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Bipods and airguns

by B.B. Pelletier

I’ve wanted to do this report for a long time, but I’m not sure what sort of anthill it will kick over. Not all air rifles are suited to using bipods, but those that are, benefit greatly from them. I’m throwing caution to the wind and writing about bipods.

AirForce is the bipod king!
AirForce Airguns weren’t the first airguns to use bipods, but they were the first airguns to be designed specifically for use with bipods! The lower accessory rail on all AirForce air rifles is perfect for mounting a bipod, and the AirForce bipod comes with an 11mm dovetail clamp for that purpose.

Exercise the legs!
Their bipod has extendable legs that hold in place with friction locks. I have found that the legs tend to freeze up after a long time in one position, and I have to exercise them to get them moving again. Once that is done, however, the legs adjust to whatever height I need and lock solidly in place. This bipod is suitable for shooting from the prone position or from a bench. The legs adjust separately to compensate for uneven ground. The bipod also tilts, so the rifle is held level regardless of what it sits on.

Pyramyd AIR now offers an identical bipod with a longer support clamp for the same price as the AirForce bipod. For those who may have a lot of accessories attached to their rifle, consider this option. If you own a Talon, however, be aware that it has a shorter lower accessory rail, so make certain there is enough room to mount this bipod and whatever other accessories you have to mount on that rail.

The NightStalker bipod mounts directly on the barrel and doesn’t hurt accuracy one bit!

Crosman NightStalker
Crosman’s new NightStalker kit comes with several valuable accessories, including a bipod. Last week, one of our readers asked whether a barrel-mounted bipod was harmful to accuracy. Well, according to Tom Gaylord’s test report, the NightStalker certainly isn’t! I read a recent magazine report where even better NightStalker accuracy was obtained – shooting from the bipod!

At present, the Crosman bipod is available only as part of the NightStalker kit, but I expect it will be a separate option some time in the future. You can use it on the barrel as intended without fear of losing accuracy. It’s a wonderful addition to the rifle, because, like the AirForce bipod, it supports the rifle when you set it down.

Logan Gladi8tor
FX of Sweden makes the Gladi8tor for Logun. The Gladi8tor has a long barrel, providing more power than most precharged rifles – up to 35.5 foot-pounds on the highest of three power settings. The bipod mounts on the forward reservoir. I have not tested the rifle, but from what I read on the forums, it’s very accurate!

Logan S-16
The other Logun rifle with a bipod is the Logun S-16, a 16-shot repeater. Logan has done everything possible to keep the price of this rifle competitive in the U.S., so the bipod is offered as an option. It’s a low-cost option that every owner should seriously consider – for the reasons mentioned above. This rifle has a CONFIGURE button on the Pyramyd AIR website. I invite you to play with this button, looking at all the ways the S-16 can be configured. Best of all, when you get what you like, just push the “buy” button, and you’ll go straight to checkout! Of course, you don’t have to buy one just to see how it looks with the bipod.

What about bipods for other air rifles?
Pyramyd AIR offers a Deluxe Universal Aluminum Bipod that clamps to a forward sling swivel stud (the quick-detachable kind). This is how most firearm bipods attach, and it has been proven in field use. If you have an appropriate air rifle, such as an RWS Diana 48/52, you can mount a bipod. Any other gun with a wood stock that doesn’t have a long cocking slot (so the sling swivel stud can be mounted) can also use a bipod.

A bipod isn’t for everybody, but it sure is a handy accessory when you want a steady rifle! Let’s hear from those of you who use them!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

11 thoughts on “Bipods and airguns”

  1. B.B.
    I use bipods on most of my rifles when stock configuration allows. Have a Harris bipod installed on my RWS 48, and at first groups suffered. Removing non-skid rubber feet and putting hard plastic one on allows the gun to slide on the shooters bench and the gun to move and recoil naturally. Groups came back ……….SJ

  2. SJ,

    That’s a good trick! I saw it used by a BRV national champion who was so concerned that he put a plexiglass plate on the bench and the hard bipod feet on the plate.

    As I said, he was a national champion who held several world records.


  3. B.B., I did my research on barrel harmonics and learned alot. Before I got into the airgunning world, I had never even heard of this ‘harmonics’ thing. Now I know altering harmonics isnt always a bad thing! This was what I was worried about with the barrel mounted bipod. If you havent already, maybe harmonics would make good posting material, would certainly help me, and those like me. Happy trails.

  4. Another bennefit of the tallon bipod: The SS version fo the talon is great to carry in the woods it’s very light. but the lighness makes a freehand shot a little tougher than a heavier gun. I found that opening the bipod will steady the gun alot compaired to leaving it folded or removing it, like a target bow stabelizer.

  5. BB,

    In the UK, I understand that the Logan S-16 comes with an optional shroud extender called by the company the “Ultra Shroud” that diminishes the report of the British version of the rifle even more.

    I’m considering buying the Logan S-16 as available by Pyramyd. From what I can tell, the rifle in the U.S. doesn’t take the “Ultra Shroud” — no there. So my question is, do you know how the report of the U.S. import compares with the British configuration with or without this Ultra Shroud?

    Many thanks,

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