objections?
      Desk secure retention system?
      Off-Body carry (Murse) or IWB?

      Much to consider.


      • To answer your questions in order:
        1) no, but who ever really knows?
        2) I think so, will check, but I would not prefer it. It tends to freak people out, and I would rather keep things concealed.
        3) probably 25% of them would object.
        4) I could probably buy a lock box for work desk.
        5) OBC is option for getting in and out (computer backpack), iWB another option but still visible with jacket off; was looking at belly band and another below waistband holster that has a flap over the belt (suck in the gut, yank the flap and the holster pops up above the waistband).

        • RG, my dress code is not very far from yours, slacks, button down shirt, but no jacket.
          I always wear tucked shirts, even t shirts.

          I have shot most of the various SIG p365 versions, but just have not bought one.

          I do own a G2c, G3c and Gx4 Taurus, (every time they released a new one if I liked the feel, I upgraded) I like them. and do carry them, but only under certain conditions.

          Under a jacket, or in a belly band holster in cooler times of the year, or in a remora holster in the right front pocket of loose slacks.

          My Off Body Carry method is my work laptop bag, it’s either locked in my van, or on my shoulder.and one of them reside in that bag all day.

          Don’t think bad of me, I live in TEXAS! It’s normal here.

          My absolute minimalist carry is a Taurus TCP (PT 738) in .380 acp.
          in a Remora style holster.

          A Remora is the little parasitic fish you see stuck to the under side of sharks and other large marine animals.
          The Remora holster sticks to you!

          The Remora holster has a sticky outside so it sticks in the pocket, but allows the gun to be easily drawn.

          It is my everyday American Express (Don’t leave home without it.) even in shorts.

          it is 20mm (.79 of an inch) thick
          132mm long (5.19 inches)
          and 95.2 mm tall (3.75inches)


    • RG, I know several people who own P365, including my brother (formerly known as TCups in the airgun world), I have shot his, it is VERY nice – every report I have heard is positive. The Taurus GX-4 gets a lot of positive reviews, I know one owner who says it’s great. A much less expensive piece, and very similar in configuration. See what Hickock45 says. He is a guru. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHLtSq776Xk

    • Used to be calibers smaller than 9mm or .38 Spcl were almost universally discouraged. But it seems that ammo manufacturers have been busy working out the terminal ballistics for smaller caliber enabling .22lr, .22wmr, .25acp, .32acp .32 s&w long, and .380 to have rounds that work for self defense in ccw. Lots of choices nowadays.
      When I was searching out the available options, a former parole officer coworker suggested the Kel-Tec P32. It was what he carried and stated he believed it quite sufficient. Way less snappy than micro .380’s. The P32 can be a little hard to find but is truly a pocket pistol at 6.6 oz and 7+1 capacity (optional 10 rnd magazine).

  11. Intriguing article, B.B. I’m wondering how robust the mechanism is if carried in the pocket for a while, collecting pocket lint, etc. Clearing jams may be an issue.

  12. Hello everyone,

    I am a nurse and live in the great state of California (Los Angeles, more precisely.) Besides the high rent, high prices, high tax rate and traffic I like it here. I very much enjoy driving around looking for bargains at yard sales.
    Last week, I found an Daisy 108 model 39 precursors to the Red Ryder that looked almost brand new for $25 and an Diana peep sight missing the claw foot for $10 (parts ordered from jg.) I was taking my lunch break but wasn’t very hungry so decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Walking around I found them butties. As I was leaving, the gentleman mentioned that his son in Texas was selling an airgun. I have an Diana 6, 6g and 6M . The later two need their seals replaced but my Diana 6 with the bulky brown plastic grips has the most wonderful trigger. Anyways, he showed me the web site, pictures and description. Judging from the condition of the Daisy and the Diana peep sight I could not resist. I have lusted for a real target air gun for many years but could not afford one (more like was not willing to part with the cash.) Might of being my scrubs or the nice warm weather ( have had three days of darkness and rain this week.) Any ways, the gentleman was on his phone with his son and after a few minutes he said I could have it for $200. Sure, you did not guess correctly. An Feinwerkbau 65 in shooting condition (according to the son) with spare grips. My best lunch hour ever. Of course, I gave the gentleman a check for a couple hundred dollars more which he reluctantly took. Most anticipated wait ever. Where else could one find and interaction that only takes a hand shake. Cannot understand the postings in some web sites that say “seller does not ship to California. “

    • Alex2no,
      Thats a very nice lunch break.
      Let us know how it goes when they arrive.

      I also have a DIana 6 with the brown plastic grips. Yes once you get used to the trigger, it is very nice.

      My guess about the shipping is they may not want to deal with certain possible legalities of the ever changing political climate of California.

      It’s probably just easier to say “not going there”.

      And that FWB 65 was a STEAL!


      • Here are a couple of examples of regulatory nonsense making FM shake his head, generating bad thoughts about some legislators and their apparatchiks with seemingly too much time on their hands and apparently not enough real problems to work on – a couple of years ago found a vendor who offered inexpensive replicas of MP-40 magazine pouches and a companion leather sling. Ordered both for a GSG MP-40. The website went into shipping restrictions. You could not ship these items to Chicago. Ditto for NON-FIRING firearm replicas, such as a K-98, listed on the site.

        They’re afraid one is going to start a WWII-themed gang down there, FM supposes…or possibly encourage dealers and customers to carry fentanyl in those magazine pouches.

    • Great story! Send us a picture of your “new” Daisy, and the FWB 65 when you get it.

      If you don’t have use for the Diana peep, let me know. I have Winchester 353 (Diana 5) and a 363 (6) that both need repair.

  13. BB,
    That thing is pretty cool! I look forward to the report on shooting it. 🙂
    My idea of a “pocket pistol” is shown below, the .22LR Walther TPH.
    With CCI Mini-Mag 40-grain solids, she’s about as reliable as a rock.
    (I forgot to put the range on the target; it was 7 yards.)
    The first shot was a very deliberate double-action shot, which was spot on.
    The other 6 were shot as fast as I could re-acquire the target and shoot.
    It’s a fun little gun! 🙂 Plus, it’s an heirloom from my Dad (thanks, Dad! =>).
    Blessings to you,
    P.S. I sent you a private email at blogger@pyramydair.com from thedavemyster “at” gmail. Thank you.

    • LOL! I forgot to add the last circle; it should be around the hole about 1″ from the bottom of the piece that got broken off by the shot circled in the right most circle. 🙂

      • BB,
        I likely wouldn’t buy one today; they’re expensive, and hard to find; mostly, collectors have them.
        But my Dad read an article by Wiley Clapp praising the little pistol.
        Hence, he wanted one to carry in his fishing vest, and had my buy it for him.
        The price was $290…however, this was way back in 1990! 😉
        He always said he would leave it to me in his will.
        Me: “Hey Dad, why don’t you give it to me while you are still here?
        That way I can thank you for it.”
        He did, and he passed away a few years later.
        Hence, this thing is a family heirloom, but I carry it on the farm everyday.
        It reminds me of fishing trips with my Dad, good times gone by. 🙂
        Blessings to you,

  14. B.B. and Readership,

    I went to Virginia Code: § 18.2-308. Carrying concealed weapons; …

    “…for the purpose of this section, a weapon shall be deemed to be hidden from common observation when it is observable but is of such deceptive appearance as to disguise the weapon’s true nature. It shall be an affirmative defense to a violation of clause (i) regarding a handgun, that a person had been issued, at the time of the offense, a valid concealed handgun permit.”

    Because in the back of my rememberer a little voice kept saying; “you know why this device is NOT GOOD!

    Don’t come to the Commonwealth of Virginia with one of these devices without a valid Concealed Permit. Even then the wording is so slippery that the arresting officer might not give you a pass; or even shoot you.
    Also check your local laws carefully and see if some similar wording is in effect in your home turf.


    • shootski,
      I hate laws that are mindless and stupid.
      We used to have hundreds of knife laws on the books here in Georgia. The problem was, people would come here to go to this huge knife show (many from other states) and buy something, then walk a few blocks to a restaurant and get arrested for possession of an illegal knife, because they had crossed into another county.
      Our previous governor, realizing how stupid this was (not to mention bad for the tourist trade! =>), made all local knife laws null and void; with the stroke of a pen, he made one knife law the entire state. Anyone can have any kind of knife, with up to a 5″ blade, anywhere; and, if you have a CCW permit, you can have anything, even a sword cane. This law is a shining example of doing things the right way! 🙂
      Blessings to you,

      • thedavemyster,

        I chose the Commonwealth as my state of residence early in my Navy career since it had laws tha made sense compared to my Original State of Record.
        Recent years a bunch of celebrities, many residents of the Left Coast states, started sending rally huge donations to “progressive” candidates trying to flip us from a conservative state to a “progressive” Hellhole.
        They sure got the “Progressive” candidate elected!
        But when the folks on the street now complain about all manner of “progressive” programs and ordinances I just ask whom they voted for. Silence…
        It is all politics not a bit of Statesmanship left.


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