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Education / Training Testing the Benjamin Disco Double-again: Part Two

Testing the Benjamin Disco Double-again: Part Two

Disco Double
The Benjamin Disco Double made by Lloyd Sikes.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • Filled
  • The test
  • Where are we?
  • Ten f.p.s.?
  • It does NOT dry out
  • Second velocity test
  • Did it work?
  • Summary

Today we look at the velocity of the Benjamin Disco Double. We also test an advertising claim of another product.


I filled the rifle five days before this test. I filled to just over 2000 psi, thinking the pressure would drop after the reservoir cooled off. I photographed the pressure gauge an hour after filling and discovered that I had filled too high

Disco Double fill
An hour after the fill this is what the pressure gauge read.

Five days later the gauge read exactly the same. So the rifle still holds after eleven years.

Disco Double fill later
Five days after the fill this is what the gauge said.

The test

Today’s test will be different. I will only shoot a single pellet — the Benjamin Single Die that I call the Bullseye. I’m doing this for a reason that will become apparent in a bit.

The first 13 shots were needed to get the pressure gauge needle into the green zone. On that shot, which was the 13th, the velocity read 781 f.p.s. I felt the gun wasn’t performing its best yet, so I continued to shoot.

The needle passed below the line on the gauge at shot number 20 and the velocity registered 803 f.p.s. I still felt there was more to come so I continued to shoot.

On shot number 30 the velocity registered 827 f.p.s. and I felt the rifle was close to its power curve, so I could start registering the numbers.


At this point the needle in the gauge registered in the green, halfway between the top and the bottom. This turned out to be where the highest velocities were recorded. That will be important in a bit.


Following shot 60 the velocity started dropping steadily. Shot 65 went out at 830 f.p.s. Shot 70 was 820 f.p.s. I stopped at shot 75 that was 797 f.p.s..

Where are we?

I recorded every shot from 1 to 75. That tells me a lot about how this rifle performs. But I wanted to know where it shot the fastest for just one reason. 

Remember SLIP 2000 AWL 30? Well the company also makes an airgun lubricant called SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant. Among its benefits is the claim of higher velocity when the bore is coated with the stuff. I have never seen anything increase velocity by coating the bore, so I wanted to try it for you today and I wanted to establish the place in the power curve where the rifle shot the fastest. That would be the string we just saw.

Disco Double SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant
Does SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant increase the velocity when applied to the bore?

Ten f.p.s.?

Here is what it says on the SLIP2000 website abut Airgun Lubricant, “Use in bore to reduce friction, prevent BB fouling buildup and increase FPS.”

I’m writing this before conducting the next test, which is coating the bore of the Disco Double with SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant and recording 20 shots at the fastest point in the power band.

If I see an increase of about 10 f.p.s. or more I’ll declare the product does what it is advertised to do. If the velocity remains the same or decreases I’ll declare that it doesn’t work for that purpose. I saturated a .22-caliber bore mop and ran it through the bore both ways to ensure a complete coating.

It may be a good lubricant, but I have never seen oil or anything like it do anything except decrease velocity when put into the bore of a rifle. Such claims are dangerous because people believe them and that leads them to believe other things that are said about a product.

Hunting Guide

It does NOT dry out

A reader reminded me to allow the product to dry thoroughly before testing velocity, but this product will not do that. It’s a lubricant and better not dry out over the course of five years, let alone a few hours.

Second velocity test

With the rifle filled to halfway between empty and full again, I fired 20 shots with the same Benjamin Bullseye pellet. Here are the results.


Did it work?

There! That proves SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant does not increase velocity when applied to the bore. It may be a wonderful lubricant, but like all other lubricants including straight moly — NOTHING increases velocity when applied to the bore of a rifle.


Today we looked at the velocity of the Disco Double precharged pneumatic air rifle. It obviously holds perfectly. And we learned that SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant does not increase the velocity when applied to the bore — despite what their advertising says.

The next test will be accuracy and with many of the pellets that weren’t available in 2013 — the last time I tested this rifle.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

38 thoughts on “Testing the Benjamin Disco Double-again: Part Two”

  1. Tom,

    Let’s give the SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant a fair shake. Maybe a test using the Daisy 25? Although I doubt it would make a consistent increase in velocity.

    Definitely not something I’d use in a break barrel though.


    • Siraniko,

      You know — it’s odd that the Daisy 25 was the first airgun I thought of for a test like this. And it is a smoothbore, so that would be different than a rifle.

      I’ll think about it.


  2. “There! That proves SLIP 2000 Airgun Lubricant does not increase velocity when applied to the bore.”

    Yes, you proved that for sure! It’s late, and my brain is slow; hence, I may have punched a number wrong, but I think not. What I get is 835.4 fps for the first string of 13 shots, 846.2 fps for the second string of 18 shots, and 813.5 fps for the final set of 20 shots (through the lubed bore).
    If you average all 31 of the pre-lubed shots, the velocity is 841.7 fps.
    So, we’re talking a 28 fps decrease…pretty sad!…yet, as you pointed out, not unexpected. 😉
    Thank you for this most interesting report.
    Blessings to you,

  3. I’ve believed and preached that if you’ll lie about a little, you’ll lie about the big things too. Trust is important to me and difficult to regain. Thank you, Tom. Orv.

  4. Thanks for the interesting report on a very cool rifle and the results of the lube test. I think that if that lube (or any other lube) actually did increase velocity that we would see it already being used extensively. However, I tend to agree with Siraniko that perhaps a test with a lower velocity BB gun using steel BBs might be interesting.

  5. BB,

    As you had suspected, they are liars. Now you have to get their junk out of that bore.

    I do regret that you spent your money on that stuff, or did they send it to you at no charge in the hopes you would have nothing but glowing remarks concerning their product and we would buy gallons of their stuff?

  6. BB,

    I noticed in today’s test you were relying on the accuracy of the onboard gauge. Is not the gauge of the tank/compressor/pump/whatever you used to fill this air rifle more accurate than the onboard gauge? Is not the actual fill pressure of 2000 PSI more likely to be as you have shown in your pictures? Unless I am mistaken, most of these small gauges are notoriously inaccurate.

    It is true that should you not have a proven to be more accurate gauge on your air source, you should indeed be more reliant on the onboard gauge.

  7. B.B.
    Slip 2000, hmm. “Use in bore to reduce friction, prevent BB fouling buildup and increase FPS.” I’ve never seen a bb foul a barrel. Steel going down a smooth bore are low velocity. Maybe it was meaning lead bbs?


  8. B.B.,

    Thank you for your Muzzle Velocity (MV) comparison testing.
    Unfortunately knowing the forum crowds the bore and projectile lubing myth will continue.
    I look forward to your testing of the Daisy 25 bb gun with lubricated bore.
    I suspect the laws of Newtonian Physics will be shown to be adequate for our day-to-day uses and mostly without faulty here on Earth one more time.

    BRAVO ZULU hoist on this one.


  9. B.B. please remind me the difference and the potential advantages/dusadvantages of lubing pellets vs. lubing the bore (we already know there are no velocity benefits to lubing the bore).

  10. B.B.

    Sorry forgot to ask, will SLIP 2000 AWL 30 reduce corrosion in the barrel? Now when I leave my airguns alone for a while, I coat the inside of the barrel with Ballistol. Would this be better?


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