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Archery Did You Get the Crossbow Scope You Wanted for Christmas?

Did You Get the Crossbow Scope You Wanted for Christmas?

couple opening christmas gifts
Surprised It’s Not What You Wanted?

One Is Considerate, the Other…

Are you a member of the family that shares openly the items on your wish list, or do you secretly hope that someone is a mind reader and will get you the exact gift your heart desires? One is considerate and the other, I’d rather give you nothing than try to read your mind. If you want to play guessing games, I’ll just assume you don’t want a gift because you’re a stand up guy and would prefer I get myself something. Thanks for that!

I get it, you want to be the one that is humble and play it off like it doesn’t matter if you get a gift or not so your response was, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll be happy with whatever you get.” Or, “It doesn’t matter, you don’t need to get me anything.” Is that really what you wanted? Think of it this way, people will most likely get you gifts, make it easier on them, let them know the things you like for next year because it’s too late now.

How to Let Them Know

  • Online wish lists 
  • Save for later items
  • An old fashioned written wishlist placed strategically
  • Add photos of what you want to a family album
  • Here’s a thought, verbally communicate 

Did You Get It?

archer in a tree stands taking aim with his tenpoint crossbow
A picture of yourself with exactly what you wanted…

It’s the day after Christmas and I want to know, did you get it? You asked for the Ten Point EVO-X Marksman Elite 3.0 Crossbow Scope right? Well, did you get it and if not, why? I’m going to say, if not it may be your fault because you weren’t clear on any gift ideas.

Stock up on Broadheads

That is an impressive looking crossbow optic with so many helpful features, I could see why you wanted it. Because there are many optic options for crossbows, it can be hard to make a decision on which one is best for you and your crossbow. The Ten Point EVO-X Marksman Elite 3.0 Crossbow Scope has quite a few things that would turn my attention to it.

  • Compatibility with a multitude of crossbows
  • Total Weight 1.2 lbs
  • Multi-coated 2X8 lenses
  • 30mm Tube
  • 1 Click ½ MOA at 100 yds
  • An etched reticle that says durability
  • Illuminated reticles to assist for low light conditions
  • Multiple aim points from 20 yards to 100 yds. 
  • Includes a locking variable speed ring
  • Locking windage and elevation tactical style turrets
  • Available in veil alpine camo or black
  • Five year warranty

Backup Crossbow

I should have added that to my wish list! Why is it important that it’s compatible with multiple crossbows? Because sometimes crossbow shooters have a couple, maybe even a few crossbows and well, things happen, they need maintenance, something may have broken and it needs attention, but it’s hunting season and you can’t wait! You don’t want to switch crossbows because you love this scope, not a big deal! Switch the scope and lay the other crossbow off until you’re able to give it the attention it requires. 

With its total weight being just over one pound, it won’t add much weight to your setup so if you’re concerned about that, no worries. Along with its locking tactical style windage and elevation turrets, the variable speed ring helps you get dialed in specifically for the velocity of your crossbow. It has the 30mm tube to allow more light in as well as illuminated reticles to assist in low light conditions. The multi-aim pointed reticles are etched, which to me screams durability and quality. Should there be any issues, it comes with a five year warranty! 

Struck A Nerve

So tell me, did you get it for Christmas? You got the TenPoint 3×32 Multi-Line Scope instead? You didn’t get the one you wanted. It may be your fault for not speaking up. Here’s what you can do, gather all the gifts you were given and don’t want or won’t use and do one of two things; regift them, or return them to get the gift you really wanted. After you’ve done either of these and surely struck a nerve with someone, be considerate and more forward with what you really want! Give those that love you the chance to give you something you’re satisfied with for once!

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

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