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1377 – Another Crosman classic!

by B.B. Pelletier

The Crosman 1377 descends from models 105/106. Introduced way back in 1948, they were Crosman’s first attempt at a pneumatic pistol. In 1955, the company came out with the self-cocking model 130 pistol, and it would be 25 years before they returned to the more conventional knock-open valve. The 1377 is the model that made the big change and is also the one with the longest life, having been in the lineup since 1977.

Crosman started making more and more guns in .177 only
Over the years, Crosman has followed the general shift toward .177 caliber, and today the 1377 has no 1322 counterpart. This pistol is the only multi-pump pneumatic in Crosman’s line since the year 2000. Three to seven pump strokes give controlled velocity up to 600 f.p.s., which is screaming for a pellet pistol!

The barrel is finely rifled for good accuracy and, given the power, some close-range hunting is possible. This gun hits like a small air rifle out to 20 or 25 yards.

Lots of goodies to go with it
Crosman has developed many accessories for the 1377 and similar pistols. Because the grips are similar to all the pistols they ever made, the detachable 1399 shoulder stock fits almost any Crosman pneumatic and many CO2 single-shots, as well. At one time, the shoulder stock came with the gun and they called it a carbine, so this should be high on your list of accessories to pick up.

A perfect pistol to scope!
This is also a good pistol to scope or to mount a red dot sight, especially if you mount the shoulder stock. Get Crosman’s 459MT optional dovetails that clamp directly to the barrel, and you have what you need to attach scope rings to the gun. The Crosman 0410 Targetfinder is affordable, in keeping with the price of the pistol and gives you 4x optics instead of open sights. Of course, a dot sight is also possible and Daisy makes a very affordable one that fits Crosman’s optional 3/8″ dovetail base.

No powerlets required!
All you need to start shooting is air and pellets. Unless you live on the Moon, the first requirement is taken care of, and my recommendation for the pellets is Crosman’s own 7.9-grain Premier. They’ll preserve the velocity potential of the gun and still be very accurate. You might also try the Crosman Copperhead pointed pellets in the big box and save a few dollars.

The bottom line for the 1377 is this: it’s every bit as powerful as the more expensive Benjamin pistols, and I would think it would be as accurate, too. What you give up is some appearance, and if you’re willing to do that, here is an American classic just waiting for you. I’d like to hear what you 1377 owners think of your guns.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

269 thoughts on “1377 – Another Crosman classic!”

  1. A few years ago i had a Crosman 1377 and shoulder stock. Also had a .22 version. Both are fine guns for the money.
    I always prefered the .22. The extra “thumping” power of the .22 makes a more reliable killer on game, in my opinion. I only hope Crosman brings back a .22 version. With the shoulder stock on and the peep blade turned up, you got a super little fun gun.

  2. you know what would be nice on pyramydair? If that had a section where you cna build your air rifle or pistol from the ground up, I think they have one for certain guns on the site, but It would be nice if the gun builder used all the accessories from the site. Just my 2 cents

  3. For some $50+ the 1377 is a bargain! It’s the first air pistol I ever had and I still like to pull it out for plinkin (not small game). Get the optional 1399 buttstock (and keep the sights aligned!) and you’ve got a terrifically accurate “carbine” for your money. BTW: I typically use it at 20 yards.

  4. I purchased my 1377 pistol around 1987. It has a black trigger and no gold handle on the chamber cover. From what I recall, this first version has higher pressure than the suceeding models. Is this correct? Thanks, NV Shooter

  5. Hi

    I just received my 1377 from Pyramid. I realize this airgun is designed for pellets but while I was waiting for it I was trying to think of a low cost & safe conversion mechanism for firing BBs from this unit.

    BEEMAN’s cleaning pellets (/product/beeman-177-quick-cleaning-pellets?a=680) gave me an idea how BBs can be fired from this or nearly any pellet-only airgun.

    Just take a “whisp” of fine cotton from a cotton-ball and place a BB into it and roll it gently in your finger tips – enough to keep the BB in place at the throat/top of the barrel and enough to keep it from rolling through the barrel when the gun is tilted.

    It ACTUALLY works quite well! <8-)


  6. Attila,

    What you have made is called a patched ball. It’s used by muzzleloaders to ease the loading friction of lead balls in rifled barrels. If done right, the patch, not the ball, takes the rifling and causes the ball to spin.

    One word of caution – if the BB ever rubs against the bore while doing this, it can cause damage.


  7. B.B.

    I remember shooting the 1377 when I was a kid, 30+ years ago. When I decided to get back into shooting, I was shocked to see that it was still being produced. I bought one immediately, and have loved it ever since. Why change a good thing. My compliments to Crosman for seeing that some things don’t need to be improved upon. I find the gun to be very accurate with quite a kick. More fun than most of the rifles I have.

    Rick Pelletier

  8. Anonymous said…
    “Why is it that Crosman stopped producing the 1322 ? I would like to know if the 1377 can be converted to .22 cal. with parts of their other pistols ?”

    I recommend getting the following from Crosman:
    Exploded View, Parts and Price List Model 1322 & 1377

    Yes and here is my Recipe for the 1322:

    1. One 1377 (new or used).
    I am using new so about $50

    2. One .22 cal breech (steel or otherwise).
    I am using Steel Breech Kit from Crosman $29.00
    Under custom “accessories” Model Number: 2240SBPK for .22. This kit may be attached to Crosman airgun model numbers 2240, 2250, 2260, 2289 and 1322. .

    Another option is Jim at crooked barn has The CB Ultimate Breech made of Hex Aluminum and is grooved for a Scope, Red Dot or Laser Sight. It has 4 set screws so you can “Free Float” the barrel. The Ultimate Breech is $38.00 and is available with the Bolt on the Left of the Right side of the Breech.

    I do not like or use the bolt that comes with
    croswman kit instead I want an extended bolt.

    3.Extended Bolt
    I am using extended bolts from Jim at crooked barn The CB Ultimate Bolt for $18.00.

    4. One .22 barrel. I believe the Crosman 1322 barrel part number is 11322-064. You might want to use a different barrel. Crosman and others have possibilities.


    I have used the Shoulder Stock $20 from Crosman
    Model Number: 1399A001

    With this I have used the super pumper forearm grip from Ralph at RBGrips.

    If not using shoulder stock I use either Ralph’s (RBGrips) or as on my current project grips by Rick.

    The custom wood grips make such a difference. I will not put together any custom without them. I so dislike the plastic grips on 1377 that I consider custom grips a necessary component.

    Custom forearm by Ralph, Rick, or whoever will keep you from pinching fingers which happens after using 1377/1322 for awhile.

    My mechanical and technical skills are fine but when it comes to wood working I really need to leave it to others:)


  9. I had one of the originals in 1977 and at age 14 it was my favorite rodent eliminator around home (grew up on biscayne bay in Miami Beach of which rats travel the sea walls to get to people’s homes). And I just recently aquired one (my original disappeared 20 years ago) and still find it a very impressive pellet gun, it may not be pretty as the rest but is very cool for its price!

  10. I have mounted a Red Dot 1x scope on my 1377. After sighting in the scope, I have noticed that I am not hitting the rodents that I am shooting at. Closer investigation shows that the dovetail scope mounts, that wrap around the barrel, are tight and not moving, but the barrel itself is not solid in the pistol frame. This allows the whole barrel and the scope to move every time it is bumped or used. How can I fix this?


  11. Tom,

    The barrel and breech are made as one part. Check to see that the breech screw is tight. It’s the screw under the rear of the frame that extends over the hand.

    If that’s not the problem, the barrel needs to be permanently fixed to the breech. This is a warranty issue. If your gun is out of warranty, send it to one of the pneumatic repair stations listed in the July 20 posting.


  12. I have a 1377 that I saw on sale at Big 5 (I think it was $54) and I love it. We were amazed at how accurate it is!

    For those wanting a 1322, why not get a Benjamin HB22 instead of converting a 1377? The HB22 costs the same as (or less than) an equivalent conversion.

    I’d love to see a review on the HB22 since I have it on my to-buy list.


  13. I remember having a .22 Crosman pump pistol back in the early 1960’s. I sold it to my nephew for $15 about 1968. I’m sorry that I ever sold it. It was deadly accurate at normal ranges. When fully pumped, its trajectory was still flat enough to hit reasonably close to the aiming point on a 2’x2′ sign at a measured 125 feet. I don’t remember the model # – – perhaps a model 130?

  14. Rich and Anomymous,

    Wow! That sounds like a rock band!

    I just acquired a .22 Corsman 106 (the earliest pneumatic Crosman made). I have to get it sealed and maybe then I can do a blog. The 130 is already done, of course. Just use the search function to find it.


  15. This I can Hit Coins from about 10 yards out. I fell in love with this air pistol real fast. I hit a dime, with open sights, from 15 yards, while it was rested on a small pillow. After 10 more shots I hit it 2 more times in a row and I decided to stop while I was ahead. This Pistol is what you want to buy if your looking to spend under 60 dollars. Shes alot accurate then any Rifle I have ever purchased under 60 dollars. I am now in the process of buying a scope for this baby. Buy the 1377.

  16. I used to own the vintage version of the Crosman 1377 until i was unable to pump the air (if anyone knows how to fix it please email me at ArmedReaper@msn.com). I bought the new version and I think it works just as perfectly fine as the old one, the shoulder stock (which is discontinued here) goes perfectly fine with the gun and makes for a perfect, fun shootin’ gun.

  17. I noticed a lot of information on the net about modifying the 1377 plus the manual and parts view are available at Crosman’s web site! It looks like this is another reason everyone likes this pistol.

    I decided to upgrade mine to a .22 so I purchased the steel breech, 2289 barrel and 2289 front sight from Crosman (part numbers 2240SBPK, 2289-001 and 788-101 respectively). (The 2289 is a small rifle made by Crosman based on the same frame as the 1377 and has about a 15.5 inch barrel.) It all went together pretty easily, but there are three things to note.
    1) The front barrel support had to be drilled larger since the 2289 barrel is longer the the 1377/1322 barrel. I used a 13/32″ drill bit and carefully reamed it out until the barrel fit nicely.
    2) The spacer between the air tube and the barrel isn’t needed any more.
    3) Don’t lose the steel sleeve or gasket that go between the air tube and barrel. The gasket actually sits down in a recess in the air tube. Note the direction the steel sleeve sits.

    This was a nice pistol as a .177, but I really like it with the steel breech and longer barrel! It is heavier (and longer) now so the feel is different and I have to be more sensitive to the trigger pull.

    I also have a question.

    The bolt on my 1377 has never stayed back when you cock it. I have to hold it back while I load a pellet or it will fall forward. I was new to airguns when I purchased it and didn’t know this was incorrect until I shot my friend’s 1377. I talked to Crosman service and they can’t help me because I bought the gun over a year ago. The question is, does anyone know what might be causing this? I assume it is somewhere in the hammer mechanism since the new breech and bolt didn’t do anything. What is it that actually holds the bolt back?


  18. B.B.,

    The bolt falls forward by gravity (the spring doesn’t push it forward – it stays cocked). On my friend’s 1377, the bolt catches in the back position until you push it forward. Both of ours are the 1377C.


  19. DLB,

    Okay, I understand.

    This is a difference between two individual guns, by which I mean the different tolerances of the bolts. It is not designed to remain back when the muzzle is pointed forward, so your gun acts normally. Your friend’s bolt has less clearance than yours.

    There are ways to make your bolt hang back if it’s a problem. They involve reducing the clearance of the bolt. But your gun is the normal one.


  20. B.B.,

    Thank you, that is a relief. I thought there was something wrong with my gun.

    I will think about how to change that since I like the bolt to “lock” open when it is pulled back. Perhaps I can drill a hole in the bolt, slip a spring and bearing in it and slot the inside of the breech at the appropriate location.

    I do have a couple more questions.
    1) Is it ok to dry fire a pump airgun without pumping it?
    2) Is it ok to dry fire a pump airgun after it has been pumped?

    Thank you! I am finding your blogs very informative.


  21. DLB,

    Dry-firing a pneumatic gun is not harmful, regardless of whether there is a charge in it or not. However, the hammer is designed to hit a valve pin that has resistance, so dry-firing an empty gun is not something you want to do a lot of.


  22. Thank you B.B.,

    My friend suggested an alternate method of dry firing for those times when you have to. Pump it a couple of times and rest the end of the barrel against a clean carpet or other soft, thick material and then dry fire it. Does this sound reasonable to simulate the resistance of a pellet?

    I have more information to add to my post about the modification. After installing the steel breech, the old rear sight can no longer be used. I cut off the blade of the old front sight (the 2289 front sight replaces it) since it was in the way. Also the 2289 barrel is about 14.5″, not 15.5″ (from the air port).

    I thought of an alternate idea for keeping the bolt back after cocking the gun. Drill a hole in the rear of the bolt and epoxy a small permanent magnet in it. The magnet should attach itself to the metal rod that sticks up from the hammer and hold the bolt back. This method doesn’t require doing anything to the breech itself. I will post another message if this works for me.


  23. DLB,

    You don’t have to provide any resistance for a pneumatic gun. The carpet is fine, but not necessary, except to lower the noise and perhaps to provide a bit of added safety. That’s not a bad idea, come to think about it.

    Your bolt retainer sounds interesting. Love to hear about it.


  24. I went camping this last weekend and brought my 1377c with me. I had just gotten it and I hadn’t even taken it out of the box. When I got on the mountain, it turns out my brother-in-law had just bought a 1077 semi-auto air rifle.
    As far as accuracy is concerned my little pistol out shot his rifle by far. With just three pumps I could shoot a gatorade cap at around 15 yards, with one try. Thats alot better than I could do with the rifle and I’m a far better rifleman.
    Im saving up for scope mounts and a scope, then comes the shoulderstock, then a new forearm stock.

  25. Awesome gun. Only $50 at Dick’s Sporting Goods. Amazingly sharp accurrate precise shots. Its like a small rifle jammed into an air pistol. I guess the only way to produce such an affordable piece of smart craftsmanship like this to the public was to mask a really amazing piece of hardware (I’m refering to anything metal on this gun) with shoddy plastic grips/pump section. Horrible, they grips slide a little everytime I pump the gun even though I have tightened the screws. I have seen the gorgeous works of wooden art created by the gentleman at RB Grips. I will have to save up a bit and pick those up. Meanwhile any tips on getting ths standard grips to fit better with less slide near the bottom? I picked up a Tasco Rimfire 4x, they were currently out of the scope suggested on this blog. The price was identical ($9.95) and looks the same. Anyone know for sure if it will fit onto the weaver 459 Dovetails that I have ordered? I’m guessing it will. I assume Crosman wadcutters and domed Crosman pellets will (continue) to do me well? I’m still drooling over those wooden stocks and add-ons available for the gun. They seem reasonable priced. Though anything may be better then the grips that ship with the unit itself.

  26. Thanks, do you think my Tasco 4x Rimfire scope will fint the 459 dovetails I ordered from Pyramid Air? Is it in the same category as the scope you mention on this page? Thanks in advance.

  27. Had a interesting shot with my crosman 1377c just today. I shot the face side of a U.S. quarter from 27 feet (3 for 3)using a Crosman wadcutter pellet and 10 pumps on the gun. I later went over to collect the flattened pellets (I shot I my basement) when I noticed one pellet had been smashed flatter then the others. It looked like the wide flat head of a shiny nickle nail. Anyway, upon closer inspection I noticed what appeared to very tiny writting stamped into the “face” of the pellet. Upon even closer inspection, I found I could read the words ” In God We Trust”. The pellet had smashed into the quarter with such force, it had stamped the raised words into its head, just like an intaglio printmaking process. I have the pellet and quarter. It looks like there is a dent in the section with the writing. I planning on shooting some photos tomorrow. Just thought I would share the hitting power of this gun with everyone.

  28. Tasco scope,

    If your Tasco fits 3/8 dovetails, yes, it will fit. Since you already order5ed the bases, why not just wait and see?

    I don’t know what the specs are for your Tasco, but the Crosman scope I mentioned isn’t an expensive one, so they should at least be equivalent.


  29. B.B.,
    I actually went ahead and tried your duct tape idea. The results were still less then desired. Is there a way to unscrew the platic grips and then jury-rig them to stay put. They seem to slip and slide a little right around the bottom even though I have tightened the screws fully. Any ideas would help. Is it normal for this guns standard grips to have a little give (move slightly back and forth?) near the butt area, or do I have a potentially defective gun or are they all like this? Cant really complain though, gun shoots outstandingly. Just wanted to know if its worth taking a trip back to the Sporting Goods store for an exchange, or, is this just they way most of these pistols are out of the box?

  30. asco scope fine, however I am having a similar problem one of the posters here has faces. The barrel/breech move slightly (slight wobble left/right), I tried tightening the breech screw as you mentioned, underneath the gun under the “pumer” section, the screw is tiny though, I’m not sure how that is supposed to hold the barrel in place. There is a tiny (allen?) screw on the top of the gun, when you draw back the bolt, I dont know what size the screw is, or if I even have the right size wrench to tighten. You stated the barrel need to be permanently affixed, as in a warrenty issuse, my gun is three days old and shoots perfectly, any other thoughts or tips???

  31. I just got off the phone with Crosman customer service, the lady was kind enought to pull a 1377 model into her hands on her end so she could examine this issue. She also stated that the breech screw you mention underneath the gun has no impact on tightening the barrel, oddly, the barrel on her gun was also slightly moving just like mine. She suggested I tighten the tiny allen screw under the bolt, she said she could not provide any service beyond that tip, but she said she will check with another tech and email me back. The barrel and breach are one piece, but the whole piece itself shifts withing the framework of the gun. Any help from anyone would be appreciated!

  32. is me again, i am thinking should i get the walther cp99 compact or the new crosman c11 pistol. i like the crosman c11 480fps alot, but i can’t find any review on crosman c11 anywhere. thanks guys!!

  33. i am going to use in shoots steel BBs and anywhere i can find the review on crosman c11 steel BBs postol. also is it a good choice to get the crosman c11 steel BBS pistol? thanks

  34. Well here is something interesting. Crosman doesn’t even show it on their website – at least not that I have been able to locate.

    Is it possible you are searching for a model that doesn’t exist?

    There is a Crosman airsoft pistol with that model number.

    It’s here:


    Could that be where the confusion lies? The airsoft community calls their 6mm balls BBs, too.


  35. Say what you want about the bigger being better. I have both .22 and .177. Believe this!…The .177 has taken more small game..squirrel and rabbits that any other pistol I own…(11) at last count! Great gun, and with the shoulder stock I even took a groundhog with a head shot with the 1377 using a Copperhead pointed hunting pellet at a measuered 29 yards. Not bad! Good little companion! Accurate and powerful Buy the 1377C

  36. I had to shim my left grip on my 1377c. I took a toothpick (one thick enough) and pushed it in the square like gap on the bottom of the grip. I pulled it out and cut it off where it had stopped going in. Then a took a black permanent marker and colored the end where I cut it and jammed it back in the gun flush.

    I also had to put a new screw and a washer to hold the rear vertical metal sight on better.

    Gamo rockets are the most accurate pellet I’ve used so far and have about the best penitration. For more punch the crosman premier magnums are good.

  37. Just got my first 1377 yesterday. I’m impressed–except for the grips. I almost didn’t buy it when I felt the gun in my hand, but I’m glad I did.

    My dad has had a 1377 for 15 to 20 years, so I wanted one. Almost didn’t think it was the same gun. My dad’s has wooden grips. I will definitely be upgrading mine to wood as soon as possible.

    I shot it a few times at 10-15 yards. Accuracy is very satisfying. It’s a keeper. Got mine for $35 at Big 5. On sale this week for $39, but they were out of stock, so I got the open-box display model for 10% off. I was less than pleased with the feel of the gun in the store, but more than pleased after shooting it.

    The grips are going to cost more than the gun…! ROFL. But good wooden grips are always well worth the money.


  38. Just like you Darvell I bought my 1377 at Big 5 and also got the floor model for $35. 🙂

    I am interested in knowing if there are any rubberized custom grips available for the 1377? I see the wooden ones but would prefer some rubber ones. Thanks for the help guys!

  39. I was just looking at http://www.rbgrips.net, and I saw that they have sportsman and target grips in addition to just replacement grips for the 1322, and I was wondering what the difference between them was, and how exactly they benefit people using them for different purposes.

  40. How hard is this gun to pump by the time it gets to about 10 pumps? Is it harder or easier to pump than, say, a Crosman 760? That is the only pump airgun I own, so I would like to know how easy or hard the 1377 is to pump by comparison.


  41. About the question regarding the difference in the grips. I just talked to Ralph a few days ago(I ordered a set of Walnut replacement grips and a super pump from him) and i asked him about the difference between the replacement and the target style grips and he told me that the target style had a larger thumb shelf was the only difference. I am not sure about the sportsman though as I didn’t ask. He said the target style had a little bit wider thumb shelf that was similiar to a Mark I(?) I believe.

    Hope that helps.


  42. Yesterday, Wednesday, I checked my local Big 5 Sporting Goods and asked if the 1377 was on sale. The Manager said that the sale ended Sunday 10-15-06–but if I wanted one I could come back Thursday afternoon as he would be getting four of them and I could have one or all of them for $39.99. He did not want to sell me the model in the store as it had been around, everyone had played with it, and there was no box, or other crossman packaging. I live in a small town and the Big 5 Managers can honor any sale price, at any time they want to. At $40 I can get some decent grips and still be a click under $100.


  43. Actually, Big 5 only charged me $39.00. The price was right. The air pistol is a bargain, it is quited accurate, yes it needs some decent wood grips, it is not the most quiet air gun, but the biggest negative is the trigger pull. Pulling the hose off the hose cart in the dead of winter is easier than pulling the trigger on the 1377. Please, someone tell me there is a fix for this–a replacement or 3rd party trigger mechanism or even a wider trigger or trigger slip-on to widen the trigger and even out the pressure needed to squeeze that puppy. Did I get the only production piece with a 50 lb. pull trigger?


  44. Thanks Chris for the Mountain Air site. They have some very great accessories and services. In fact, if someone really wants a new, custom 1322 they can have one–for $160 to $210 with lots of custom features.

    I did find another site that offers Trigger Shoes in a variety of sizes and colors for around $7 — Airguns.com


  45. B.B.
    Thanx to your blog and members here I just got my first Crosman 1377C and found and ordered the grip kit from RB Grips.
    Anyone know where to get better rear (and/or front) iron sights for the 1377C? Any chance the rear sight from an OLD 1377 might work…or perhaps Benjamin HB22 sights might work? Options? I am hoping a replacement is available to mount directly without a lot of modification.

  46. I just recently received my Walnut replacement grips and super pumper from RB grips for my 1377C and I have got to tell you that they are terrific! The gun is a pleasure to shoot now and I highly recommend this upgrade for any 1377C owner. I just bought a 2nd 1377C and just ordered a set of Maple Target style grips with a super pumper and I can’t wait to get them. 🙂 I can’t recommend his grips enough.

    Happy shotting fellas!


  47. I just received and installed my walnut sportsman-style grips, super pumper fore arm, and filler strip. Only 6 days from order to delivery. What a difference in feel and looks. Great looks and easy to install…super service from Ralph at RB Grips.

    Pipper on the bull…


  48. So after reading the comments on here, it seems that the only real problem with this gun is that the grips are junk, but you can buy replacement wood ones for about the same amount of money that you paid for the gun to start with. Huh.

    Someone also mentioned that the trigger pull on this gun is terrible, is that really the case?

  49. Yes, aside from the grips which can be easily replaced with some very nice after market woods, the only other real issue with this gun is the trigger pull. It’s not bad if you get used to it and a trigger shoe from the crosman custom shop definitely helps. You can also modify the trigger mechanisms on these guns to make the pull alot easier as well. I just use a trigger shoe on mine and it’s fine for me.


  50. B.B.

    I want an air pistol that can pretty much do it all. My dad has one of these 1377’s and I love how this thing thumps! However, when I say I want a gun that can do it all, I really mean it. Are these accessories going a little overboard?….




    I was looking at just purchasing the Gamo Varmint Hunter, but when figuring that the 1377 can be a handgun and sudo rifle (with optional stock)…it just seems so versatile.

    Any comments?

  51. Ok, couple more questions…

    1)Are those the grips available from RB Grips?
    2)If so, what is that lighter color of wood used? Is that maple? Its friggin beautiful on that gun.
    3)What did you install on the triggers? Is it just for comfort?
    4)After installing the scope, have you noticed the scope staying true after pumping the gun up time after time?
    Thanks for any input.

    I would be interested in joining a club or attending an airgun target shooting contest. How would I be able to find out more information on this. Im not a huge fan of real firearms, but Im thinking airguns are becoming more and more appealing to me for a serious hobby. Any input is appreciated.

  52. Brad,

    It’s time to look up the NRA. They have regional airgun matches all over the U.S. Go on their website and look for infor in your area.


    By the way, the club probably won’t be listed as an NRA club. It will be an Isaac Walton League or some other service organization.


  53. Hey Brad,

    Two of those sets are available from RB Grips, the Walnut and the Maple. The camo colored ones are made by Rick Andres. (http://home.comcast.net/~rlandres/AirGrips.htm)

    The lighter colored grips by RB are the Maple Target style grips with a super pumper pump handle.

    What you see on the triggers are called trigger shoes and I got those from here (http://www.airguns.com/portal/ProdList.nsf/StoreSubcategory?OpenForm&SubcategoryUNID=2A5D0BA3B2EDE99A852570A50041020D&)
    they will make the trigger wider for a more comfortable and easier trigger pull.

    My scope stays true as long as you don’t get rough and bump it into things. Just normal pumping and shooting don’t affect it at all.

    Hope this info helps you out.


  54. BB,
    I have a 1377c that I purchased for the sole purpose of killing the squirrels that invade my apple trees. My reason for choosing a pistol was to keep a lower profile in the neighborhood, as most of my neighbors are squirrel lovers, including my wife. I’m shooting C Premier Hollowpoints 7.9 grains, with 10 pumps. I’m a fairly good shot but I’m thinking about moving up in pellet weight hoping to improve my kills. Would it change my accuracy or improve my kill ratio? Most of my shots are in the 20 – 25 yard range.

  55. Dan,

    25 yards is a real stretch for a .177 1377 on squirrels. But yes, I would say heavier pellets will be better. There is no way to predict accuracy, but Beeman Kodiaks and JSB Exacts are both worth a try. The hollowpoint Premier doesn’t work well at these lower speeds, but an RWS Super H point really does.


  56. The 1377 was my 2nd air gun purchase (the 781AK was my 1st) and I love it! It is great as is, but it can also be improved one bit at a time. You don’t have to spend $100 (or more) on a gun you haven’t shot!

    Now I wouldn’t be without the following improvements:
    $ 8.02 Crosman part# 2240SBPK
    magnet glued in hole drilled in back of bolt
    search for “neodymium” or “magnet” in my post above as DLB (before I discovered someone else also used the DLB alias)
    14.5″ .22 BARREL
    Crosman part#’s
    $29.99 2289-001 (2289 barrel)
    $ 1.66 788B011 (barrel support)
    $ 1.00 781A012 (barrel support screw)
    $ 1.00 788-101 (front sight)
    Crosman part#’s
    $ 1.00 NS1200-016 (spring)
    $ 5.36 2300-039 (nut for spring spacer)
    $ 6.35 2300-038 (spring spacer)
    $ 6.84 Crosman part# 2300-012
    2289 PUMP GRIP
    $ 7.94 Crosman part# 1389-010

    Total = $69.16 + S&H

    The steel breech and new barrel support should fix barrel movement problems (barrel is held by a set screw). The new breech also has the dovetail mount machined into it for sights. By the way, the breech and barrel are NOT one piece. Be careful when changing the breech that you don’t loose the steel sleeve or seal that goes between the pump cylinder and the breech/barrel. The seal sits inside the hole on the cylinder.

    The adjustable trigger and trigger shoe should take care of trigger dislikes. To find out how to assemble this, get the 2300T exploded diagram from Crosman. I got the idea to try an adjustable trigger thanks to B.B.’s review of the 2300S and 2300T. Thanks B.B.!

    The 2289 pump grip looks great and takes care of pinched fingers! Unfortunately it is dark green and doesn’t match the brown grips. I will probably end up making my own wood grips and stain them green to match, but I’ll put up with the mismatch for now because I really like it!

    Note – you will need a pin punch to change the barrel support and the pump grip.

    All the above can be purchased from Crosman by calling them (most of the parts aren’t available on their web site). Please check the part numbers in the 1377, 2300T and 2289 exploded diagrams (on Crosman’s support site) before ordering in case I mistyped some.

    .22 multi-shot

  57. I just helped my friend convert his 1377 two days ago and we discovered some helpful information so I will elaborate on my previous post.

    ->DLB bolt

    Use a drill press for this if at all possible. Drill a pilot hole with a center drill bit (like Harbor Freight item# 42279-5VGA) then drill the hole for the 3/16″ magnet with a #13 drill bit. The center drill bit starts the pilot hole without bending (going off center) and makes a good center for the larger bit. You might be able to skip the second step by using a 3/16″ center drill bit but I don’t have one. We used an X-Y vise to hold and position the bolt. If I had to do this again, I would make some sort of jig to make positioning and drilling easier.

    I used super glue to glue the magnet in my bolt because we made the mistake of pushing the magnet in to test the fit. It wouldn’t come out afterward so we figured super glue would wick inbetween the magnet and bolt. With my friend’s bolt we didn’t make the same mistake and used 5 minute epoxy. Remove the o-ring before doing any of the machine work so it won’t be damaged. Make sure and clean the parts with rubbing alcohol before gluing to get a good bond.

    3/16″ diameter magnets were used because I had some (my son gave me one of his Magnetix-like connectors which I took the two magnets out of). An 1/8″ diameter magnet would probably work and positioning would be less critical.

    ->2289 pump grip and barrel support

    You need a 1/8″ pin punch to remove and reinsert the tension pins holding the grip and barrel support. A larger pin punch works better until the end of the pin reaches the surface. At that point you need to use the 1/8″ punch to drive it into/through the hole. The grip’s tension pins are the standard split type while the barrel support pin is a coiled type. Make sure you have good support so you don’t bend or break any parts.

    Also, for those who don’t want to convert to .22 caliber, all the modifications mentioned before are applicable except the barrel support (and screw), .22 barrel and .22 steel breech. Crosman has a .177 steel breech, part# 1377SBPK that can be used instead for the 1377.

    .22 multi-shot

  58. B.B.

    OOPS! I got the prices for the steel breech and 2289 barrel switched! The part numbers are correct, but the breech is $29.99 and the barrel is $8.02.


    .22 multi-shot

  59. B.B.
    Why are plain old sights so expensive ($25 for Crosman 64 Peep up to $60 for Williams notched blade at Crosman custom store)??? They aren’t that complex.

    Switching to the Crosman steel breech has one problem. The old sight won’t fit. The “Adjustable Sights for Walther CP88 Pistols” rear sight also won’t fit.

  60. Are you saying that $25 to 60 is expensive? Did you know that match rifle sights now cost over $400?

    Good things cost money. Cheap sights that don’t work well are no bargain, and even some of them cost money. The amazing thing is how cheap good scopes have become.

    The cost is mainly in the human labor it takes to assemble the thing. Your air pistol may have 40 parts. A good sight can have nearly as many parts! Each one takes time to handle during assembly.


  61. Crosman 1377 – very good except for the crappy plastic grips. For heaven sake Crosman, at least give us the option of an optional set of wooden grips, or good quality synthetic ones that are ‘solid’ and don’t slide around. I don’t have a problem with the pump lever being plastic, although that imitation brown looks crap, and makes what is a very good pistol look cheap & nasty. If you want to do plastic, give it some nice colouring like the blue/green found on some target pistols.

    One other improvement – try and fit some better sights, and if you want to keep cost down, then try the ones on the old English BSA Scorpion Air Pistol. I used to own one of these monsters, but the sights were very good indeed. The Crosman is far superior because its recoiless (well, almost apart from the relase of the trigger spring to hit the valve), and I really like the bolt action – very nice indeed.

    Also looking for a pneumatic rifle, but heard that Sheriden CB9 soon to be discontinued in Britain. My local Gunsmith is renovating a Sharp Innova for me. Suggest that Crosman takes a serious look at this rifle. The bolt action is ignenious, and could be maybe used on a future pistol, maybe a high powered .22 pistol.

    The bottom line for Crosman….Nice pistol but get rid of those horrible plastic grips.


  62. Really nice gun. However, I have a problem. My grandson came to visit, and he was using my 1377. Don’t know for certain what he did, but after he left, I found the barrel was plugged.

    I’ve been unable to clear the barrel (being delicate, so as not to rough up the rifling).

    Is a replacement barrel a do it myselfer, or do I need a gunsmith?

    Where can I obtain the new barrel, and maybe instructions?

    Or, what might a gunsmith charge? Cheaper to buy new gun?


  63. Hello b.b. pelletier & Tnx for the info about the crosman custom shop, I really must take a look at that one.

    One target that I find great fun to plink at, is CDs (DVDs may also do).

    You can use redundant data CDs, and a very good way to ensure that confidential data gets destroyed – and a fun way to do it. (Make sure you sweep up any plastic shards after you’ve finished though). You can just plink at the CDs set up somewhere as they are, or indeed affix coloured marker stickers (the dot variety work best) at various points on the CD like a clock face, and work your way around the CD. If your a really good shot, try and see how many pellets you can put straight through the spindle hole of the CD without actualy breaking it, and gradually increase the distance until you shatter part of it. Its a good contest between two or more to see who can last the longest without breaking the CD, and move the distance so it becomes gradually harder. Start at an easy 6yds (always wear eye protection) and maybe end up at 10 metres or more.

    When I’m in my local computer store I always grab those free internet ISP sign up CDs, but the PC store has no idea in its wildest dreams what I actually do with these freebees when I get home. Incidently, a CD also serves as a very nice circular marker shape for drawing an outer circle of a target on cardboard etc, or other surface with a black felt pen, whilst the inner spindle serves as the ‘bulls eye’. You then can make a crude but very useable ’emergency target’ if you run out of pre-printed ones, or just have loads of spare card left over from packaging.

    CD shooting, this could become the airgun equivelent of ‘clay pigeons’ – cheap and plentiful too.

    Good shooting………..Andy (Herts..England)

  64. Interesting stuff here. I’ve just gotten into airguns although I think I’ve had some form of pellet/BB gun since I was 6 or 7 years old.

    I have an old 1377. I dug it out of my gun cabinet and found the literature from Crosman and the receipt from when I bought it at a local Walmart back in 1990. It looks a little different from the current model–mainly it has no bolt, you just twist and slide the breech cover. The instruction book states it has a rifled barrel but also gives an average muscle velocity for both 8.2 gr. pellets and 5.42 gr. BB’s. I never used the gun much but I remember shooting mostly BB’s when I did and wonder if the rifling in the barrel might have been unduly worn in the process.

    I also have the shoulder stock which, according to the pyramydair site is now discontinued or, at least, not currently available.

    I’ve taken the gun out of storage and intend to give it a try again as soon as the weather permits. If it still works well and I can shoot it worth a flip, I might try a scope or dot sight.


  65. Lee,

    It’s time for you to oil the pump head on your pistol. Drop four drops of silicone oil or Crosman Pellgunoil on the felt wiper that can be seen in the pump slot with the pump handle all the way open. The instruction manual should tell you how to do it.


  66. Well, I oiled the old 1377 up yesterday, attached the shoulder stock and put the peep sight on. I took her out to the backyard in a cold rain, set up a target trap and sighted her in. Although I was trying to stay dry and didn’t have much space to do that and shoot, the gun works great. At 20 ft or so, I was able to put my shots pretty much in the black on a 25 ft NRA target once it was sighted in. I’m no great shot but I do like to have fun.

  67. A quick, cheap sight for a 1377 with the steel breech can be made from the original sight. This sight will fit in the crosswise dovetail groove in the breech.

    1) rough up (or make grooves in) the hole in the bottom of the sight and fill it with an epoxy for plastic; let it dry; this makes a solid area for a dovetail; (roughing/grooving the area makes sure the epoxy has something to hold to if it doesn’t bond to the plastic)
    2) cut a dovetail
    3) drill and tap a 10-32 hole vertically through the middle of the dovetail section
    4) cut off the peep sight half of the metal part of the sight so it isn’t in the way
    5) mount the sight with a 10-32 set screw

    To cut the dovetail you can use a dremel or hacksaw to remove the required height, then use a triangle file to form the dovetail.

    Elevation adjustment is the same as the original. To adjust the windage, just loosen the set screw and move the sight left or right and re-set it.

    .22 multi-shot


    I bought a 1377 a couple of weeks ago. I had one years ago, but it got lost in a move. The trigger was way too stiff to be comfortable, but I got this trick off of another forum. Remove the grips from the gun. carefully remove the trigger spring and take it to a hardware store (a real one, Lowes or Home Depot may not have what you need.) Buy a spring with the same internal diameter, made with a lighter diameter wire. It its too long, it can be cut off. Install the new spring and test the trigger pull. Cut the spring one coil at a time from one end only, until the pull is right for you.

    Yes, the plastic grips are tacky. I do a lot of woodworking and made my own from a piece of cherry. It took most of a day to make new grips and a pump handle, but well worth it as far as fit, feel and balance are concerned. The gun is not so front heavy now with a good set of heavy grips.

  69. Hello,

    I’ve got a 1377–in parts now. I’ve got this “thing” about fixing things without resort to sending off for parts, especially to companies which cannot post a simple parts list and prices and then the address to send it to on a whole enormous website.

    Anyone got any good home-brew substitutes for the seal of the valve that get’s knocked off by the hammer? Mine developed radial cracks and (of course) leaked as I tried to pump it up.

    I have one of those turret-style hole punches, I could punch a new seal out of any material someone might recommend or has had experience with.

    Whenever I’ve shot a rat with it the rat has run off afterwards and I’ve had to locate the carcass later by the use of my nose…

    I recently tried out a spring-air
    rifle that seems to shoot pretty hard–400 or so pages into the
    last-year’s yellowpages. It’s heavy and clunky, but I think the next time I want to kill a varmint, that might be more humane of a kill.

    I miss the old 1377 for plinking though, it was a lot of fun.


  70. I’ve owned and shot guns for 50+ years, the 1377c is the finest air pistol out there under a $100. I take out starlings [the only game I hunt] at 15-20 yards with 6 pumps and 7.9 hollow point crosman premier’s. I use open sights and the shoulder stock. The grips arn’t too pretty but work fine. Cosmetic’s are fine, but don’t mean squat in the field

  71. I used to own the 1322 for years. I got it as a teenager as a hand-me-down and it lasted me for years. This airgun has major hitting power in .22 cal. Vermin go down on the 1st shot! With the 1377 (.177 cal), velocity and range is better, as is accuracy at longer ranges. What you give up in the 1377 is that .22’s hitting power. I have compensated by using Gamo PBA ammo (for targets 50+ ft away) and 2 great heavy hollowpoint pellets for the closer ranges (w/in 50 ft).
    I miss my .22 terribly, but I can live w/my 1377 too. Awesome performance out of this classic. Clearly my favorite all-time hunting/plinking pistol.
    St. Cloud FL

  72. Hello,

    Is there information anywhere that gives a good idea of “number of pumps” versus “velocity” for a given pellet?

    It would be nice to know what the effort of extra pumps gives you. I guess it’s diminishing returns, e.g. say 5 pumps is very powerful, while 10 pumps is just a bit more powerful. Any ideas?


  73. My idea is that you develop this for yourself. Choose the most accurate pellet for your gun then develop a chart with all the pertainent data.

    If you don’t own a chronograph, a good substitute is modeling clay. You can see the relative velocity by the penetration into the clay.


  74. Hello,

    Unfortunately I don’t own a chronograph, but thought someone somewhere had probably produced such a chart.

    I suppose I can make decent estimates by measuring penetration, I hadn’t thought of that, thanks.

    For now, I found some data: For the same pellet type, 6 pumps gave 425 fps and 10 pumps gave 495 fps, so I guess you do get diminishing returns.

    Nice to know you aren’t missing out on too much power if you get tired and can only bother giving it half the pumps!

  75. BB:

    I picked up a 1377 this last weekend. I’m having a bit of difficulty in getting the sights adjusted though. I have the rear sight adjusted as far to the right as possible and am just able to center it for windage, otherwise it shoots left of center. I also have the rear notch adjusted as low as it will go and it still shoots high. I find that I have to either aim 1 1/2” to 2” below the target center to come close to center or have the top of the front sight much lower than the top of the rear notch to come close to center. So my questions are:
    Is this fairly normal for this gun?
    Would better sights fix this or would they possibly be as bad?
    I could probably fix this by filing a bit more out of the screw slots but should I?
    Should I return it to the store I bought it from and get a different one?
    I have tried Gamo Match pellets in weights of 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 and 7.8. (See. I paid attention to sorting the pellets. LOL) Are these weights correct for this gun or too light or too heavy?
    Is there something I am doing wrong?
    I am shooting from approx. 25 ft.

  76. Rabbitt,

    Just like firtearms, manufacturers don’t always get the sights set straight. Most of my Colt Single Actions shot to the left, and thse are now thousand-dollar guns!

    I would return the gun and see what the next one is like. The permanent solution is the bend the front sight in the opposite direction you want the pellet to go. I have to do it with several Colts.

    The pellets you are using seems good to me.


  77. Thanks BB.

    I returned it for an exchange this weekend. The new one is much better. Windage is adjustable in both directions and although it still shoots a bit lower at max adjustment than I prefer I can deal with it.

  78. this gun is great in almost every way, well built, great accuracy, but what i dont like is this: 2 things.
    i the plastic finishn on the handle and pump grip is very shiny and cheap plastic looking, I basicly took the black plastic grip that came with my backpacker and added it, looks allot better. all i need to do is get rid of the pump, i hate pumping this gun, the pump is to thin, what i like is the great ergodynamic pump from the backpacker, came acros this site while searching for one, that would be great, black and comfortable to pump and it looks great! wish me luck cause i haven’t had any yet, but i have found other people who have custom made their own pump handles.


  79. Good evening B.B.,I’ve been shooting my custom 1377 for months now and I love it. Now I’m thinking of adding it to my snowmobile’s survival kit(I’m way paranoid) and I’m thinking that the cold conditions will have adverse effects on the seals. Are there any special oils I could use or will the cold not even be a problem?

  80. Hi, I agree the 1377 does shoot well and the grips have got to go! My only problem is when you pump the gun, it makes so much darn noise that you end up scaring away the victims. Is there any way to quiet this gun up????

  81. I have one of these guns. When I head off to college this fall I won’t be able to bring it. What is the best way to store it for awhile (a few months at a time) so it won’t get damaged from sitting? Also, what should I do to store a CO2 gun for the same reason.


  82. Store a 1377 with one pump of air in the reservoir and the hammer not cocked.

    Store a CO2 gun with a powerlet in the gun filled with CO2. Be sure to put a drop of Crosman Pellgunoil on the tip[ of the powerlet before piercing it.


  83. Does the 1377 have enough power to punch through an iguana? The silver shadow 1000 does the trick and I am interested in using the 1377 for the same job.

  84. No pellet pistol is suitable for iguanas. As for the dot sight, the gun isn’t really suited to an optical msight but if you use the 459MT intermounts, any dot sight shown on the 1377 page will work, because they all clamp to an 11mm dovetail mount base.


  85. Okay, I thought you were talking about a rifle or pistol. Yes, the laser will positively fit the intermount, but what will that do for you? You loose the ability to sight the pistol with anything other than the laser. You can’t shoot like that.

    A laser gets lost so easily during the day. You need to watch it through a scope, and these cheap little lasers don’t have the power to be seen beyond about 20 yards in bright daylight under the most perfect conditions.

    Lasers are meant to augment sights – not replace them.


  86. The trigger guard laser won’t work because of the pump lever on the 1377. I imagine that the 1377 firing raptors would work on your big lizards at point blank or short range. Good luck.

    Feral Floridian

  87. My lpa mim sight came with a hex key. I measured it with a digital caliper and got 0.06″ (only goes to the 100th) so I assume it is a 1/16″ hex key.

    .22 multi-shot

  88. bb,
    i am planning on buying a new 1377 and stock in the no-to-distant future. however i was hoping to buy a peep sight to go with it. is there a peep sight that you can suggest that will fit the 1377? i would like to use this little gun for practice target shooting, and really want a peep sight on it. thanks

  89. All,
    This is just an open thank you to all who contributed to the 1377 discussion. It is very helpful and answered most of my questions.

    I have two one scoped and the other set up with the factory peep site. They are both a pleasure to shoot them despite the product flaws that are well defined in this blog. Fixing thes flaws will be fun and rewarding.

    There are a couple small things I can contribute and will do that in a seperate post.


  90. My input on the 1377:

    1. Metal finish is paint. After attempting to touch up a couple scratches the blueing touch up stripped off the paint and the whole gun had to be refinished.

    2. Barrel cleaning with JB Bore Cleaner does yielded better patterns. I had to clean mine three times; pattern improved after each cleaning.

    3. Barrel crown from the factory was even but ruff. So all I did was polish it with a power dermal using a fiber cone and JB bore cleaner as buffing compound. It took maybe an hour to polish the crown. This also yielded tighter groups.

    4. Factory pistol grips can be tightened using two part plastic epoxy to create locking corner tabs. Fast drying makes it easier.

    5. Scoping really helps. I mounted a NcStar 2.5×30 and it is a nice fit. Do not let the barrel wiggle, which is substantial, bother you. Since the barrel and scope move together… what you see is what you hit. Though I’m really looking to try the posted fixes for this problem.

    6. Rife stock is black plastic which does not match the brown plastic pump handle. But the function is great. If you have a scope I’d suggest creating a cheek support. Mine was cut from some stiff closed foam banded to the stock with Velcro straps. It works surprisingly well… but does look a bit tacky. The closed foam could be drilled to with several shallow holes to hold pellets for faster reloads. Still working on a better cheek mount.

    7. The rifle stock fits a little better than the factory pistol grips but it still wiggles a bit. This can be fixed by using a little two part plastic epoxy to tighten the fit. You can buy it in black which is a fair match for the black plastic stock.

    Net result is my basically stock 1377’s will shoot better than I can. Using a bench rest it is very good out to 20 yards. After that the pattern gets too loose for paper punching. It is fine for can popping though.

    As with all things the above is based on my novice airgun skills. Others with more skill may offer better solutions and may even think my comments are a bit wacky.

  91. All,
    Amazing results on the 1377 barrel fix… tightened the breech mounting screw and the barrel wiggle is gone. Had to go to HomeDepot and buy a .050 allen wrench though. It came in a set of several wrenches for about $6 – they do not sell loose wrenches. While your there pick up a tube of blue thread lock and use it on the screw threads.

    Just for clarity the small screw in question is part number 1322B027 on the 1377 assembly drawing.

    While I was at it I completely removed the breech and shimmed the barrel in the breech with a piece of paper cut to fit half way around the barrel and wide enough to offer maximum support without being seen once installed. This stopped the barrel movement at the breech.

    Thank you all for the tips. I was about to order a new steel breech. But this worked so well that the idea has been shelved. As long as everything stays tight this is good enough for the purpose… plinking.

    Might buy the steel breech and a new barrel in 22cal and upgrade one of my 1377’s for hunting.


  92. I can’t believe how easily I just fixed my “heavy trigger” problem!

    I’d been bothered by the heavy pull, and also by the scratchy feel of the mechanism itself. With a small screw driver I pulled off the plastic grips, and there was the spring, fully exposed.

    I put the tip of my small needle nose pliers between a couple of loops and squeezed — they stayed closer together. To keep the spring perfectly straight I squeezed two loops from the other side. Then I put a bit of grease (!!!) on the tip of that little screwdriver and worked it in wherever I thought trigger parts might rub.

    Presto, a smooth-as-glass, three pound pull. I’m new to pistols and no great shot; so far I’ve averaged three inch circles with five shots at 30 feet. After the change, I just put ten shots in an honest inch-and-a-half.

  93. Yes, that’s so poor even after the improvement (and with the excuse of shooting by porch light last night) that I still hesitated to admit to it! Practice time will help, I’m sure, since the gun was a Christmas gift and it’s only New Year’s Eve. Now if I can find some young hands and eyes instead of the six-decade retreads I’ve been using….

    But whatever it takes, I want to shoot better than that. I’m completely on my own here, but I’m determined to make my own accuracy good enough to deserve this gun. Any advice on how a rookie should go about improving, I will definitely put to use.

    I bought some Crosman Silver Eagles, but didn’t like ’em at all. They ricochet almost as badly as BB’s, and the casting is so lopsided they can’t possibly fly straight. Next stop was Beeman Lasers, which all the stores around here have, probably because their factory is bicycle distance from here.

    I’m starting to understand why everybody seems to want to mod this gun. Its shape is pretty to start with, and everything about it looks so simple and solid that whatever you tried would just have to work out ok.

  94. Ha, it’s my SHOOTIN’ that embarrasses me!

    I’ll definitely be striding into Wal-Mart as soon as I can get over there. Are the Premiers that much better, or just a better match for this gun?

  95. “Wow” is probably the most over-used colloquialism in the English language. Wow anyway!

    I nabbed those Premiers this afternoon and just now tested them. I just nicked the bulls-eye with my first shot and missed the target with the next four — I thought. What I’d actually done was chop the bulls-eye out of the target! After fifteen more shots, I still had a pattern I could have covered with a 50-cent piece.

    I say again, wow! Suddenly I’m a pretty good shot!

  96. BB,
    I tried the Crosman Competition Wadcutter Pellets 7.9 grain and they shoot OK but are not the best in my 1377.

    My next order will include a few 7.9 grain Crosman Premier Hollow Points. Since I mostly punch paper I’d prefer a wadcutter. Do the Permier Super Match in 7.9gr also shoot well in the 1377?


  97. Don,

    All Crosman pellets are very closely related. You may want to branch out and try Gamo Match, H&N Finale Match and other real competition pellets (RWS Meisterkugeln, R10, Vogel, JSB, etc.).

    Crosman competition pellets are not really used in competitions. That’s just a name they use.


  98. Have not been back to this blog in a while.

    I get outstanding results with my .177 cal 1377’s using RWS 8.3gr SuperDomes. They work great in the 10″ and 18″ barrel lengths. Only pellet I use in these guns. Both guns are scoped, and nail Florida lizards at 10-15yards easily on 6-7 pumps.

    Just my 2 cents.

  99. BB & SquirrelKiller,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Have shot several pellet types and so far the best has been RWS Meisterkugeln Professional Line in 8.2gr in my stock 1377. These must be slightly larger because it takes more presure to close the bolt.

    Will try the recommended Premiers anyway… never know it might just be the ticket.


  100. 302 alpha,

    It depends on whether you want to stick to .177 or not. There are more options for .22. If you change to .22, you have to replace the breech assembly (see posts above).

    Find a Crosman gun with the length barrel you want and that uses the same valve and breech configuration as the 1377. Then look in the exploded view of that gun (available at Crosman web site https://www.crosman.com/site/manual_nav) and call Crosman to order that barrel by part number.

    The 1760 (.177) or 2260 (.22) barrels can be cut down to size if you figure out how to port (the air transfer port) or crown the barrel.

    Here are a few models whose barrels can fit the 1377C.

    + 2300S pistol 10.10″ (.177 Lothar Walther)
    + 1760 rifle 24″ (.177)
    + 2260 rifle 24″ (.22)
    + 2289 rifle 14.5″ (.22)
    + 2250B rifle 14.63″ (.22)

    There are also some shops out there that sell replacement barrels.

    .22 multi-shot

  101. does anyone know whether this pistol could take small game like squirrels.I was wondering if this thing could take a duck with a head shot?
    what scope/red dot should i equip this baby with/which mounts?
    thanks,pellet gunner

  102. The 1377 is a real masterpiece that should last forever if it is taken care of. I love min. It has real thumping power, accuracy, and durability. The only thing I hate are those ugly plastic grips, but the gun is so good, I can sure overlook this.

    I am going to check out these rbgrips for mine. Also going to mount a laser on it.

  103. All this talk about the 1377 made me dig mine out after more than ten years. I purcased this gun more than 20 years ago and it still is one of the best pistols for the money. It is as fun and accurate as I can remember and never needed anything but a light lubrication. It seems that Crosman has improved this model slightly by adding a usable side bolt to open the breech. Mine has the old style breech cover that is difficult to open and close. I wonder if it could be adapted? Anyway, I would not trade this gun for anything, especially now that I am watching my boys enjoy it as much as I did.

  104. dieter,
    You live on a lake front lot… don’t you.

    Been there ducks and geese make an aulful mess. But listen to BB’s advise it is silly and illegal to shoot one out of season.

    About scope mounts… call PA sales and tell them what you want and that way you’ll get the correct mounts.


  105. Wow, a 1377 blog! Fantastic.

    I “inherited” my 1377 from my wife, who kept it from the things her previous husband left behind. Good call! So far I’d only been using it to plink at squirrels (open sights are WAY off, need to make some targets!), taking one with NINE shots. Little bugger wouldn’t quit moving! Turns out the BBs were going straight through… that explains the lack of knock-down power.
    I’ve recently considered using it to dispatch our meat rabbits, rather than other, less tasteful methods. I was concerned that the 1377 would not have the power to do so at point-blank range, but reading here seems to indicate otherwise. I’ll give it a shot (rimshot?) next week when they come due.
    Another issue- when I came across this pistol (ser. # 183104521, no idea of its age but it has the older rotating breech cover), it was in a box with a container of Crosman Copperhead BBs. Everything I’ve been reading on this blog seems to say BBs are bad for the rifling, but the breech cover has a magnet on the end of the pin that holds them just so. Is this a dual-purpose pistol, or have I been remiss in firing BBs with it?
    Hope to hear some answers before next week; in the meantime, I’ll stop by Dick’s and pick up some wadcutters or Premieres for the next litter of fryers.

  106. Nick,

    You should stop using BBs to hunt with. They don’t expand and can leave cruel injuries.

    The magnetic tip of the bolt in your pistol is proof that it was made for BBs, but there should be something engraved on the side of the pistol that mentions BBs as well.

    Try Crosman Premier hollowpoints.

    Your gun was made in the 1980s.


  107. Thanks for the information. I’ll stop out some night this week and pick up some hollowpoints, and maybe some match grade for target practice, to get the open sights dialed in. I may eventually put a scope on it, but it’ll probably just be a red-dot for quick accuracy, as its job has been and will likely continue to be for hip-shot desquirrelling, target practice, and rabbit harvesting.

  108. Crosman doesnt speak quality, sheridan and benjamin pre take over where best materials. Crosman is trying to make more dolla on there guns and cut corners. Atleast give the people white oak grips stained or something.

  109. To all the gripes about grips,

    Yes the stock plastic grips wiggle and do look and feel cheap.

    Let’s not forget you can buy this hard hitting very accurate pistol for about $50. And there are lot of cool upgrades you can make or buy for this gun that eliminate the said cheap grips.

    Having said that; it really does seem like it would not have taken much for Crosman to design better fitting grips. Not nicer looking just better fitting.

    Just my two cents on the grip gripe.


  110. Pretty much new to airgunning; have a 6-month-old out-of-the-box 1377, the barrel of which has loosened and lost much of its power. Have tightened the barrel, and have tried just about every tip I could find to increase power with no success. Only thing I haven’t tried is putting four drops of oil on the “felt wiper,” pump cup, pump head (called various things by BB, I think) and attempting BB’s followup advice. Because the parts list doesn’t use those terms, just exactly where is the cup or wiper? Is it the part that pulls out from under the barrel when the pump arm is pulled out? If so,is it the part coming from out near the trigger end or is it in the slot nearest the end of the muzzle? I know this is a pretty dumb question, but I’ve about run out of ideas and potential fixes.

    Thanks, Nod

  111. Nod,

    Flip the pistol upside down and open the pump handle (Crosman calls it the Fore Arm) all the way. The pump head or cup can just be seen rising up in the pump slot when you do this.

    Go here:


    …and look at figure 8. It describes how and where to oil the pump cup. This is a section from the 1377 owner’s manual – many of which can be found on the Pyramyd AIR website.


  112. Thanks to all of you for some great posts on the 1377. I hope you continue. At the end of last December Don complained that the “Rifle Stock is black plastic which does not match the brown plastic handle.”

    Ralph at RBGrips sells not only nice wood grips and pumper arms, but also makes matching wood inserts that fit in the open space of the plastic shoulder stock–looks pretty good.

    Many have indicated a desire for a return of the 1322 and a few even made some posts on how to do your own conversion. If you lack the technical know how check out Mountain Air Custom Airguns or PSP Airguns on Google. They will make your 1377 into just about anything you can think of in four different calibers. There are several others who do similar work.

    Keep up the posts. Last August I convinced my local Big 5 manager to sell me another 1377 for $39 which I am considering turning into a .22 with some other mods.

    Keep up the good posts.


  113. My concerned wife asked, “honey, do you hear the clicking when you’re in the basement?” That’s how she found out about my new Crosman 1377 and pellet trap and 25 ft removable basement shooting range. Current mods: RB Grips zebrawood superpumper and target grips $77; steel breach from Crosman parts department $29; Williams site $60. I now have about $250 in the pistol and target trap. I’ve shot 500 pellets and have a new winter hobby that makes me happy. I always pump the pistol 3 times–it’s the best compromise between power for accuracy and not being overcome with “pumping fatigue” during an hour-long session. Thank you BB for all your great writing on this site.

  114. GMV,

    Every now and then we get a comment like yours that really brightens our day. I have forwarded your remarks to everyone at Pyramyd AIR, so they can join me in celebrating your newfound pleasure.

    I hope you continue to enjoy the hobby of airgunning for many years to come.


  115. Thanks for the kind words, B.B. I will keep air gunning. It suits me. I want to buy a Sheridan Silver Streak next and use it the same way. I hope it will be as satifying as the Crosman 1377.

  116. I bought an Crosman Airmag c11 (softair) and I started to like the airguns, after 3 weeks I took it back to the store and took a Daisy Pellet BB Pistol Poverline 008, I needed to chose from Crosman c11 (steel BB) and this one. Reading hundreds of reviews I found this one Crosman 1377. I think that I will take back to the store my Daisy 008.It is not so accurate maybe the same as C11 (I could not find nowhere a daisy 008 vs. crosman c11 review) and one CO2 last only 40-45 shots.I would like to try small game, but by co2 gun is not enough for that. Do you think that I am choosing right? this gun instead of an co2 gun? One shoot per charge is ok for me, and is cheap. no need to buy co2s.

  117. You just described what most shooters go through. They start out thinking they want certain features, but in the end, hitting the target is the most important thing.

    I think you have made a good decision about switching to the 1377.


  118. Hi,BB. You are getting me hooked on air guns. Today I purchased from Pyramyd a crosman 2300s, 2240and a 1377. I love this hobby. My question is should I leave a pump of air in my 1377 or not, I do my Benjamin’s but dont know about the crosman’s. I love reading your reviews. Thank you so much for making my hobby even more fun.

  119. Hi, BB. Should I leave one pump of air in my new 1377 when I store it. I do my Benjamin’s but not sure on the Crosman’s. Thanks for making my hobby even more fun.

  120. Hi, BB. Should I leave one pump of air in my new 1377 when I store it. I do my Benjamin’s but not sure on the Crosman’s. Thanks for making my hobby even more fun.

  121. I’ve been having problems with ground squirrels making my back yard into Swiss cheese. I’ve been looking for something less powerful and less noisy than a .22 rifle or pistol, and after doing a search, I found Pyramid Air and the Crossman 1377. Then I found this great blog off Wikipedia. My order is being placed right now for this pistol. Thanks for all the great input and advice!!


  122. Finally got around to getting a set of wooden RB grips for my 1377. Such an improvement! I’ll post a pic when (if?) I get around to taking a picture.


  123. Just took delivery of my Crosman 1377. I bought the detachable shoulder stock and green carry case. VERY cool!!! Only two relatively minor issues….that stoopid trigger lock that came installed on the pistol would NOT come off with the key. I ended up using a sawtooth Swiss Army knife and cutting it off. Not a big deal. Second issue was the rear sight. When I first fired it the impact point was WAY to the right. So I moved the sight all the way to the opposite direction. I am in the black now, but there is no windage adjustment left at all.
    I tested the .177 hollowpoints with 8 pumps on an aluminum Coke can filled with water. WOW!!!! Went through the front part and EXITED OUT THE BACK!!!! AWESOME!!! Now I am patiently waiting for the pesky ground squirrel to show up

  124. Just a note, I found a quick and easy trigger pull reduction for new owners. There is a trigger spring inside the grip that rests on a post. I lifted it off of the post and rested it against the backstrap of the grip frame. The spring is now less compressed so the trigger pul is easier. I hope this helps the new owners like me!

  125. Overall, the 1377 is an amazing gun. Perfectly capable of taking small game (rabbits, crows, pidgeons, starlings, rats, etc…), a great plinker, and is easily modified. I have never personally added my own mods to an airgun, it was easy on this gun. I replaced the trigger spring and am adding a red dot scope. I’ve painted the brown pump arm and grips a dark mil spec green for an awesome looking gun. Can easily be converted to a carbine if you want. Just don’t hesitate to get it, you won’t regret it!!! Great at distances from 0-20 yards with open sights, up to 40+ yards with a scope/red dot sight depending upon the shooter. GET IT!

  126. I bought my 1377 just before 1980. It’s never been in for any repair and it still works fine. I sighted it in after buying it and I’ve never needed to fiddle with that since. It’s extremely accurate and the only ammo I’ve used with it has been BB’s. It can easily take care of a problem like finding that a family of rats is frequently crossing over into the backyard.

  127. Hey, after a bunch of research, I have decided that this is probably the pistol I am going to get. I have two questions about it. One, are the stock sights ok for just casual plinking, or for maybe hitting a squirrel at say 10 yards? Two- Is the steel breach hard to install? Thanks- Tyler

  128. B.B.,

    I bought the Crosman 1377c a few days ago, and so far I think it is a great gun. One thing I’m concerned about though is that right after I bought it, I found reviews on it that said the seals leaked after about 2000-3000 shots. Do you think this will happen with mine? Thanks- Tyler.

  129. I Had one of these back in the mid 1980’s. I had the shoulder stock also. I loved this baby back then. I saw one today at my local hardware store and just had to buy it.. I like what they did to the breach. The bolt action is a big improvement over the old style the 80’s model had.. Still as powerful and accurate as the old model. (Maybe even more??)
    Love it!!! I’m 15 again!!

  130. i have one of the original designs before the brass bolt lever and i love it! it is the 177 version and i have the shoulder stock as well as a daisey power line 3-9×32 scope. i just recently fabricated a muzzle brake, not a silencer, for it just for looks. it extends past the barrel end about 5 inches or so and is about 1 inch wide at the opening. it was made from a aluminum marker and epoxyed on and painted flat black! it changes the sound of the shot to a deeper more metallic sound. a bit louder but well worth the visual improvement! it looks really aggressive and has that silencer look with out being illegal! if any one wants to see a picture you can shoot me a response at walt@prosourceconstruction.com happy shooting everyone!

  131. James,

    The issue isn't with the gun – it's the silencer.

    Do you live in the U.S.? If so, all silencers must be registered through BATF&E. That costs $200 and takes about a year. And many states do not permit silencers.

    If you live in the UK, however, silencers are legal and not a problem. Because you sent a link to a UK website, I'm guessing that's where you live.


  132. I love these pistols and have many.
    I rubberize the plastic grip parts, install one of my ultra light trigger springs for a light 1 lb. trigger pull , add a 1/2 inch wide trigger shoe and i also make a front sight hood shroud for the front blade sight to keep the sun glare off (my hood shrouds fit all Crosman guns and many other guns as well.) I sell these custom parts regularly to anyone who would like to buy them. Make the gun operate beautifully! Just email me if you want to see some pics and to buy. lotusofasia@hotmail.com

    I’m also in the process of starting to make holsters for these long 1322/1377 pistols.

  133. I have owned alot of air pistols over the years and my two favorite are the Daisy 717 and the Crosman 1377. The Crosaman is so versatile because it is accurate enough for fairly serious target shooting and powerful enough to take down tree rats when using Crosman Premier Hollow Point pellets. The longer I own this gun the more I love it. i did make a few changes to make is very comfortable…A) Replaced the trigger spring with a lighter one from Ace true Value hardware for a nice, light trigger pull. B) Fashioned a nice front sight hood shroud. C) Replaced the stock forearm pump handle with a much more comfortable one from a Crosman 2289Crosman part #1389-010. D) Bought a trigger shoe to have a nice 1/2″ wide trigger surface area Crosman part# 2300-012 E) Black grips both left and right Crosman part #’s 151-019 and 151-020. After installing these items I absolutely fell in love with this gun! Accurate as hell with Gamo Match Wadcutter and still very accurate with Crosman Premier Hollow Point hunting pellets! This pistol is worth every cent! It’s a great seller so I can’t understand why the other big companies don’t produce a multi-pump pistol like this one. I’ll post some pics of mine soon on youtube.com under the username of :couerdalene

  134. I have had my 1377 since 1992 and it recently quit holding air. There is no resistance when I try to pump it. Does anyone have any instructions on how to break it down and repair this problem?

  135. Hello,
    Just recently bought a 1377c here in the Netherlands for some nice plinking. Overhere it’s a bit more expensive than in the USA. I was so pleasantly surprised by it’s accuracy and nice handling, i ordered a 2289g in Canada.It hasn’t arrived yet. Can’t wait.
    I also ordered the 1399 stock and 2289 pumparm in the UK(just got in) to convert the 1377 into a .77 version of the 2289g and i must say:the result is very nice! A nice stabile airgun.
    Now i’m thinking about changing the plastic breech of the 2289G into a metal one, in order to have a more solid base for a good sight or scope. I came along the metal breeches for the 1377 and 2289 but also the breeches for the 2300 series (short and long)
    I wondered if will fit(easily) as well? Is there a fundamental difference between these options? I did read something about the possibility of fitting a MiM sight?
    What would be the better choice?

    I apologize for maybe some language and grammatical errors.
    Greetings from Holland

  136. I have an older 1377 with the rotating (sliding breech.) Years ago, the breech or bolt, whichever you prefer broke in two. I just pulled this pistol out of storage, and was looking for a site that may have parts to fix or modify it into the newer bolt style. I remember how much I loved shooting this gun years ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  137. To the Buttars Gang: try Precision Pellet.com. He can make any part you need Mr B. We have a current blog you can use to ask questions in real time. It’s Pyramyd AIR.com and click on blog. Hope to see yout! There

  138. Eric,

    If it is the screws that are loosening (and they aren’t stripped), try applying some blue threadlocker on the threads before installing the screw. Then wait 24 hours for best results.

    .22 multi-shot

  139. Purchased a 1377 and there is a lot to like about this little gun. Plastic grips look and feel cheap but fit my hand very well. Front sight isn’t quite tall enough so had to operate on the back sight and can still barely get a sight picture over the base so really need a new sighting arangement. Very accurate with crossman wadcutter style pellets. Went out to a local pit where shooting is allowed and set up some empty Blazer ..45 cases and managed to plink them off at about 5 yds. This is fun with about three pumps. In .22 this would be a good hunting pistol so the Benjamine may be my next purchase. I have two Benjamine rifles one a pump gun and the other a break barrel and they are definatly good guns. So is the 1377 Crosman for a little over $ 50.00. I’ll use it around the back yard as it is a bit quiter than the 22’s.

  140. Anonymous,

    Thanks for sharing your experience with the 1377! This is an older post where not many people will see your comments. You can join many airgunners that follow the current day’s post at

    Hope to see you there!

    A.R. Tinkerer

  141. I’ve read a lot about the poor grips on the 1377. Try this: get some padded rubber tape used for binding squash and tennis racket handles. Cut the strips to suit and stick them at key points on the platsic factory grips. You can put a strip on the trigger too. Result: fantastic shooting…and very cheap

  142. Hi everyone, I have a question for you. While walking around with my 1377c, the rear stock sight fell off with out me noticing, and I couldn't find it. Is there any way I Could order a replacement? Thank – you.


  143. Tyler,

    This is the number for Crosman. They'll take care of you. 1-800-724-7486. You posted on a blog that was written in 2005. B.B. writes a daily, Mon-Fri, blog and there are alot of good people helping each other with problems and sharing ideas about our air gun hobby. Come join us at /blog//

  144. This is a very informative site. I have been doing my home work on the 1377 and have yet to find a bad review anyware. B.B. your post and the page with the pics of the 1377,s triger and site was very helpful and the links made it easy for me to find the info I needed to make my desition. I even convinced my friend to get one. We will be going to our local Dicks sporting goods this weekend to purchase a couple.
    Thanks for the help and I hope to hear more on this subject.

    A fan of the 1377

  145. Does anyone know how much pumping effort (say in pounds) it takes to pump the 1377 to get it to full power? I'm asking because I want to buy this gun for my 16 year old daughter who's expressed an interest in target shooting but she simply doesn't have the strength in her arms to pump it up if it requires a huge amount of effort like in an air rifle.

  146. BB,
    Hey, Im just recently getting into airgunning, and so far loving it. I just have one problem with my Crosman 1377. The pumper really bothers me for some reason. I still have the cheap plastic one it comes with, and I already checked out RBGrips. I dont know if I can find one cheaper than the superpumper, so Im asking you. Is that the best quality and price out there? I cant seem to find another one. Thanks.

  147. I got the 1377 for hunting and its a very poerful gun. I been hunting rabbits and got quite a few with it, max distance that I dropped a rabbit is about 25 yards, de dropped dead right in the heart. I shoot a pigeon at 30 yard right in the neck and blew his neck apart with a crossman pointed pellet.Its also a very good gun for squrrel hunting got one at 20 yards dropped him instantly. ovwrall a good gun for small game hunting at about 20 yard max for good knock down power.

  148. Thanks. Also I have one more question. Im looking for a barrel thats the same length as the normal 177 caliber one, and I cant seem to. Do you know where I could get one?

  149. Army:D

    You have posted your question on an older blog. Not many people in our airgun community will be reading hundereds of old blogs on a daily basis. For the fastest and most plentiful responses from a variety of viewpoints, post your question on the current day's blog:


    Do not be concerned about posting questions that are not about the current day's topic, as that is the place to go, and you will not be scolded or treated badly as you may in someplaces for posting "off topic".

    Feel free to post any observations, experiences or suggestions regarding the relavant topic on older blogs. People new to this resource will most likely be directed to this blog as a result of a Bing or Google search and will be directed to the relavant topic on an old blog, and your comments will be more likely to reach them there. You can post these same experiences on the current day's blog as well as the day of the relavant topic, if you want. Also keep in mind that the blogger software only display's the first 200 posts initially, so if you post to a blog that has that many or more posts already, most people will never see it because there is no "Next" button at the bottom of the page and it is easy to think that the last post shown is the last post.

    get the barrel from crosman


    you can cut it to any length you prefer, though you will lose some power when you do so.

  150. Re the idea of using a piece of PVC piping for a 2240 (or any gun's) trigger shoe:

    The approach suggested is a bit more difficult than mine — my approach eliminates the tapping and fits my finger better:

    1. I found a PVC fitting that was a pretty good fit to my trigger finger.
    2. I then cut off an arc of the fitting and started working on a groove with a file. I found that it was almost impossible to cut the fitting enough to fit the sharp curve of the trigger, so I unbent the trigger blade a bit to simplify the process. (This might have been enough by itself to have a far better trigger!)
    3. I then used epoxy to glue the "shoe" to the trigger. Once set, I cleaned up the PVC.
    4. While everything was apart, I got a diamond file I had (very fine) and smoothed the sear and the surface where the trigger pushes — the gun's trigger is now far smoother.

  151. The 1377 is my favorite most powerful airpistol I have ever used. I have been shooting since 1967 and all with crosman products. The Mark II brings back fond memories but I dont like dealing with CO2.Thanks for all the great information.

  152. Jims19

    I share your enthusiasm for the 1377. I have added a longer barrel, steel breech and the shoulder stock but it is a great gun as it comes from the factory. I like that it is self contained, with no need for CO2 and variable power.

    Be sure to check out the current day's blog at:


    You will get responses to any questions you might have much more quickly.

    Slinging Lead

    • Yeah, I know it’s old, But…
      I think problem lies deeper than just breech..Old style you rotated and retracted flat shield to expose “Bolt” which also had a magnet to hold steel BBs. Cocking to fire was pulling a Knob on the rear part of what was the piston tube. New version loads and cocks like a normal bolt action. There would definitely be cutting/grinding/machining on the piston tube, and probably striker/sear replacement to make the new style work. Probably not enough demand to go OldStyle.

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