TenPoint 3x32 Multi-Line Crossbow Scope
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The TenPoint 3x32 Multi-Line Crossbow Scope is an affordable and efficient choice for crossbow hunters. Designed with the vibration and recoil of a crossbow in mind, it gives shooters a unit that works without needing constant attention and tuning.
The scope features a 1-inch tube and a 32mm objective lens and can be adjusted for both windage and elevation using the external turrets. It is properly calibrated without needing adjustments for crossbows that shoot at 350 FPS but easily adjusts to shoot accurately at various speeds.
The optics package uses fully coated lenses to yield a clear view even in poor lighting and weather conditions, and in addition it's backed by a 5-year limited warranty for peace of mind. In order to make it easier to mount, the package includes scope rings for a Weaver optics rail.
The reticle on this scope features a full central vertical bar, plus full crossbars for distances of 20, 30, and 40 yards, with an additional small cross for 50 yards. The reticle uses a fixed 3X magnification for optimum viewing in most situations and does not include illumination.
To get a solid and reliable scope with straightforward features for convenience when hunting, buy a TenPoint 3x32 Multi-Line Crossbow Scope at Pyramyd AIR now.
TenPoint 3x32 Multi-Line Crossbow Scope
- 32mm objective
- 1" tube
- Fully coated lenses
- Fixed 3X magnification
- Calibrated for bows shooting 350 FPS
- Crossbars for 20, 30, and 40 yards
- Additional small cross for 50 yards
- 8.5" long
- Elevation and windage adjustable external turrets
- Includes Weaver mounting rings
- 5-year warranty
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10 of 24 TenPoint 3x32 Multi-Line Crossbow Reviews

Great scope for the money The only thing I wish it did was light up the cross hairs.

Can’t wait to harvest one myself still in bed sick COVID but loan it out cause it is a phenomenal crossbow may upgrade scope later and acu sled retractable cocking rope device and a sling.

I bought a Wicked Ridge Invader X4 Crossbow. I love the bow but it has this Tenpoint scope on it. It worked fine with targets. In the woods with deer, its like your looking through the wrong end of scope. I will be replacing now season is over.

This scope came with my Ten Point Titan. Easy to adjust, and spot on once it is dialed in.

The scope is a typical scope, but as with all scopes you have to get lined up properly with it to see the lines and the target. If time is on your side, it's okay.
It also doesn't work well in low light conditions, making early morning or late evening shots about impossible.
I'm a much bigger fan of the old 3-dot sights they used to put on these as the worked well in any lighted condition, and I didn't need to worry as much about having everything lined up to see thru the scope.

Very clear and built well. I like the reticle and it holds zero perfectly.

Great addition to my Wicked Ridge crossbow. Easy to sight in following directions; finger click adjustments quick and accurate. Holds settings and crosshairs are right on yardage.

I have this scope on my TP Venom. It is very clear and shoots unbelievable groups. So much so , that I never shoot the same bullseye twice in fear of ruining my bolts.

Quick and easy to find your target, with clear picture. Easy to estimate range and adjust
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Nov 30, 2023
By Dman1970
This scope is pure trash. First time I was caught in the rain the scope became completely unusable due to water intrusion on the lenses. Don't waste your money on this scope