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Archery 10 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Bowhunter

10 Christmas Gift Ideas for the Bowhunter

Christmas is right around the corner. If I had a dollar for every time I’m contacted by spouses, significant others or kids asking what gear they should get for the bowhunter in their life, I’d be a rich man. So, in an effort to streamline the calls, emails and text messages, here are my top 10 suggestions for the perfect Christmas gift.

Bow or Crossbow

No doubt, brand and size are very personal. How you go about identifying the right bow will be up to you, but every bowhunter – young or old, would be enthralled with the idea of getting a new bow for Christmas! Just know that a bow is a lot like a pick-up. Every brand feels and shoots differently. It will be imperative to find out what their draw length is, and what poundage they desire to shoot. Consider whether they are new to bowhunting, or if they are experienced. Shop the different makes and models of bows we offer from Bear, Barnett, CenterPoint, Diamond, Gearhead, Genesis and PSE. Shop the different crossbows we offer from Ballista, Barnett, Bear, CenterPoint, Excalibur, Killer Instinct, Ravin, Steambow, TenPoint and Wicked Ridge.

Excalibur REVX (MO, Image 1

Hunting Guide

Bow Sight

Like most things, with bow sights, you get what you pay for. Prices range greatly from under $100 to several hundred dollars, including the thousand-dollar digital sight. From single pin, to mult-pin, and dial-up sights, each archer tends to favor one design over the others. One thing is certain though – almost every bowhunter needs a sight for their compound bow. Shop the different makes and models of bow sights we offer from Black Gold, Trophy Ridge, TruGlo, Apex, Spot Hogg, Field Logic, Garmin and Redline.

Spot Hogg Hunter, Image 1
Spot Hogg Hunter MRT Archery Bow Sight


Every archer needs something to shoot at. Portable static block, cube, or bag targets are always a winner, but so is a 3D target for practicing kill zone shots on the species each bowhunter plans to hunt. Prices ranges and materials vary based on durability and size. Shop the different portable and 3D archery targets we offer from Delta McKenzie, Big Shot, Field Logic Glendel, Field Logic Block, Rinehart and Morrell.

Delta McKenzie Bloodline, Image 1
Delta McKenzie Bloodline Buck 3D Archery Target


Another great gift idea is a laser rangefinder. These days, virtually every bowhunter has one, and if they don’t – they need one. Judging and knowing the distance is paramount to making an accurate shot. Shop the different makes and models of rangefinders and cases we offer from Athlon, TenPoint, GSM, Trophyline and ATN.

TenPoint Align 800, Image 1
TenPoint Align 800 Rangefinder

Safety Harness

Every bowhunter should think safety first, especially if they are hunting from a stand. Nothing would say you care about their safety more than getting them a full-body harness and lifeline.  Shop the different makes and models of treestand safety harnesses we offer from Hunter Safety System, Hawk, XOP, Summit, and Muddy harnesses and lifelines.

Hawk Elevate Pro, Image 1
Hawk Elevate Pro Treestand Safety Harness

Release Aid

Not all releases are the same, but almost every compound shooter uses a release aid. Be sure to sort out whether your bowhunter prefers to shoot a wrist strap trigger release or a thumb release. Size matters and, like most things, archers usually have a preference in design, style, and brand. Shop the different makes and models of releases we offer from STAN, T.R.U. Ball, TruGlo, Trophy Ridge, Summit, Spot Hogg, B3 and Allen release aids.

Stan Releases OnneX, Image 1
STAN Releases OnneX Clicker Thumb Release

Scent Control Products

As far as stocking stuffers or lower-priced gift ideas under $20 go, scent control products are an excellent option. Most hunters use either scent blocking sprays or washes, cover-up scents, attractants and ozone products. Shop the different scent control products we offer from HME, Wildlife Research Center, Conquest Ever Calm, Wildgame Innovations and Code Blue.

Wildlife Research Center, Image 1
Wildlife Research Center Scent Killer Gold Spray 24/24 Combo

Treestands, Slings & Accessories

Virtually every bowhunter hunts from a treestand or tree saddle. Be aware that everyone has a preference here as well. Some are committed to using climbers, others prefer lock-ons or ladder stands, and a growing number of bowhunters starting to use tree saddles because of their versatility. Getting up and down the tree requires portable steps or climbing sticks as well. Shop the different makes and models of treestands, slings and accessories we offer from Summit, XOP, Hawk, Allen, Millennium and Tethrd.

Hawk Helium Kickback, Image 1
Hawk Helium Kickback Lvl Hang On Treestand

Arrows & Bolts

Bowhunters can never have enough arrows and crossbow hunters can never have enough bolts. Again though, make sure you know the make/model, composition, size and length of arrows or bolts your bowhunter shoots. Arrow must be suitably matched to the draw weight of the bow they shoot. Shop the different makes and models of arrows we offer from FX, Gold Tip, Victory, Bloodsport, Easton, PSE and Black Eagle. Shop the different bolts we offer from Killer Instinct, Barnett, Gold Tip, Bloodsport, PSE, Luminok, Victory, BearX, Ballista, Ravin, and Allen.

Trophy Ridge Wrath, Image 1
Trophy Ridge Wrath 400 Spine Arrows, 6 Pack


Razor sharp broadheads are also a necessity for every bowhunter. If big ticket items aren’t in your budget, consider getting them a pack or two of broadheads. Find out which make, model and type of broadhead they shoot and match it. Pyramyd AIR sells an assortment of fixed blade cut-on-contact broadheads as well as a variety of expandable heads as well. Shop the different makes and models of broadheads we offer from Allen, Thorn, Innerloc, BearX, G5, Grim Reaper, Excalibur, Rage, B3, NAP, Slick Trick, QAD, TenPoint, Bloodsport, Bear, Swhacker, Ravin, SenX, Muzzy, Wicked Ridge, Velox, Magnus, CenterPoint and Killer Instinct. 

G5 Striker V2, Image 1
G5 Striker V2 Broadhead 100 Grain, 3 Pack

… now that’s a lot to digest. Happy holidays!

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Kevin Wilson
Kevin is an award-winning outdoor writer for over 30 years, team member on Wild TV’s popular Bowzone Live show, and operates Alberta Hunting Adventures. He currently lives in Alberta, Canada where he shares a passion for the outdoors with his family. As a professional outfitter and guide, Kevin offers his perspective on what it takes to have a successful hunt and shares his outdoor adventures.

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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

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