Crosman 1399 Custom Shoulder Stock, Fits Many Crosman Pistols
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1-year limited warranty
60 day money back guarantee
- Shoulder stock
- Easy to install, no machining req'd
- Fits these current models: 1377C, 1322, 2250, 2240, 2240XL, 2300, BP2220, PC77, 2300KT, 1720T and 2400KT
- Fits these discontinued models: 105, 111, 130, 150, 151, 1300 and SSP250
- Adds another 12" length to your gun
The ultimate in versatility! Change your pistol into a carbine by attaching this lightweight, synthetic thumbhole shoulder stock.
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10 of 212 Crosman 1399 Custom Shoulder Stock Reviews
very durable and easy to install
Things I Would Have ChangedPut a rubber but on the stalk so it doesnt slide off your shoulder.
What Others Should KnowAlso put a cheak riser on it.
I like everything! It's not as big as I thought it would that's a good thing. The grips feel fuller than the stock grips on a 1377. Easy and quick to install and makes the 1377 look much cooler plus accuracy improves 200%
Things I Would Have ChangedI Wich it had a quick release mechanism to be able to switch from carbine mode to pistol mode without screwing and unscrewing.
What Others Should KnowIf you have a 13xx and can't decide if it's worth the purchase, my advice is it is worth every penny and more, buy it!
Fast shipping from Pyramid. Can always trust the quality of Crosman products. Easily fit my Crosman 2240 CO2 pistol. Big help for my old shaky hands.
Things I Would Have ChangedNo changes. Pyramid always delivers.
What Others Should KnowHighly recommend Pyramid. Big selection and fast order processing and shipping.
fit 2240 great
Things I Would Have Changed0
What Others Should Know0
Easy to install. Perfect fit on my 2240.
Things I Would Have ChangedI’ve got long arms, so wish the length of pull was a bit longer.
What Others Should KnowIt’s cheap in price, good fit, easy to install. Great way to turn the pistol into a carbine.
Worked great
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGreat value.
Glad I purchased
Well built Good fit
Things I Would Have ChangedNot easy to do but would try to design a more robust mount.
What Others Should KnowGood stock to turn your Crossman pistol in to a carbine.
Added lop makes it much more stable to shoot. Fits nice and tight onto frame.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, it does exactly what it should
What Others Should KnowBase sights on the 1377 are not meant for this, holding the gun this close makes the sight alignment a guesstimation game, it shoots where you aim but precision isn't going to happen. Steel breech with a basic scope is a great investment. The dovetail barrel bands kind of work and for the price it's hard to complain but you have to jimmy rig it with some dense cloth or other material under the barrel to make them secure and it makes for a very ugly mod.
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Jul 18, 2024
By Henry
Fits great on my 1701p Silhouette PCP! Very easy to install, and seems durable and fits shoulder well.
Things I Would Have ChangedMb a rubber cap on the end of the stock
What Others Should KnowIt isn't listed as compatible with the Silhouette, but it fits perfectly.