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Air Guns White Elephant For The Bow Bully’s Family

White Elephant For The Bow Bully’s Family

kitty sitting on a red pillowed shelf with white christmas lights.
That’s supposed to be a white elephant…

The Perfect Family

Did you know there are families out there that all share the same passion? If you are a member of such a family, in some ways it makes gift buying easy, and other ways it may make it difficult. Easy because they can all relate and have an idea of what the others would appreciate for gifts. Difficult because you would probably like to keep the gift for yourself and really, why not, go ahead! Just say it’s for them but don’t give it to them! When someone makes the comment, “You’re not supposed to shop for yourself.” Just tell them, you’re making things easier for everyone else!

This is The Bow Bully Blog so you won’t read about the family that loves to crochet, golf, or bake cookies for all the neighbors. This family, and I might add, one I could love very much, loves the sport of archery! That’s my kind of family! Yours too? Great, you’ll get where I’m coming from then, but you won’t get a gift from me, I’m keeping it. 

Christmas Traditions

Do you have any Christmas traditions. Many families get together for a Christmas party, whether it’s on Christmas or not is irrelevant. What do you do at a Christmas Party? Play games, eat, drink and be merry! The eating, drinking, and being merry is all great, but the real fun is in the games. What games do you play? 

  • Toilet Paper SnowMan
  • Pass the Bow
  • Guess How Many Peppermints
  • Bingo
  • White Elephant Game

White Elephant

My favorite is the White Elephant game. They say giving is better than giving, but I like both! So in this amazon archery loving family, this game could be difficult because there is usually a price cap on how much you’re allowed to spend on the gifts that are going to be exchanged. Let’s say it’s Fifty bucks, what are you going to find for less than that in the world of archery? I’m here to help me, oh I mean you out! 

ornaments, arrow spinner, arrows, rack mount, and bow supports that make great white elephant gifts.
Gifts for an archer under fifty bucks!

Under Fifty Bucks

Let’s start with the Paradox Kwik Stand Bow Support . This is a small “bipod” that fits all crossbows! It’s small enough to throw in your pack in case you may need it. You know how it is, sometimes you get to your stand or the range and say, “ I wish I would have brought that…it would have been that one thing that would make this position more comfortable or my shooting more accurate! It’s a perfect gift and it comes in multiple colors including my favorite, green. 

Next up, the Plano Bow Max Compact Hardshell Protective Arrow Case. This would make a great gift because everyone, (that includes me as well), needs a safe and portable place to keep their arrows. Here are some specs…

  • Weight – 3.0 lbs
  • Width – 7.5 in
  • Height – 3.19 in
  • Length – 36.38 in
  • Capacity – 28 arrows and accessories
  • It is designed to fit in the front pocket of most soft bow cases.

In my opinion, we’ve got some pretty good options so far for this White Elephant game. We’re not done yet, there’s more! 

There’s More…

Not everyone likes or uses the quivers that come with their bows when they do and then as I just implied, not all bows come with a quiver. So why not the Easton Range Lite Hip Quiver? It meets at least two qualifications; it’s less than fifty bucks and anyone in the family can use it, especially if you choose a color that everyone will use. Not everyone is going to be comfortable going to the range or woods with a pink hip quiver. Here’s a little tip, if your whole family is right handed and you’re a lefty, order a left handed quiver, the only solution is to give it to you! 

Here’s one everyone in the home will love, it helps with organization as well as maybe shows off your Excalibur Assassin Crossbow. The Excalibur Buckhanger Crossbow Display, now that’s a wall hanger, literally! We’ll have to come up with something creative to claim that one because everyone could use it. 

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

Testing My Arrows Or Yours

One more idea, and maybe most archers wouldn’t think they need it, but once they have a Pine Ridge Arrow Spin Tester, they’ll wonder how they were ever confident their arrows would fly straight in the first place! Not really, there are other ways to inspect your arrows, but this is purposed to make sure the fletching is attached properly if that’s something you do yourself. Maybe you just want to test your arrows and be sure they’re good quality, the spin tester is again a great gift and entertaining. 

If they don’t agree, that’s another one you’ll get too keep for yourself! It looks like I’ve almost got every gift figured out, that is how to gift it with the real intentions of keeping it for myself and accomplishing those intentions, all the while looking as if it really was for the family! 

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

2 thoughts on “White Elephant For The Bow Bully’s Family”

    • Hi there Dave!

      I hope you’ve had a blessed and Merry Christmas as well! Thanks for the well wished and the interaction!

      I agree, the kitty is cute even though it was supposed to be an elephant.

      Have a safe Holiday season Sir!


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