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Education / Training Remington Genesis: Part 1

Remington Genesis: Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

I promised several readers I’d look at the Remington Genesis. It’s an adult-sized spring-piston air rifle that promises 1,000 f.p.s. in .177 caliber. It’s housed in an unusual thumbhole synthetic stock that has panels of extremely grippy rubber on the forearm, pistol grip and cheekrest. The buttpad is also a thick, black rubber pad, so this rifle will stay put in your hands! A quick look reveals several areas that remind me of a Gamo; but Crosman, who makes the rifle for Remington, says it’s made in the U.S.A. The model I have has the scope and mounts, so I’ll test the rifle using them.

Some interesting specs!
The Genesis has an interesting set of specifications. Overall weight is 6 lbs. and the cocking effort is 28 lbs., which means the Genesis is both lightweight AND easy to cock! Given the rated power level, that means it has what it takes to be a handy hunting rifle. When I first hoisted it to my shoulder, I noticed something else. It balances like a majorette’s baton! Neither muzzle- nor butt-heavy, the Genesis handles rapidly because the center of gravity is always between your hands.

The Genesis comes with fiberoptic front and rear sights. I do not like fiberoptics, but I know they are all the rage today and evey new rifle is going to have them. The sights on the Genesis, however, are different than most. You can still see a square post above the green dot in front, and the two red dots in the rear sight do not seem to light up in anything less than full sunlight. So, in effect, you get a great post and notch sight that happens to have a green dot at the front. I can live with that.

Scope and mounts
I have to give very high marks for the design of the integral scope-stop hole and for the selection of the scope mount. It would appear that whoever put this package together knows something about spring-piston airguns, and that’s not common. Usually, the maker just throws in a set of the cheapest rings the Chinese make and a scope to go with them, but the Genesis breaks with that tradition. The mount is a rugged-looking one-piece design with the correct scope-stop pin to match the hole in the receiver! Hallelujah! This point is overlooked so often, then guys like me have to answer endless questions about the possible workarounds. Thanks, Crosman!

Congratulations to Crosman for putting in a real scope-stop hole.

The scope was another surprise. It’s a 3-9x40mm variable that parallax-adjusts down to 10 yards! More proof there’s an airgunner behind this rifle. I installed it with the Allen wrench that came with the rifle and got still an additional surprise when I looked through the scope the first time. The reticle is a duplex – the best of all reticles for most purposes – with mil-dots in the center! To quote the 18th century British sailor, “I am impressed!”

The stop pin on the underside of the scope mount interfaces perfectly with the rifle’s stop-pin hole.

Cocking the rifle the first time revealed a lot of spring click noise coming from the spring cylinder. I believe this will subside in time. If not, the rifle may need a professional lubrication – one that would involve a powerplant disassembly. It comes from a too-dry mainspring; but if there’s any grease in there, it’ll get distributed by the time 100 shots are put through it and everything will be fine.

Next, I’ll look at how it shoots.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

62 thoughts on “Remington Genesis: Part 1”

  1. Just got this one in the mail yesterday, so I’ll be breaking it in simultaneously with your reports. A word of advice. On ours, the scops is EXTREMELY off center when first mounted. We almost have it zeroed in now, though. Good luck with yours!

  2. Thanks for posting on this. I was interested in this rifle, but I wasn’t sure about it, because it’s supposed to have the same powerplant as the quest, and I have heard bad things about that. How do you think it compares to the CFX? They are in the same price range, but the CFX is underlever, so that might make it slightly more accurate?

  3. EXACTLY!!

    The rifle looks really slick. I like out of the ordinary. The stock looks like it molds really well. The pistol grip mold looks like it could aid your trigger pull.

    Made in the US. 🙂

  4. Howdy, B.B.
    Being a one handed shooter, i could sure use a pistol grip stock like this on my Legacy 1000. Any chance that they are inter changeable?
    You stated that the cocking effort on this rifle and the Legacy was 28 lbs. Exactly how does one go about measuring this poundage?
    Truely, you are a God send to us nubies!

  5. Quick question. There is alot of chat about the CFX in this Blog. It seems that many people, like myself, are looking for a good quality gun at a reasonable price. So, how do such Chinese guns like the Tech Force 99 compare in the low cost sector of competion. I’ve never seen either gun.

  6. bb,
    recently i bought a CZ slavia 631. i was very, very satisfied. a bit pricy, but worth the extra money. i thought i’d share my experiences. (i live in canada, also commented on the 1077). with a friend and a rimfire waiting, i pegged a starling with a rounded pellet. pow! it fell, easily. the rimfire was’nt needed.
    the trigger, despite what people say, is VERY crisp! versus my grizzly, this felt incredibly classy. the cocking cycle is slightly gritty, but i expect it will grind itself out soon. accuracy was pleasing! a factory tested paper was disppointing, but a loose hold and rest showed groups under an inch. it is twangy, but the frequency is less drastic than the cheap 1000 fps springers. the furniture, is great. i love the color, and the pistol grip feels just right. it is muzzle-heavy, but if its held correctly this is not a problem. this being said, it is a hefty gun, and holding it one handed , hollywood-shotgun style, will cause your wrist to shake. no problems yet. my question is, will this accept this scope?
    i realize it isnt meant for spring-piston rifles, but the gun is only shooting at 495 fps, on-par with canadian law. as a plus, i can buy it from my local wal-mart, which is convienient. the gun does jolt, but i dont feel that it has enough recoil to break the scope. also, like everything else, it will be difficult to find a spring-gun scope. following a previous post, i now know that a fire arm scope will break just as easily as a cheaply made scope. one last question: on another scope i have, there are two outer rings that can be removed to reveal fourslots attached to the lenses. i aaaume these are used by the factory to be assembled. could i make adjustments to this to decrease/increase the power?
    thanks for all the help, cz 631.

  7. Dave,

    The TF99 is one of the better Chinese airguns, but the accuracy is iffy. Some guns are okay and others aren’t. Power usually falls off after the initial 200 shots.

    The CF-X is MUCH better. Gamo used to have an accuracy problem, too, but the CF-X seems to have solved it.


  8. cz631,

    Sorry, I can’t locate the scope on Pyramyd’s site because it is out of stock. The CZ 631 is so mild that almost any rifle scope will work.

    The slots on the retaining rings allow you to adjust the parallax, but not increase the scope’s power. If you go too far, you will exhaust the nitrogen, causing the scope to fog in humid air.

    The grittiness takes a long time to go away, but the 631 is such a nice gun in all other aspects that I ignored that part. You have a nice air rifle.


  9. Double B,

    I’d like to know how similar this gun is to the Remington Summit? Same internals w/ a muzzle brake and wooden stock maybe? I really like the look of the Summit. Both appear to be very well engineered, and a good value for a true US made rifle.

    Also, what can you tell us about the Crosman Phantom? That is a VERY interesting-looking gun. Any hints as to the internals of that one? How about a release date???


  10. This looks very similar to my Benjamin Legacy 1000 (mine’s a 22 though). I’m wondering if I could snag that stock and put it on my setup for something a little lighter.

    One point of warning if this does share the same internals as the Legacy. The screw that the barrel pivots on is prone to backing out. You don’t really notice it because it will back out to be flush with the body of the gun and back itself into the stock. But when it’s that far, you’ll easily get 1/4″+ of play side to side at the end of the barrel. That wasn’t helping me sight the gun in at all. I tightened it down snug, put some loctite on the threads, and now it feels like a piece of precision machinery. Now if my BSA 3-12x44mm would only get back from repair we could get it on the B Square AA 1 piece mount and start popping some squirrels.

    An aside: does anybody know if the front sight can be removed from these guns (Crossman 1000, Legacy 1000, and perhaps this one)? I pulled off the rear sight when mounting my scope, but I’d love to get the front sight out of there as well. It never worked well (probably due to the excessive barrel movement) and looks like hell. Any thoughts?

    Thank all,


      • Jay,

        Welcome to the blog.

        You have responded to a 9-year-old comment. I doubt the writer will answer you.

        Silencers are a tricky subject, since they are controlled like firearms.

        Here is an article I wrote about silencers:



  11. bb,
    one more thing about the 631. i read some reviews and they all say the spring is under lubed, which causes the -twang! now, i also read a previous post that shows you have both the 630 and 631. is lubing the 631 a difficult job, in terms of removing the internals? the handbook makes it look easy. i read the spring lubing post, so i know which lubes to use, i’m just not confident i can disassemble the gun and put it back together.

  12. Hi,
    I just wanted to say that I’ve had one of these for a while and I haven’t had any problems with it. I love to hunt with it, very good hunting gun if you don’t mind the .177 caliber. Like B.B. said, balanced like a baton, so it is extremely easy to whip it up to your shoulder and be right on target. One thing that B.B. didn’t mention which is nice is it has an adjustable cheek-piece. I raised mine and it is extremely comfy. Another thing I noticed is how the stock right in front of the trigger guard has a large flat spot on it. This makes it very easy to hold because of that light, floaty hold that most springers like. Plus, the gun is just downright sexy looking. 🙂 I would highly recommend this gun based on my experience.

  13. heavy dupree,

    Your questions about whether this rifle is “like” the others in the Remington/Crosman line is well-taken. Obviously there is a lot of crossover between these models. It’s the way business is done these days. While only Crosman’s production and engineering departments know the complete truth, I think it;s safe to assume a large crossover.


  14. B.B.

    I’m perfectly fine with the cross over. The auto industry has been doing it for years. I’m just wondering if the screw backing out on the barrel is common to this series. It happened to mine and my dad’s Legacy 1000’s, bought about a month apart (both from pyramydair of course 🙂 ). I’m wondering if there was any kind of fix or use of a lockwasher/nut on these newer models.


  15. Well, if anybody else was wondering if you could remove the fiber optic sights from these guns (assuming it’s the same as the Quest 1000x and Legacy 1000), the answer is yes!

    Removal of the rear sight is easy. Unscrew the height adjustment knob and then use a small phillips bit to remove the base from the gun.

    The front sight is a bit more tricky. I’ve been looking at it since I pulled off the rear sight for my scope. It’s ugly, not useful, and did I mention it’s ugly? It is pressed on the knurled end of the barrel. I used some slip lock pliers, held the stock between my legs and turned till the sight broke free. There might be better ways to do it, but I had no idea how it was attached, so I was just being the guinea pig so to speak. I think there was a little epoxy involved too, FWIW.


    According to my trusty calipers, the very end is 0.475″, the knurled diameter is 0.482″, the crown to barrel neck length is 0.625″, and the barrel outside diameter is 0.578″. Does anybody have any thoughts on if a beeman muzzle break would fit this rifle?



  16. David,

    I have not heard that the baseblock screw on a Legacy is a problem, but two cases of it backing out does seem excessive. There is no fix, short of the Locktite you mentioned using. This is wherte the less expensive guns fall short, because Weihrauchs, Webleys and BSAs all have locking nuts.

    As for pulling the front sight, congratulations. Of course it doesn’t show in the scope, but you wanted it off for the looks. It might be possible to find a muzzle brake that can hide the stepped barrel end. Ten years ago the market was flooded with them. I think the Beeman brake is too large for the step, but mine is packed away so I can’t give you the dimensions right now.


    I saw your site. Nice!


  17. well Anonymous my tec on that is you want to have a bench rest or some thin like that where you can get the right grip on it and all that good stuff then easy bring your self down com and shoot your patern and take it one click at a time if that dont work you might want to have a pro do for you hope that helps…

  18. What type of pellets work the best with the Remington Genesis? I am also having trouble sighting mine in accurately with the scope and its driving me crazy!!! I can’t kill things with it, i could hit them easier with my old gun i got at Wal-mart for 40$ 5 years ago. Does the barrel overheat when firing continuosly? or does the gun have to be fired a million times before the shots begin to group? Something has to be wrong because other people say how accurate there Genesis is!

  19. I’m not finished with the Genesis, so please hang in there.

    As for others having an accurate Genesis, I haven’t seen anyone speak of half-inch groups at 20 yards yet. That is the MINIMUM criterion for adult airgun accuracy in my book.

    Let’s see whether this rifle can do it.

    I plan on cleaning my barrel with JB Non-Embedding Bore Compound. I hope that will help the accuracy.

    Another thought is that the Remington scope is no good. I will probably try the rifle with another scope of known quality.


  20. I picked up a Remington Genesis 1000 w/ scope today, the scope is a Sheridan 3-9 x 40 scope. I started out in the basement sighting it in, mind you, I have not shot any firearms in 15 years since I got out of the Army. I was firing CROSMAN .177 Premier Super Point 7.9 gr pellets at 40 ft. I know I am rusty when it comes to shooting but I was able to get 9 out of 10 shots in a 2″ x 2″ pattern at 40 ft. It started raining so I did not get a chance to get outside and try shooting beyond the 40 ft which I can do in my basement.

    I know a lot of the variation in my group is me, I am very very rusty, lol.

    My question is this, with the rifle sighted in at 40 ft, how much more drop will I see at say 60 ft or 80 ft?

  21. Well, after reading more on this site, I find that my terminology is as rusty as my shooting skills. So lets rephase some things.

    My 2″ x 2″ pattern should read
    10 shots @ 40 ft 1.25″ group

    And if I am correct, after reading more info on this site, siting the scope in at 40 ft / 13 yards, I will be off approx 1 or 1.5 inches at 30 yards, does this sound close?

  22. Eric,

    Today’s posting is for you! Your prediction of how far the scope will be off sounds close. I’d think 1.5″ is closest.

    Remember not to rest the gun on anything except the flat of your palm. No sandbags, and don’t grip the stock. Let the gun recoil and move as much as it wants to.

    Please tell me if this helps.


  23. B.B.

    Way too windy to shoot outside today, so still can not prove how far off the scope will be.

    Thanks for the pointers, at 40ft today I was getting 3/4 inch 5 shot groups, had a few that would have been 1/2 inch groups but a stray shot widened the gap.

    I would have to say that most of it is probably me getting used to shooting it, like I said, 15 years since I shot anything, and more like 22 years since I shot anything air or spring powered.

    Another quick question, do you think the CROSMAN .177 Premier Super Point 7.9 gr pellets are good for this rifle? Or should I be using something heavier?


  24. Eric,

    I don’t like any Crosman pellets except Premiers for spring rifles because they are too small in diameter and too hard to expand.

    I like the 8.5-grain JSB Exact domed pellet for your rifle. Also the 7.9-grain Crosman Premier and the Beeman FTS.


  25. IM COMPARING MY SCOPE STOP PIN TO YOURS IN YOUR PICTURE AND ITS DIFFERENT!!! yours is closer to the last screw on the side, mine is in the middle of the 3rd and 4th screw! This is the SAME SCOPE, the gun comes with it but it is completely differnet! no wonder i can fit my pin into the hole!! do you recomend anything for me!? I need help and dont know what to do!!!

  26. It sounds like you have been sent the wrong scope mount with your rifle. Either that or the mount was attached to the scope backwards.

    Can you attach the mount to the rifle with the mount and scope turned around? (with the scope looking to wrong direction) If so, you need to take the scope out of the rings and turn it around so the stop pin will drop into the hole.


  27. Is any body else having problems when they don’t use the gun for a few weeks the barrel gets really rusty on the outside I clean it all the time? And is there anyway at all to take off the front sight without damaging the gun?

  28. Oh sweet, and I was able to take the front sight off you just pull it off in a vice and to putt it back on just align and tap with a hammer. Do you know if the 850 AirMagnum compensator will fit on the Genesis after I took the front sight off, the barrel width should just would need to be the same.

  29. I think I have you confused sorry. I DON’T know the widths of the barrels, I was wondering if the compensator for the 850 fits the genesis when it doesn’t have the front sight on.

  30. Jack,

    There is a search function on the latest page of the blog. When you want to find something, go there and type in your search terms.

    I did three parts on the Genesis.

    Here’s the third part. It contains links to Parts 1 and 2.



  31. I just got a Remington Genisis and am having troubles with the scope adjustment. It is adjusted all the way to the up position with no more movement, and it still shoots 6″ or more too low at 40ft distance. It is getting decent groups but BELOW THE TARGET! Is there a fix for this?

  32. There are two ways to fix this problem – the quick and dirty way and the right way.

    Quick and dirty is to shim under the scope at the rear ring. A thin piece of material like a rectangle of pop bottle plastic is put under the scope on the rear ring before the caps are tightened. However, this only works for situations where there is a small amount of barrel droop. You have a lot, so you need an adjustable scope mount – the right way.

    I like the B-Square adjustable mounts because the rings are gimbaled so they don’t strain the scoe tube when the caps are tightened. The rear ring needs to be higher than the front ring – in your case a LOT higher.

    This is a subject that keeps coming up so I will do a series of posts on it.


  33. bb,
    if i get a dove tail mount for my gun can i then put a different kind of brand scope on.Or does the mount have to have the pin stop that goes into the hole.
    Steve S.

  34. B.B.

    I got an excellante scope for my genesis. The only problem is that the scope will move back by were it’s connected to the gun from the vibrations. and i tightend the screws all the way. Is there any way i can keep the scope from moving.

    Steve S.

  35. Steve,

    You must use the vetical scope stop pin in the hole provided on top of the gun’s receiver.

    If you have an excellent scope, you need to get excellent scope rings to go with it. Use the vertical pin and the mount will stop moving. No amount of clamping pressure alone can stop it.


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