Diana Model 48, Image 1
Diana Model 48, Image 1

Diana Model 48 Sidelever Action Spring Piston Air Rifle

5.0124 reviews
18 answered questions


Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)


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If you're in the market for an all around great-performing powerhouse of a spring piston air rifle, look no further than Diana's Model 48.

With its ambidextrous, extended beechwood stock, robust spring piston power plant and German-engineered accuracy, the Diana 48 offers target shooters, plinkers, pest eliminators and small-game hunters the kind of ergonomics, accuracy and reliability needed to get the job done shot after shot. 

For serious airgunners who demand consistent results from a high-powered, budget-friendly airgun backed by one of the industry's most trusted names, you can't do much better than a Diana Model 48.

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Diana 48 Sidelever Action Spring Piston Air Rifle

  • Beechwood stock
  • 1100 FPS (.177), 900 FPS (.22)
  • Sidelever action
  • Cocking effort: 39 lbs.
  • Blade & ramp front sight
  • Adjustable rear sight (windage & elevation)
  • 11mm dovetail scope mount
  • Rubber buttplate
  • 3.3-lb. trigger pull
  • Automatic safety
  • Spring piston power plant
  • Single shot
  • Beechwood stock
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  • .177-caliber Diana Model 48 Sidelever Action Air Rifle
  • Owner's Manual


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1100 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
8.5 lbs
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Trigger Pull
3.3 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
39 lbs

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 124 Diana Model 48 Reviews

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Seems well made, but safety is annoyingly intrusive as if the gun was designed by lawyers, not gun people.

Not sure, never got to fire it.

Out of the box the gun jammed on the first lever pull. No amount of pulling back would unjam it regardless of how hard I tried on to press on release button. Thinking maybe I am just being too careful with the 48, I pressed the lever with bit more force into closed position which resulted in bent aluminum tube that connects level to the cocking mechanism. As the result I never fired a single pellet. I have number of centerfire and rimfire firearms and several pellet pistols and rifles including with a side lever, I have never experiences similar issue or a fail. Pyramyd says it was my fault and they charged me $70 for repairs. At the point I just decided to take rend for the rest of the gun.

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Very solid and accurate rifle. Well made except for some minor cosmetic issues.

As others have noted in their reviews, the rifle should come with some of the upgrades, even if that means the price would need to be increased a little. Provisions for a sling should be included because of the size and weight of this gun.

The stock on my rifle is not overly attractive- mail ordered so did not see before I bought.. The rear sight is a little loose and needs to be retightened after several shots. I did have a problem with the rear sight not having the click stops for elevation. The importer very quickly sent me a new rear sight without charge. Excellent customer service. Because this is a springer type rifle, you need to shoot it differently- use an artillery hold and don't grip the rifle too tightly. It need to move when fired.

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More accurate than me. Cocking effort is no problem at all for this middle aged out of shape guy. Bluing on the top cover and barrel shroud is beautiful. Extremely impressed overall.

Was surprised the barrel cap / front sight assembly is all plastic.

I went with the winchester 4x32 AO scope after reading that springers eat scopes. Simple and hopefully robust, so far it has held out over 150 shots.

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Very accurate. Excellent power.


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Accurate and powerful

A bit heavy

It’s my second one. Favorite for plinking and varmints

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Helpfull Review?(2)
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I have a 48 in .177. This is an outstanding air rifle with great power in .177 cal. Shoots Sovereign Hunter 10.33 grain (made by JSB) at 890 fps for 18 fpe. Only springer in my extensive collection that can hang with my TX200 .177.

Only thing that I don't like is a rather short length of pull. Fit, finish, workmanship are top notch.

I built this rifle for HFT competition. Removed the factory stock and put a custom Craftsman VIT stock on. This helped up the weight. (I want the gun as heavy as possible as this reduces the guns movement due to its high power) Along with a Bushnell Match Pro scope and RWS Lockdown mount the rifle is just under 13 pounds. I'm putting this info out there so people can learn about how a mag springer works. More weight = less gun movement = better accuracy.

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The Diana 48 is a well made, solid, heavy duty air rifle. Fit and finish is top-notch. Accurate at relatively long ranges. Excellent trigger and iron sights.

The rifle is fairly heavy, and needs a sling. I ended up installing sling swivel studs and padded sling.

You'll need a sling if you plan on hunting with the rifle. Recoil is fairly snappy, so if you scope it, be sure to use an optic mount setup that has a recoil stop pin. Although heavy, the rifle is well balanced, and reminds me of the M1 Garand in weight and feel. Pesting, paper-punching, or plinking, the 48 does it all. A great gun for the money.

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I can only repeat words that others before me have said and that is this is an excellent product straight out the box!

There is nothing that I would change.

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I bought mine years ago, when it was still called an RWS model 48 for $185. With 7.2 gr Daisy pellets, my chronograph showed an average of 1089 fps, so the 1100 claim is reasonable. The grouping was not great, however, nearly an inch at 15 meters. With Beeman "Ram Jet Pellets" (I bough a bunch at a special price) that weigh in at 9.6 grains, the rifle would stack pellets at 15 meters, an still grouped one inch at 60 meters with a recorded average velocity of 908 fps. At 15 centimeters, it will shoot the heavy pellet through a 3/4 inch pine board.

It has a slender barrel with a tube over the out side to protect it and give a nicer appearance. That tube rattles. A couple "O" rings at the ends would be all it needs to solve that. I added a thin bead of clear liquid nails at the ends on mine. Maybe the newer ones from Diana fixed this. I would also offer an adapter for Weaver scope rings as an option. Scopes mounted in the groves tend to "walk". I slid the adapter onto the groves with a generous dose of Lock-Tite, and my Bushnell Banner 2 1/2 power shotgun scope stays right where it belongs.

I have eliminated an infestation of thirteen lined ground squires from my one acre yard with this rifle. The .177 pellets easily pass through the critters at 50 meters, and if they are within a couple feet of their holes, they bury themselves with a center mass shot. Three feet from the hole, and they do not make it. As with any weapon, the proper load give best accuracy, and a varmint is far more impressed with a solid hit, than a miss with a faster projectile. If you buy any air rifle, I recommend buying a can of at least 100 of a variety of pellets and find what it likes best, then buy a good stock of them.

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Powerful and accurate, a joy to shoot and hunt with. It instills pride of ownership and is heirloom quality.

Maybe some checkering on the stock as the beechwood is hard to grip and sling provisions but don't let these minor observations deter you from buying this gun.

Buy H&N 14.66 pellets and find the head size it likes. Mine likes the 5.55. I use a Pellet gage to sort the head sizes in the batch and chunk anything under 5.55. I don't care what anyone says pellet head size should be your focus for accuracy. I sent mine to Mike Mellick at Flying Dragon Air Rifles (I can't imagine there is an air rifle made that couldn't benefit from a tune) for a tune and OMG it's almost criminal how deadly it is on squirrels, complete pass thrus, DRT. A well placed shot betwixt the eyes on a raccoon is also DRT.

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